We hope you enjoyed the little #GOG contest in our last post haha! So here is a sneak peak of our first episode with our celebrity guest Janice Sequeira!
#guessourguest #GOG #WhatTheBleeep
Guess Our Guest
Introducing WTB’s new segment “Guess our guest”
Usually she is the one to call Social Media Stars🌟 and has Starry Meals with them but now the tables are about to turn, for we are calling this Social Media Star specially for you guys on our very 1st episode itself
So any guesses on who this special someone is ?!?!🤔🤔🤔
#guessourguest #gog
What the bleeep is what the bleeep about?
Did the same question occur in your mind when you saw this video? What are your guesses? Keep the excitement levels high and buckle up, because you're in for a ride, there’s something phenomenal and massive that we have in store for you.
Stay tuned🤪