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John 4:4-26
The samaritan woman's story of getting married five times and living with another she was not married to is a description of a person none of us would like to be , and rightly so. But then, before we put on our judgmental lens and critique her ungodly ways and condemn her for what appears too alien even in these times, let's delve deeper into the whole story and see how it reveals more about ourselves and very nature that it has ever occurred to us.

The story starts with the Samaritan woman coming to the well where Jesus sat to draw water. Jesus asked her to give him a drink and since Jews had nothing to do with Samaritans she was shocked by his request. Christ told her that if she knew who he was she would have asked him instead and he would have given her living water.

Our daily need for water can be compared to other activities we have in life we deem vital for our survival and or satisfaction. Though we get these, we are left in a never ending cycle of ever wanting more and never getting satisfied. Though we have a lot we still covet. We fornicate, watch obscene images and videos, try all forms of sexual pleasures but never satisfied. We have much yet still fighting for more, we are married but not satisfied with our wives , we have everything we ever imagined but yet still empty. We have fallen deep to various forms of addictions and have become slaves to them. We keep all forms of idols that we are not willing to let go. We feel lonely though in the midst of many. We fight for all in the world and lose ourselves, in the silence of the darkest nights our minds are filled with the chaos from the past and the anxiety of the future yet to come.
These are our stories; but these will not remain our stories forever because Jesus is here. The samaritan woman found herself in a similar situation we find ourselves now. Jesus Christ is revealing to you today all the things you thirst for. Though momentarily pleasurable it leaves you in a cycle of wanting more and never getting filled. But when we find Jesus he does not only reveal the secrets of our very lives he provides a way for you to be free forever , he gives you himself and quenches your thirst. He gives you new life and springs of living water bubbling unto eternal life.

“If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask Jesus, and He would give you living water.”

All these years it may be that you don't know this Jesus or you see him as a foreigner you wouldn't want to be associated with. He has come to you today, he is visiting you now, at the door of your heart , let him in and experience his power and love. There is no other name by which men can be saved but Jesus.

If you want to know this Jesus Christ,let's pray. Jesus Christ I hear people talk of you and who you are , but I know that there is no better way to know you than to experience your presence. Today come into my life , you have revealed yourself to me today in your word , let me know you in your power, come into my life , I ask for the spring of living water that is in you, I believe you have the power to save unto eternal life. I am ashamed of my wrongs, forgive me of my sins and be my lord and personal saviour. Come into life today and show me the way to our father in heaven AMEN!

Stay blessed !

Stay blessed !


Daniel turned a lion's den into a pen, David struck a lion as if it were a lizard and Samson tore a lion apart all by the power of God. He is not more of a God when He shuts the lion's mouth. He is not less of a God if He guides your arm and hands to overcome the beast. God is not defined by our successes neither by our failures. He is not defined by our faith neither our unbelief. The wonders of creation and generations that followed does not define Him because He is ; existence is too shallow a word. Moses and Isreal knew Him as the God of their forefathers but His name is I AM.(Exodus 3) . Before your father Abraham I AM ( John 8:58). God whenever I am tempted to define you by my experiences and Circumstances let me remember that your name is I AM THAT I AM!

WHAT ARE YOU HUNGRY FOR ?Temptations do come, the Lord admonished us to pray so that we do not fall into Temptation. But...


Temptations do come, the Lord admonished us to pray so that we do not fall into Temptation. But more often than not we are tempted by own desires.
People don't develop bad habits out of a blue moon.

The devil tempted Christ after fasting because he(devil) anticipated that he would be hungry and likely give in to his request. The little lust, pride, anger, envy,gluttony has the tendency to mature into something we never expect ourselves to do. The devil feast on these in accomplishing his ultimate purpose to steal ,kill and destroy. We should not be ignorant of the devil's devices.

Glory be to God that he gave us victory over these things through Christ our Lord Jesus Christ. Though he was tempted , he didn't give in; leaving a blueprint for us to be overcomers

Jesus said that blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled. Food and water is vital for the survival of any living organisms on this planet. So is righteousness for a Christian. In my previous post I shared how God gave us his own righteousness. Very true, righteousness is by Faith but must be shown in our works as well. How will people know your faith if it does not reflect in your works. In reality faith and works can't be separated. As Scripture puts it , faith is the evidence...

I will also make this bold claim, God did not form the universe out of nothing but he made the invisible visible.

"By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible"

He formed the world from his word. His word is something!

One way to overcome is to know his word." It is written and forever written..." that was how Jesus overcame his first Temptation. The word of God is active , it was given so that the child of God may be equipped for every good work.

It is good to know the word but you must also hunger and thirst after righteousness, abhor what is evil, cling to what is good like your life depends on it; your life depends on it.

The devil led the Lord to see the beautiful things of this world and asked Jesus to worship him.

Sometimes you can accidentally be led into a place to be tempted but don't give in, know that you serve the Lord alone. Most often we rather lead ourselves into sin by visiting sites and watching videos and movies not meant for a Christian. Desist from these , don't you know you worship the Lord alone ? Whatever you give in to for your pleasure becomes your God. May the Lord save you from the traps of the evil one.
As a man thinketh so is he. Be mindful of these "random thoughts and subject them to the word of God.

We tear down arguments and every presumption set up against the knowledge of God; and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things."
Philippians 4:8

The world will tempt you to "invoke" God to prove Himself. There is no need to , because we know our God. The best you can do is to suggest to them a way to seek him.

You should know that our Lord Jesus invested his time in prayer and fasting and he was full of the Holy Spirit.

We are more than conquerors. Nothing can separate us from the love of God. He is always interceding on our behalf. Never give up on doing good, never give up on getting to know him more. Seek him daily, always pray that the spirit of God lead you making the best decisions for life. Our Lord Jesus is with us in Spirit to guide us on how he made it , we need Him every day. Seek Him daily

May the Lord bless and keep you even as er get ever closer to the perfect image of Christ. AMEN!

for forty days, being tempted by the devil. And He ate nothing during those days, and when they ended, He was hungry.



Sin always disguises itself as pleasure, attracting the eyes , minds and the will of men. But deep to the mirage of satisfaction lies a deep web of pain, suffering, regret and destruction. The thought, word or action might appear harmless,but over time it has the potential to lead you in the never ending quest to achieve ultimate pleasure , which as I have said is never ending.

A little worm for your pleasure but deep lies the hook of destruction.

Thank God for those who have been saved from the bait of the delicious worm , which is connected to a hook and line held by strong beings.
But for those who have fallen for the devices of the wickedness of this world, it's never too late. It is for the freedom that Christ has set us free.

There is nothing too hard for the Lord. I am a living testimony of his goodness.

There is only one thing that sets men free...knowing the truth.

Jesus said in John 8:32 that you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Everyone who sins is a slave of sin ... the Scripture continues.

First you should understand that humanity fell short of the glory of God because we have all sinned. Christ died paying the wages of sin. It doesn't matter how grievous your sins were/are ,Christ died paying the wages of your sin with his own life. Christ died for you ,in exchange for that God gives you his own righteousness.

One thing that makes people go back to sin even if they regret it is the issue of guilt. You should understand that he was found guilty so that you will be free, not just from sin itself but the remorse that comes with it. You are no longer a slave of your previous sins. Judas and Peter committed a 'similar' sin of betraying the Lord, but one thought he had to do extra for his guilt by ending his life. Pray to your father in heaven, he came as flesh to experience your challenges, He is even knocking at your door, He does not want to wait till you seek him. He has been seeking for you all these years. He is faithful and just to forgive you once you confess and acknowledge your depraved state. The lord has forgiven you , it is time to forgive yourself and abide in his word. Worrying about your past will not change it, it will rather hinder your quest for change in the present and your joy for the near and distant future.

If anyone is in Christ , he is a New creation, old things have passed and all things have become new.

The new has come.

Prayer is a very strong tool that will help you in sustaining your relationship with God. Even as we crave to have a personal relationship with God we are being transformed into his likeness. Prayer is a great tool in sustaining this fellowship.

There is no better way in building your trust in God than learning/hearing his word on a daily basis. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Through the word of God you get to know the great inheritance you have , and just like breastmilk it nourishes the babe in Christ to full maturity.

No one can really believe Christ is Lord but by the spirit of God. Believing in Christ is probably one the best ways to know that you have encountered the Holy Spirit. It is through your walk with him that you will receive guidance in becoming like Christ.

Christ is the perfect example of the plan of God for humanity, he loved , made people clean from all forms of possessions and obsessions, he healed the sick , fed the hungry, loved children, forgave sins, gave men hope and a future, made men know the will of the father. In him is the perfect example of who we are to be.

Instead of telling people to copy what he did , he gave himself to us. Christ in us the hope of glory.

Come to Christ today, abide in him and your life will never be the same Amen!

Whenever in doubt, whenever you are tempted to think that the Lord has ceased doing great works, remember that He is wat...

Whenever in doubt, whenever you are tempted to think that the Lord has ceased doing great works, remember that He is watching over His word to fulfill it. Never give up! Continue in prayer, continue in reading His word. He has made you today like a fortified city and like an iron pillar and like bronze walls, you have overcome ,you are victorious , walk confidently knowing the Lord is with you. Do not be distraught and break down in the face of adversity , know that the Lord is with you. Hallelujah Glory be to God. Smile
He is actively working

Habbakuk 3:17-19Though the fig tree does not budand there are no grapes on the vines,though the olive crop failsand the ...

Habbakuk 3:17-19
Though the fig tree does not bud
and there are no grapes on the vines,

though the olive crop fails
and the fields produce no food,

though there are no sheep in the pen
and no cattle in the stalls,

yet I will rejoice in the Lord,
I will be joyful in God my Savior.

The Sovereign Lord is my strength;
he makes my feet like the feet of a deer,

he enables me to tread on the heights.

Just believe

Just believe

The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. Psalm 34:10In the midst of the noise...

The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. Psalm 34:10

In the midst of the noise never forget to seek him with all your heart. God will never disappoint those that seek him. Come those who are weary and burdened and He will give you rest. He stands at the door and knock. If anyone hears His voice and opens the door, He will come in and eat with that person, and they with him. You may not understand how deep the darkness is but the way of light have been clearly shown to us. Come to Christ and experience the light of life.

Today is a day of Victory. There is power in the name of Jesus to set you free. Come to Jesus and your life will never b...

Today is a day of Victory. There is power in the name of Jesus to set you free. Come to Jesus and your life will never be the same. God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we ask for or could ever imagine according to the power that works in us.
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Are you now starting genesis , join me as we study the creation story.Note ; Romans 1:20 not Corinthians For since the creation of the worl...

The only way to overcome doubts, fear and the feeling of defeat is to put your confidence in God. Often times we have so...

The only way to overcome doubts, fear and the feeling of defeat is to put your confidence in God. Often times we have so much trust that our strength, wisdom ,wealth, health will help us overcome, only to find out about the realities of this life. The only way to not give up to fear ,doubts ,self-hate and timidity is to be confident of this thing, that he who has began a good work in you, will carry it to completion until the day of Jesus Christ. This brings peace of mind. You should be encouraged that the Lord your God will be with you , wherever you go.

Jesus gave us something more on the cross of Calvary. He gave us himself, died so that we may live. His blood speaks for...

Jesus gave us something more on the cross of Calvary. He gave us himself, died so that we may live. His blood speaks for forgiveness, not for vengeance. He rose again giving us the hope for eternal life. He broke the power of sin and bo***ge, gave us righteousness as a gift. Now he sits at the right side of the father interceding on our behalf. What manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God. Come and Know Jesus , come and experience the Love of God; Jesus Christ is calling you today!
Inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Please share!

Confess this daily. For I am convinced ... This is how God’s love was revealed among us: God sent His one and only Son i...

Confess this daily. For I am convinced ...
This is how God’s love was revealed among us: God sent His one and only Son into the world, so that we might live through Him. Abandon all these worldly desires, begin to desire things that really matters. Eternity in God truly matters, making impact in people's life through the example of God's love truly matters. Do not use this body as an object to satisfy your lust and pride , let it be an object of Worship, this is your reasonable duty for the love our Father in Heaven has shown us through Christ Jesus our Lord.
The Lord is always with us , remember the Holy Spirit is here! Oh how sweet it is to know God and to be known by him!

There are treasures hidden in this field. There is no better time to seek Christ than now. Dig deeper,  study his word ,...

There are treasures hidden in this field. There is no better time to seek Christ than now. Dig deeper, study his word , pray to him. Seek him like never before. In him are great treasures, count all other things as useless , that you may know him and the power of his resurrection. You will have to give up all you have to get all that is in him. Let nothing hold you back.



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