- Lets Take Down the evil emporor from another reality in this hyper-speeded, action packed, space time-traveling demensional game. Get your Blasters, shotguns, grenades, and Fungi ready.
--- Subscribe, like, Comment on the video below and your post could be featured!!!!!
( MERCH ) -- https://www.streamlabs.com/silkysmooth81/merch
Youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/silkysmooth81
Twitter channel : @silkysmooth811
Instagram : silky_smooth81
Twitch : twitch.tv/silkysmooth81
When the Witness Wins!!! #Destiny2 #witness #silkysmooth81 #memes #lightfall #bungie
The Callisto Protocol (Part 1) PC Playthrough
- Join me as we Play this 3rd person Horror game placed 300 years in the future as Jacob Lee.
This game takes place on Black Iron Prison, A max-security penitentiary on one of Jupitors
moons Callisto.
-- Lets Discover why other inmates are turning into monsters and what secrets are buried beneath the surface of Callisto.
This Game is developed by Strinking Distance Studios.
-Subscribe, like, Comment on the video below and your post could be featured!!!!!
youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAeFsdihkjRqNeEFm5D2Nww
twitter channel : @silkysmooth811
instagram : silky_smooth81
twitch : twitch.tv/silkysmooth81
Halo Infinite : Part 1
#halo #haloinfinite #haloinfinitecampaign in this episode.... Cheif confronts the ? . Space Drifter. A pilot and a Soldier. allow me to re-intoduce myself... my name is ...MASTER CHEIF!!!!
Halo is a Sci-fi adventure Shooter fantasy game that centers around Master Cheif, Cortana, and the Halo ring that supports life. Great job 343 studios for continuing and giving us Spartans whaat we needed.!!!
Outriders Part 7
Marshal Bailey and her Escort. The Outrider and the Grand Marshal.
Searching the Wreckage Zone. the Sorceror and the Stone.
Join me as we venture unto the planet ENOCH to hopefully find a new
home...unless the Anomaly doesn't kill what's left of humankind. Choose
from 4 unique classes. If you like or Love Looters and Sci-Fi shooters
lets give this one some attention!!!
Subscribe, like, Comment on the video below and your post could be featured!!!!!
youtube channel : http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAeFsdihkjRqNeEFm5D2Nww
twitter channel : @silkysmooth811
instagram : silky_smooth81
twitch : twitch.tv/silkysmooth81
Outriders Part 6
Amara lends a hand. Stronghold is Broken through. A strange signal. 2 old friends
and a fiend.
Join me as we venture unto the planet ENOCH to hopefully find a new
home...unless the Anomaly doesn't kill what's left of humankind. Choose
from 4 unique classes. If you like or Love Looters and Sci-Fi shooters
lets give this one some attention!!!
Subscribe, like, Comment on the video below and your post could be featured!!!!!
youtube channel : http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAeFsdihkjRqNeEFm5D2Nww
twitter channel : @silkysmooth811
instagram : silky_smooth81
twitch : twitch.tv/silkysmooth81
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Part 2
This part 2.
Lets play this awesome tale of The Guardians of the Galaxy as we play as Star Lord and venture into space on all new epic adventures!!!!
---Subscribe, like, Comment on the video below and your post could be featured!!!!!
youtube channel : http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAeFs...
twitter channel : @silkysmooth811
instagram : silky_smooth81
twitch : twitch.tv/silkysmooth81
Season of the Lost has begun!!! Welcome to 15. #destiny2 #bungie #season15 #seasonofthelost #silkysmooth81 #greatness
Destiny 2 // Season 14 // Lets get started !!! ... LNE
Join me as we grind Season 14 (Season of the Splicer) with the Kell of House Light to infiltrate the Vex Confluxes to put a end to their scemes!!! LNE(Late Night Edition) is a series in Destiny 2 created for all the late night/early morning gamers that cant sleep or cant get enough of their favorite game.
---Subscribe, like, Comment on the video below and your post could be featured!!!!!
youtube channel : http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAeFsdihkjRqNeEFm5D2Nww
twitter channel : @silkysmooth811
instagram : silky_smooth81
twitch : twitch.tv/silkysmooth81
Outriders Part 6
Amara lends a hand. Stronghold is Broken through. A strange signal. 2 old friends
and a fiend.
Join me as we venture unto the planet ENOCH to hopefully find a new
home...unless the Anomaly doesn't kill what's left of humankind. Choose
from 4 unique classes. If you like or Love Looters and Sci-Fi shooters
lets give this one some attention!!!
Subscribe, like, Comment on the video below and your post could be featured!!!!!
youtube channel : http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAeFsdihkjRqNeEFm5D2Nww
twitter channel : @silkysmooth811
instagram : silky_smooth81
twitch : twitch.tv/silkysmooth81
Outriders Part 7
Marshal Bailey and her Escort. The Outrider and the Grand Marshal.
Searching the Wreckage Zone. the Sorceror and the Stone.
Join me as we venture unto the planet ENOCH to hopefully find a new
home...unless the Anomaly doesn't kill what's left of humankind. Choose
from 4 unique classes. If you like or Love Looters and Sci-Fi shooters
lets give this one some attention!!!
Subscribe, like, Comment on the video below and your post could be featured!!!!!
youtube channel : http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAeFsdihkjRqNeEFm5D2Nww
twitter channel : @silkysmooth811
instagram : silky_smooth81
twitch : twitch.tv/silkysmooth81
Outriders Part 5
Jocelyn needs some help. Those are not Eagles. Amala confronts the Acari.
Subscribe, like, Comment on the video below and your post could be featured!!!!!
youtube channel : http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAeFsdihkjRqNeEFm5D2Nww
twitter channel : @silkysmooth811
instagram : silky_smooth81
twitch : twitch.tv/silkysmooth81