Real Talks on the Rocks

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Real Talks on the Rocks A video podcast where every week the host, Michael Acosta and his guest enjoy a refreshing beverage

Homelessness and drug abuse was a problem that San Francisco had the unfortunate luck of being the poster child for the ...

Homelessness and drug abuse was a problem that San Francisco had the unfortunate luck of being the poster child for the longest time.

Fentanyl changed everything. The problems that are created when drug addition become rampant are now affecting cities all over the country.

For my 50th episode, I brought back a guest who can speak first hand about the problems that drug abuse brings.

Tom Wolf is a recovery advocate and was featured in the book “San Fransicko”. Tom travels all around the country working with city governments to address their homeless and drug addiction issues.

Tom explains the root causes of the homeless problem in San Francisco and how it compares to other cities around the country, what some cities are doing that is ACTUALLY working, and WHY people on the streets don’t actually want help.

Tom gives his advice to those who are looking for help with a friend or relative that is struggling with addiction and answers some of the most common questions people want to know about these issues.

Episode 50 is now available on YouTube as well as all the major podcasting platforms.

With everything going on in the world today, it can be easy to forget how lucky we are in this country. Most of us don’t...

With everything going on in the world today, it can be easy to forget how lucky we are in this country. Most of us don’t wake up everyday just trying to come up with enough money to buy food for that same day. The world has real problems and it is going to take cooler heads to prevail in order to minimize the suffering of the innocent.

With that said, if there is one thing that we don’t talk about enough for fear of embarrassment is our own financial health.

In todays world of high interest rates, people know they should “save” money but don’t know how to do it. They are unsure of how much to save/invest, where to put that money and will it even be enough to live off of when they can’t work anymore.
cfp is back for round 2 on the show to help answer these questions! Miguel is a certified financial planner who helps people plan out their finances for 10-20 years down the road.

Miguel’s specialty is digging deep into how you live your life and understanding who you are as a person. Miguel uses this to create a unique financial plan that is tailored to YOU and where YOU want to be in 20 years.

This episode gets deep into financial planning that I know some of you are looking for. Take advantage of the free information that Miguel gives here as most financial planners charge for this type of information. Miguel has a big heart and he really wants to help everyone get their financial planning on the right track!

Episode 49 is live on YouTube and all podcasting platforms!

Remember that the best way to support my show is to watch each episode on YouTube! The more watched hours I get, the faster the channel can become monetized!

Thank you all for the support! I have many more guests planned who are also looking to spread their knowledge that can help you take control of your own life!

A lot has changed since the 1980’s.Back in their day, you took a job and stayed at it for 25+ years.In today’s western w...

A lot has changed since the 1980’s.

Back in their day, you took a job and stayed at it for 25+ years.

In today’s western world, especially in the tech sector, changing jobs frequently is the norm.

If you are someone that thinks you are the outlier by not settling for that one big career, listen to .mendozza ‘s episode on YouTube.

JoJo specializes in helping young women find a career path that fits the needs of what they as individuals want to accomplish.

Once you can learn to stop chasing the money (unless you are in a position where you NEED the $$ due to student loan debt, kids or a mortgage), finding a long-lasting career before you get bogged down in debt can be a very fulfilling process.

Watch episode 48 on YouTube to hear what JoJo can do for you!

Thank you for supporting my channel! To help this podcast grow, please consider watching my episodes on YouTube over listening on the podcast platforms. The more that people watch the episode, the more YouTube pushes it to a wider audience (this does not happen on podcast platforms). The more that people watch, the faster my channel can become monetized!

Spending 6+ years in college to get a piece of paper that doesn’t even guarantee you a good-paying career is a frustrati...

Spending 6+ years in college to get a piece of paper that doesn’t even guarantee you a good-paying career is a frustration more and more young people are experiencing.

This week’s guest is someone who has also experienced this and is now on a mission to help others find the career they will really be successful in.
mendozza is a life and career coach based in San Jose,Ca. JoJo explains how she works to help young women find the life and career path they really desire and what challenges young women specifically are facing when it comes to balancing a career with the pressures of society.

If you are a young woman that is questioning her career choice and what you thought it was supposed to be, Jojo’s insights might help you see that there is another path for you.

Thank you JoJo for being a great guest!

Episode 48 is now live on YouTube (link in bio)!

You ever started a career thinking you were “set for life”, only to find out a year into it that you really can’t stand ...

You ever started a career thinking you were “set for life”, only to find out a year into it that you really can’t stand it?

started her adult life getting her education to work in dentistry, only to find out when she got the job, she was Miserable!

Leah left a stable career in dentistry to pursue something she was really passionate about: Being a Personal Trainer!

Hear Leah’s story and advice on how she pressed the reset button on her career and how she continues to work to become a great Personal Trainer!

Episode 47 is now live on YouTube and all podcasting platforms!

Starting a business is not easy. Starting a family is not easy. Working with at-risk youth is not easy.Doing all 3 of th...

Starting a business is not easy. Starting a family is not easy. Working with at-risk youth is not easy.

Doing all 3 of these is not easy. Doing all 3 of these before you are age 30 is beyond easy!

That is exactly what (Collin Young) did when he decide to create his own coffee shop .

On this weeks episode, Collin talks about the coffee industry and why his small coffee shop has a tremendous advantage in quality over some of the big name coffee brands that don’t have to time to source the best coffee beans.

Collin also talks about raising his kids and spending time with his family while also balancing building his business.

Collin gets real about the stresses that happen behind the scenes and what he does to overcome them.

Life ain’t easy, but hearing how Collin makes it happen while also working to expand his business to other locations is something that many of us can learn from.

Thank you Collin for being on the show!

Please check out his coffee shop near Lake Merritt in Oakland,CA (1528 Webster Street).

Episode 46 is now live on YouTube and all podcasting platforms! Follow the link in my bio!

The summer is almost over and it’s time to focus on what’s important to my audience as 2024 gets closer.I am very thankf...

The summer is almost over and it’s time to focus on what’s important to my audience as 2024 gets closer.

I am very thankful for all of the guests I’ve had in this year!

Each one of them has shared valuable insight into what they are passionate about and what they can offer you to help you take control of your life.

The goal of the show is to help my audience take control of their own lives through listening to experts in fitness and finances.

As the end of 2023 comes into focus, I’m going to bring in more guests who fit into the financial and mental health aspect of the world.

You will still see fitness-focus guests, but I’m working hard to bring you more information that you can find useful to your life.

The guests I have booked so far from now until the end of the year will bring you more information on personal development, dealing with drug addiction in your community and, of course, helping you understand your financial situation.

Some really big names are in the works, but as you can imagine, coming to an agreement on commitment can be tough. I hope to bring you some big surprises before the end of the year.

Thank you to all of my listeners who continue to support the show by listening, watching and sharing my episodes!

Remember, the easiest way to support the show is by watching on YouTube!

The more watched-hours I get, the faster the channel becomes monetized! I need 3000 hours to get monetized and I am currently just over 1000 hours.

If you believe in the vision, please consider subscribing to my YouTube channel and enjoying the episodes there!

The show is taking the next step as I finally got to sit down with someone that I have been trying to get on for several...

The show is taking the next step as I finally got to sit down with someone that I have been trying to get on for several months!

is a professor of Kinesiology at SF State University, who specializes in muscle physiology.

We all know the most popular opinions when it comes to building muscle (protein powder, Hypertrophy, max reps), but how often do we talk to a scientist who specializes in the very thing we are trying to improve?

Dr. Bagley has conducted some ground-breaking research into new diabetes and obesity treatments as it relates to how our muscles can work to fight these diseases.

I have been going to the gym consistently for over 20 years and it wasn’t until THIS conversation that I learned how I was sabotaging the very results I was looking for based on how my muscles use energy!

Dr.Bagley also tackles the somewhat controversial issue of “intermittent fasting” and gives his take on it based on research.

Finally, Dr. Bagley tells you the truth about all of those research studies that are used in those “Netflix documentaries”. As common-sense would suggest, sometimes these studies are indeed “cherry-picked”

Thank you add. Bagley for coming on the show and I look forward to having you back on!

Episode 45 is now live on YouTube, Apple Podcasts and Spotify!

My second Tough Mudder in the books and it only took me 12 years in between!From carrying my 230lb teammate on my back u...

My second Tough Mudder in the books and it only took me 12 years in between!

From carrying my 230lb teammate on my back uphill, to getting zapped by 10,000 volts on the ankle, to the tear gas, to to constant diving into mud, this event is a real test to your mettle. It really is something that builds comradely with your teammates and forces you to challenge your own fears.

Fight or flight definitely kicked in on several of those events!

Imagine being on your back in a pit of water up to your nose and having literally inches to breath as the pit is capped by a chain-link fence. Combine the fact that the fence is covered by a tarp and your body will try to panic.

For those of you who couldn’t make it this year, it’s coming back to Sonoma next year!

Part of taking control of your fitness and mental health means you need to get out of your comfort zone.

Thank you to for being some bad-ass teammates and shoutout to for taking on your first tough Mudder!

As I continue to make improvements to my show, it’s just as important for me to take a step back and appreciate what I h...

As I continue to make improvements to my show, it’s just as important for me to take a step back and appreciate what I have built.

Nothing comes for free, but the same motivation that got me to jump out of a plane 15 years ago is the same motivation that keeps me going now.

This show WILL become something great! Thank you all for listening and for sharing the show to those you know!

We all face enormous pressures in todays world. From expectations on our job status, to planning our financial future, t...

We all face enormous pressures in todays world. From expectations on our job status, to planning our financial future, to keeping our mental health in check. Life ain’t easy for anyone, but the pressures are different for men than women.

One of the biggest challenges for women is the pressure to have a specific physical image.

is a fitness coach with and is a kickboxing instructor at who have no problem speaking “real talk” on these issues.

Melissa and Colby talk about their own challenges with body image and how when they were at their “fittest” they were also the most unhappy. That being said, they also talk about what they have done to overcome their challenges and how they use that to motivate their clients.

This episode is not for someone that is used to hearing all positive talk, which is why I respect them both for being honest.

Melissa and Colby continue to work to become the best versions of themselves and have a deep desire to see the same thing in every one of their clients.

This episode was designed to focus on women’s health, fitness and the financial strain as viewed from a woman’s point of view, and they did a great job in giving out some valuable information.

Episode 44 is now live on YouTube!

I’m just as guilty when it comes to weight training of  mainly focusing on the “big” muscles.As I get older, focusing on...

I’m just as guilty when it comes to weight training of mainly focusing on the “big” muscles.

As I get older, focusing on flexibility, recovery and paying attention to those small muscles is becoming more of a big deal.

For me, the lightweight cable and arm workouts mean just as much to everyday life as the amount I can bench 💪🏾.

The foam roller has also been my new best friend! For those of us who ride, getting that groin stretched out is key to not pulling anything when you get on and off the bike.

My reminder to everyone to spend time stretching and recovering!

Most of us will never know what it’s like to play in the NFL, let alone play in a Super Bowl. Most of also never knew wh...

Most of us will never know what it’s like to play in the NFL, let alone play in a Super Bowl. Most of also never knew what it’s like to play college football, let alone win a national championship.

has done all of that! From 3am workouts at the Iniversity of Auburn, to being drafter by the San Francisco 49ers, Corey’s life has has his fair share of ups and downs in his sports life.

Despite his successes as a pro athlete, Corey’s past life in the NFL is not what defines him. Corey has a drive to help people become the best versions of themselves.

When his NFL career ended, Corey took control of his life and found a new passion with fitness!

Today Corey is a fitness instructor at Barry’s Bootcamp as well as a brand ambassador for ! Corey channels his passion for helping people into his training classes at Barry’s. His zest for instilling confidence in his clients is a testament to what life can be like when you decide to take control of it.

From NFL stories, the money and fame that comes with being a star athlete, to getting your body into its best shape, this episode will have you hooked!

Thank you Corey for being on the show!

Episode 43 is now available on YouTube, Spotify and Apple Podcasts!

For anyone wishing to support my channel, the easiest way to do so is simply by watching/listening to the episode on YouTube! Your watch time helps me with getting exposure in the platform! The more you watch, the more this episode gets pushed out to others!

If you are one of those who is asking HOW you can best support my channel, here is the easiest, fastest and most efficie...

If you are one of those who is asking HOW you can best support my channel, here is the easiest, fastest and most efficient way to do so:

Watch/ listen to each episode on YouTube!

Sounds obvious, but I’ll explain how this helps me over just listening on Apple Podcasts and Spotify:

YouTube needs eyeballs on the platform. The more that people watch my videos (even if the show is playing in your background on desktop or mobile), the more that YouTube sees that my content is valuable. The more they deem it valuable, the more they “suggest” each video to new audiences.

In order to monetize a channel to be eligible for ad revenue, I need two things:

500 subscribers and 3000 total watch hours or more (excluding shorts) in a calendar year.

By you subscribing to my YouTube channel AND by watching (or just listening) to my episodes on YouTube (and on the YouTube app), you are both supporting me in helping my show get seen by more people AND you are helping me become monetized!

Another way to help is by pressing the “like” button on each episode.

All of the audio-only platforms, while great for those who enjoy audio-based content, they do not help the channel get exposed.

Thank you to all of my supporters and I’m excited to continuously up the shows game by bringing you the content you enjoy!

The Real Talks on the Rocks challenge coin has finally arrived!I am excited to offer one of these coins to each of my gu...

The Real Talks on the Rocks challenge coin has finally arrived!

I am excited to offer one of these coins to each of my guests going forward as a thank you for being on my show! was the first guest to receive the coin in person!

Challenge coins are huge in many industries, most notably the military and public service. Anytime a member of a department or a military unit gets to interact with a member of another unit/department (say a deployment or a natural disaster), members of those units exchange coins with one another.

This process is designed to solidify the brotherhood among those who are also out there doing great things in the world.

These coins are EXCLUSIVELY reserved for guests of the show (however drop a comment if you would be interested in purchasing a coin that I make available for sale one day).

If you are a former guest, reach out to me with your updated mailing info and I will get one out to you!

It takes a lot of digging deep to become someone who has what it takes to make a difference in this world.Donovan Lee ( ...

It takes a lot of digging deep to become someone who has what it takes to make a difference in this world.

Donovan Lee ( ) is a great example of this!

At 24 years old, Donovan is an up and coming personal trainer with an innate passion for helping others become the best versions of themselves. Not only that, Donovan also practices what he preaches by taking control of his own physical and financial health. He figured this out much earlier in his life than myself and many others in my age group ever did.

It was a pleasure to have him on as this weeks guest to really see what makes Donovan the person he is.

This episode ended up covering a lot more than fitness as we were both in agreement that men in todays world need to chart their own path, separate from that of their fathers and grand dad’s.

If getting yourself into the best shape of your life and want to hear some real talk about the masculinity challenge in our world, you don’t want to miss this episode.

Thank you Donovan for being a great guests and also for being the first guest to receive the official “real talks on the rocks” challenge coin!

Episode 42 is now live on YouTube, Apple Podcasts and Spotify!

This podcast has allowed me to meet some great people from around the Bay Area. Even while I’m booking guests, listening...

This podcast has allowed me to meet some great people from around the Bay Area.

Even while I’m booking guests, listening to audiobooks or editing my episodes, rocking their apparel is something special!

Thank you to and .nguyen for hooking it up with this fly cap and thank you to for hooking it up with the long-sleeve!

These guys are making s**t happen in their life and in their business! All great minds think alike!

You think owning your own gym is easy?? Try building a gym that is an entirely different concept from what we typically ...

You think owning your own gym is easy?? Try building a gym that is an entirely different concept from what we typically think of a gym to be.

A gym that centers around creating an environment for personal trainers to bring THEIR clients to. A gym that gives you CONTROL of your valuable time by giving you a “pod” to workout in.

Joe Cicero has done just that! He is the founder of .fit in San Francisco.

In this episode, Joe explains why he decided to open his own gym and how he came up with his “pod” system. Joe also talks about the fitness industry as a whole, the impact social media is having on body image, gym culture and how he works to balance his personal goals with his professional goals.

Thank you Joe for hanging out with me for 2 hours!

Episode 41 is now available on YouTube, Apple Podcasts and Spotify!


Apple Podcasts:


From the grind of working 4 12-hour shifts to the grind of getting to the gym everyday, to getting ready for another epi...

From the grind of working 4 12-hour shifts to the grind of getting to the gym everyday, to getting ready for another episode!

I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Anyone who has ever worked as a police officer knows how important having social skills are. Most of our job is to solve...

Anyone who has ever worked as a police officer knows how important having social skills are. Most of our job is to solve other peoples problems.

For some of us in the law enforcement community, that skill we develop becomes something we want to expand beyond just wearing the uniform.

I had the pleasure to sit down with Dave Sands of the .origins_ podcast for this weeks episode.

Dave spent 15 years as a police officer with SFPD. While his career ended shorter than expected, Dave didn’t let that stop him. Dave always had an interest in the stories people tell around food.

Dave has found a new passion in talking to people who create food and who open restaurants. Dave is fascinated with how people think about cooking and why they choose to serve others. He is a modern-day Anthony Bourdain!

Creating a podcast is not easy and many times, you are your biggest critic. Dave has created an intriguing podcast that he hopes to share with more of the world.

If you ever wanted to know what goes into creating a podcast, this is an episode you don’t want to miss!

Thank you Dave for being on the show!

Episode 40 is now live on YouTube, Apple Podcasts and Spotify! Click on the link in my bio for access!

For me, finding time to read a book is non-existent. Like you, I don’t have much time to sit and read, which is why I re...

For me, finding time to read a book is non-existent. Like you, I don’t have much time to sit and read, which is why I rely on audiobooks.

If there is nothing else you want to spend time listening to, this 5-6 hour audiobook is one you have to invest in, especially as a millennial.

If you want to understand what CONTROL of your finances mean, you gotta understand why we think the way we do. You have to understand what (usually)makes wealthy people wealthy and what (usually) keeps poor people poor.

The difference between luck and risk is so small.

I’m not saying this book will make you stop buying Avocado Toast , as it did for me😄, but I am saying you will have more CONTROL over your money once you read this.

The book is called “The Psychology of Money” and you can find it on Audible.

And yes, I do have a killer smile!🤔🤣

The “Real Talks on the Rocks” challenge coin is finalized and is on order!It means a lot to me to have a token that each...

The “Real Talks on the Rocks” challenge coin is finalized and is on order!

It means a lot to me to have a token that each guest can take with them to remember their experience on my show and i’m excited to start handing them out!

While this coin is reserved ONLY for guests of my show, I am seriously considering designing a new one that I’ll make available for sale to my audience🤔.

What are your thoughts?? Would you support my show by purchasing a challenge coin if it was available?? 39 with Charlie Herrera-Villar is live!Hear Charlie talk about growing up in a Mexic...
Episode 39 with Charlie Herrera-Villar is live!

Hear Charlie talk about growing up in a Mexican border town, being a father at age 17 and still having the mindset of chasing his career ambitions! From actor, to firefighter, to barbershop owner.

On this episode of Real Talks on the Rocks, I sit down with Charlie Herrera-Villar.Charlie currently owns his own barbershop after exploring both an acting c...

It was a real pleasure to sit down with  for this weeks episode! Charlie epitomized the meaning of this show by getting ...

It was a real pleasure to sit down with for this weeks episode! Charlie epitomized the meaning of this show by getting REAL with what he has been through.

Charlie’s story of growing up in a Mexican border town, to being a father at age 17 to where he is now, a barbershop owner, is a testament to what people in our generation are going through. He even tried his hand at acting and firefighting!

Life is tough! Life throws curve balls at you when you least expect it and it happens to everyone! Even those of us who try to plan everything out.

Charlie is a great example of someone who took CONTROL of his life when he had every excuse to give up. Not only was I amazed at what he had been through, but I was also amazed with his zest for life. The stories that are told in the barbershop might also surprise you!

For me, learning more about what motivates people, what makes them tick and what makes them BELIEVE is something I work to get out of each one of my guest.

Needless to say, Charlie taught me a lot.

I hope you enjoy episode 39! You can find it on YouTube, Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Thank you Charlie!

We have A TON of problems in our world. One problem that I get obsessed with is that people don’t want to listen to the ...

We have A TON of problems in our world. One problem that I get obsessed with is that people don’t want to listen to the opposite side anymore. We are quick to shut the other person down before hearing them out (I am just as guilty sometimes). As a whole, we don’t understand why we think the way we do.

We get so caught up with social media and influencers pitting two sides against each other when in reality, we mostly agree on the same stuff.

The most successful businesses and the most successful people in general understand this basic principal:

“If you don’t understand people, you don’t understand business”

As I grow this podcast, I learn more and more about how people operate, why we buy certain products and what makes us loyal to brands and other people.

People like Reza from think exactly the same way! This is why his business is thriving. He understands the importance of putting people first. His people make his business successful (and he makes the best Açaí bowls east of Hawaii😄)!

Do you agree? Disagree? Leave a comment!

There was a time in my teens and early 20’s where I would have cringed at the idea of ever being on camera, let alone ha...

There was a time in my teens and early 20’s where I would have cringed at the idea of ever being on camera, let alone have a conversation with complete strangers.

Both learning how to manage people in my 20’s and my current career in law enforcement have taught me so much about how people actually work and how we think and trust as human beings.

The desire for me to create a platform where other people can trust me to put them in the best light so they can share their knowledge to the world has finally become a reality.

Fast-forward to today, and I have one of, if not the most unique podcasting platforms in San Francisco!

I’m proud to showcase everyday people in their best light and will continue to bring you real and tangible information to help you take control of your fitness, your finances and your mental well-being.

on the photography!

Episode 38 with  is now live!Alex is a holistic nutritionist and wellness coach who specifically works with women to hel...

Episode 38 with is now live!

Alex is a holistic nutritionist and wellness coach who specifically works with women to help get their stress and hormone issues back on track through managing their diet.

Wellness and health are important issues that everyone should care about and this is even more of an issue for many women.

Alex talks about her personal struggles with body image and educates the listeners on women-specific chronic diseases and how she guides her clients to manage or overcome them.

This episode was a great one to film and I am excited to showcase the photography of on this carousel!

You can check out this episode on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify and all of the other podcast platforms.

Meet the people behind the scenes that are making my show what it is today, and what it will be in the future! is respon...

Meet the people behind the scenes that are making my show what it is today, and what it will be in the future!

is responsible for all of the immaculate photos you have seen recently and will continue to see on my feed.

Lena’s high standards of integrity (showing up as promised and delivering excellent photography) do not go unnoticed. The little things she focuses on while she is working are what separate her from her competition. I put my trust in her to capture the images that put my guests in the best light possible and she has not disappointed me.
nguyen and I have the same belief in ethics and integrity (his years spent in the US Navy prove that). When we give our word to someone, we intend to keep it.

Zoon has taken hours out of his day (sometimes splitting time working with influencers in Los Angeles) to make sure that he showcases my message!

These two individuals believe in what this show stands for and I am excited to have them work with me!

I’ve learned that there are levels to success and excellence in life and these two are on another level!

I stand by the work ethic of both of them and I HIGHLY recommend them if you are in need of a photographer or a videographer/website designer (Zoon also specializes in setting up e-commerce websites).

I look forward to continuing to showcase their great work and am stoked to have them on Real Talks on the Rocks!

Episode  #37 with Melissa Boyd ( ) is now live!From starting her own brick and mortar gym, to becoming a lead clad at , ...

Episode #37 with Melissa Boyd ( ) is now live!

From starting her own brick and mortar gym, to becoming a lead clad at , Melissa did not shy away from the things she really enjoys about the industry, as well as the challenges that the industry faces.

Melissa also gave her perspective on realistic goals for her clients as well as the commitment that is required to achieve the physique you want.

As this show grows, I learn more and more from the professionals I talk to and am excited to continue to bring you more of the information that most of our generation wants to know.

Melissa took control of her life at a pivotal time and has not looked back since! Enjoy the episode!

Check the link in my bio for all the ways to watch/listen to her episode.



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