Let’s get real right now- photo editing has destroyed the way we look at ourselves
Being exposed to the editing photos of people in the media has created this norm over decades that people are supposed to look like this
Smoothed out with no texture, flawless, not tired, and always photo ready
It’s taken until adulthood to realize that it just isn’t true. People don’t wake up looking amazing. The reality is they can look exactly like me- dark circles, spots, and texture
THAT is normal. THAT is what human skin is supposed to look like. WE are exactly the way we should be and it’s gorgeous.
WE are not what the media portrays of skin. WE are far more real and beautiful.
#realskin #powerofphotoshop #acneisnormal #instagramvsreality #normalizenormalskin #acnejourney #beautystandards #acnescars #acneisbeautiful #skinstagram #insecurity #unfilteredbeauty #facetune #acnepositivity #selflovematters #poresnotflaws #effyourbeautystandards #filterinstagram #skinpositivity #freethepimple