The Wedding Cake Monument
The Victor Emmanuel II National Monument, also known as the Vittoriano or Altare della Patria and sometimes called The Wedding Cake. #victormanuelleIInationalmonument #theweddingcakemonument #altaredellapatria #altarofthefatherland #vittoriano #piazzavenezia #romeitalylandmark
The Pantheon in Rome, Italy, is the best preserved ancient Roman building in Rome. It has represented the greatest expression of the glory of Rome for more than two thousand years. #pantheon #ThePantheon #pantheonromeitaly #PantheonRoma #ancientrome #RomeAttractions #romantemple #ancientbuilding #pantheonchurch
Siena Cathedral (Italy: Duomo di Siena) is one of Italy’s most magnificent and illustrious Romanesque and Gothic cathedrals existed. #sienacathedral #duomodisiena #GothicArchitecture #romanesquearchitecture #sienaitalyattraction #medievalchurch
Imperial Beach - Palm Trees View
Imperial Beach is known for its 3.5 miles of uncrowded, white sand beaches and big waves, where surfing is one popular activity. Set off with a magnificent wooden pier and stunning sunset views, along with its palm trees. #imperialbeach #imperialbeachsurfing #dolphinesightseeing #imperialbeachpalms
Monstera Deliciosa, the Swiss cheese plant or split-leaf philodendron is a species of flowering plant native to tropical areas, like Hawaii. #monsteradeliciosa #tropicalfloweringplants #hawaiinative #philodendron #swisscheese #splitleafphilodendron #houseplants #highlightseveryone #fbreelsviral #sightclickspagereels #sightclicks
The Coronado Hotel, capturing the hearts and memories of guests across two centuries, Hotel del Coronado is a living legend that continues to inspire especially during holiday seasons. #hoteldelcoronado #thecoronadohotel #CityOfCoronado #thetwinklinglights #HolidaySeason #christmaslightsdisplay Hotel del Coronado #highlightseveryone #travelhacks #fbpagereelsviral #sightclickspagereels #sightclicks
Up close and personal feeding Flamingos in my hand. Such a wonderful moment with these wonderful birds, it was truly a great experience! #flamingobirds #flamingos #jungleforest #Sarasotaflorida #travelhacks #VacationHacks #birdnerd #flamingolove #giraffelove #highlights #fbpagesreels #sightclickspagereels #sightclicks
The Chair of Saint Peter altar (Latin: Cathedra Petri), also known as the Throne of Saint Peter, is a relic conserved in St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City, the sovereign enclave of the Pope inside Rome, Italy. And it is the second altar within the St Peter’s Basilica, with the first one being the one under the Baldacchino. #ChairofStPeter #throneofstpeter #TheChairOfStPeter #stpeterbasilica #vaticancity #romeitaly #highlightseveryone #travelhacks #VacationHacks #saintpeter #fbpagesreels #fbpageviralreels #sightclickspagereels #sightclickspage #sightclicks
The Choir Chapel Dome in St Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City. #choirchapel #stpetersbasilica #vaticancity #choirdome #chapeldome #travelhacks #VacationHacks #romeitaly #highlightseveryone #sightclicksreels #sightclickspagereels fbpagereels #sightlicks
A mirrored view of the gallery of maps’ ceiling. The Gallery of Geographical Maps is one of the most fascinating places in the Vatican Museums, it have a corridor of 120 meters long and 6 wide with the representation of Italy as it was in the 16th century, it is important from both artistic and symbolic point of view. The Gallery explains many details of Italy in the sixteenth century. #galleryofmaps #galleryofmapsceiling #vaticanmuseum #vaticancitymuseum #highlights #Discovering #ancientcity #fbpagereelsviral #sightclickspagereels #sightclickspage #sightclicks
The Pantheon interior has niches that were used for tombs, chapel and the most prominent one is the main altar of the Pantheon. #theoantheon #pantheon #ancientstructure #pantheonrome #romeitaly #agrippa #pantheonaltar #VacationHacks #travelhacks #fbpagereelsviral #sightclickspagereels #sightclicks
Siena Cathedral, a breathtaking story of architecture and art, it is a single, enormous monumental complex that contains work by some of the most important masters in the history of European and Italian art. #sienacathedral #doumodesiena #cityofsienaitaly #gothicdesign #romanesquearchitecture #medievalchurch #travelhacks #VacationHacks #fbpagesreels #highlights #sightclickspagereels #sightclickspage