Entry #14 - Businesses begin to open
Crouch end high street plans on reopening many of its stores and cafes starting from today!
Entry #13 - Lockdown begins to ease in Poland
This submission is super exciting - our first showing a change to lockdown rules!
As always we are on the hunt for more content - continue to submit to [email protected]!
Entry #12 - Wildlife, Painting and Politics
Yael shares her experience of being a local artist in Nairobi admist political turmoil.
You can find more of Yael's work on instagram: @yael_orlovsky_art
ENTRY #11 - Going to University during the Pandemic
Isis shares her experience of the minute everyday measures the taiwanese governement has put in place to prevent the spread of the virus "such as going through thermal cameras at the main entrances making sure my body temperature is normal (under 38°C) and swiping my Student ID - a proceeding implemented by all universities with the objective of having a record of everyone going in and out"
Check out her website for more of her life in taiwan: https://www.isisbr.com/
ENTRY #9 - DIY Food
ENTRY #9 - DIY Food
Nick explains how the corona virus has led him to have new hopes for the Bahamas, starting with his own backyard...
ENTRY #8 - The 5k Challenge
Nadia tells us about running 5k for the NHS heroes
Entry #7 - A prolonged journey home
Claudia tells us about her crazy journey home last week - a journey that would normally take 3 hours took her 25 hours.
Keep the submissions coming to [email protected]
Entry #6 - A trip to the corner shop
Social distancing scenes.
Keep sharing your videos with [email protected]!
Entry #5 - Day 14, 15, 16...
Entry #5 - Day 14, 15, 16...
Developing a routine is an integral part of life in quarantine for Jeroen.
ENTRY #4 - Getting Home
ENTRY #4 - Getting Home
Sia shares her extraordinary journey home from one side of the world to the other, the additional problems faced by non-EU passport holding students, and life in China's quarantine facilities.