I wish celebrities would just quit with the political bs. Everyone's entitled to voicing their opinion but that's not what we pay you to do. We pay you to entertain us. Use your right to vote and protest the same as the rest of us, don't try to manipulate us by withholding something that would be worth nothing if we didn't value it and you've been paid handsomely to produce. If you watch mainstream media or read nonsense like the huff post you'd think everybody was against Rogan. Crazy idea they had over at breaking points, "hey let's ask people what they think." Instead of some useless lump writing/speaking their own opinion as "the news". Just tell me the facts of what happened and I'll make my own judgment on the matter. Looks like about 136k people agreed with me as of 9am today. I don't care how unpopular it becomes to say but freedom of speech is prerequisite to all others and right or wrong people have the right to say anything that is not a direct call to violence or a malicious attempt to incite panic. That's my opinion and rant over.