Ascension by LoVe

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Ascension by LoVe This page has been repurposed for a coyote in the Tacoma area that needs our help.

Thanks to the creativity of Cameo Anderson - Writer / Illustrator and the love and compassion of Silke Sewell all that e...

Thanks to the creativity of Cameo Anderson - Writer / Illustrator and the love and compassion of Silke Sewell all that energy collided and produced this lovely image.

These will be available for purchase as car decals or maybe whatever your heart desires. I will be looking for a way to use this image to the benefit of the not quite a wolf but still not a domestic dog, unloved coyote ❤️ (because we love them)

I am open to ideas so if you know of a local organization or group please put me in touch with them.

Also, these will not be for my gain, these will be for the betterment of unloved wildlife (because I love them) and I don’t know exactly what that looks like yet . I’m hoping to find a place that can make peelable car decals with this image affordably.

Help me make it real , we already moved mountains, flood me with your ideas, connections and knowledge. 🙏🏽💕


With great saddness I have to announce, it has been confirmed that our beloved Quasi has crossed over the rainbow bridge. 🕊️🌈

She was hit by a car and has since been recovered and buried by community members who care about her being treated with dignity 💗

She defied every odd and lived on her own terms up until the very end 🥹

She was a warrior and fight like a fierce one she did. She earned every second of life on this earth now its finally time for a well deserved rest ✨

A beautiful soul that captured all of our hearts.

Now you know what love feels like 💔💗 fly so high sweet girl, we will never forget you.

- Tacoma

Just a reminder to be good to those who cannot defend themselves and be loud for those who cannot speak for themselves. ...

Just a reminder to be good to those who cannot defend themselves and be loud for those who cannot speak for themselves.

Sometimes just the willingness was to give a helping hand is the greatest mercy you can provide 💗🙏🏽


Update to the update. Pleae see below

Imagine what she has been doing to the department, news outlets and groups/strangers.

Anywhoo… if you’re bored today please take a leisurely stroll through all of these comments so that you have the information needed to base an informed opinion of me and not the one you were force fed with hogwash.

Update to my original post. MARIA PNW - This woman had contacted dept of fish and wildlife, inboxed anyone who will engage, made up INCREDIBLE stories with no proof and only her tenacity (that is nothing short of mental illness) and her words. Suggesting trapping is wrong (even though she too was trying to trap and tranquilize) and that we are responsible for an injury to her leg which she sustained last summer prior to our involvement, that she knows about and discussed with me prior to trapping . Please see screenshots below.

If you have been contacted directly or third party by MARIA PNW or those confused by her - about me or my intentions, or my movement on any level please reach out- I have screenshots I would like to share with you … the KAREN is strong with this one, and I’ve had it 🤷🏽‍♀️

Even if you believe everything she is saying with every fiber of your being- I will allow you to put me on trial and I will show you EVERY SINGLE ONE of our communications. Judge for yourself so people can stop listening to the ranting of strange people and get back to the love and support of Quasi 💗 (screenshots in the comments)

This is not today nor will it EVER be about me and if you have been told otherwise I would like to share a TON of screenshots with you from the person suggesting she should be left alone - and she’s a “professional “ telling me many discrepancies but the most important detail is where she tells me she has a vet that will tranq and collect Quasi upon my or HER trapping her - (weird that someone who advocates for no trapping was trying to control my trapping, is trying to trap herself and has a vet that’ll tranquilize once trapping is executed )….

The only reason any of us learned the WASHINGTON STATE DEPT OF WILDLIFE wouldn’t give quasi a chance no matter what a veterinarian said, was because I TRAPPED HER! Prior to that we were ALL thinking she would get a fair shake- now that we ALL KNOW that, CLEARLY things have changed in strategy on how to help Quasi. Prior to that information Maria PNW was in agreement with trapping but didn’t want Quasi in sanctuary but rather wanted her released back to the wild. You can find my time stamped posts on that on this page. She speak like she were never trying to trap, but here are just a few screen shots showing that have and continue to lie (when in fact you did, you were just never successful)
Now her new approach is to create a storyline (in the most literal sense of the word) that I am still trying to trap her even though dept of fish and wildlife will kill her even if a veterinarian bet his left arm she would love the quality life of her dreams.

Please refer to my page where I post about the trapping and then move directly into advocacy for her- where anywhere have I said anything about continued attempts to trap her now that I know that’s certain death?

I have even refused MANY donations and donation offers (even though I’m still over $1000 in the hole) simply because Washington has become a prison for her, they won’t help her, they won’t allow others to help her. -and they won’t sign her walking papers to be transported elsewhere so all anyone can do now is treat and feed (being cautious she NEVER gets imprinted in people because if she ever comes up to people and acts somewhat domesticated the Department of fish and wildlife will kill her too…

Maria what are you talking about?



She’s suffering THEY SAID….
She needs to be put down THEY SAID…
Shes too sick to live but too healthy for help THEY SAID…
She’s gonna die THEY SAID…
No animal can live like that THEY SAID…
Don’t give her ivermectin or antibiotics THEY SAID…. (If I was giving the wrong meds would they be working???) 😂

She’s starving since the almost trapping she’s DESPERATE for food blah blah blah THEY SAID….

Making up weirdo accusations with absolutely zero proof or folks who discount the GRIT of this AMAZING CREATURE!

Look at this girl THRIVING WE KNOW….
Look at this girl beefing up WE KNOW…
Look at this girl growing her hair back WE KNOW…
Look at this girl saying 🖕🏾 all the he said she said and LIVIN her best life WE KNOW 🤷🏽‍♀️

Mannnnn…. If I wasn’t the law abiding citizen that I am I would tell people to keep giving the meds because they WORKING! 🙌🏽😊

Since I do abide by the law I will simply say I try to stay above board and often don’t listen to he said she said ……

LONG LIVE QUASI!!!! I am about to start calling her Big Heavy 😂 lookin all chunkaaaaay, healthy and running like the wind 💗

Thanks Shelly Azabache for the INSPIRING video


😩 people are so weird…

To clear up so of the strange things being said -

1. The place Quasi was trapped was not her den, it was a place she ran to hide because we bumped into her dropping a deucy 💩 on the sidewalk (since I ACTUALLY know her patterns down to times of day- unlike those pretending to), she saw us spot her (she recognizes me by now) and ran in between two houses to access an alley and discovered a hole that she doubled back and ran into, as a hiding place. She hadn’t been there before, it was an escape route people….

Please don’t believe the stories you hear from people who haven’t the slightest idea about her patterns or whereabouts.

2. The trap absolutely had a roof on it. The part you see with no roof is the regular fence that belongs to the homeowner, the trap ends before that.

3. It was and never would be my intention to take Quasi to be euthenized. If the vet said she is suffering and it would be best, that would be what’s best for HER based on what the experts say. I’m not a vet nor would I take her to one that wouldn’t t give her a shot at life.

4. Quasi didn’t start going to restraunts out of desperation since she was trapped. If you ACTUALLY knew Quasi’s pattern you would know she BEEN going to restaurants, not only since she was trapped because I have DOCUMENTED sightings from said restaurant from October so please stop pretending to know more than you do.

People are suggesting these things to people because she’s mad I blocked her for literally being a weirdo and she is the person I reference in my posts about weirdos. So if you are under the assumption based on something that she told you - number one, stop for a moment and ask yourself how many times your red flags haven’t gone off about her (listen to those) because the minute she started communication with me she began barking orders and telling me who to block (which were not bad people, just others her control tactics turned off and she began her smear campaign)

The fact is, she was not trapped at her den, which is well over a mile from where we trapped her, there WAS a roof on our trap which was done PROFESSIONALLY, and I would never take Quasi to any vet that wouldn’t do everything in their power to treat and save her.

I am not the first person she has started a rumor mill about and made up a bunch of stories because she did the exact same thing to another person who volunteered their time and resources before my involvement - but here’s the kicker she hasn’t done A DAMN thing to help her she has only tried to be in complete control of a trapping effort she hasn’t lifted a finger on accept to point at others and make false allegations. All this extra drama can be tied to one person (control freak) who was trying to trap Quasi too. Be cautious who you let ruffle your feathers.

I’m not the one.

Everything I do, I do from my heart and my intentions are pure.


Anyone seen Quasi? (jawless Jerry)

Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife

Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife

After eight months of treatment and surgery by top veterinary specialists, a world-famous, snoutless dog is finally headed home. Kabang has become a canine wonder among fans in her home country of the Philippines and abroad after she leaped in …


Another UPDATE:

I spoke with the gentleman from the department of fish and wildlife who confirms there was a decision at some point that the coyote must be humanely euthanized without evaluation and or “non-salvageable” he is in process speaking with colleagues to see if that is a decision that can be altered or not. He requested the information from the sanctuary who had agreed to take the coyote. He was under the assumption that the sanctuary did not have room for the coyote and reported they would euthanize and the sanctuary was very adamant that was inaccurate and she hasn’t even spoken to the individual that made that statement. I provided the information to him the sanctuary confirmed they WOULD take the coyote with approval of fish and wildlife. I haven’t heard back from the department yet, but I have my fingers crossed that they will consider the option to at least allow the Coyote to attempt life in captivity and see how it shakes out.

Every single wildlife vet and/ or person who works with wildlife has stated she is suffering. That her mange is painful and her quality of life is terrible. Mange is a treatable disease and above that it seems would be best determined by a veterinarian. Hopefully they intend to explore that as an option now that they know that the Coyote has a licensed sanctuary willing to take on this coyote.

I will be discussing this with King 5 Cornelius Hocker KING 5 at some point today. In the meantime, perhaps you could call them and ask that they consider giving the Coyote a chance 1 (360) 902-2200. State of Washington Fish and Wildlife Dept

Also someone who got incredibly twisted and skewed information from someone who is at the department, who hasn’t been updated that their assumptions that the sanctuary will not take or cannot take the Coyote are false and that the sanctuary WILL take the coyote and work with her if they are willing to allow her a chance to live, messaged me from a fake after getting false information from someone at the department suggesting I have twisted their words and some “legal advocate” suggesting they would be taking legal action against me and filing suit because I have no place to take the Coyote and my love is hurting her. 🤦🏽‍♀️ AGAIN- I have a sanctuary WILLING to take AND WORK WITH her and they have spoken DIRECTLY to the department as of yesterday.

Hoping the rest of the department has been updated that there, in fact, IS a more than willing sanctuary with the licensing to take this species.

Lastly I informed the department that people were out here doing wild things to attempt to harm the coyote in the city, to include speeding through city streets in attempt to hit the coyote (I also told them their was video of this and where to find it) that there have been eye witness to people trying to bludgeon her with a shovel, that countless people have reported they will do terrible things to her on site, but when the sanctuary reiterated it to the department they reported they were not aware. I thought that was strange as I had provided that information prior. There have been a lot of misunderstanding and incorrect share of information, hopefully today we can get everything cleared up and out in the open for all to see.

Happy Tuesday!

UPDATE: to the update:

I spoke with the gentleman at the helm of the decision making surrounding the dept of fish and wildlife level of intervention and “non-salvageable” status. He took the information I provided - especially that she is not imprinted in humans and does not interact with humans in any way, as well as the reports from someone who has seen her in person and stated he will go over the information with a colleague and will circle back later today or tomorrow. Give them a call or shoot them a message. Let them know your thoughts 1(360) 902-2200 Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife


I got a call from the department of fish and wildlife enforcement today. The officer was actually very sweet and delivered her message to me in the kindest way she possibly could.

She stated that they had seen my footage and that I am not in trouble but that moving forward I would need to work with someone with the proper licensing to trap Quasi to be doing this legally and without potential negative repercussions. I went to their website and I have many wildlife trappers to contract with should we be lucky enough to have another promising opportunity that justifies setting another trap.

I asked her a question, because the first wildlife vet (that was going to treat Quasi if trapped, even before my involvement) and the sanctuary that were both willing to treat and house Quasi (provided she received a clean enough bill of health upon evaluation, stated that the Department of Fish and Wildlife would not sign off on releasing the Coyote to the sanctuary and have no intention of even evaluating Quasi (jawless Jerry) as she had already been determined to be non- salvageable. This means that once she is trapped (unless legally transported out of state) that if a Washington vet saw her and didn’t euthenize, the dept (the only place that can sign her walking papers and free her to the sanctuary)would actually come out and shoot her in the head.

Well, upon speaking with the dept of fish and wildlife today, they report that is inaccurate and in fact, the overall healthy condition (other than the obvy, and the mange) of the coyote is why their stance is to “not intervene” was made. The officer went on to point out that she is eating, getting around and surviving just fine…

So wait- if she is healthy enough for the “no intervention” decision, than a guaranteed death sentence prior to evaluation because she is “non-salvageable” couldn’t possibly be true could it? I mean she can’t to too healthy to help but too unhealthy to require euthanasia - it is actually IMPOSSIBLE for both to be true? Yes?

She confirmed that if she is ever trapped she will be given a fair shake at survival.

Also, I let her know I have a local sanctuary, that has the space, the licensing and permitting and facilities that is willing to take her on, and even work with her (after quarantine period as a result of the mange) provided she is medically cleared.

I also made clear that there are many, many 💩 oddly, violent and murderous people that have continued to attempt to harm Quasi illegally, that put the residents of this city at risk. There is even footage on social media of these attempts as well as full blown declarations of what they will do (none of which is legal) and countless eye witness accounts of horrible acts of attempted violence.

There are even documented attempts to speed through city streets and run her over (putting the public at risk), attempted bludgeoning by shovel (which is illegal), even if someone is licensed to hunt coyotes year round as that is the hunting season in Washington for coyotes…. I’m quite certain that the city streets of the 2.5 mile territory of mostly residential (where people’s children play) and some commercially zoned (where people go to spend their dollars and boost our local economy) property in which she resides, isn’t a safe place for hunters to be discharging fi****ms to kill Quasi (because they want to “put her out of her misery” or think she is ugly or even because she had the nerve to be born not quite a wolf (who would’ve already been rescued and taken to a sanctuary) and not quite a domestic canine either.

She seemed to listen, and is giving my information to the person at the department that is overseeing how they will interact with anything surrounding the coyote moving forward. I meet her know that I would LOVE 💗 that and make sure it goes on record, that should I continue with any additional trapping I will be sure to contract with a licensed wildlife trapper.

In the meantime, call (360) 902-2200 Dept of Fish and wildlife and let them know that Quasi deserves a chance to live, she’s earned at least a chance at a GENUINE evaluation by a wildlife veterinarian? Right?

This officer seemed to be open to discussion- perhaps the rest of the department will be too 🙏🏽


Alrighty 💗
We had a little hiccup over this last week but it’s getting cold and time to get back to business with a fresh face and new strategy.

We have had a few more sightings rolling in 👏🏽
Please continue to keep them coming in of you spot Quasi (Jawless Jerry) and now since we are all in this together, if you don’t know yet, HE is a SHE!

As always message me here or call or text 253-766-3311

Happy Monday!

Like and share 🙏🏽💗


Please keep your eyes peeled for Quasi (Jawless Jerry) and update as soon as you can 🙏🏽

Reported sightings this weekend are crucial. If you see Quasi (Jawless Jerry) at any point this weekend please report it...

Reported sightings this weekend are crucial. If you see Quasi (Jawless Jerry) at any point this weekend please report it immediately.

Via inbox or 253-766-3311

For entertainment purposes only 😊

Please like and share 💗


Please keep the sightings rolling in.
We are ACTIVE!


When it’s quiet good things are happening 🙏🏽✨

💗It’s getting real y’all!

I am getting ready to make the page private so if you want updates you may need to like it follow and soon there will be a series of questions for entry.

Until then - everyone that has asked what you can do to help…. Now is your time to shine 🙌🏽

I got something for you.

I need a list of every coyote/wolf sanctuary with contact info in every damn state -every-single-one, for research purposes and resources etc. locating them is slightly tough, for instance in Washington when I type Coyote or wolf sanctuary’s in the search engine rescues that are only licensed for raccoons and skinks come up etc. Please be be willing to vet the lists and be willing to do a deeper research dive.

If are able to participate please go in the comments, and post the state/s you will research so we aren’t spinning our wheels doing the same states.

Please like and share and as always this is for entertainment purposes only 😊

Thanks in advance.


KamiQuasi UPDATE-

I have been asked, from the MACKDADDY of all trappers - literally, to make a request to the community.

I know it sounds crazy but they have asked that the community STOP FEEDING QUASI (jawless Jerry). Please also pick up your food bowls after you feed your own pets. For him to be trapped and to be willing to go into the trap he MUST be more HUNGRY than he is afraid. Or he won’t go in the trap for the food.

Don’t worry he will still be given food with ivermectin every day, but in a way that will prepare him for and condition him to the space he needs to be in for his rescue.

I have given hella ivermectin out and kinda lost track but if I have given you a bottle if you could inbox me to return that would be fabo (stuff is like 80$ a bottle) I have one bottle left but I’m just gonna dose everything I feed to try to situate his mange 💗

Todays mantra -
📿Pick up your bowls after feeding cats, or we can’t get Quasi trapped 📿

🎶 hopefully you read the mantra in a snappy tune.

As always this post is for entertainment purposes only 😊

Please like and share 🙏🏽

This is why we watch 💗 and this is why we donate 💗 and this is why we fight against all those that would do harm to any ...

This is why we watch 💗 and this is why we donate 💗 and this is why we fight against all those that would do harm to any of the creatures on this earth. If it breaths, it has a heart and soul and is deserving of love and kindness.

Send all the love, good vibes, prayer, sightings, and everything else in between our way!!

KamiQuasi UPDATE! I have partnered with some of the BEST of the BEST animal rescuers and expert trappers to bring our be...

KamiQuasi UPDATE!

I have partnered with some of the BEST of the BEST animal rescuers and expert trappers to bring our beloved Quasi to his medical care and happily ever after from all over Washington state! We are strategically setting the board with all the pieces exactly where they need to be for a huge Quasi WIN!

This isn’t just a Tacoma problem- this is a Washington and abroad, problem and Quasi has captured the hearts of animal lovers from all over Washington and everywhere else! This is a problem for all people who have a heart and compassion for animals, - so if you are reading this from someplace across the nation and feel the urge to help, this is your sign ✨

We will be launching a fundraiser/T shirt fundraiser to continue the effort to raise money for Quasi’s rescue but to also provide you with something as keepsake. That will launch soon enough. Someone tell the The Tsmshop they should partner with us with their super cool Quasi shirt they made! If not, we are looking for someone that can start getting designs made right away so if you are and know a printing company with a heart for animals that is interested in participating in a fundraiser to save Quasi please tag them in the comments 👇🏽

As always keep those Quasi sightings rolling in here or at 253-766-3311.

Also you can donate to the go fund me for Quasi

Hello world. This go fund me was created assist a coyote that desperately need our help. He has b… Roxanne Lomeli needs your support for Quasi the coyote

Don’t forget to donate to Quasi’s rescue 💗Nothing is too small to help and if you can’t give a donation a like and a sha...

Don’t forget to donate to Quasi’s rescue 💗
Nothing is too small to help and if you can’t give a donation a like and a share can be just as valuable.

Thank you 💗🙏🏽

Hello world. This go fund me was created assist a coyote that desperately need our help. He has b… Roxanne Lomeli needs your support for Quasi the coyote

The MOST amazing group of people came together today to feed people in our community that needed a little extra love! It...

The MOST amazing group of people came together today to feed people in our community that needed a little extra love! It is such a blessing for the homeless community to receive highly nutritious and fresh food and juices, veggies and fruit etc. We came out with a feast and TONS of nutritious infused water and bottled water.

We also provided hygiene bags and gave out masks. Everybody who came today pitched in a little something and we made magic happen today for people who need it the most.

Please don’t forget, anytime possible, spread the love 💕 (pssssst... it’s free 💗)

Thanks to everyone who made this possible!


When the community calls to action the community responds! We just got a FATTY donation to feed the homeless today from a community member! We will be heading out to the homeless camp on Hosmer around 6pm to feed at least 25 people Ceviche, elote, oranges, watermelon, all of our cold pressed and lemonades, fruit infused water and bottled water! What a BLESSING 💕

Thanks for sharing the love

Made with love 💕

We have hella left over corn on the cob from an event we did yesterday. We want to hook it up like I do at events and gi...

We have hella left over corn on the cob from an event we did yesterday. We want to hook it up like I do at events and give it away to the homeless! Where can we do that in Lakewood or Tacoma?

We had such a blast today! Please come see us tomorrow at wrights Park! We will have all the goodies and there was so ma...

We had such a blast today! Please come see us tomorrow at wrights Park! We will have all the goodies and there was so many great vendors there today- with beautiful artwork, clothes, shirts that you NEED, candles, oils live music - masks, gloves and social distancing! What more can you ask for! Please swing by and see us or place your orders here

Made with love 💕

Hey everyone! If you know me you know I have always wanted to BE MY OWN BOSS!! Support this goal so I can FIRE my curren...

Hey everyone! If you know me you know I have always wanted to BE MY OWN BOSS!! Support this goal so I can FIRE my current one! Please smash that like button and show our page some love!

Here are a few photos of our most recent shenanigans!








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