This make me sad as a Nigerian
Chidi featured in a Movie by Ruth Kadiri and his life has never been thesame again . The movie is not even on Netflix but YouTube . Since then Ruth has featured him in more than 5 movies
Chidi has been called by other production houses . He has already featured in over 50 movies .
Ruth still got him deals with some designers and he is doing just so well . Ruth continuously promote him while staying in the background.
A young Talented kid like Faith Fidel features in a movie like “ The fisherman’s diary “ which is on Netflix. The movie made waves globally and she is one of the lead characters . Till today you don’t see many great things she is into. No brands using her , her media posts can’t even get 1k likes , her following not even up to 50k
What truly is happening to talents in CAMEROON ? It is safe to call this industry a burial ground for talents . We see artistes pop up before you know it they are down . We see comedians pop up before you know it they are down . Some even get into drugs because of depression.
What is truly the future of the CAMEROON movie, music industry ? We have young talents like PHIDO ,LOIC and many others making waves but can they survive the industry ? Our prayers is they make it but is the industry friendly ? Fertile enough for growth ?
Dear movie producers , when you feature new talents , promote them selflessly , take them around the world , expose them , link them up .
Dear new talents , if the producers do not promote you , promote yourself . If you are a part of a successful project and the owner is being stingy , promote yourself .
If we do not fix up , learn and support great talents , the future of the entertainment industry in CAMEROON will be worst than the value of Naira .