Feels like this is something a lot of us need to hear.
Sound on lovely! 🎧🧡 This just might be a turning point to feeling better…
Get your momentum going here:
Tag a couple of friends you’d love to do the challenge with next week! 🥰
**New podcast episode is out**
How can we understand joy as our natural state?
How can we connect our individual meditation and yoga practice to the collective, so that we do less harm in the context of systemic injustice?
How can emotional sensitivity become a superpower?
These are some of the questions that arose in my conversation with Liz Getman. Liz is a yoga teacher, writer and podcaster who talks about our Big S self and why "my liberation is connected to your liberation". You are going to love this conversation!
Connect with Liz on IG @lizgetman and www.lizgetman.com
I keep having the same conversation with people — how busy life has suddenly gotten again. But we don’t have to let the outer momentum of life around us determine our inner momentum.
Here’s the challenge…for the month of July, let’s practice 5 minutes a day to Harness Your Inner Momentum. I’m running the challenge and daily support through the Messy Luminous Being Podcast (so you don’t even have to get on social media to join in!)
The meditation practice we’ll do is super simple and much more powerful than it seems. We’ll do it standing…so you can practice anywhere. And I’ll teach you how to create a “bridge” from the busy momentum of outer life to our inner life that we get to control.
☀️I’ll share that and all the practice instructions and challenge details thru the MLB newsletter. So sign up here if you haven’t already.
Whether you feel the speed of life ramping up and you’d like to do something to counteract that…
Whether you feel like you can’t meditate because your mind is way to busy (but you wish it weren’t)
Whether you have no extra time, trips planned for July… but you’d just love to get re-inspired…
Harness Your Inner Momentum is for you ☺️💕
I can’t wait to spend a little bit more time with you this coming month! 💛
➡️➡️ sign up for details here https://mailchi.mp/sarahbhunt/messyluminousbeing
Coming into right relationship with ourselves
What does it mean to come into “right relationship”? With ourselves? With the Earth? With each other?
This question and Natasha Lythgoe’s beautiful insights in response have become a bit of a daily mantra for me.
This past year has really shaken us all up. We’re exhausted. So many things have changed...and been lost.
But when I look back, I also want to know this was a moment I took stock. I stepped back, thought about what was really important to me and realigned myself with the life I wanted to be living.
It’s too easy to stay busy and forget the really important questions and miss the really important moments. It feels like this is one of those moments. Time for a pause. A step back. And a question —how do I want to live? How do I want to go Forward From Here?
The Forward From Here virtual summit is 💯 FREE and includes speakers like Natasha who will inspire you to think about this question from all different angles. Speakers will be delivered directly to your inbox and the summit runs from 24-28 May so grab your spot now 💜
The Forward From Here summit is coming soon.
What if you transformed the past year of massive challenge into a new vision for your life? What insights and lessons are you taking away from the pandemic? And what do you want to create for yourself going forward from here?
So excited to share this FREE virtual summit.
Don't miss out on all the amazing speakers that will honestly change the way you think about 2020 and will inspire you in ways you didn't imagine.
Speakers include: Mitra Manesh of UCLA's Mindful Awareness Research Center, Natasha Lythgoe of The Art of ReWilding, Aiko Smith of The Mindfulness Mindset, Anna Turney two-time Paralympian skier and inclusivity speaker, Liza Kindred of EffThisMeditation, Dani Mae of Breath Guidance and so many more...
I know you will get so much from this summit. And it’s such a privilege to share it with you.
Everything starts 24 May and speakers are delivered daily straight to your inbox. So sign up now https://mailchi.mp/sarahbhunt/forwardfromheremay2021
Episode 077 your inner ecosystem w/Hannah Swift
"My godmother gave me a book that had two images in it. And the first one was an outline of a body and inside it was mechanical, there were lots of cogs and conveyer belts and machinery, and it said 'western view of the body'. And on the other page there was an outline of the body and there was a mountain and a forest, a cloud and a river, and it said 'eastern view of the body'.
Of course that's very simplistic and we don't always need to divide things up by West and East. But the point is that the Chinese and Traditional East Asian view of the body is that it is a natural system which is intrinsically connected both to itself and to the environment around it.
So that somebody has knee pain, you wouldn't see the knee pain on its own. You would always look at the connection between the knee and the lower back, any sense of fear in their life, how their kidneys are, how their bladder is.
These are webs of connection that are quite specific. So it's not random connections. There may be something that isn't connected to the kneee pain that's also manifesting in the body but you would credit a likelihood that it is connected before saying it isn't."
~ Hannah Swift @yellow_empress_acupuncture
(listen to our entire conversation on the podcast! Links in my IG bio)
#holistichealth #holisticwellness #energy #selfcaremoment #selfcaremovement #innerwellbeing #innertransformation #heartcentred #createthelifeyoulove #acupuncture #createthelifeyouwanttolive #simplybe #chooseyou #chooseyourself #selfcarematters #holisticliving #mindandbodybalance #calmcollected #womenswellbeing
You are not broken & you don't need to become better
Sitting together this morning
Messy Luminous Being podcast ep 003