Vanished in the Valley

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Vanished in the Valley A podcast that you'll need to wear your big boy/girl panties on while listening.


In this episode, Athena talks about the different theories currently being discussed in the conspiracy corners of the internet. We cover who these passengers were and the fact MSM around the world wont S**U about it. We also get into some of the conspiracy theories and absolute facts surrounding the Titanic. Lastly, we talk about how the Rockefellers have corrupted the American Medical Association. Also, can't forget about the newest politician to be arrested on multiple charges of distributing child exploitation material.


In this episode, Athena talks about the information Dr. Wolf discovered in Pfizer's own documents that show Pfizer absolutely knew their bioweapon was a threat to female reproduction. We also talk about declassified documents that seem to confirm that cattle and human mutilations have been happening around the world for more than 100 years. We also cover a few whistle blowers that corroborates info in the declassified Ministry of Defense documents. We also go over what we now know about the Biden whistleblower and the fact she has died mysteriously and suspiciously.


In this episode, Athena talks about a whistle blower who is trying to get the word out to Congress about the several US government organizations that have been illegally withholding info regarding UAP retrieval across the planet. We also cross reference these whistle blowers with a post from 4chan that happened back in April of 2023. We touch on the Canadian fire situation and talk about Rolling Stone and what a hot trash fire of a magazine and media site it is.

Canadian fire

4Chan Q & A


In this episode, Athena talks about the nearly 100 year history of members of the US Government using children in s*x trafficking blackmail schemes. We also talk about the WHO and Rockefeller Foundation teaming up to control the world. We cover some interesting non-developments in the Jan 6 saga and how the FBI is up to it's usual f**kery.

Whitney Webb article


In this episode Athena explains the Dead Internet Theory, where it originated from and how DARPA, the alphabet soup groups and Big Tech all have had a hand in creating the dead internet as we know it today. We also talk about the increase of babies with myocarditis in the UK with not one health authority entertaining the possibility it could have been caused from the clot shot. We cover the peaceful protests that are happening across Canada in an effort to have Justin Trudeau is a tool resign from office.


In this episode, Athena talks about a few different smart dust projects, one funded by Bill Gates and the other funded by DARPA. We also talk about the bank collapse and CBDC. We cover the popes reminder to love pe*****les and Elon's new Twitter CEO who is just another WEF stooge.


In this episodes Athena talks about ancient art that depicts giants on Earth. We also talk about a classified map made by researchers over 20 years ago with mysterious 3000 year old, manmade structures. We also talk about some crazy cow mutilations happening in Texas and Australia, one of which has a $5000 reward for info leading to an arrest. While on the subject of Australia, we talk about a new class action lawsuit against the Aussie government and others, to seek compensation for vaccine injury and death.

Covid Class action lawsuit

Classified Hudson river story that can only be found on the web archive.


In this episode, Athena talks about Suspicious Activity Reports that show the Biden crime family has given thousands of dollars to organizations that have known s*x trafficking affiliations. We have a bunch of Canadian news to talk about as well as a horrifying new Cabobo-19 study. We also talks about the IMF's newest CBDC. I have also thrown in some disgusting tr**ny news in this episode, so bring your barf bags.


In this episode, Athena breaks down some of the info she found while going down the Jack Teixeira rabbit hole. We also talk about a couple of the theories floating around the conspiracy corners of the internet that may explain the leaked docs. We also cover the Elon Musk and Matt Tabibi drama that has so far caused a massive shadow ban on Tabibi's Twitter page. Of course, we end the show with some good news about Moderna.

Leaked Docs

Sonar 21



In this long overdue episode, Athena talks about the many allegations against Lt. Col Michael Aquino and that fact that most of his alleged abused happened at daycare facilities on Army bases around the US. We also talk about other military bases implicated in RA and SRA.
I have to thank our listener u/Albator_H for bringing up the idea to do an episode on this nasty ass p**of**k. Up top and thank you!

We also talk about Bill Gates is Evil and his newest schemes to destroy humanity and life as we know it. We cover some Cabobo-19 and CDC f**kery as well.

We cover the fact the the French protesters showed the world what's up by taking over the BlackRock corporate offices in France, Go Fu***ng France!!! Up TOP!!!


In this episode Athena goes over the latest Twitter file drop, entitled the Fauci Files. We also talk about a civil lawsuit which has been filed against the little troll boy himself, Fauci, as well as Eco Health Alliance, Peter Daszak and Ralph Beric. There is some Bill Gates talk as well as a child molestation case that happened at an Army base located in San Francisco, and spoiler alert, not one person was ever convicted.


In this episode, Athena talks about the history of the notorious island known as, North Fox Island. This island was owned by a man who would s*xually abuse young boys and make s***f films for his rich p**of**k buddies. We also talk about Operation Choke Point 2.0 and Black Monday 2.0
We have Fauci's latest interview with a fake journalist from a fake media outlet.

Police Reports on North Fox Island

Article by Marilyn Wright


In this episode Athena talks about the WHO treaty President Brandon signed on Feb 27th. We also talk about Dr. Stanley Plotkin who admitted under oath to experimenting on vulenerable populations within the US. We also touch on the long history the US government has experimenting on an unaware population. Lastly, we talk about the recent arrest warrant put out on Bill Gates.

WHO treaty

Stanley Plotkin deposition


In this episode Athena covers several inconsistencies surrounding the Sandyhook school shooting. We also talk about the Ohio train derailment in relation to the first 15 minute city in the US which, coincidentally, just happens to be planned for Cleveland Ohio. We also cover the testicular damage caused by the clot shot and what you can look into for detoxification of this poison.

Thanks to .bumbleduck for the Sandyhook episode idea!

We Need to Talk about Sandyhook

Video showing the spike protein damage caused in the te**es

Dr. Peter McCullough substack article on Nattokinase


In this episode, Athena talks about the victims in Utah County who were ritually abused as children by lawyers, therapists and other people in positions of power. We also talk about the sus af move 10 countries made 24 hours prior to the massive earthquakes in Turkey. We cover the Ohio train derailment and the catastrophe it's caused for millions of people and the environment. We talk about some President Brandon f**kery with the WHO and lastly, we honor a master troll in Canada.

SRA case in Utah*xual-abuse-investigation/
Vanished in the Valley sub


In this episode we have an in-depth explanation of Project Blue Beam. We also cover UNICEF taking advantage of horrific situations to give out food and blankets to children if and only when they get a polio vaccination. The same vaccination that is banned here in the US.
We touch on the nightmare happening in Ohio and hear a brief statement from a person who was in the exclusion zone last night. We also go into the Kangaroo court trying Kai the Hitchhiker and the 30+ year history of Union county in New Jersey allowing p**os to get of with a slap on the wrist. Lastly, we talk about a disgusting p**o who was teaching PRE-Kindergarten children about s*xuality.

Break down of PBB by u/ooh-aah-cantona

Kai the Hitchhiker's Story
Kai's viral news interview


In this episode, Athena calls out the people and organizations that need to be brought up on charges of Crimes Against Humanity. We go over the WHO and their taskforce on inducing vaccine infertility. We talk about a study Fauci dropped about three years too late. We cover the fraudulent evidence Pfizer put out to several countries while trying to secure huge contracts and what researcher Sasha Latypova says about the Dept. of Defense and it's collaboration with bigpharma and defense contractors in connection to the development of the clot shot. We also touch on the fake af balloon bs happening in the US.

Edible food website

WHO tasks force on vaccine induced infertility

Fauci's late af study

Trialsite news info on pfizer's falsified data

Pandemic Strategies Conference in Sweden


In this episode Athena gives a shout out to the Canadians for their Canada Convoy 2022 and how they showed the world how to do it! We also break down the Drag Queen Grooming shows that keep happening in Texas. We also go down the rabbit hole concerning Tractor Supply Co funding some of these disgusting drag shows for kids, the WEF donations by Tractor Supply and the connections to Jeffery Epstein. We discuss Bill Gates and his all out assault on eggs and the fact he has money sunk into a company that produces fake eggs. We also get into the FBI disinformation organization called Hamilton68 and the Twitter docs just released that call this scam organization out.

Hamilton68 Article

Mega Thread on the Shot Injured Victims

Eggs, Hens and Bill Fu***ng Gates is Evil


In this episode, Athena talks about a couple from Atlanta who were charged for sodomizing their ADOPTED sons as well as pimping these young boys out to a p**of**k ring. We cover the aluminum nanoparticles found in childhood vaccines and the fact of not one scientist has ever done a study to measure exactly what these nanoparticles are doing when they cross the blood brain barrier. We also have an audio clip from Hypocrite Zuckerberg in which he literally warns him employees to be wary of the cabobo jabs, all while censoring anyone who dared to ask questions. We get into the newest attack on the first amendment coming from WEF cronies.

Townhall story on the nasty af p**os*xual-abuse-adopted-boys-lgbtq-activists-n2611543

Latest update from Townhall


In this episode, Athena covers, yet another, dubious experiment on the most vulnerable of society by, you guessed it, US government funded researchers. We also talk about who the Klaus bro has been trying to hire to fly the so called elites to Davos for this years meeting on ways the megalomaniacs can take full control of the world. We also talk about the Phoenix Lights and a man named Richard Curtis who went missing after claiming to have very detailed video footage of the UAP. We go over a flu that was not so Spanish and definitely not an influenza virus and the origins of this disease. Hint Hint, the Rockefellers and a man named Fredrick Gates have their disgusting hands all over this medical experiment. Side note, the only reason we go into this conspiracy is due to the fact of Snopes, Reuters and other fake ass fact checkers going so hard against this story. Take it with a grain of salt or take it as truth, it's all up to you.

Phoenix Lights transcript

Radiation for Retards


In this episode, Athena talks about the Royal Order of Jesters and their links to s*x crimes. Anyone who has been paying attention to the last 5 years of Pizza Gate won't be surprised to find out that Jeffery Epstein was the headmaster for this disgusting group of predators. We also cover other s*x crimes that happened in the UK, which were covered up by the intelligence community here in the US and abroad. Make sure you wear your big boy/girl panties for this episode, as the topic covers many forms of child and s*x abuse.


In this episode we talk about the diabolical organization called, the Tavistock Institute. We cover how the megalomaniacs of today have used methods developed by Tavistock to control, manipulate and subjugate humanity.
In honor of the little elf man Fauci's last day as a humble public servant, we talk about three absolutely despicable programs headed and/or funded by the little tyrant himself. We touch on a bit of Bill Gates is evil f**kery and talk about the huge lab grown meat facility that is now in the process of being built within the US.


In this episode we cover some of the Twitter drops that outline the collusion between the US Government and Big Tech. We also cover some of the tactics that were employed by Big Tech (and are still used today) to censor legitimate discourse between experts and their followers and the public in general, all at the behest of the White House and different alphabet soup groups.
We throw some ridiculous Canadian news in the mix and talk about the multimillion dollar Hamster Fight Club, sponsored by American tax dollars.

EcoHealth DARPA proposal

David Zweig Twitter Thread


In this episode Athena talks about the Matrix nightmare of baby growing labs. We also discuss the roundtable meeting held by Ron Johnson on Dec. 7th. We go over some new FOIA releases of the contracts given out by the CDC to various companies to monitor and report vaccine data recorded in the VAERs system. We also talk about the latest Twitter document dump from Elon Musk.

Matt Taibbbi Twitter Page

Who had “growing crops of humans in labs” for dystopia bingo? Oh yeah, this guy


In this episode, Athena talks about the over 7000 kiddie diddlers Daddy Newsom released from prison, most after serving less than one year in prison. We also cover the protests in Holland and China. We talk about yet another conspiracy theory coming true and listen to Dr. Peter McCullough explain how the vaccinated are passing their tainted blood to others through body fluids.


In this episode Athena takes you far down the Balenciaga child exploitation rabbit hole. We cover Lotta Volkova, her nasty AF Instagram posts and her cozy relationship with an accused p**of**k. We also look into Gabriele Galimberti, who is the photographer that worked on the bo***ge bears and children ads for Balenciaga. We go even further down this nasty p**o rabbit hole and look at the CEO of Balenciaga's parent company, Francois Pinault, who owns an auction site responsible for selling child s*x mannequins with erect pen*ses, vaginas and anuses instead of mouths and noses.
We then talk about Direct Energy Weapons, Havana Syndrome and graphene oxide and wrap it all up with a clip from Harvard scientist Robert Duncan. Robert Duncan worked with the CIA, DARPA and others in the development of DEWs and other microwave to brain weapons.

Koncrete Podcast w/ Robert Duncan


In this episode, Athena talks about the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario and how they've double downed on insanity. We also give a breakdown, with insight from a Brazilian citizen, on the huge Canada Convoy style protests happening right now. We talk about more WEF f**kery and the millions of dollars in kick backs given out to a California ad agency (in a no bid contract) in the amount of $190M. The ad agency was paid around $10M a month to come up with COVID propaganda images, that 100% my pet lizard could have come up with and executed in a better fashion. Lastly, we cover a study from the 1990s where researchers injected volunteers with DMT leading to more than half the test subjects to describe the same reptilian entities. We also brush up on the CIA's Operation Stargate.

Images by California ad agency
Link to Died Suddenly
CIA Operation Stargate
DMT study article


In this episode, Athena talks about the melt down of FTX. You'll get the info no MSM outlet will ever put together, let alone tell you about. We also talk about various Fedbois acting out and trampling the most basic American rights and values.



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