
Crosswise A podcast hosted by Ciara Wieland and Jessi Bridges, where we seek wisdom for the Word, not from the world.

"test everything; hold fast what is good." 1 Thessalonians 5:21

New episode every Tuesday!

New Episode! Season 3 Finale! A Christian pastor set off a firestorm last week when he suggested believing women had no ...

New Episode! Season 3 Finale!

A Christian pastor set off a firestorm last week when he suggested believing women had no good reason to post immodest photos on the internet. It's no surprise the secular world went into a tailspin over such a thought, but to see Christian women link arms with the God-reviling culture was not as expected - or appropriate.

In this episode - the season 3 finale - Ciara and Jessi explain why they planned to take on this topic even before "Dear Brian" became a trending topic on Twitter, where clothing came from, who designed it, for what purpose, how we should view it and wear it, and why Christian woman should be celebrating how precious and sacred their bodies are, so much so, that they should be kept for our husband's eyes only.

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New Episode!! If your dog and a perfect stranger were drowning in a lake, side by side, who would you try to save? Would...

New Episode!!

If your dog and a perfect stranger were drowning in a lake, side by side, who would you try to save? Would it surprise you to learn that nearly 2/3 of American adults would choose their dog? This disregard for our fellow man, in favor of animals is permeating society to a degree that many married couples are choosing to have pets instead of having children, and many animal species have greater legal protections than unborn babies.

As Christians, we ought to be aware of how our attitudes about animals and their relative value to human beings can mimic that of the secular world, and this is exactly the consideration - and many more - that Ciara and Jessi look at in this episode.

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New Episode!!You know those times when you're really struggling and could use some solid encouragement, but then, someon...

New Episode!!

You know those times when you're really struggling and could use some solid encouragement, but then, someone tries to sum up God's provision like its a bumper sticker? Yeah. Cringe, right? The problem here is that these catchy little phrases take hold because rarely do we stop and consider what they mean, if they hold up against scripture, and what the implications are when saying this stuff?

Well, in this episode Ciara and Jessi take on all the cringe - well, not all of it, but some of it - and look at three common phrases you may have heard believers use, or maybe you have even used yourself, and discern their way through what they all really mean.

Try not to cringe too hard.

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New Episode!!They are the stuff of sci-fi horror films and mystery documentaries - extraterrestrial life, just waiting t...

New Episode!!

They are the stuff of sci-fi horror films and mystery documentaries - extraterrestrial life, just waiting to be discovered. Some have speculated we’ve already made contact, while others theorize they could be the source of our own existence. But what should the Christian believe about life beyond our planet?

Ciara and Jessi take a trip into the cosmos to explore the possibility that life exists into the reaches of our universe, using scripture as the guide. Is it always a battle between science and faith, or is it possible they aren’t as mutually exclusive as they seem?

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As Christians, we must consider some things about Santa Claus. We’d submit that when you boil it all down, this will be ...

As Christians, we must consider some things about Santa Claus. We’d submit that when you boil it all down, this will be the primary consideration.

Christians are to be people of truth. And how much more are we to be truthful with our children?: The young, impressionable people that God has placed in our care to be nurtured and discipled? We should do it in a way that both honors them as persons and honors God. We must do it in truth.

It is incredible to see the extent that grown adults will go in order to deceive young children when it comes to Santa. Of course it’s always defended as “just having fun” or “playing along” or not wanting to squelch imagination.

But lying to our children is not productive.

Christian parents, please think long, hard, and biblically about this. We offer more to consider in our replay of episode 2 this week: “He Sees You When You’re Sleeping? No, Thanks!”

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A poem from a father to his son about how to become a man. We've been reading this for a couple of weeks and discussing ...

A poem from a father to his son about how to become a man.

We've been reading this for a couple of weeks and discussing it and it's made for really good conversation, especially with my boys. Rudyard Kipling is a gift and not just because of The Jungle Book.

New Episode!! "Who run the world?" Girls.But then why do we keep telling them it's so hard for them to make it in a man'...

New Episode!!

"Who run the world?" Girls.

But then why do we keep telling them it's so hard for them to make it in a man's world? Why is the rate of young girls "transitioning" and rejecting biological realities about themselves at an historic high? Why do girls always want to be "one of the boys"? All of these messages, not to mention the sexual pressure put on young women to embrace promiscuity because "men get to," are destroying young women and girls and progressivism is to blame.

Sadly, there is nothing progressive about disregarding the uniqueness of womanhood and femininity. In this follow up episode to "Raising Boys," Ciara and Jessi take on the dangerous influences the culture is having on girls, how they view their place in the world as women, and how the sexual revolution has caused irreparable damage to our impressionable and fragile daughters.

*Parental discretion is advised, as this episode contains adult themes that may not be suitable for younger listeners.

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New episode!! 🎧🎉It's not just another way to celebrate Halloween, and it isn't just a day to remember those who have die...

New episode!! 🎧🎉

It's not just another way to celebrate Halloween, and it isn't just a day to remember those who have died. Did de los Mu***os - the Day of the Dead - is a tradition of reuniting with loved ones and building altars in their honor.

The practices should concern professing Christians and Ciara and Jessi and here to break down all the reasons why in the season 3 premier of crosswise.

Not all cultures are equal, and in a time when we aren't supposed to say that, it's even more important to say. Strap in for a fun, but deadly serious conversation about this Mexican holiday and how American culture is joining in with enough sugar skulls to go around.

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Head on over to our Instagram page to join in the Reformation giveaway fun!!!➡️

Head on over to our Instagram page to join in the Reformation giveaway fun!!!


Join us tonight, Monday, over on Instagram live! We’ll be talking about a new season of the podcast and there will be a ...

Join us tonight, Monday, over on Instagram live! We’ll be talking about a new season of the podcast and there will be a special announcement! See you at 5:45 PST / 8:45 EST.

This conversation is happening, again, so we wanted to point our listeners to an episode we did back in March about what...

This conversation is happening, again, so we wanted to point our listeners to an episode we did back in March about what scripture says the role of government is.

As we try to discern whether or not the government has the authority to do what it is doing now, and whether or not Christians have the obligation to submit, we hope this episode (and the resources in the show notes- there’s lots!) will help you navigate this time and the decisions we’re all facing as the state seems to be clamping down harder and harder.

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New episode! 🎉🤩🥳⁉️🎧In the final episode of the season, Ciara and Jessi answer listener questions regarding salvation, th...

New episode! 🎉🤩🥳⁉️🎧

In the final episode of the season, Ciara and Jessi answer listener questions regarding salvation, the second commandment, baptism and more. Be sure to check out this conversation as Season 2 comes to a close.

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And as always, be sure to check out all of the great resources in our show notes. Articles, sermon recs, book suggestions, and more. All in the link above!

New episode!! 🎉🎧❤️🌎And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works... encouraging one another, and...

New episode!! 🎉🎧❤️🌎

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works... encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near." (Hebrews 10:24-25)

Ciara and Jessi talk sanctification, worldly desires, sinful passions of the heart, temptations of envy and sloth, and how by the power of the Holy Spirt, they are working to put those things away and live a life that seeks to glorify God and live for him.

Christians are still sinners while in this world, but because of faith in Jesus, and by the means of being "stirred up" and encouraged by others, we are able to mortify those sins, praying and working each day to see progression toward holiness.

Things get a little personal in this conversation, but for all the right reasons.

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What is the gospel? In 4 basic points.

What is the gospel? In 4 basic points.

New episode! 🎉🗣🥳🎧We all know the feeling of feeling all the feels. 🤣🥲😩😭😡You know, that feeling when something doesn't fe...

New episode! 🎉🗣🥳🎧

We all know the feeling of feeling all the feels. 🤣🥲😩😭😡You know, that feeling when something doesn't feel quite right. Those feelings have a place and purpose, but does that place and purpose involve how we respond to the gospel?

Well, the doctrine of Sola Feelz, adopted by the modern church of the perpetually offended, says, "if it doesn't feel right, it's not right." But Sola Scriptura (and all the other Solas for that matter), say something else entirely.

In this episode, Ciara and Jessi explore how to manage our feelings when responding to the gospel and that how we share it with others can make all the difference in, and for, the world.

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New episode! 🥳📺🎧🗣🎉Now, like no other time in history, Christians are faced with deciding whether to follow their conscie...

New episode! 🥳📺🎧🗣🎉

Now, like no other time in history, Christians are faced with deciding whether to follow their conscience or follow the trends. Between viral YouTube videos and "must-see TV," social media influencers and binge-worthy movie series, our screens have growing control over how we spend our time.

But, both the content found on these platforms, and the amount of time spent consuming media should give believers pause. Is it appropriate for us to intentionally witness sinful behavior? Is it possible for us to come to a consensus on what kind of media should be avoided by professing Christians? How much time is too much time to spend enjoying the entertainment we do decide to consume?

Ciara and Jessi take on these questions, and so many more in an episode that really comes down learning to overcome the fear of missing out in order to better live out our faithfulness in Christ.

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New episode!You've heard the phrase, "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions." This idea proves truer now that w...

New episode!

You've heard the phrase, "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions." This idea proves truer now that we consume so much information on social media, and from influencers who claim to have nothing but good intentions and positive motivations behind the theology they promote.

But, as Dr. Jen Russum explains in this episode, those intentions, more often than not, are leading Christians - especially Christian women - down a road that sounds less and less like they are able to defend a Biblical worldview and instead have bought into the same lies that fooled Eve in Eden not all that long ago.

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In this episode, Ciara and Jessi breakdown the history, the redefinition of biblical terms, and the denials of scripture...

In this episode, Ciara and Jessi breakdown the history, the redefinition of biblical terms, and the denials of scripture that all make up the growing ideology of Progressive Christianity.

As Postmodern thought was beginning to take hold in American culture, a concern started rising within Evangelical churches that the message of the bible was being lost. In response, self-proclaimed Christians began "deconstructing" their faith and have since arrived at a new religion that looks and sounds nothing like Biblical Christianity.

In this first part, of a two part look at Progressive Christianity, you'll hear a lot that sounds familiar, and maybe even some beliefs that you hold, without actually knowing how much they depart from orthodox Christianity.

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Is it possible that the largest religious organization in the world is teaching doctrines that are diametrically opposed...

Is it possible that the largest religious organization in the world is teaching doctrines that are diametrically opposed to the doctrines found in the religious text it teaches from? Is it possible that more than 1.1 billion people have been deceived into believing something about Jesus Christ, and themselves, that could actually call their salvation into question despite the fact that they hold many historically Christians beliefs?

Ciara and Jessi argue yes - not only is it possible, but that is in fact what has happened as a result of the false gospel preached by the Roman Catholic Church. This might possibly be one of the most controversial topics discussed to date, but love for the gospel and our Catholic family and friends requires a thorough look at the mistranslation of fundamental Christian truths found within Catholic theology.

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And have mercy on those who doubt; save others by snatching them out of the fire; to others show mercy with fear, hating...

And have mercy on those who doubt; save others by snatching them out of the fire; to others show mercy with fear, hating even the garment stained by the flesh.
Jude 22,23

New episode!Ciara and Jessi continue their look into other religious teaching that claim to be Christian in nature but a...

New episode!

Ciara and Jessi continue their look into other religious teaching that claim to be Christian in nature but are really promoting a false gospel based on a false understanding of Jesus and the saving grace of God.

For this episode, the beliefs of the Jehovah's Witness Church are examined against the Bible. Is it possible for Jesus to be the archangel Michael? Did Jesus rise from the dead in a spiritual way, leaving his body behind? What does salvation look like according to the Jehovah's Witness and does scripture affirm that teaching? Is it really fair to call Jehovah's Witnesses a "cult"?

Check out this discussion for answers to these questions, and so many more.

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints - They believe in Jesus and that he died on a cross. They even named the...

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints - They believe in Jesus and that he died on a cross. They even named their church after him, so they must be just another denomination of Protestant Christianity, right? Unfortunately, no, because the Jesus they teach about, the God they worship, and the salvation they believe in is completely antithetical to everything we read about these things in Scripture.

We know it can be hard to tell someone they are being lied to. It can be even harder to be on the receiving end of that message. But love rejoices in the truth, so it is the truth we preach. And the truth is, followers of the LDS church must repent and come to know the Jesus of the Bible to have any hope for saving grace.

This week we’re talking about false teachers.One of the most frequent warnings we get throughout the books of the New Te...

This week we’re talking about false teachers.

One of the most frequent warnings we get throughout the books of the New Testament is about false teachers. In fact, Paul included warnings to be on the look out for "wolves" within the church body in almost all of his letters to churches and church leaders in the first century. Heresy was a problem in the early church, and it is still a problem today.

In this episode, Ciara and Jessi do the unimaginable in a culture that says "thou shalt not judge," and get specific about the problems with the preaching of Steven Furtick. From outright heresy to drawing crowds in with the appealing Prosperity Gospel, Furtick is guilty of all sorts of biblical distortions and discerning Christians ought to beware.

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“All the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, and he does according to his will among the host of heaven a...

“All the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, and he does according to his will among the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth; and none can stay his hand or say to him, ‘what have you done?’” Daniel 4:35

“Our God is in the heavens; he does all that he pleases.” Psalm 115:3

“But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to the molder, ‘Why have you made me like this?’”

New Episode!! ✨🔮🥳🎧We have all done it - looked up our zodiac sign to better understand ourselves. Some have even gotten ...

New Episode!! ✨🔮🥳🎧

We have all done it - looked up our zodiac sign to better understand ourselves. Some have even gotten so enamored with astrology and horoscopes, they use it as a guide for decision making and to prepare for what the future may hold.

But, the Bible calls this form of idol worship "divination" and commands we avoid it. So why do as many as one in four Christians still, even innocently, dabble in the study of astrology?

In this continuation of their look at the New Age, Ciara and Jessi reveal what God has said about astrology and shed light on the clear distinction between Biblical stargazing and sinful worship of celestial bodies.

On this week’s episode we asked Marci Ferrell of the Thankful Homemaker to give some encouragement for the women at home...

On this week’s episode we asked Marci Ferrell of the Thankful Homemaker to give some encouragement for the women at home who’s work is unseen in a world that thrives on displaying accomplishments. Her words and wisdom did not disappoint. If you are a mom, a homemaker, a woman, we encourage you to listen and be edified!

Episode 22: Homemaking or Home Breaking? Taking on the Culture’s Love of Women in the Workforce

“Barefoot and pregnant." It's a pejorative phrase used to demean the work stay-at-home mothers do. The world has evolved...

“Barefoot and pregnant." It's a pejorative phrase used to demean the work stay-at-home mothers do.

The world has evolved in such a way that two working parents isn't just approved of, it's expected. But how should Christian women approach this pressure to send their kids to daycare while they chase their dreams?

In this episode, Ciara and Jessi talking with Thankful Homemaker host Marci Ferrell about what it means to be a homemaker and whether the Bible encourages women to focus on family life or corporate life.

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