End of an era. For personal reasons, Secret Basement Studio is shutting down. I'd like to sincerely thank everyone who came through here for recording, mixing, rehearsing, strange album release parties and the occasional pre-gig dram. It's been an amazing experience running the studio and I'm extremely proud of the work I've done and the releases that have came out of this place. Some great ones still to come out! (I'll keep you posted here).
This, btw, is not the end of my saga as an engineer. The long term plan is start a new studio, but in the meantime I'll be doing some on location recording and continuing mixing. I'll also be starting an MSc in sound design and producing some more music and sound art myself. So feel free to continue following this account and I will soon turn it into a more personal engineering/musician account rather than the studio account.
Big shout outs to the folk who've helped with the studio or been absolute banging friends/customers
And of course for putting up with it all.