The One Year Bible Podcast 2024

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The One Year Bible Podcast 2024 Experience the Bible in one year with Michael Wood, M.Ed.,M.S. Each day we will read the Old Testament, New Testament, and a Psalm or Proverb.

Dramatized with music, sound effects, and voice actors.

Day 120. Listen 🎧 today. In John 1:29-51, John the Baptist identifies Jesus as the "Lamb of God," asserting that Jesus w...

Day 120. Listen 🎧 today.
In John 1:29-51, John the Baptist identifies Jesus as the "Lamb of God," asserting that Jesus will take away the sin of the world. As Jesus begins to gather his disciples, he calls individuals like Andrew, Peter, Philip, and Nathanael, each following after recognizing him as the Messiah. Jesus impresses Nathanael by revealing his supernatural knowledge, promising even greater signs to come.

As Jesus's group of followers grows, revealing his divine knowledge and identity, one must wonder: What extraordinary signs will Jesus show them next?

Day 120. Listen 🎧 today. In Joshua chapters 17 and 18, the Israelites continue the division of the Promised Land under J...

Day 120. Listen 🎧 today.
In Joshua chapters 17 and 18, the Israelites continue the division of the Promised Land under Joshua's guidance. Chapter 17 details the allotments for the tribes of Manasseh and Ephraim, highlighting issues such as gender in inheritance rights and territorial disputes. By chapter 18, seven tribes had not yet received their land, prompting Joshua to urge them to define their territories through a surveying process.

As the land is meticulously divided and the remaining tribes stand ready to claim their inheritance, tension mounts: Will the unresolved territorial disputes disrupt the unity of the Israelites?

Day 119. Listen 🎧 today. In John 1:1-28, the Gospel begins with the profound declaration that "In the beginning was the ...

Day 119. Listen 🎧 today.
In John 1:1-28, the Gospel begins with the profound declaration that "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God," establishing Jesus's divine nature and eternal existence. John the Baptist appears as a pivotal figure, testifying to the Light coming into the world, preparing the way for Jesus among the people of Judea.

As religious leaders question John's identity and mission, suspense builds: How will John's bold testimony affect the coming days of Jesus's ministry?

Day 119. Listen 🎧 today. In Joshua 15-16, the land of Canaan is divided among the tribes of Israel, with Caleb claiming ...

Day 119. Listen 🎧 today.
In Joshua 15-16, the land of Canaan is divided among the tribes of Israel, with Caleb claiming the hill country of Hebron and the descendants of Joseph receiving vast territories including Ephraim and West Manasseh. These chapters detail the specific boundaries and cities encompassed within these tribal allotments, reflecting God's promises and the fulfillment of Israel's inheritance.

As the tribes settle into their new homes, questions arise: Will they remain faithful in the lands marked by their forefathers' struggles?

Day 118. Listen 🎧 today.In Luke 24:36-53, Jesus appears to His disciples suddenly, startling and frightening them as the...

Day 118. Listen 🎧 today.
In Luke 24:36-53, Jesus appears to His disciples suddenly, startling and frightening them as they think they are seeing a ghost. He shows them His hands and feet and even eats with them to prove His physical resurrection, then He opens their minds to understand the scriptures that foretold His death and resurrection. Before ascending into heaven, Jesus blesses His disciples and instructs them to stay in Jerusalem until they are endowed with power from on high.

Will the disciples' newfound understanding and the promise of divine power change the course of their mission?

Day 118. Listen 🎧 today.In Joshua chapters 13-14, God instructs Joshua to divide the land of Canaan among the Israelites...

Day 118. Listen 🎧 today.
In Joshua chapters 13-14, God instructs Joshua to divide the land of Canaan among the Israelites, emphasizing areas yet to be conquered. As the land is distributed, Caleb reminds Joshua of Moses' promise that he would inherit the land where he had set foot, as a reward for his unwavering faithfulness when he scouted it 45 years earlier. At 85, Caleb asks for and is granted the hill country of Hebron, where the formidable Anakites dwell.

Will Caleb's age and past faithfulness be enough to conquer the mighty Anakites in Hebron?

Day 117. Listen 🎧 today. In Luke 24:1-35, the narrative unfolds with the women discovering Jesus’ empty tomb and encount...

Day 117. Listen 🎧 today.
In Luke 24:1-35, the narrative unfolds with the women discovering Jesus’ empty tomb and encountering angels who reveal that Jesus has risen. This incredible news is initially met with disbelief among the disciples until Jesus himself appears and walks with two of them on the road to Emmaus, though they don’t recognize him immediately. As they share a meal and Jesus breaks bread, their eyes are opened and they realize who He is, but He vanishes from their sight. Will the disciples be able to convince others of this miraculous encounter?

Day 117. Listen 🎧 today.In Joshua chapters 11 and 12, Joshua leads the Israelites in a series of decisive battles agains...

Day 117. Listen 🎧 today.
In Joshua chapters 11 and 12, Joshua leads the Israelites in a series of decisive battles against northern Canaanite kings, culminating in a sweeping victory at the Waters of Merom, where they decisively defeat a massive coalition of enemy forces. After this, the text details Joshua’s continued conquests across the land, systematically overcoming kingdoms and recording the defeat of 31 kings in total, showcasing God’s unwavering support for Israel. As Joshua’s campaign brings more territories under Israelite control, one wonders: Can any force withstand Joshua’s God-empowered onslaught?

Day 116. Listen 🎧 today. In Luke 23:26-56, Simon of Cyrene is compelled to carry Jesus' cross to Golgotha, where Jesus i...

Day 116. Listen 🎧 today.
In Luke 23:26-56, Simon of Cyrene is compelled to carry Jesus' cross to Golgotha, where Jesus is crucified alongside two criminals. Despite enduring mockery and suffering, Jesus shows compassion by forgiving those who crucify him and promising paradise to one of the criminals. As Jesus breathes his last, the curtain of the temple tears, and a centurion acknowledges him as righteous, while his followers, including the women who had followed him from Galilee, watch from a distance.

**Will the events at Golgotha change the hearts of those who witnessed them?**

Day 116. Listen 🎧 today. In Joshua 9:16-10, the Israelites discover they have been deceived by the Gibeonites, who prete...

Day 116. Listen 🎧 today.
In Joshua 9:16-10, the Israelites discover they have been deceived by the Gibeonites, who pretended to be from a distant land to make a peace treaty. Despite the deception, Joshua honors the treaty to protect them, which leads to a series of battles against other kings in the region. As Joshua fights these battles, he asks God to make the sun stand still to extend the day and secure victory.

**Will Joshua's bold request to God change the course of the battle?**

Day 115. Listen 🎧 today. In Luke 22 and 23, Jesus faces brutal mockery and questioning from the guards before being take...

Day 115. Listen 🎧 today.
In Luke 22 and 23, Jesus faces brutal mockery and questioning from the guards before being taken to Pilate, where He is accused by the chief priests of subverting the nation. Despite finding no guilt in Jesus, Pilate sends Him to Herod, who also fails to find a reason for ex*****on and returns Him to Pilate. Pilate attempts to release Jesus, offering to punish Him instead, but the crowd furiously demands that Barabbas be freed and Jesus crucified.

Will Pilate succumb to the crowd’s pressure and order the crucifixion of an innocent man?

Day 115. Listen 🎧 today. In Joshua chapters 8 and 9, the Israelites, led by Joshua, cleverly capture the city of Ai thro...

Day 115. Listen 🎧 today.
In Joshua chapters 8 and 9, the Israelites, led by Joshua, cleverly capture the city of Ai through a strategic ambush, showcasing God's guidance after their initial defeat. Following their victory, Joshua renews the Covenant by reading all the words of the Law before the entire assembly. However, the nearby Gibeonites, fearing for their lives, resort to deception by posing as distant travelers seeking a peace treaty with Israel.

Will the Israelites discover the Gibeonites' trickery before forging an irreversible alliance?

Day 114. Listen 🎧 today. In Luke 22:39-62, Jesus prays intensely in the Garden of Gethsemane, grappling with the weight ...

Day 114. Listen 🎧 today.
In Luke 22:39-62, Jesus prays intensely in the Garden of Gethsemane, grappling with the weight of what is to come, while His disciples struggle to stay awake. Following His prayer, Jesus is betrayed by Judas and arrested, leading to Peter's three denials as foretold by Jesus. As the rooster crows and Peter realizes his failure, will he find redemption or succumb to his guilt?

Day 114. Listen 🎧 today.In Joshua 5:13-7, as Joshua nears Jericho, he encounters a mysterious figure who identifies hims...

Day 114. Listen 🎧 today.
In Joshua 5:13-7, as Joshua nears Jericho, he encounters a mysterious figure who identifies himself as the commander of the Lord’s army. This divine meeting provides Joshua with reassurance and a divine strategy for the upcoming battles. With the walls of Jericho looming large, will Joshua’s faith in this heavenly guidance lead his people to victory?

Day 113. Listen 🎧 today. In Luke 22:1-38, the scene is set for a pivotal moment in Christian history: the Last Supper. J...

Day 113. Listen 🎧 today.
In Luke 22:1-38, the scene is set for a pivotal moment in Christian history: the Last Supper. Jesus, aware of His impending betrayal, shares a final meal with His disciples, introducing the sacrament of Communion and identifying Judas as His betrayer. Amidst the tension, He also gives a powerful directive on servitude and prophecy about Peter's denial before the rooster crows.

**As the night unfolds, will the disciples grasp the full magnitude of Jesus' words and the trials they are about to face?**

Day 113. Listen 🎧 today. In Joshua 3-5:1-12, Joshua leads the Israelites to the brink of the Jordan River, miraculously ...

Day 113. Listen 🎧 today.
In Joshua 3-5:1-12, Joshua leads the Israelites to the brink of the Jordan River, miraculously parting the waters so they can cross into the promised land on dry ground, mirroring Moses’ Red Sea miracle. As they enter the land of Canaan, the Israelites commemorate their crossing by setting up twelve stones from the riverbed. Upon crossing, they celebrate the Passover and the miraculous manna from heaven ceases, marking a new chapter of self-sustenance in a fertile land.

Will Joshua and the Israelites succeed in conquering Canaan now that they are no longer sustained by manna but must rely on the land itself?

Day 112. Listen 🎧 today. In Luke 21:5-38, Jesus teaches in the temple, predicting the destruction of the temple and the ...

Day 112. Listen 🎧 today.
In Luke 21:5-38, Jesus teaches in the temple, predicting the destruction of the temple and the challenging times ahead, urging vigilance and faithfulness. He speaks of signs in the heavens and on earth, and the persecution believers will face, emphasizing the need for constant prayer to endure these trials. As Jesus foretells these cataclysmic events and the need for preparedness, one is left to ponder: Will the followers of Christ be able to stand firm in their faith amidst such turmoil and fear?

Day 112. Listen 🎧 today. In Joshua 1, God commissions Joshua as Moses’ successor, charging him to lead Israel into the P...

Day 112. Listen 🎧 today.
In Joshua 1, God commissions Joshua as Moses’ successor, charging him to lead Israel into the Promised Land, emphasizing bravery and adherence to the law. In Joshua 2, Joshua sends two spies to Jericho, where Rahab, a local pr******te, hides them from the king’s men in exchange for a promise of safety when Israel attacks. As Rahab’s house, built into the city wall, becomes the spies’ escape route, one wonders:

Will Rahab and her family be spared in the looming destruction of Jericho?

Day 111. Listen 🎧 today. In Luke 20:27-21:1-4, the Sadducees, who deny the resurrection, challenge Jesus with a hypothet...

Day 111. Listen 🎧 today.
In Luke 20:27-21:1-4, the Sadducees, who deny the resurrection, challenge Jesus with a hypothetical about a woman who marries seven brothers, each dying in succession. Jesus responds with insight into the nature of the resurrection and life in the age to come, explaining that those raised will neither marry nor die but will be like angels. Following this, Jesus observes the rich placing their offerings in the temple treasury and commends a poor widow who, though she contributes only two small coins, has given more than all because she gave all she had to live on.

Will the words of Jesus about true sacrifice and eternal life change the hearts of those who hear him?

Day 111. Listen 🎧 today.In Deuteronomy 33-34, Moses, before his death, blesses each of the Israelite tribes with prophet...

Day 111. Listen 🎧 today.
In Deuteronomy 33-34, Moses, before his death, blesses each of the Israelite tribes with prophetic words, envisioning their futures filled with prosperity and victory. He ascends Mount Nebo, where God shows him the Promised Land stretching out in all directions—land he will never enter due to his previous disobedience. Standing on the mountain's peak, Moses dies at the age of 120, his eyesight unimpaired and his vigor undiminished.

Will the people of Israel honor Moses' legacy and thrive in the land they have been given?

Day 110. Listen 🎧 today.In Luke 19:45-20:26, Jesus enters the temple in Jerusalem and drives out the merchants, accusing...

Day 110. Listen 🎧 today.
In Luke 19:45-20:26, Jesus enters the temple in Jerusalem and drives out the merchants, accusing them of turning a house of prayer into a den of robbers. The following day, as He teaches in the temple, the chief priests and scribes challenge His authority, questioning Him with tricky political and theological questions. Amidst these tense interactions, how will Jesus uphold His teachings against the escalating opposition?

Day 110. Listen 🎧 today.In Deuteronomy 31:30 to 32, Moses delivers his final song to the Israelites, a poignant moment f...

Day 110. Listen 🎧 today.
In Deuteronomy 31:30 to 32, Moses delivers his final song to the Israelites, a poignant moment filled with prophetic warnings and reminders of God’s faithfulness. This song reviews their history, highlighting God’s protection and the consequences of their disobedience, serving as a last testament before Moses’ death. As Moses recites this emotive song over Israel, one must wonder, will the people heed his warnings and stay faithful to God?

Day 109. Listen 🎧 today. In Luke 19:11-44, Jesus shares the Parable of the Minas, teaching about a nobleman who goes to ...

Day 109. Listen 🎧 today.
In Luke 19:11-44, Jesus shares the Parable of the Minas, teaching about a nobleman who goes to a distant country to receive a kingdom and entrusts his servants with money to manage until his return. The reactions of the servants vary, with some investing wisely and others not at all, illustrating the concept of faithful stewardship and accountability. As Jesus approaches Jerusalem, he weeps over the city, foreseeing its destruction for not recognizing the time of God's visitation.

Will the people of Jerusalem understand the significance of Jesus' message before it's too late?

Day 109. Listen 🎧 today. In Deuteronomy 30:11-31:29, Moses shares his final words with the Israelites, emphasizing that ...

Day 109. Listen 🎧 today.
In Deuteronomy 30:11-31:29, Moses shares his final words with the Israelites, emphasizing that the commandments given by God are not too difficult or distant, but rather within their reach to obey. He presents them with a choice between life and death, blessings and curses, urging them to choose life by loving and obeying God. As Moses prepares to die, he passes the leadership to Joshua, charging him with courage and the task of leading the people into the Promised Land.

Will Joshua be able to lead the Israelites faithfully into their new future?

Day 108. Listen 🎧 today. In Luke 18:31-34, Jesus reveals to His disciples the unsettling prophecy of His suffering, deat...

Day 108. Listen 🎧 today.
In Luke 18:31-34, Jesus reveals to His disciples the unsettling prophecy of His suffering, death, and resurrection, but they are unable to comprehend its full meaning. Moving into Luke 19, Jesus enters Jericho and encounters Zacchaeus, a wealthy tax collector despised for his profession, who climbs a sycamore tree to see Jesus. This leads to a transformative moment when Jesus decides to stay at Zacchaeus’ home, promising salvation to his house, much to the dismay of the onlookers. Will Zacchaeus’ life change forever after meeting Jesus, and how will the crowd react to Jesus’ radical act of grace?

Day 108. Listen 🎧 today.In Deuteronomy 29, Moses assembles the Israelites to renew their covenant with God, emphasizing ...

Day 108. Listen 🎧 today.
In Deuteronomy 29, Moses assembles the Israelites to renew their covenant with God, emphasizing the blessings of obedience and the curses of disobedience as they stand at the brink of entering the Promised Land. Chapter 30 details God’s promise of restoration and mercy if they turn back to Him, even if they are scattered among the nations. Will the Israelites choose the path of obedience to reap the blessings, or will they stray and face the severe consequences?

Day 107. Listen 🎧 today. In Luke 18:1-30, Jesus teaches about persistence in prayer through the parable of the persisten...

Day 107. Listen 🎧 today.
In Luke 18:1-30, Jesus teaches about persistence in prayer through the parable of the persistent widow and the unjust judge, emphasizing the importance of faith. He then welcomes little children, illustrating the necessity of receiving the Kingdom of God with childlike trust. As Jesus encounters a rich ruler who struggles to give up his wealth for eternal life, will the ruler choose his riches over following Jesus?

Day 107. Listen today.Deuteronomy 28:15-68 describes the severe consequences that will befall the Israelites if they do ...

Day 107. Listen today.
Deuteronomy 28:15-68 describes the severe consequences that will befall the Israelites if they do not obey God’s commandments. The passage vividly details curses affecting personal health, agricultural productivity, social status, and national security. Will the Israelites heed these warnings, or will they face the dire repercussions of disobedience?

Day 106. Listen 🎧 today.In Luke 17:11-37, Jesus heals ten lepers on his journey to Jerusalem, but only one returns to th...

Day 106. Listen 🎧 today.
In Luke 17:11-37, Jesus heals ten lepers on his journey to Jerusalem, but only one returns to thank Him, revealing the theme of gratitude. He then teaches about the Kingdom of God and the unexpected nature of its coming, comparing it to the sudden destruction that befell S***m. As Jesus speaks of the future, He leaves His listeners with a chilling reminder: “Remember Lot’s wife”—will they be prepared, or will they look back in the pivotal moments?

Day 106. Listen 🎧 today. In Deuteronomy 26-28:1-14, the Israelites are instructed by Moses on the steps for presenting t...

Day 106. Listen 🎧 today.
In Deuteronomy 26-28:1-14, the Israelites are instructed by Moses on the steps for presenting their first fruits to God as an act of thanksgiving, recognizing their deliverance from Egypt. They are also taught the importance of obeying God’s commands to ensure prosperity and blessing in the Promised Land. The pivotal moment arises as they stand at the threshold of blessings and curses—will they choose obedience to secure their future blessings?



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