From about 6 months old, we were wondering if what she was saying. We knew she was talking but thought most things said were coincidences or us saying it sounded like this or that. Now that I know what I know now, YEAH SHE SAID WHATEVER IT IS WE THOUGHT SHE SAID 😂
Most talks we have are not like that of a mom and a 6 year old. Her topics are always interesting. Overwhelming at times but more so what I love the most. When she asked this, I once again was taken fast because i tell her (them both) about "back in the days" all the time when comparing how things change over time. They always wished they were living in my generation. Which may be why timia said at about 4 years old that she was in the wrong generation. She never explained what it meant then, but I am interested to know now that I'm typing this post.
Best gift hands down for Timia's Ausome Journey. She still likes the chair that she rolls through the house on. I may look for her a pink one. Or make that one pink, idk. I wish there was one like this with wheels.
Well Mia is gone back to the North Pole! She had a busy day with Timia's for her last day. She left a gift for Timia to hopefully calm the tears. Now, I can finally take a break. This was a full time job lol #elfontheshelf #MerrgChristmas
She said something else tonight and I asked how did she know that and she said she just does. I believe her yeah! Lol
We had so much fun last night. I'll post the rest tomorrow though 🎄🎅
Yall I don't care what we talk about, each day she says something that makes me say hmmmmm 🤔 We touched on planets a few years ago but not all of this shes saying. I just let her talk. If she says something I am not sure of, I go straight to Google. Which is why she asked, "am I right?" Because I forgot the answer to the statement she made about Mercury 🌌
She couldn't wait for this day, she loves singing. I thought she didn't see us in the crowd (well she didn't spot me) but she saw her dad and was so mad she said people were standing in his way taking videos of them. She thought he couldn't see her, lol. But that's right baby, I hate when people do that too.
She was counting money that was in a Christmas card given to her. Would yall believe it took 45 minutes for me to get her to even attempt to look inside the card? She cut up because I was taking her away from her art session she was doing. I had to wait until the coast was clear to show her the card again. I cut this video because she started again because I said a dollar was stuck together when she first counted lol
This was the first time she said what she said. Timia often repeats the same subjects over and over. I just go along with the subject to engage with her and build her communication skills.
Also, ignore her nails, she was playing with marker tops on her fingers and mixing playdoh before this video. She gets up extra early just to play with her playdoh. It puts her in a great mood.
BTW, none of this is ever scripted. These are our real life talks we have everyday. But this was her early morning thoughts.