📷🌎The first photos of earth from space were shot on this day in 1959! We dug up a little newsreel with some great launch footage of the THOR Able 3 rocket!
📷🌎The first photos of earth from space were shot 60 years ago today in 1959! We dug up a little newsreel with some great launch footage of the THOR Able 3 rocket!
Toyota to visit Moon!
Japan is sending a Toyota to the moon!
It looks like in 2029 a Lunar SUV capable of doing 10,000 kilometers with two astronauts will be driving around doing some sightseeing on the moon!
The vehicle will be able to drive itself around the lunar surface and will potentially drive to 4 different areas to meet different groups of astronauts!
One of the most important discoveries Cassini made was the hydrogen in the plume of gas and icy particles spraying from Saturn's moon Enceladus. The discovery means the small, icy moon — which has a global ocean under its surface — has a source of chemical energy that could be useful for microbes, if any exist there. The finding also provides further evidence that warm, mineral-laden water is pouring into the ocean from vents in the seafloor. On Earth, such hydrothermal vents support thriving communities of life in complete isolation from sunlight. Enceladus now appears likely to have all three of the ingredients scientists think life needs: liquid water, a source of energy (like sunlight or chemical energy), and the right chemical ingredients (like carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen).
Cassini is not able to detect life, and has found no evidence that Enceladus is inhabited. But if life is there, that means life is probably common throughout the cosmos; if life has not evolved there, it would suggest life is probably more complicated or unlikely than we have thought. Either way the implications are profound. Future missions to this icy moon may shed light on its habitability.
White smoker video courtesy of: NOAA-OER / C.German (WHOI)
First interplanetary drone! NASA is sending a helicopter to MARS!
Looks like the Mars 2020 rover will have a friend along for the ride; the #marscopter! NASA is sending a #drone as a test to see how well they work in #mars thin atmosphere
Lagoon Nebula in visible and infraed light!
These Hubble Space Telescope images compare 2 views of the roiling heart of the Lagoon Nebula, a vast stellar nursery. One visible & the other in infrared light, they help astronomers find vast clouds of gas & dust in the cosmos; penetrating them to see hidden gems
Zero G basketball skills
Does your #FinalFour team have moves like @Astro_Sabot? Use Newton's Third Law STEMonstration to show your students the connection between #MarchMadness, physics, and the @Space_Station: (link: https://www.nasa.gov/stemonstrations) nasa.gov/stemonstrations. #STEMonStation
Falcon Heavy Launch Animation
Tomorrow is the day!
As Falcon Heavy lifts off, it will become the most powerful operational rocket in the world! The Falcon Heavy can lift more than twice the payload of the next closest operational vehicle, the Delta IV Heavy, at one-third the cost.
This is an animation that shows how SpaceX envisions the launch happening, complete with Musk's own Tesla Roadster!
Musk jokingly said it will be a great show no matter what the outcome. The launch is planned for 1:30PM EST at Kennedy Space Center.
Jan 31, 2018 SUPER BLUE BLOOD MOON Lunar Eclipse
Australia is the best place to view a total eclipse feom. In the USA the west coast is the best position to view this amazing phenomana.
Set your alarms early tommorw!
Astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti sings IMAGINE | UNICEF
Yesterday we posted a story about Astronauts from the last Space Shuttle Columbia mission waking up to John Lennon's "Imagine". Today we are posting ESA Astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti singing the song aboard the International Space Station as part of the UNICEF campaign to end hunger for children. This week there is so much tragedy in space flight history, between Apollo 1, Space Shuttle Columbia and Space Shuttle Challenger, this feels much needed.
Michigan Meteor Jan 16 2018
Did you catch the midwest USA meteor tonight!? Incredibly bright. Video courtesy of Mike Austin