Future streamer 😍❤️ they ain't ready
When you try to get your teammates reboot card and this happens
Last night running with my little cousin and Carrot. I had to pull this magic trick out my bag after they died before the 1st circle closed
Merry Christmas @followers hope everyone has a blessed day and holiday 🙏🏼❤️💪🏼
Thank you for the shout out Jeremy Inman aka Android 16 Clarksville Anime-Fest
Chuck Huber aka Android 17 aka Kurogiri with the amazing Shout out Clarksville Anime-Fest
The OG Goku himself Peter Kelamis Clarksville Anime-Fest
LETS GOOOOOOO WE ARE LESS THAN 200 AWAY FROM 2K!!!!!!!!! Share your boy out LETS GROW 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼🔥🔥🔥 tiktok.com/@ss_og_goku
We will be live on TkTk at 4:40CT running some bot ranked apex with my boy Lagmasterflex
We will be LIVE today at 4:30CT with Lagmasterflex running some APEX
Yesterday on tktk we got 7 dubs back to back on My Hero Ultra Rumble
Who's ready for some My Hero Ultra Rumble. We will be on tiktok in less than an hour
It's Wednesday you know what that means APEX TIME at 4:30 with Lagmasterflex 💪🏼💪🏼