Kinship Mothers: A Breastfeeding Stories Podcast

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Kinship Mothers: A Breastfeeding Stories Podcast Kinship Mothers podcast is a collection of breastfeeding stories told by mothers, hosted by a mother.

The Kinship Mothers podcast is a collection of stories told by a diverse array of breastfeeding mothers, featuring a new episode every week. Kinship Mothers' mission is to empower and encourage breastfeeding mothers, while creating community so that no breastfeeding mother feels alone on her journey.


The WHO & PAHO report suggests that human milk provided to children after 1 year of age is a valuable source of energy and nutrients.

Measurements of milk volume after 1 year vary greatly across studies, and this variation is likely influenced by geographic location, cultural norms, and other context-specific factors.

Estimates across populations indicate that children breastfeeding for >1 year consume from ∼100 to 600 mL/day of human milk and that human milk can (but does not always) provide a substantial amount of energy to infants during this time. PMID: 34115518

Decreasing volume of breast milk after the age of 1 year is considered normal but with the decreased volume comes a change in the composition of human milk.

Studies show that:
✨After 18 months of life, the concentrations of protein and lipids were higher and carbohydrates were lower.
✨Protein concentrations were even

higher after 2 years of life.
✨Fat and total energy concentrations were higher in milk produced after 1 year of life.
✨Milk produced after one year of life was found to have more protein but less zinc, calcium, iron, and oligosaccharides.

In summary, human milk remains a source of macronutrients and micronutrients for children >1 year old, although there is substantial variation in milk volume and nutrient concentrations, likely due to changing infant demand and dilution effects.

What about immune benefits you may ask?!

There is consistency in the literature demonstrating increased concentrations of milk-borne immune components in late lactation, specifically secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA), total IgA, lactoferrin, and lysozyme. Breastfeeding for >1 year continues to provide children with immunological support, although it remains unclear what level of protection this would provide in the older, more developed child.

We need a ton more data on prolonged/extended breastfeeding and the benefits of it for babies but the data does show significant nutrition is still provided and protective immune compounds are still found in breast milk after the age of 12 months.

Citations in comments:


"You should never wake a sleeping baby to feed"

This is actually true for babies that are a bit older and are feeding and gaining weight adequately. They will naturally sleep longer and longer, and it is best to work around their schedules, which will continue to change.

Eventually we do want them to be sleeping through the night. However, it is very important to make sure that with a newborn, a baby that is not gaining the proper amount of weight, or if you are having any issues with maintaining your milk supply, that you wake your baby for feedings.

A general rule with newborns: Feed a minimum of every 2 to 3 hours during the day and no longer than 3 to 4 hours at night. 💛💛💛

(📸 )


"A newborn baby has only three demands.

They are warmth in the arms of its mother, food from her breasts, and security in the knowledge of her presence.

Breastfeeding satisfies all three."

~Grantly Dick-Read (Childbirth Without Fear)


Hi! Your host, Shayla Lucas, here! I brought my son into the world this week, in the back of my car actually with the he...

Hi! Your host, Shayla Lucas, here!

I brought my son into the world this week, in the back of my car actually with the help of his daddy! This is a photo of our first latch!

I am taking a week off from sharing a new breastfeeding story, but I will be back at it next week! And stay tuned to hear an episode of my son's birth and how our breastfeeding journey is going so far! 🤍


Milia föddes två månader för tidigt, men har varken lagts i kuvös eller skiljts från sina föräldrar. Istället har Milia fått ligga hud mot hud med både mamma och pappa sedan födelseögonblicket. Det tack vare ett nytt arbetssätt som används på sjukhusen i Gävle och Hudiksvall.

– Personalen är helt otroliga. Förlossningen var tidig och oväntad, men ändå lugn och trygg, säger Milias mamma Sophia Pihlajainen.

Ett nyfött barn behöver uppleva närhet och få värme, även om det fötts för tidigt eller är sjukt. Det nya arbetssättet innebär att det nyfödda barnet läggs direkt efter födseln på mammans bröst där det får stanna, där får barnet också den vård de behöver. Hud- mot hudmetoden började som ett projekt men är nu ett etablerat arbetssätt inom BB, förlossningen och kvinnosjukvården i Region Gävleborg. Vinsten är friskare barn och mammor och trygga familjer.

– Anknytningen mellan barnet och mamman påverkas positivt. Det leder till kortare vårdtider och hela familjen känner sig trygg och nöjd, säger barnsköterskan Stina Lundin på neonatalavdelningen i Gävle.

– Det vi kan se är att vi har färre inlagda barn med låg kroppstemperatur och kuvöserna används nu alltmer sällan, säger Jennika Pettersson som varit projektledare.

Läs mer om projektet och bakgrunden till det:

New breastfeeding story! Hear it on Spotify & iHeart Radio! Listen to Elizabeth tell the story of her four unmedicated b...

New breastfeeding story!

Hear it on Spotify & iHeart Radio!

Listen to Elizabeth tell the story of her four unmedicated births and very different breastfeeding experiences. Some of her children required a ni**le shield to nurse successfully, one took mostly a bottle of breastmilk, while one nursed from the breast without any issue. With all of her children, Elizabeth was an overproducer and pumped to store milk that she had, sometimes giving it away to those in need and also selling it. During some of her breastfeeding journey, Elizabeth tandem fed a toddler while also breastfeeding a newborn.

Elizabeth lives in West Virginia with her husband, Moe, four biological children (Tarrah, Emma, Aria, and Miles) and two foster children.

Connect with Elizabeth: Tarrahandemmasmom2(at)

Favorite Resources:
Lansinoh Contact Ni**le Shields -

Lansinoh Signature Pro Double Electric Breast Pump -



On average, babies remove ~70% of the milk mama has available in her breast. They eat until they are full, not until the breast is “emptied”.

Efficient breast drainage with frequent milk removal helps moms to produce more milk quickly. It also helps baby to gain more weight.

The extent to which the breast is drained during a feed is what research has shown to drive breastmilk fat/calorie content. The fuller the breast, the lower the fat content of the milk; the emptier the breast, the higher the fat content of the milk.

If you think your baby may not have a good latch, it is important to address this as early as possible. A shallow attachment to the breast can cause mom’s milk production to drop over time, as well as slow baby’s weight gain.


**les **les


When I was nursing my first little one, we had a black Chevy Nova and there was a whole lot of milk spray on the dashboard. It was clear that milk didn’t just come out from one single hole. You may have noticed this, too.⁠

But years ago, midwives at The Farm in Tennessee, enrolled in nursing school, were told by an OB that milk does come out of just one hole. Amongst them, several were breastfeeding, so they showed him – it’s a spray.⁠

It's easy to be convinced that the person in the white coat knows more about how your body works than you do- even when you know they are plain wrong. This story is a classic example of what I call "medsplaining" -a form of medical gaslighting. But you know your body better than anyone else. You are the expert, you are the authority.⁠

What I love about this story is that it reminds us that it’s the experienced women - the mothers and grandmothers who have done this before - that can often teach us the most. If our own bodies are the library; each other's are the university.⁠

If you are a pregnant or new mama I encourage you to reach out to the experienced mamas, the grandmothers, and aunts, the healers, the wise women and sages in your circle. The women who have walked this path ahead of you - sometimes three, four, five times - so that they can tell you where it gets steep, where the pitfalls are, where to stop, rest, replenish. You don't have to carve your own trail when there are hundreds and thousands of footsteps to follow.⁠ I’m here for you, too.

And please continue to turn to the wise women for support and remember to trust your knowledge as well- we each have our own inner wise woman to consult ❤️.




We are füćkïńg ART 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
This is Postpartum
This is beautiful
Your body created &
carried life
Your body birthed life & then continues to care for that life while still trying to heal itself

Your body is left changed, different than before
Those changes are indisputable

You are a mother 🩸
You have shed blood for your child
You live & breathe for your child

Your body is their first home, their favorite place
Your body is their familiar comfort
So love your body & thank your body ✨

Hi! I'm Shayla Lucas, the host and voice behind the Kinship Mothers' podcast! I am expecting my second child literally a...

Hi! I'm Shayla Lucas, the host and voice behind the Kinship Mothers' podcast!

I am expecting my second child literally any day now but wanted to reassure my listeners and guests that the podcast will go on, and I will try to stay as productive as possible with getting new episodes out weekly once I am on my new breastfeeding and postpartum journey!

I am loving this new venture, helping mothers tell their breastfeeding stories, but I am also excited to start my newest adventure with my son.

If you haven't yet, make sure to like and follow here! And find all episodes on Spotify or iHeart Radio! 🎧🤍

New breastfeeding story! Hear it on Spotify & iHeartRadio! Brianna tells her story of having her first c-section after b...

New breastfeeding story!

Hear it on Spotify & iHeartRadio!

Brianna tells her story of having her first c-section after being induced at 39 weeks for blood pressure issues and then electing to have a second c-section for her next child. She references struggles she had with breastfeeding her daughter once home from the hospital due to weight gain issues and then the immediate change in latch and nursing ability that her son experienced post circumcision. Brianna recalls her anxieties and struggles with both of her babies in the early weeks of her breastfeeding journeys and shares the driving force behind her decision to mostly pump for her daughter and then exclusively pump to feed her son. She reflects on the mental and physically taxing part of postpartum healing and the process of exclusively pumping with her first child vs. her second. She then recalls navigating her daughter’s reluctance to accept a new baby while the whole family dealt with a demanding pumping and feeding schedule for a newborn. Brianna goes into detail about exclusive pumping schedules and demand, stocking up and freezing milk, returning to work, and also drying up your supply when pumping when weaning.

Brianna lives in West Virginia with her husband, Luke, and her two children: Lilly and Judson.

Connect with Brianna:

Brianna Adkins -

Email: briannaadkins23(at)

Favorite Resources:


Spectra S1 PLUS Breast Pump -

Elvie Pump -

Medela Contact Ni**le Shield -


Willow Go Pump Vs Willow 3.0 Portable Breast pump -

Exclusively Pumping Schedule - When to Start Pumping and how to wean off Pumping -


Extra tips from Brianna for exclusive pumping:

1. Stay hydrated

2. Eat enough calories

3. Don’t freak out if you miss a pumping session. 1 session won’t make or break it. If you need sleep, sleep!

4. If you work, have a pump at home and at work if you can so you don’t have to lug pumps everywhere.

Referenced in the show:

The ARRIVE study -

So true 🤍👇🏼

So true 🤍👇🏼



Forever wanting your personal space, but loving the attachment at the same time.

Too funny not to share! However, it is actually ILLEGAL to ask a woman to cover up or relocate to another spot when brea...

Too funny not to share!

However, it is actually ILLEGAL to ask a woman to cover up or relocate to another spot when breastfeeding in public!

When you're asked to cover up while breastfeeding...😂

Photo credit: Melanie Dudley

New breastfeeding story! Hear it on Spotify & iHeartRadio!

New breastfeeding story!

Hear it on Spotify & iHeartRadio!

Episode 7: Pediatric physical therapist dives deep into tongue tie release and oral dysfunction issues with her children and shares advice and resources for finding oral specialists - Macy Bassler

Listen to Macy compare her first birth which she calls “very medicalized” to her second natural and spontaneous birth. She then begins her breastfeeding story with her first child where she suffered through pain and anxiety before getting a tongue tie release 3 months postpartum; she breastfed for 9 months total only to find out that her child was not meeting her pediatrician's growth chart expectations, resulting in her decision to switch to formula. The experience with her first child fueled a lot of anxiety and insecurity when she began breastfeeding her second, causing her to pump while also feeding from the breast; this extra pumping created an oversupply and a lot more stress for Macy. She also goes into detail about how each of her children were affected by oral dysfunctions and ties and why those things were treated and corrected, even at later stages in her breastfeeding journeys – she reflects on these things as she is in training herself to become a certified International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). Macy digs deep into oral ties, their history dating all the way back to biblical references, and reflects on the beauty behind a baby’s natural breastfeeding instincts. Macy also provides details about how her first child’s tongue tie correction was completely different than her second child’s, and shares advice and resources for mothers who are searching for providers that specialize in ties and other common oral issues that affect breastfeeding and many other bodily functions from birth to adulthood.

Macy lives in Kentucky with her husband, Andrew, and their 3 children: a 7-month-old, 2-year-old, and an 8-year-old.

Connect with Macy:
Email - macybassler(at)
Facebook - Macy Bassler
Blog -
Instagram -

Favorite Resources:
Kiinde pumping/bottle feeding system

TOTs Trained Professional Directory

Tethered Oral Tissues

Sleep Disordered Breathing

Oral Habits

Other signs/resources

WV Birth to Three

Want to help another mother breastfeed her baby? That could mean something as simple as sharing your story for her to he...

Want to help another mother breastfeed her baby? That could mean something as simple as sharing your story for her to hear.

Submit your story today!

Please answer the following questions about you and your experience breastfeeding. Feel free to be honest and open, as there is no such thing as TMI (too much information) on the Kinship Mothers podcast. Unfortunately, we cannot get back to every person who submits a story but will reach out via ema...


It doesn’t matter if your baby’s breastfed, formula fed, or a little bit of both, they’re going to wake up at night, several times, for the rest of their lives, just like everyone else.

Did you know, that It’s common for adults to wake up briefly in certain stages of sleep? (which you may or may not even remember).

So why in the world are we expecting babies to sleep through the whole night starting at 2..3….4 months?

Not only is it NORMAL for your baby to wake up…
Frequent waking protects your baby by:

➖Ensuring that their care provider is kept close.
➖Keeping the baby fed frequently throughout the night to ensure proper growth and nutrition.
➖ Helping prevent SIDS, sudden infant death syndrome.

〰️In a large study of European SIDS cases, researchers found that SIDS rates were lowest for babies who slept in the same room. (Carpenter et al 2004).

〰️Breastfeeding & SIDS:

Analyses of SIDS cases suggest that breastfeeding has a protective effect against SIDS. Compared to controls, breastfed babies were less likely to die of SIDS, even after controlling for maternal socioeconomic status, baby’s sleeping position, smoking, and bed sharing
(Hauck et al 2011).

Humans are the most immature of all mammals at birth and they need some extra time to adapt to being “on the outside,” while their little bodies and nervous systems develop some more. It is NORMAL and natural for your baby to constantly want your attention and closeness.

Your baby isn’t broken.
Their sleep isn’t meant to be convenient.

✔️If you found this post helpful,
Like and share it with a friend & follow
for more!


"If breastfeeding is challenging in the beginning maybe there is something wrong with you."

While breastfeeding is inherently “simple”, it's usually not “easy”.

For something that is so natural, it is still a learned skill and can take days and weeks to get comfortable with.

A survey published in The Journal of Pediatrics revealed that “92% of all new moms had at least one concern by their third day of breastfeeding”.

Early, PRENATAL breastfeeding education and support is the most important thing you can do to prepare for your baby’s arrival. ❤

New breastfeeding story! Hear it on Spotify & iHeart Radio:

New breastfeeding story!

Hear it on Spotify & iHeart Radio:

Nikki tells her preterm birth and delivery story that started with her water breaking at 37 weeks and ended with an unplanned C-section. She recalls her time post-delivery in the hospital with having little to no help breastfeeding her preterm baby, to then be sent home to feel very lost in her new journey as a breastfeeding mother. Nikki reveals struggles that she and her son had in the early weeks of their journey with weight gain issues that continued for several months until he was finally diagnosed and treated for oral ties. Nikki recalls her experience of syringe feeding her breastmilk to her child when he couldn’t latch properly, exclusively pumping to ensure he was getting enough milk before oral tie correction, and also transitioning back to nursing from the bottle post oral tie corrections. Nikki also discusses her family’s financial situation and her opportunity to stay home from work with her son to breastfeed him the way she wanted to.

Nikki lives in Ohio with her husband, Daren, and son, Reece.

Connect with Nikki on Instagram:

Favorite Resources:

Dairy-free Breastfeeding:

Exclusive Pumping Education and Support:

The Allie Nursing Bra:

Reusable Nursing Pads:

LaVie Lactation Massagers:

Dairy-Free Diet - Breastfeeding:


Some days are hard.
Some days are a struggle.
Then, some days knock the floor out from underneath you.

This is a shout out to YOU mom,

The one who is trying.
The one who is pumping for her preemie in the NICU.
The one who has a low supply and continues to provide what she can.
To the mama who’s new and going through the fourth trimester.
To the breastfeeding mom trying to care for a toddler and newborn.
To the one who has been exclusively pumping since day one.
To the single breastfeeding mama doing it all despite the struggles.
To the mama feeling guilty for supplementing with formula.
The one struggling with an oversupply.
To the triple feeding mom doing her best.
The one who hit a bump in her breastfeeding journey and is learning to push through.
To the mama going through stages of weaning her baby.

You are amazing.
You are appreciated.
You are so loved.

Take a deep breath.
You’ll get through today.
You are a great mom.


"You should wait until your breasts feel full before you nurse or pump."

The amount of milk that your breasts will make is dependent on how much you express while nursing or from pumping. This is called supply and demand. The more you feed, the more milk you will make.

Normally, your body will produce what you ask of it by feeding frequently and following your baby's hunger cues. An improper latch to the breast, delaying or missing feedings, and unnecessary formula supplementation can all cause a decrease in your supply.

As the breast remains full a signal is sent to your brain to make less milk. As the breast is continuously empty from feeding or pumping, a signal is sent to make more.

The very best way to maintain an adequate supply is to feed or pump frequently and according to the needs of your baby. That will best ensure that what your baby needs is what you will make.

This is the same regardless of whether you are nursing one baby or multiples! 💕


"Pumping will tell you how much breast milk you are producing."

The amount of milk that you are able to get out with your breast pump is not a good indicator of the amount of breast milk that you are actually making or the amount that your baby gets when nursing directly at your breast.

Your baby is much more “efficient” at getting the milk out by a combination of sucking, compressing and triggering a hormonal response in your body stimulating multiple “let downs” of milk.

The type of pump you use, the ability to control the speed and suction separately, the settings on your pump, proper maintenance of its parts, and your knowledge of how to effectively use your pump will make milk extraction easier, but will still not tell you exactly how much you are making or what your baby is eating when nursing.

It is less important to know “how much” you are making, then to know if the amount that your baby is getting is “enough”. These are two separate things. One will be quantified in a number of ounces…the other will be an indication of your baby’s well being such as, lots of wet and p**p diapers (hydration), satiety (baby is satisfied) and weight gain (proper growth and development).

Using these parameters instead, you will not only feel less anxious about getting your pump to give you some arbitrary number, but you will also feel more relaxed knowing your baby is getting all that is needed, whatever that is for your baby, at that time and on that day!

New breastfeeding story! Hear it on Spotify! -

New breastfeeding story!

Hear it on Spotify! -

Listen to Jade reflect on her two home birth experiences; her first home birth was unplanned and took place during the early days of Canada’s COVID lockdown, while her second occurred once the world had opened back up. She recalls all of the struggles from her first experience with breastfeeding due to her first son having a tongue tie that caused her a lot of damage in the beginning, while her second child breastfed with minimal issues and was a nursing “champ!” Jade discusses her passions for self-care for mom and dad in postpartum, the importance of nutrition for a healing mother and a solid-starting baby, and also shares lots of resources on natural concoctions to be used to induce birth with a “midwife cocktail,” heal damaged ni**les with Jack Newman’s APNO ointment, and more. She also delves into what the weaning process looked like for her first child that was still nursing when she became pregnant with their second.

Jade lives in Calgary, Canada with her WV native husband, Noah, and two sons, Barron and Ari.

Connect with Jade on Instagram:

Favorite Breastfeeding Resources:

- The First Forty Days by Heng Ou -

- The Fourth Trimester by Kimberley Ann Johnson -

- Breastfeeding Made Simple by Nancy Mohrbacher & Kathleen Kendall-Tackett -

- Solid Starts -

- The Belle Method -

- Kelly Mom -

- Jack Newman's APNO ni**le ointment -**le-ointment-431885


Does your baby latch and unlatch often during a feed?
You’re not alone!
Popping on and off through feeds is frustrating for both parent and baby. Today Maureen and Heather chat about how they manage this issue in consultation and what some possible causes and solutions are.  This problem is complex, but your friends at the Milk Minute are here to help!


What better way to meet your baby brother than to share a special moment with mommy?

People kept asking "Has he weaned yet?" "Won't that be difficult?" "Is he going to take the baby's milk?"

And those are all fair questions to wonder! These boys are exactly 2 years and 2 months apart to the date.

My 2 year old nursed through my pregnancy. He transitioned with me as my milk went back to colostrum.

He maneuvered around a growing belly and cuddled accordingly. His world changed as mine did.

He went from nursing every chance he got to a few times a day. He went from nursing a few times a day to just before bed. He didn't need to nurse in order to survive. He wanted his same source of comfort among the many, many changes.

So did I make him wean? No way.

Was it difficult? At times, absolutely.

Will it be difficult? Not nearly as difficult as introducing a new baby who took both mommy AND b**b.

Will he take his baby brother's milk? Not a chance. My body replenished every bit of colostrum the same way it replenishes milk after each feeding.

Tandem nursing is so special. It's more than breastfeeding two. It's sharing an equal part of me. It's bonding.




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