FOR INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY I’m moderating a panel for the “WOMEN WHO MEAN BUSINESS” symposium hosted by the Greater Vanvouver Chamber of Commerce.
My guest on this week’s podcast is symposium speaker, author, and etiquette expert Jacqueline Whitmore. She was a good sport as I pushed back a little bit about the notion of etiquette.
It seems to me etiquette has been used throughout history as a way to define women’s roles, control our expression, and impose behavior standards. But, Jacqueline explains that modern etiquette is something quite different.
As leaders, activists, and change makers we have to find a way to strike a balance between passive courtesy and pushing for meaningful change. But rejecting formalities of the past doesn’t mean we reject etiquette altogether.
Jacqueline shares the new etiquette and the single, simple guiding rule that will help you release your worries so you can enjoy engaging with others. Modern etiquette can boost confidence, inspire compassion, and create better relationships as we do our work in the world.
Big thanks to Jacqueline Whitmore for her kind and patient conversation. I’m eager to hear what you think!
Autumn joy. Listen for the sound of a neighbor raking her leaves. ✌🏽🧡☺️