I wanted to let you all know of a big change that will be coming to the newsletter. Unfortunately this is definitely a bigger project than only one person can complete monthly (especially when that person has several other projects and jobs to worry about)
So for now, the newsletter will be cut back to SEASONAL issues. I will gather all the news and information I can to give members a review of everything that had happened in the last season (fall, winter, summer or spring) and a glimpse at some things to look forward to in the next season.
Between these new seasonal issues, I will continue to share events and posters to the FB page as well as through email.
If you know of any news, events, job opportunities, etc. please continue to reach out and share that information so I can share with our membership.
Chi-miigwech to all the support thus far and I hope you all understand the need for this change. I will continue to do my best to keep our members informed and connected - with your help.