Was Jesus just a New Age Guru?
Was Jesus Just a new age Guru? In these last days we need to know who we are ,who he is and who we are in Him! #guru #jesus #newage #identity #holyspirit #lastdays #gospel #endtimes #faith #salvation #faith #hopeinjesus
We are In The Last Days- Jesus is coming soon! He is calling you to be about his business! #lastdays #endtimes #propheticword #revelations #encouragement #gospel #faith #holyspirit #tiavitv #grace #tiavi #rapture
Surrender To Destiny-Tiavi Tv -_A powerful message of #encouragement You will Fulfill Your #destiny in #Jesus mighty Name #SpiritualEncouragement #empowerment #dailyencouragement #hope #faith #grace #holyspirit #RevivalFire #revival
Shake It Off -This Is A New Day-Get Up -#forgiven #grace #surrender #gospel #hope #encouragement Jesus is saying is is ok my child!This Is A New Day-Get Up -there is no condemnationI will Never leave you or forsake You! #forgiven #grace #surrender #gospel #jesusisforyou #jesus #destiny #encouragement #inspirational #gospelmessage #shakeitoff
9th Of Av Warning -something bad to happen in 10 days #mustwatch -Prophetic Dream #propheticwarning #middleeast I had a dream aug 3rd that something bad would happen in ten days which happens to fall exactly on the #9th_of_Av which has been a terrible time for the Jewish people throughout historyPray with me not sure of anything but a warning of something bad coming!#prayerwarrior #prayerwarriors #intercession #intercessoryprayer #ninthofav #israel #prophecy #endtimes #revelations #propheticword #prophetic #war #dream #dreamwarning
Are we bearing fruit?Are we Judging others?In our hurting dark world we desperately need to see each other as God’s precious little ones and have a love revolution #loverevolution #hope #encouragement #jesus #gospel #inspirational #lifecoach #love #godislove #jesusloves #lostsheep #religion #judgemental #religious #unity #grace #forgiveness
Fbi director Wray before congress nervously answers questions about several Encryption apps on several phones that belong to the shooter-
Fbi director Wray before congress nervously answers questions about several Encryption apps on several phones that belong to Crooks - #encryption #fbi #congressionalhearing #trumpshooting #trump #ThomasMatthewCrooks
We are going to have great success – when we realize the Creator loves us so much and gave everything to make us whole! #grace #empower #salvation #success #inspirational #whole #overcomer #encouragement #encouraging
Empowered For Success- we fall into the trap that we have to perform better for God to love us and to succeed this is causing our defeat ..we need to realize instead how much he really loves us and that will empower us to victory! #success #encouragement #victory #hope #gospel
If you Have Jesus You Have Everything! a reminder to you who may be struggling ! #jesus #jesuslovesyou #jesusiseverything #hope #encouragement #inspirational #faith #GotJesus #tiavitv
Jesus Runs to Your Rescue! He is the savior not you ..let him do the saving! Religion will tell you that you must save yourself ..Jesus says,” I came to save you not to condemn you”! He loves you! #JESUSSAVES #gospel #gospelmessage #jesuslovesyou #hope #encouragement #spiritualencouragment #helpme #JesusHelpMe