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There’s a reason why most successful people agree that time is their most valuable asset: Once it’s gone, it’s gone fore...

There’s a reason why most successful people agree that time is their most valuable asset: Once it’s gone, it’s gone forever. Unlike money, you can’t earn more time.

Unfortunately, most of us undervalue the time we’ve been given. We waste it by putting others’ needs ahead of our own. We spend an entire weekend doing absolutely nothing. And we constantly get distracted by things that aren’t important.

1° Focus on the big picture.
2° Plan how you want to spend your days.
3° Spend your time wisely.
4° Let others know that your time is valuable.

Once time is gone, it’s gone—that’s why it’s so important to use what you have well. The best approach to life is to “leave it all on the field,” and that means making sure you did all you could. Prioritize the things that matter most to you. Otherwise, they might never get done—and you’ll never know your true potential.

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Do you know the book " Crushing It is" by Gary Vaynerchuk?In this book, the principal effort is to get people stop compl...

Do you know the book " Crushing It is" by Gary Vaynerchuk?

In this book, the principal effort is to get people stop complaining and start taking their lives into their own hands by starting the simplest business in the world: picking out cheap and rare items from their home or garage sales and selling them on eBay. Thousands of people jumped on the opportunity, having been unaware of the potential behind selling their unused stuff.

As the challenge went on and success stories piled up, he started showcasing some of them on Medium, which ended up influencing his next book. Crushing It is a case study collection of people, who’ve taken up Gary on his advice from Crush It back in 2009 to build a personal brand, mixed with his latest take on how to achieve exactly that today.

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How do we define success? There are many different tactics for how to be successful in life, but the strategy that works...

How do we define success? There are many different tactics for how to be successful in life, but the strategy that works best for you may depend on your view of success itself. We often think of it as doing well at work or earning a high salary.

While professional accomplishments can be one piece of the puzzle, it leaves out many other important areas of life. Family, romantic relationships, academics, and athletics are just a few areas where people may strive for success. Your individual definition of what success is may vary, but many might define it as being fulfilled, happy, safe, healthy, and loved.

It is the ability to reach your goals in life, whatever those goals may be. So what can you do to boost your chances of achieving these things? What are some of the habits of successful people?

There is no single right way to be successful. What works for you might not work for someone else. There may not be a perfect combination of ingredients that can guarantee success, but there are some basic steps you can follow that can improve your chances of being successful in life, love, work, or whatever happens to be important to you.

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Between the rich and the poor. How are they so different from each other?A lot of it comes down to whether you have a ri...

Between the rich and the poor. How are they so different from each other?

A lot of it comes down to whether you have a rich or poor mindset. The difference between a rich and poor mindset can change how you think about the world and how you interact with your money. A wealth mindset not only helps you make more money, but you learn how to better manage and take care of your money.

The good news is, having a poor or wealthy mindset isn’t dependent on your bank account balance. Rich people can have a poor mindset and set themselves up for future failures. It’s also possible for a person in poverty to have a wealth mindset which will help pave their path to success.

If you want to be rich, do what rich people do. If you don’t, then do what broke people do. Simple, right?

But where to begin? It all starts with what is inside of you — more specifically, your mind. Your thoughts lead to your feelings, that lead to your actions that lead to your results. Either you control your mind or it controls you.

So if you’re not living every aspect of your life at 100%, follow us to get daily motivation and inspirational state of mind.

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We all have dreams. Dreams make us appreciate existence and strive for more. Once we achieve certain dreams, they become...

We all have dreams. Dreams make us appreciate existence and strive for more. Once we achieve certain dreams, they become reality, they become like every other day, they lose their magic. We start to chase new dreams — we need to chase new dreams over and over again. We need to have goals in life, to move forward and to have something valuable to strive toward.

What do you do to make your dreams reality? There is no overnight success, you have to work hard and be disciplined. Step-by-step, you will reach your dreams if you really want to.

These 8 little habits will help you with the chase, taking you one step closer, day by day:

1. Set goals
2. Take action every day
3. Schedule time to focus
4. Read and listen
5. Network at every opportunity
6. Review your strategy and progress
7. Exercise for 30 minutes a day
8. Celebrate each milestone

Have these little habits in mind and you will get closer to your dreams each day!

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The great Jim Rohn once said, “You don't get paid by the hour. You get paid for the value you bring to the hour.” This l...

The great Jim Rohn once said, “You don't get paid by the hour. You get paid for the value you bring to the hour.” This lesson alone opened my eyes, as well as those of countless others.

Whether you are an entrepreneur or a normal employee, we all need money to live on, entertain ourselves, travel the world, and just improve our lives in general. Yet, many complain why they don't make enough.

Many of us struggle, paycheck to paycheck, not knowing whether we can pay the next bill or where our next meal may come from. Some of us have businesses that we know there is a need for, yet we still don't see the big results we know we should.

This is all comes back to Jim Rohn's lesson from the quote I mentioned.

Conclusion: Your income is in YOUR control. Complaining will not increase it. Doing the same things over and over again will not increase it. Only a change in your actions will.

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Sometimes, you have lots of work to do but you realize that time is seriously against you. Maybe you even become so worr...

Sometimes, you have lots of work to do but you realize that time is seriously against you. Maybe you even become so worried that you no longer know where to start. Perhaps you have tried your best but you’ve not been quick enough to complete each task on time and each of them now piles up in front of you. Worry no more. We are here to give you tips on how to do more work within little time.

Sometimes you think all will be fine, the moment you work hard. Well, you aren’t totally wrong. But if you want to do more in little time, you should learn to work smarter, not harder. Enough of the talk, let’s go straight to the tips.

Remember that to get work done faster, you don’t have to use all the 24 hours you have in each day. What you need is to apply the tips that will help you do more in little time. We all have so many things to do within limited time. The secret of coping well lies in beating the time and not actually reducing the task.

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Recently in an article in the Wall Street Journal, a journalist interviewed several billionaires and discovered that the...

Recently in an article in the Wall Street Journal, a journalist interviewed several billionaires and discovered that they all seem to find 4am as their "most productive time of day." If you want to learn why this will only work out for about 15 per cent of the population, keep reading.

The reasoning, according to the reporter, that this crazy early morning hour is so good for the interviewee's productivity was threefold:

1° At that hour, there are minimal distractions (kids, family, employees or bosses)
2° There is almost no one emailing to texting you
3° There is less to look at on social media

The group of people were not a huge surprise: Tim Cook (CEO of Apple), Richard Branson (CEO of Virgin Atlantic), Michelle Gass (former President of Starbucks; you know she's drinking her product at 4am). But what was so interesting to me was that most of these people saw this time of the morning as "personal" time for their productivity.

They used the time to set up their day in a positive manner, exercise, read for personal growth, meditate, or pray. In addition, the interviewees report that they all now go to bed much earlier, which may have some social implications for them.

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Successful entrepreneurs have a passion for what they do, so working hard is part of their DNA. But anyone who is succes...

Successful entrepreneurs have a passion for what they do, so working hard is part of their DNA. But anyone who is successful also recognizes that life and work are a marathon, not a sprint. Even they need downtime on the weekend to ensure they’re up to the task of being creative problem solvers and innovators Monday through Friday.

Sure, they may spend some time catching up on administrative work. They may spend time on a big project that needs special attention. And they should definitely spend time thinking about the future and considering the big picture.

But what successful entrepreneurs don’t do is spend the entire weekend buried under work. We all need a break, and entrepreneurs are no less immune to burnout than anyone else. Their weekends are spent restoring their bodies and minds, and getting prepared to function optimally at the beginning of the week.

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Really its not up to you which family you are born into. You could be born into a royal family and never work a day in y...

Really its not up to you which family you are born into. You could be born into a royal family and never work a day in your life, or you could be born into poverty. 👓

Either which way, it can never stop a truly motivated person in living their dream in being something successful. However, if you die poor it can be your mistake as it means that you may have not had the motivation to build your wealth despite having little or nothing.

Agree? Disagree? Comment below and tell us what you think the meaning behind this quote is. 😀

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Your daily habits define who you are. You are practically what you do. In the words of Winston Churchill: "Success is no...

Your daily habits define who you are. You are practically what you do. In the words of Winston Churchill: "Success is not final, failure is not fatal -it is the courage to continue that counts." If you have ever failed in the past but never gave up, you are stronger than you think.

If you have failed recently and are considering giving up, don't. The obstacle is definitely the way. There will always be a way out. You just haven't found it yet. Keep on trying. Find out why and how you got stuck, and dig yourself out of the temporary setback.

Unfortunately, most people refuse to do something about their failures. In the end, they give up on their dreams and stop working on projects that matter to them and continue to wallow in discontent.

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Time is the most precious commodity that we have been given. Why? Because once lost, it is gone forever. We cannot borro...

Time is the most precious commodity that we have been given. Why? Because once lost, it is gone forever. We cannot borrow or buy more of it at any price. Unlike many assets, time cannot be saved for some future use. It is a finite resource that is fleeting. We really do not know how much of it we will be afforded since the future is uncertain

Think about this: what do Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Oprah Winfrey, the Dalai Lama, and all of us have in common? Each one of us has 24 hours in a day and not one second more. No amount of money, fame, influence, or power can change this fact. It is the one gift that all of us have been dealt evenly and fairly. Time is the ultimate level playing field

Let’s examine time more closely: since all of us have 24 hours in a day, that equates to 168 hours per week (24 hours x 7 days). Fortunately, when we divide 168 hours by 3, we get a round number of 56 hours. Why did I divide by 3? Because our time can basically be broken down into 3 basic categories that make sense for most of us: sleep, work, and everything else 🔥

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Do you know the book "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k " by Mark Manson? Sometimes life just really sucks and we cann...

Do you know the book "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k " by Mark Manson?

Sometimes life just really sucks and we cannot run away from it. We need to learn how to let go in order to enjoy life more. The key to living a good life is not giving a f**k about more things but rather focus only on the things that align with your personal values. A no-bullsh*t approach to living a life that might not always be happy, but meaningful and centered only around what’s important to you.

In The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k, Mark Manson writes about his philosophies and take on life. Here are my favorite lessons:

1° Either you are or you are not. Don’t try to be somebody you’re not
2° The key to life is to choose what you care about and not give a f**k about anything else
3° Only follow values that you can control

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Often, you may see people who appear to be busy all day long but seem to accomplish very little. This is almost always t...

Often, you may see people who appear to be busy all day long but seem to accomplish very little. This is almost always the case as they are busy working on tasks that are of low value. On the other hand, they are procrastinating on the one activity that could make a real difference to their companies and to their careers

The most valuable task you can do each day is often the hardest and most complex. The payoff and rewards will make completing them truly worth it

Before you begin work, always ask yourself, “Is this task in the top 10 percent of my activities or in the bottom 90 percent?”

The rule to adhere to here is: resist the temptation to clear up small things first!

Choosing to start your day working on low-value tasks, will cause you to soon develop the habit of always starting and working on low-value tasks

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Have you ever heard the sentence "Reading is the gateway skill that makes all other learning possible" from Barack Obama...

Have you ever heard the sentence "Reading is the gateway skill that makes all other learning possible" from Barack Obama?

We totally share this opinion, wherever you are from, whatever you are doing or studying even if you don't or never had the chance to go to college, book are key for success! 📚🔥

➡️ Comment what was the last book you read?

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“All success begins with self-discipline. It starts with you.” Dwayne Johnson 💪The importance of life and business is ge...

“All success begins with self-discipline. It starts with you.” Dwayne Johnson 💪

The importance of life and business is generated among self discipline. It carves a path to stick to your decisions…even the simple ones. It also provides you with a vision, and how to measure your success. Many franchisors believe that it helps them to form their blueprint, increasing the trust and belief among themselves and the staffs.

A self-disciplined entrepreneur is a master of their patience, who sees the bigger picture and sticks to the plan. They trust their efforts and believe to achieve big, being perseverant and persistent.

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Some truth about the difference from being employed or owning your business.Of course, here we say a lot of positive thi...

Some truth about the difference from being employed or owning your business.

Of course, here we say a lot of positive things about running our own business, but sometime you need to accept the fact that a smart move are more important.

Being employed is nice guys, but usually won't sent you where you want to go - that is why we wanted to give you again a precious advice. Sometime you need to do the pros and cons, write goals and work as hard as you can to create your own way! But don't be so fast, decision need to be thought!

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When you invest, you’re giving your money the chance to work for you and your future goals. It’s more complicated than d...

When you invest, you’re giving your money the chance to work for you and your future goals. It’s more complicated than direct depositing your paycheck into a savings account, but every saver can become an investor.

Investing is a way to potentially increase the amount of money you have. The goal is to buy financial products, also called investments, and hopefully sell them at a higher price than what you initially paid.

Today, you can invest in things like stocks, bonds, mutual funds and annuities - you buy these products through an investment account.

One important investing strategy is to start sooner and stay invested longer, even if you start with a smaller amount than you hope to invest in the future. This allows compounding to flex its muscles. Compounding happens when earnings from either capital gains or interest are reinvested—generating additional earnings over time.

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Being an entrepreneur isn’t for everyone; by the same token, being an employee is not either. There are serious pros and...

Being an entrepreneur isn’t for everyone; by the same token, being an employee is not either. There are serious pros and cons to each side that affect one’s stress level, work/life balance, and personal fulfillment.

Entrepreneurs generally know from early in their career that they are destined to start a business of their own. They may feel that it is in their genes. Being an entrepreneur can be risky, but if executed correctly, can have big payoffs.

One of the biggest perks that entrepreneurs enjoy is that there is no cap to their potential, but being an entrepreneur is risky as about 50% of all startups fail in the first 5 years.

Your own business may require much more than 40 hours per week, and entrepreneurs run the risk of becoming “workaholics.”

One of the best way to understand what you really want can be to begin little step by step with a side business. You will maybe need a bit more of time, but in this way you should secure yourself and have a great control of your business future.

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Are you a businessman or an entrepreneur? Have you ever wondered what’s the difference between the two? Business people ...

Are you a businessman or an entrepreneur? Have you ever wondered what’s the difference between the two? Business people and entrepreneurs have many similarities. They both provide jobs for the unemployed, give solutions to the consumers, and help in developing the economy of a certain nation.

However, they are not the same kind of people.

A businessman walks on the defined path, but an entrepreneur believes in making his own path, which becomes a guideline for other businessmen. Most of the people have a misconception that the terms businessman and entrepreneur, carry the same meaning, due to which they use them interchangeably.

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