Science on Trial and Error

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Science on Trial and Error Welcome to Science on Trial [and Error] - a podcast from a scientist to scientists! I'm Kasia Kuzmicz-Kowalska and I'm pursuing a PhD at IST Austria.

Join me as I chat with researchers from different fields and at different levels of their careers.

💡What does a CSO of a biotech company do on a day-to-day basis? How much truth lies behind the common stereotypes about ...

💡What does a CSO of a biotech company do on a day-to-day basis? How much truth lies behind the common stereotypes about working in the biotech industry? What can make you stand out as a candidate for a biotech sector job?

Step into the dynamic world of biotech with our latest episode as we debunk common myths and uncover the realities of working in this vibrant industry. Our guest is Peggy Sotiropoulou, an accomplished cancer immunology researcher from Greece. Currently, she holds the position of Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) at T-knife Therapeutics. Few years ago, Peggy decided to leave her tenured academic position of Research Associate Professor at FNRS and make the leap to the industry.

In our conversation, she explained what was most relevant in her informed decision process and how she explored the different options. Peggy shares her insights on what it truly means to be a CSO, revealing the intricacies of developing scientific strategies and navigating the hiring process. She candidly provides her invaluable insights and advice presenting the unique benefits and opportunities that the biotech industry offers, both for scientific research and professional growth. In this engaging conversation, Peggy and Kasia explore the nuances of transitioning from academic research to the industry world, shedding light on the lessons academia can learn from biotech. From Peggy’s unexpected beginnings as a travel magazine writer to her current role as a leader in biotech, her story is a testament to ambition, resilience, and foresight.

But our discussion doesn’t stop there. Stay tuned as we explore Peggy’s insights on women in leadership roles, the future of the therapeutic industry, and even touch upon our favourite Greek filmmaker. Join us as we journey through Peggy’s remarkable career and gain a deeper understanding of the biotech landscape. Get ready for an episode packed with insights and inspiration you’ll be glad you didn’t miss. Enjoy and welcome Peggy Sotiropoulou! 🎧

♻️Know someone who wants to transition ? Share!

The episode is available on all podcasting platforms and YouTube (links in bio). Take it with you for lunch, a walk or a ☕️

✨What advice would you give to others considering transitioning Beyond Academia? points out the self-sabotaging as a big...

✨What advice would you give to others considering transitioning Beyond Academia?
points out the self-sabotaging as a big obstacle. ‘Do not self reject, if you want to pursue something - go for it. Yes, others may say no to you, but do not say no to yourself. Only you can decide to take that first step of pursuing your dreams’- she says. Don’t cut your chances short by undermining your confidence!!!
What would be your advice?

💡What does the position of Product Manager entail? What makes someone who has a good chance of becoming a PI leave acade...

💡What does the position of Product Manager entail? What makes someone who has a good chance of becoming a PI leave academia? How to deal with imposter syndrome during big career transitions?
Our guest is Rose De Guzman - a Filipino-American scientist, currently working as a Product Manager at Evident Scientific . Rose is a passionate advocate for making science more accessible. In her current role, she is dedicated to improving the lives of researchers. Through her mentoring initiatives, she seeks to empower women scientists and help students from historically marginalized backgrounds find their paths.
Rose and Kasia delve into the challenges of exploring diverse career paths, refining academic resumes for non-academic roles, and recount surprising experiences that can help in getting a job. They offer advice on seeking assistance, navigating potential pitfalls, and strategizing the transition process. Rose discusses her own career redirection, revealing what she discovered about herself in the journey beyond academia. In the latter part of the interview, Rose and Kasia bond over their shared experiences as first-generation Ph.D. holders. Finally, Rose shares her deep-seated motivations for giving back - to her family, her community, and society as a whole - while also sharing her big dream aspirations.
Expect laughter, honesty but also tears. Oh and books recommendations (of course). As Rose said: Sometimes it only really takes one person to change your path. Enjoy and welcome Rose de Guzman! Listen wherever you get your podcasts 🎧 and yes we had to re upload the post cause IG cut it somehow 😅 📚

NEW LOGO!!! 🎨I’m so excited and proud to present to you the new logo of Science on Trial [and Error]. How do you like it...

I’m so excited and proud to present to you the new logo of Science on Trial [and Error]. How do you like it??? 🙈
I designed it with the goal of increasing the visibility of podcast name in miniature. But I had every intention to keep the tiny details (doodles) from the previous logo. I’m very grateful to .elbe.elbe for creating the previous logo ♥️
This is just the first step in the new chapter of this podcast. Stay tuned for the prequel episode where you’ll hear all about our plans, our upcoming guests and a bit more about where I’ve been (physically and mentally) since season 1 ended. Thank you for all the support and love ❤️ I am so grateful for this community. Season 2 is coming in March!!!! Spread the news, spread the love and stay in touch!

Hi! I completely forgot to share here with you an extracurricular SciComm activity that I tried in June. ScienceSlam! Us...

I completely forgot to share here with you an extracurricular SciComm activity that I tried in June. ScienceSlam!
Usually I'm the one asking other scientists about their research. This time - I explained my work and I did it for general public 😍 It was so much fun! And I'm so proud to have won too!!! ❤
It happened during ISTA Open Campus Day - we had a fantastic line up representing different fields&topics. I'm very grateful for this opportunity and for great discussion + questions afterwards.

See my where I talk about Cell Death and DevBio 👇 Please share/comment/like 💕

Kasia (host of ) shares what she studies as a Developmental Biologist. She talks about processes leading from a fertilized egg to the ...

Hello! Episode 014 is HERE ✨ (links 👇🏻)My guest is Prof. Katarzyna Siuzdak - group leader of the Laboratory of Functiona...

Episode 014 is HERE ✨ (links 👇🏻)
My guest is Prof. Katarzyna Siuzdak - group leader of the Laboratory of Functional Materials at IMP PAN in Gdańsk (Poland). Her group researches Nanomaterials for their use in conversion of solar energy into chemical or electrical energy.
In this episode Kasia explains the differences between doing basic research and developing applicable prototypes for the market. We discuss the underrepresentation of female researchers in Technical Sciences and the need for more opportunities for early career researchers to shine. Kasia shares her views on conscious mentoring and healthy time management. She also gives tips for a successful interview and finding balance between the Popular and the Science. PLUS we cover nanotubes forests, biocompatible glucose sensors, basement science, solar cells and many more…

Enjoy listening! 🎧

You can find the full episode here:
-Apple Podcasts:
-Science on Trial and Error Website:

Find Kasia through her website:, on Instagram: , Facebook: & Twitter:

We are wrapping up our SPECIAL episode: I've been interrogating my guests for long enough and it seems only fair to give them and YOU a chance to ask me some questions. Episode015 will be featuring me spilling the truth on my scientific adventure, my future plans and many, many other things. If you'd like your question to be answered, please contact me via email: [email protected] or through our social media channels!

Follow Science on Trial [and Error] on social media and wherever you get your podcasts to never miss on new episodes!

Hi everyone!Long time no see 🙈 We are back and with What a Guest! Tomorrow (Thur May 26) you can all hear from Professor...

Hi everyone!
Long time no see 🙈 We are back and with What a Guest! Tomorrow (Thur May 26) you can all hear from Professor Katarzyna Siuzdak (also known as science_mission). Kasia is my first ‘Professor Guest’ and I’m so excited you can get to know her story next - her resume is so impressive and she truly believes that Science is to be shared ❤️
Kasia became a professor at the age of 34 (sic!) and she is Group Leader of the Laboratory of Functional Materials at IMP PAN in Gdańsk in Poland. Their research is primarily focused on Photoconversion of Energy and Fabrication of Nanodevices. Kasia got her PhD in Chemical Technology from Gdańsk University of Technology (Politechnika Gdańska). Prior to that she obtained her M.Eng degree following Individual Interdisciplinary Studies between Departments of Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics also in Gdańsk.
Kasia has been head and coordinator of many grants and she collaborates with many groups both on national and international level. She authored more than 90 publications and several patents. She’s also coordinating different projects focused on Sustainable Energy. Recently Kasia was named one of 22 Polish Women to Watch in 2022 by Forbes Women Polska.
As if this wasn’t enough work, she is also running an extremely successful Science Communication Platform called Science Mission ( together with her friend and colleague Katarzyna Grochowska, PhD. Their aim is to make Technical Sciences more approachable to general public. Kasia shows experiments that can be done at home, posts about history of sciences and translates most recent literature to more ‘people-friendly’ language. She’s also a mom of two boys… and yes, don’t worry - I asked her HOW she manages to do it ALL!!!
Join us tomorrow to hear about Kasia’s fascinating research, her views on mentoring and collaborations, her ideas on how to share science and many many more 😁
Follow our channels to not miss episodes in the future!

Hi! Episode 013 is HERE ✨ (links below!)My guest is Vivien Ionasz - biologist from Austria and PhD student in German Can...

Hi! Episode 013 is HERE ✨ (links below!)
My guest is Vivien Ionasz - biologist from Austria and PhD student in German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg. She is currently investigating the interplay between transcription and DNA damage in neural progenitor cells in the the lab of Dr. Wei.

We talk about challenges of moving abroad for studying, fast pace of scientific research and alternatives to staying in academia after graduation. Vivien shares details of her PhD application process and admits being obsessed with CRISPR. We discuss how to keep your mental health balance in check and how endometriosis research is terribly underfunded. We also cover connection between rest and productivity, communication issues, DNA breaks, self-care books, SCREWS, German science TV shows for kids, open online courses platforms…

Check it out for yourselves and enjoy listening!

Find Vivien on Instagram as .viv and Twitter

You can find the full episode here:
-Apple Podcasts:
-Science on Trial and Error Website:

Hi everyone! ❤We had an unexpected break due to health reasons but I'm very happy to finally return with new episodes! T...

Hi everyone! ❤
We had an unexpected break due to health reasons but I'm very happy to finally return with new episodes!
The next episode (on Mon Jan 31st) will feature Vivien Ionasz. Vivien comes from Austria and she is a PhD student in Biology in German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg in the the lab of Dr. Wei. She is currently investigating the interplay of transcription and DNA damage in neural progenitor cells. Prior to her PhD, Vivien got her M.Sc. in Drug Discovery and Development at the University of Vienna and her B.Sc. in Molecular Biotechnology at the University of Applied Sciences in Vienna. Her previous research experience was centered around cancer research. She also did a semester of studies abroad at the the Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Reykjavik in Iceland.

Vivien began her PhD right before the pandemics started and it only made the experience of moving abroad to study more difficult. When she started her Instagram account .viv, she just wanted to share snippets of her life... Now with more than 12.5k followers she has a strong community interested in her life as a scientist. And she is there to be honest - about the great experiences and cool science and about the difficulties and hardships. She's also very committed to bringing more attention to mental health issues in academia.

I'm very happy that we had a chance to talk about her exciting work, her further career plans and her scientific crushes. As usual we also cover what could be improved in the Scientific World and share some personal stories.

Tune in on Monday to hear more! You won't be disappointed ❤

Hi!I'm happy to announce that Episode 012 is OUT ✨ (links below!)My guest is Daisy Shearer - British physicist and PhD c...

I'm happy to announce that Episode 012 is OUT ✨ (links below!)
My guest is Daisy Shearer - British physicist and PhD candidate in Experimental Condensed Matter Physics at the University of Surrey (UK). Her research project is focused on semiconductor spintronics for quantum technology applications.

We discuss the high prevalence of mental health issues in the academic community and the need for more equality, diversity and inclusion in science. Daisy shares the perks and drawbacks of working in uncharted scientific territories. She also gives insight into her decision to disclose autism diagnosis on social media and to create 'Neurodivergent in STEM' - project aimed to increasing the visibility of neurodivergent people in STEM fields and build a community to share experiences and advice. We also cover big magnets, lasers and Studio Ghibli soundtracks… Enjoy listening!

Find out more about Daisy on her website:
Follow her blog:
Find her on Facebook and Instagram as Notes from the physics lab and on Twitter as

Find out more about Neurodivergent in STEM:

You can find the full episode here:
-Apple Podcasts:
-Science on Trial and Error Website:

I’m very proud to share that my next guest this coming Tuesday (Nov 9) will be Daisy Shearer Notes from the physics lab ...

I’m very proud to share that my next guest this coming Tuesday (Nov 9) will be Daisy Shearer Notes from the physics lab !
Daisy is a PhD candidate in the Photonics and Quantum Sciences Group at the University of Surrey in the UK. Her research project focuses on semiconductor spintronics for quantum technology applications. In her Master’s project she was working on application of semiconductive lasers for telecommunication also at the University of Surrey.

Daisy is passionate about science communication and runs a blog Notes from the Physics Lab (, where she shares snapshots of her journey as a PhD student in Physics and talks about concepts from Physics field in a truly accessible way. She is also pursuing Graduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education.

Daisy is committed to raising awareness about mental health, equality, diversity and inclusion in Science. She honestly speaks about her own experiences of being a female autistic scientist. She also started a project Neurodivergent in STEM (neurodivergent_in_stem) which allows others to share their stories and get in touch, encouraging communication and accessibility in Academia.

I’m so grateful that through creating this podcast I get a chance to meet so many amazing people, I probably wouldn’t have met otherwise. I loved talking with Daisy and I’m sure you’ll find her an incredible person and an impressive scientist! I’m so honoured to share her science, story and plans for the future with you. Please join us on Tuesday 9th of November!

Find Daisy on Twitter, IG and FB as and on her website

Have a great Sunday!

Hello!I'm happy to report that Episode 011 is OUT ✨ (links below!)My guest is Ewelina Kamińska (Motivelina)- Polish scie...

I'm happy to report that Episode 011 is OUT ✨ (links below!)
My guest is Ewelina Kamińska (Motivelina)- Polish scientist, science communicator and a PhD candidate at LMU in Munich (Germany). She is investigating active demethylation pathways in the group of Prof. Thomas Carell.

We discuss the culture of (over)working in the competitive academic environment and the power of inspiring teaching. Ewelina gives insight into her creative process of communicating science more clearly. She also shares her recipe for being productive and enjoying work-life balance. As part of the Room for Improvement series we talk about the need for more transparency in science. Enjoy listening!

Find Ewelina on Twitter

Follow her on Instagram

You can find the full episode here:
-Apple Podcasts:
-Science on Trial and Error Website:

Hi everyone! I'm very excited to reveal that my next guest (this coming MONDAY), will be Ewelina Kamińska (also known as...

Hi everyone!
I'm very excited to reveal that my next guest (this coming MONDAY), will be Ewelina Kamińska (also known as Motivelina).

Ewelina is Polish scientist and science communicator. She is a PhD candidate in the field of epigenetics and chemical biology at Ludwig Maximilians Universität in Munich, Germany. She is investigating active demethylation pathways in the group of Prof. Thomas Carell. In parallel, she is pursuing a MSc degree in Endocrinology at University of South Wales. Prior to her PhD, she got her BSc degree in Human Genetics from University of Nottingham in the UK.

Ewelina is a first author of several papers from her PhD work, but she's also doing a lot of freelance writing in Polish. She's been a Scientific Expert for Forbes Poland and she wrote two eBooks aimed at general public. One is focused on cancer and the other one on pandemics.

Ewelina is very passionate about science communication. Her mission is to get people to trust scientists more. She has also created a platform for Polish Women in Science (FB: w nauce) to connect and to share experiences and advice.

It's been wonderful to chat with Ewelina, cause she's one of the people who inspired me to do this podcast!!! We cover a lot of different topics and Ewelina shares how she manages to do it all ;)

Tune in tomorrow to listen
💕 and check out on IG, Twitter and FB as well as her blog:

🎧 New episode alert! Enjoy listening and please share 💕 (links below)We start our new series with a Case Study on Starti...

🎧 New episode alert! Enjoy listening and please share 💕 (links below)

We start our new series with a Case Study on Starting a PhD in times of pandemic.
In this special episode my guests are Christine Fiedler, Ish*ta Gupta, Rebecca June Morse Mora and Valentin Hübner. They all started their PhD studies at IST Austria in September 2020, but their experiences differ in many ways.

We discuss how they dealt with application process, working during lockdowns and having courses online. We acknowledge the challenges and struggles of the last year, but we also recognize achievements and successes. We try to figure out what could be improved for the new students who will start their PhDs this year.

Enjoy listening! 😁🥰

You can find the full episode here:
-Apple Podcasts:
-Science on Trial and Error Website:

Hi everyone!  ✨I'm very happy to announce that the NEW special series 'CASE STUDIES' will premiere tomorrow! 💕. Instead ...

Hi everyone! ✨
I'm very happy to announce that the NEW special series 'CASE STUDIES' will premiere tomorrow! 💕. Instead of the usual one-on-one interviews, these episodes will be recorded as a discussion with several guests to provide you with different insights and different perspectives on a selected topic.

For our first SPECIAL episode, we decided to go with Case Study on Starting a PhD in times of pandemic. My lovely guests will be 4 PhD students who started their adventure at IST Austria last year.

I will be joined by:
-Christine Fiedler - Christine comes from Barbados and she is a PhD student in Chemistry. She is now affiliated with the group of Prof. Maria Ibanez. Prior to her studies at IST, she got her Master's degree in Polymer Chemistry at Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria.
-Ish*ta Gupta - Ish*ta is originally from India and she is pursuing her PhD in Neural Development in the group of Prof. Simon Hippenmeyer. Before she came to IST Austria, she finished her Master's studies in Medical Genetics at The University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada.
-Rebecca June Morse Mora - Rebecca comes from Spain and she is a Neuroscience PhD student with the group of Prof. Peter Jonas. She obtained her B.Sc. degree in Biotechnology from Imperial College London with a year of research done abroad at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden.
-Valentin Hübner. - Valentin is from Austria and he joined Prof. Chatterjee group to study game theory during his PhD. He got his integrated Master's degree in Mathematics from University of Cambridge.

Join us tomorrow to hear about their experiences and let me know if there is any topic that you'd like to hear about as part of this series ❤

Hi! Sorry to have kept you waiting! With a small delay... Episode 009 is LIVE ✨ (links below!)My guest is Mojtaba Tavako...

Sorry to have kept you waiting! With a small delay... Episode 009 is LIVE ✨ (links below!)

My guest is Mojtaba Tavakoli - biologist and PhD student in the group of Prof. Johann Danzl at IST Austria. His research is focused on developing methods to study biological samples with more precision using expansion microscopy.

We discuss the power of collaborative science and how we all go through difficult times during our PhDs. Mojtaba shares his positive and negative experiences as a refugee in Austria. We agree that scientists could use more training in scientific communication.

Find Mojtaba on Twitter

You can find the full episode here:
-Apple Podcasts:
-Science on Trial and Error Website:

Hi everyone! ❤I'm very proud to share that tomorrow my guest will be Mojtaba Tavakoli. Mojtaba comes from Afghanistan an...

Hi everyone! ❤
I'm very proud to share that tomorrow my guest will be Mojtaba Tavakoli.
Mojtaba comes from Afghanistan and he is currently a PhD student in the group of Prof. Johann Danzl at IST Austria. His project is focused on developing methods to study biological samples with more precision using expansion microscopy. Prior to his PhD studies, Mo obtained his B.Sc. in Biology at the University of Vienna. He was investigating signaling in cancer cells under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Thomas Czerny and Dr. Wolfgang Sommergruber.

Aside from his research, Mojtaba is frequently participating in public outreach and scientific communication initiatives.
He is co-founder and active member of the IGASUS ( - organization supporting young people from Afghanistan with their education and integration in Austria. They organize workshops and mentoring programs, provide educational advice and aim to create a bridge between the Afghan and Austrian communities.

I am honoured that Mojtaba has shared his story with me - Not only the scientific part of his life, but also his experiences as a refugee in Austria. Even though he's been through a lot of difficult moments, he stays optimistic and open towards whatever will come next. His message is very clear: "Life is hard, but is also short. Both sadness and happiness belong together. Sad things can really drag you down, but they can also push you and make you stronger".

We recorded this episode few weeks ago, right before the situation in Afghanistan became so critical. I am heartbroken by how quickly it has deteriorated. It is a catastrophic humanitarian crisis and European countries should be doing much more to help the refugees and Afghans trapped inside the country. Please consider supporting organizations providing aid for people in Afghanistan.

A feature in Polish as part Motivelina 's series   (a wordplay on motivated in Polish) ❤Such an honour to tell my story ...

A feature in Polish as part Motivelina 's series (a wordplay on motivated in Polish) ❤
Such an honour to tell my story and get to know more scientists thanks to this! 🥰

🎧 New episode alert! Enjoy listening and please share 💕I am joined by Rose Waugh. Rose is a PhD student in Astrophysics ...

🎧 New episode alert! Enjoy listening and please share 💕

I am joined by Rose Waugh. Rose is a PhD student in Astrophysics in the group of Prof. Moira Jardine at the University of St Andrews in Scotland. Her research is focused on the formation of prominences in the magnetic fields of low mass stars.✨✨✨

We talk about stellar clouds and winds, communicating science with cartoons and the joys of teaching. Rose shares how she juggles work and personal life being a mum to a toddler. We discuss the inaccessibility of academia and physics still remaining a Boys' Club. Rose reveals that she would love to have coffee with Jim Al-Khalili to thank him for inspiring her career in science.
Enjoy listening!

Check out Rose's Instagram and find her on Twitter:

You can find the full episode here:
-Apple Podcasts:
-Science on Trial and Error Website:

Episode 008: Rose Waugh is a PhD student in Astrophysics in the group of Prof. Moira Jardine at the University of St Andrews in Scotland. Her research is foc...

Hi everyone! We are BACK from our short vacation break ☀️ New guests are booked and exciting things are coming... 😍In th...

Hi everyone!
We are BACK from our short vacation break ☀️ New guests are booked and exciting things are coming... 😍
In the new episode we are talking about SPACE!!! I will be joined by Rose Waugh - PhD student in Astrophysics at the University of St Andrews under the supervision of Prof. Moira Jardine. She studies stellar prominences - clouds forming in the magnetic field of low mass stars 🌟✨
(Rose's website:

Rose lives in Scotland and she did her Undergrad Studies in Theoretical Physics at Uni of St Andrews. She is also a mum of a toddler and we had a chance to discuss how she juggles her work and personal life.

Rose is very passionate about teaching and public outreach. Her Instagram account is wonderful! Check it out and have a look at beautiful cartoons that she draws to explain Astrophysics. 🥰

I am so impressed by her enthusiasm for Science and I just loved our chat. She has such a big heart, I'm sure you will love her too. ❤ Stay tuned for the next episode!

🎧 New episode alert! Enjoy listening and please share 💕My guest is Mariia Zhuldybina. She is a physicist and an entrepre...

🎧 New episode alert! Enjoy listening and please share 💕

My guest is Mariia Zhuldybina. She is a physicist and an entrepreneur from Russia, currently living in Canada. Mariia completed her PhD in the group of François Blanchard at École de Technologie Supérieure in Montréal. She is also a CEO and co-founder of a start-up company TRAQC which provides a new method for quality control of printed electronics using terahertz radiation.

We discuss the challenges of creating a new business and transferring technology from the lab to the industry. Mariia opens up about her love of teaching and her hopes of becoming a group leader in the future. We both share how we dealt with the unavoidable rejections. We also cover the beautiful art of sewing and living abroad without knowing the language. Enjoy listening!

Find Mariia's company here:

You can find the full episode here:
-Apple Podcasts:
-Science on Trial and Error Website:

Episode 007: Mariia Zhuldybina is a physicist and an entrepreneur from Russia, currently living in Canada. She completed her PhD in the group of François Bla...

It's about time to reveal that in the next episode my guest will be Mariia Zhuldybina. 😍Mariia comes from Russia and she...

It's about time to reveal that in the next episode my guest will be Mariia Zhuldybina. 😍

Mariia comes from Russia and she has just defended her PhD thesis from École de Technologie Supérieure in Montréal (Canada). Before moving to Canada, Masha obtained her B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Physics from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

During her PhD in the group of ‪François Blanchard‬, Mariia developed and patented a method for quality control of printed electronics with the use of Terahertz radiation. Currently, she is splitting her time between academia and her own company - TRAQC - and she's working on implementing her technology in industry.

Masha is a brilliant scientist who likes to share her spark of science through teaching. She's passionate about her research and she keeps putting the bar higher and higher. I'm glad we had a chance to meet and I'm grateful that she decided to share her inspiring story through the podcast. The one take-home message that I think this episode will leave you with is that things may go sideways, but with hard work and determination you can overcome these missteps and succeed. 💪

Listen to the new episode tomorrow to find out what are metamaterials and terahertz radiation as well as how Mariia created her start-up and moved to another country without knowing the language.

Here we go! Another episode is in the making⏳ Premiere on Monday 🥰 Curious about the guest? Come back tomorrow! ⏰

Here we go! Another episode is in the making⏳ Premiere on Monday 🥰
Curious about the guest? Come back tomorrow! ⏰

🎧 New episode alert! Enjoy listening and please share 💕My guest is Nicole Amberg -neuroscientist and postdoc in the grou...

🎧 New episode alert! Enjoy listening and please share 💕
My guest is Nicole Amberg -neuroscientist and postdoc in the group of Simon Hippenmeyer at IST Austria, where she is investigating the role of epigenetics regulation in neural stem cells lineage progression in the developing cortex.

We discuss which activities are important when you pursue a leadership position in academia. Nicole talks about her altruistic drive and how her initiatives aim to create a better place for others. She also reveals her reasons for not becoming a vet and for continuing her career in Vienna. We also cover mentorship, challenges of becoming accepted as knowledgeable scientist when switching fields and gender stereotypes within the society's mindset. Enjoy listening!

You can find the full episode here:
-Apple Podcasts:
-Science on Trial and Error Website:

Episode 006: Nicole Amberg is a neuroscientist and a postdoc in the group of Simon Hippenmeyer at IST Austria. She is investigating the role of epigenetics r...



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