Rednex Rising Podcast

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Rednex Rising Podcast Antifascist, antiracist, anticapitalist, ADHD Appalachian podcast.

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS — from the holler to the sea 🦊Dandelion Scribes is partnering with Rednecks Rising to collect submi...

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS — from the holler to the sea 🦊

Dandelion Scribes is partnering with Rednecks Rising to collect submissions of poetry, prose, and personal statements from Hurricane Helene survivors in and around WNC. Share your story, photographs, and fundraisers to be published on Dandelion Scribes!

Deadline February 11, for publication on February 22.
To submit, email [email protected] 💛

The goal of this project is to be as accessible & inclusive as possible, giving all affected survivors a chance to be heard and receive support🫂

Any questions, just reach out and ask! Thanks y’all!

Alex’s GFM is linked on my bio! Credit for photos used in slides 5/6 & 15/16: .nightingale Image text:My heart is both f...

Alex’s GFM is linked on my bio!
Credit for photos used in slides 5/6 & 15/16: .nightingale

Image text:
My heart is both full and heavy. It makes sense in a sad, poetic kind of way — most vessels are heavier when they are full, as opposed to empty.

Every day, tremendous progress is made thanks to the persistent efforts of neighbors, friends, and comrades who show up again and again for us and for each other…
And every day, even more tremendous need is surfaced.

I oscillate between rage and grief and despair and awe and each of them feel so big I am afraid they will consume me entirely, but they haven’t yet. I am still here, heavy and full of them all, sometimes all at once.

September 26th was 103 days ago. Yesterday was the 102nd day and we finally got a list of 104 names of our loved ones and neighbors and friends who were taken from this realm to the next by the sheer force of water. Water gives life and water takes life. It reminds me something I’ve heard from many Appalachian mothers in years past, “I brought you into this world and I can take you out!” Helene came through like an Appalachian mother — hell hath no fury.

Sometimes I am worried folks are forgetting about us or maybe they think that we are exaggerating or asking for too much. It’s impossible to understand until an elder cries in your arms and tells you they are at the end of their rope. It’s impossible to understand until a young disabled mom apologizes for asking for so much all the time.

That disabled mom is my friend Alex — I’m including her GoFundMe in the following slides. We were able to get her a new stove, mold testing kits, necessities like groceries. But the struggle goes on for a family that was already tight before Helene. I have been concerned since the storm hit about the economic disaster that would follow in its path. My heart wrenches with each unfolding of this suffering that embodies the fractal nature of our existence — a suffering that extends from the personal, individual to the collective and interpersonal.

Continued in comments

8:40am 12/18 updateSome hard truths are setting in for Western NC as we approach the landmark of 90 days Post-Helene.Mut...

8:40am 12/18 update

Some hard truths are setting in for Western NC as we approach the landmark of 90 days Post-Helene.

Mutual aid organizers on the ground are hitting the wall with burnout. Our nervous systems are fried as so many of us struggle to meet our own needs and the ongoing, emergent needs of our neighbors and friends. Meanwhile, interest and energy from the outside world that was present in the immediate aftermath of the storm — interest and energy that literally helped to pull us out of the water and the mud and saved countless lives — has tapered off, now that we are old news, buried under the cycle of perpetual, global crisis.

There’s the return of that familiar fear from the Before Times: scarcity. A collective sense of unease, shared in silence, as we watch supplies dwindle along with boots on the ground, even while the deluge of needs remains constant and evolving and is no less critical. I’ve been saying since the first week that the second wave of catastrophe for our region would be economic, and it sucks to watch that prediction unfold.

Our fate from day one was sealed as part of the same story that is as old as time for our ancestors in the Appalachian mountains. The government, as they always do, did the bare minimum to satisfy only their own bureaucratic measures before leaving us to fend for ourselves.

Time and time again in my life I have been radicalized by witnessing the abandonment of Western NC by entities that hold resources and power like the government, major nonprofit organizations, political party apparatus, social justice organizations, and so on. Well, except for when they are using us as a political prop — a literal chess piece in their silly little game — to leverage for the purpose of consolidating power further as they pave the way for the next chapter in the unfolding of fascism.

To date, the state’s financial commitment to rebuilding after Helene has been meager, totaling just 2% of the now estimated to be over $59billion that is needed. Helene is the second-deadliest hurricane to strike the United States mainland in the past 50 years, and our state can’t even muster up a measly 5% of the recovery costs?! The latest “relief bill” sets aside a mere $225million in the Helene reserve fund for disaster response that can’t even be used until lawmakers appropriate it to specific purposes, which they likely won’t do until 2025.

That $225million just sitting in reserve from this latest so-called relief bill COULD HAVE provided over 134,000 households with rent money for the month of December — which is still only HALF of the number that have applied for temporary federal shelter assistance. Instead, previous rounds of state funding (just $1 million for rental assistance) amounted to two months of rental assistance for fewer than 300 Western NC households. Meanwhile in congress, there’s only two days left of this session, and they have yet to issue disaster relief aid to those affected by hurricanes Helene or Milton. This isn’t just a failure due to incompetence… this is overt violence.

A quick rundown of some numbers:
- 100+ lives lost in NC, more than any other state impacted by this storm.
- roughly 16,000 displaced
- More than 17,000 unemployment claims; Buncombe County’s unemployment rate has climbed to include almost 1 out of every 10 people
- 2,500+ businesses in NC applied for Damaged Property Loans with the Small Business Administration // only 11 businesses received loans so far

If it seems like we’re still asking for a lot of help, this is why. We need SO MUCH help still, and the most help we can count on is from each other — while our government fails us over and over.

We desperately need your help to survive this next dark layer of hell. With a shortage of supplies and boots on the ground, the most impactful things you can do are:
1. organize a work crew of 4+ people to come in for a planned day (OR MORE!) of labor
2. organize a collection drive in your area to collect supplies and drop them in WNC — the most needed items by mutual aid networks are on the following slides

Please DM me or email rednecksrising @ gmail (rednecks is PLURAL!) for questions or to schedule volunteer days/donation drop-offs.

So much love, gratitude, and solidarity.
Chels w/ Rednecks Rising

📆Happening tomorrow and every Sunday!📍Address for work site is 315 Bridge Street, Hot Springs!📢Please spread the word an...

📆Happening tomorrow and every Sunday!
📍Address for work site is 315 Bridge Street, Hot Springs!
📢Please spread the word and join us if you are able!
🕕10am to dark, you can show up ANY time!

RSVP not required, but super helpful!
➡️If you cannot come on Sunday and want to help another day of the week, reach out!⬅️

To RSVP or reach out:
insta -
g✉️ - rednecksrising@g m a i l . com

This week we especially need folks with access to chainsaws or other helpful cutting tools!

Thanks in advance!

🥳🥳 Rednecks Rising & HayCo Pride are now partnering to share a storage unit for ongoing, longterm, year-round mutual aid...

🥳🥳 Rednecks Rising & HayCo Pride are now partnering to share a storage unit for ongoing, longterm, year-round mutual aid in Haywood County!

Our Haywood County Pride organizers were devastated when Hurricane Helene caused us to have to cancel our Free Market and the Q***r Culture Celebration — for our first big event as a nonprofit, we knew mutual aid and community connection needed to be at the center, which is why the Free Market became such an important component of the event. Now, we can do the work we were planning to do, but we can get creative about what it looks like!

Over the last 3.5 weeks since the flood, Rednecks Rising & HayCo Pride members have been organizing around the clock across multiple counties and in collaboration with a beautiful mycelium network of mutual aid groups and autonomous individuals. Stay tuned for the next iteration of this work together as we make this little spot a cozy and safe place for our Q***r community to gather and take care of each other!


New episode to kick off season 2, now available for all eager ears to listen to!

Check out this enlightening and inspiring conversation with our friends Max and Hil, who share their stories, describe the amazing organizing that has been catalyzed in Haywood County since the fiasco with transphobia at the Rec Center, and dig into the importance of local elections.

September mood board. Season 2 launch coming next week with a kick-off episode featuring our local badasses who have bee...

September mood board. Season 2 launch coming next week with a kick-off episode featuring our local badasses who have been organizing against transphobia and The Buttered Bigots with - Tune in to hear about how organizing is for everybody, and how it intersects with and can heal our past trauma at the hands of injustice. 💫

All in all, it was a VERY successful adventure for the brave souls that UNDOUBTEDLY left a nice Butt Print on the Butter...

All in all, it was a VERY successful adventure for the brave souls that UNDOUBTEDLY left a nice Butt Print on the Buttered Bigot. And, to sum up a few of the names of the stankiest asses that you should avoid in Haywood County, we have:

Ted Vargo & the Buttered Bigot
David Lovett, old Floridian Hater Gater
Jess Scott, the great rumormonger & boy who cried wolf
Stephanie Sutton, who can’t muster up local support so has to call in the likes of David Lovett & Cat Lady
Pam Arrington, Haywood County Conservative’s strongest keyboard warrior who cowers when called to speak up IRL

For more, check out the most recent issue of Haywood Butt Prints at:

The heroes that Haywood County needs & deserves:

The heroes that Haywood County needs & deserves:

Alright, alright… we know: it’s an interesting choice for the name of this newsletter, especially for those of you who might be reading this with exactly zero context. So let’s la…


New episode now available wherever you listen to podcasts!

In today's episode, we kick off the new year by digging into the history of the for-profit adoption industry in America. We touch on key players like the Orphan Trains, Georgia Tann, and Appalachia's own Dr. Thomas Hicks. But first! We have some exciting announcements that you don't want to miss, and I take my first swing at covering some current events taking place in West Virginia.

This week's episode contains a TW for content related to child trafficking/abuse and issues related to adoption/reproduction/abortion/infertility.


Okay, now that I have sufficiently made my way headfirst into the rabbit hole of race and labor over the course of the last 4 parts to the series, I can't decide which episode I want to publish next... I need your input!!! For the episode coming up this Tuesday, which one do you want to hear most? Take the poll to let me know! ⬇️👀

Voting isn't going to save us, but we can't deny the role that it plays in harm reduction. North Carolina is currently a...

Voting isn't going to save us, but we can't deny the role that it plays in harm reduction. North Carolina is currently an abortion safe haven for many across the SouthEast & abortion access in NC hinges on the outcomes of this year’s fall elections.

Abortion remains legal in the state, but continued access hinges on the outcomes of this year’s fall elections.

🪕 Calling all of our critter comrades & bluegrass lovers! 🦨In today's episode me and Clover Lynn (AKA HillbillyGothic) d...

🪕 Calling all of our critter comrades & bluegrass lovers! 🦨

In today's episode me and Clover Lynn (AKA HillbillyGothic) dig into their journey as a banjo player and we explore questions like: Who defines Appalachia? What does it mean to be poor or middle class? What is it like being trans in Appalachia and how is it different from being trans in other areas?

🔗You can find it wherever you listen to podcasts at

💬Let us know your thoughts after you give it a listen!

In Exchange for a Climate Deal, Joe Manchin Demanded a Terrible Price. The West Virginia senator has agreed to support c...

In Exchange for a Climate Deal, Joe Manchin Demanded a Terrible Price. The West Virginia senator has agreed to support climate action, but only after ensuring his home state will remain a fossil fuel fiefdom. For-profit politicians must be stopped.

The West Virginia senator has agreed to support climate action, but only after ensuring his home state would remain a fossil fuel fiefdom

👀 We get all up in this fiery subject in episode 9. We forgot to mention in yesterday's post that you can find us wherev...

👀 We get all up in this fiery subject in episode 9. We forgot to mention in yesterday's post that you can find us wherever you listen to your podcasts at this link:
ID: Meme containing four quadrants. The first quadrant contains a young man with curly blonde hair standing in front of a grassy field with the words, "colonization and slavery were violent systems that paved the way for modern day capitalism." The second quadrant contains a young woman with strawberry blond curls and a headband, with a big smile on her face and the words, "yeah, but modern capitalism outgrew all that violence, right?" In the third quadrant, the image is zoomed in on the young man's face where he is wearing a serious expression and there are no words over his image, implying that the young woman's assumption is incorrect. In the fourth quadrant, we see the woman's face again, this time her smile is gone and we see only the word "right" with a question mark in an expression of concern and confusion......................................

How very timely considering the subject of today's episode. Capitalism will never allow for a government that represents...

How very timely considering the subject of today's episode. Capitalism will never allow for a government that represents anyone other than the wealthy elite and their corporate interests.

The permitting deal was struck between Manchin, Schumer and Pelosi to secure Manchin's vote on the larger economic and energy package.

"Eastern Tennessee and Southern Appalachia are no strangers to floods. This month communities across Eastern Tennessee a...

"Eastern Tennessee and Southern Appalachia are no strangers to floods. This month communities across Eastern Tennessee and Southwest Virginia were hit with heavy flooding. When I lived in Wise County, Virginia, I felt like you could always tell someone’s wealth by how close they lived to the bottom of the holler and creek. This past weekend, the flooding came home...

Community members moved in to meet a global catastrophe.. Our government and systems were never designed to take care of us...

Right now, we’re mucking the space and picking up the pieces. We are trashing ruined supplies, equipment, and gear, but most importantly we are dreaming about tomorrow. The flood may have brought with it some pain and destruction, but it also fertilized our desires. The community response to this flood has been immediate. Funding drives have been set up. Work days scheduled. Dumpsters filled, and we’re mobilizing with multiple networks in order to continue our work into the future. MASK, and the collective groups that worked out of there have touched thousands of Knoxville community members’ lives over the past couple of years, and we aren’t going to stop. Mutual aid is built on trust and commitment to each other, and we will do what we can to continue to develop that."

When The Floods Come: Mutual Aid in the Face of Rising Waters in Appalachia from It’s Going Down A personal reflection of the recent floods in Appalachia and their impact on autonomous and mutual aid organizing. I hate floods. The unstoppable rush of water, waste, runoff, debris, trash, and lives,...



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