Update- Its been 2 years, maybe more, i haven't forgotten about you all, im now 19, i sadly dropped out of highschool, reason being was because i needed to save myself because my depression kept getting worse for me, i was on my own my parents or family werent helping me when i needed it most..but i saved myself, i healed and i still am but I'm alive..im happy.
There wasn't a day where i forgot about this page, i know a lot of people counted on my quotes even if they had a bad day.. you all matter, you have a heart and a voice, you have feelings, and I'm here to listen to everyone..
I love you, no matter what skin color you are, race, bad things you say about yourself, your flaws, mistakes, need of love etc, im here, I'll always be, i love you all...thank you so so much..for everything.🖤