So I rarely post on here anymore as this page really started as a bit of a distraction from life and a creative outlet for my declining mental health during a rough time.
When I began this page, I was taking some time out from the throes and woes of everyday life, trying to look after myself and step out of society for a while to eliminate all its stresses and pressures.
Part of the reason I don’t post so much anymore is because I’m finally in a good place mentally and have been able to slowly bring myself back into society and gradually re-introduce some of its stresses and pressures.
Getting back into work, getting into a healthy and positive relationship, finding somewhere productive and decent to live, dealing with loss and grief, adapting to big changes and generally building a life that I find manageable and happy with.
Your mental health is something you constantly have to work at maintaining and it’s not always a straight and narrow path. I know that as much as anyone. I’m lucky that I’m in a really good place now but I’ve been low, I’ve been lost and many of my art pieces over the years have reflected that.
This world is, at times, too black and white, too ‘one size fits all’ and many of the policies and procedures of our everyday life actually do very little to nurture our mental health. Look after yourself, reach out and remember that everyone you interact with could be fighting a battle you know nothing about, patience, tolerance and understanding is everything.
My content:
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