Teaser for Ep 28: A Dem, Hisp mayor rips Biden/Praises Trump? Podcast click https://tinyurl.com/yzuctvkp #bordercrisis #podcast #conservative
Teaser for Episode 25: $3.5T for tree equity, cow toots, and more! #$3.5trillion #freespeech #covid19 full podcast: https://tinyurl.com/tmkhncxj
Episode 24: Biden is trying to distract from the meltdown. #Americans are pushing back. #saveamerica Click link for full podcast https://tinyurl.com/3vun4tuf
Episode 20: #Proofofvaccination required to come to America, except for one type of person
Teaser for Ep.19: Bad #Covid19 news out of Israel, Pentagon admits #dronestrike killed innocent children
Ep 16: #GeneralMilley violated his oath/may have plotted treason after a call from #NancyPelosi
Teaser for Ep 14 Will we ever have 9-12 Unity again?
#9-11 #impeachbiden #fauci
Teaser for Episode 13: Biden issues unconstitutional mandates and attacks 80 million Americans #bidenmandates #freedom #afghanistan
Teaser for GKE Ep12 #impeachbiden #afghanistan
Episode 11: Leaked email proves our government is obstructing rescue flights out of Afghanistan. Biden heckled for leaving Americans behind. The Taliban is hiring terrorists to run their government. Looks like Fauci lied to Rand Paul about the Wuhan lab research. Rutgers is barring an unvaccinated student from attending classes...online. NYC is paying people not to commit crimes.
#strandedinafghanistan #statedepartmentemail #bidenlies