Good evening facebook family. Ain’t really sure how to say all this but I want to be completely transparent. Hell, I didn’t even know I was gonna say all this til about an hour ago. So here we go
The past few months have been a learning experience. A lot of growth. Personally I’ve endured hardships and other events I won’t divulge. At times it’s been hard to stream as my current schedule had me at work til 10pm.
Yes, I work 55+ hours a week in addition to streaming!
Through periods of depression, anxiety, and being burnt out from work I’ve still tried to make time to fire up the stream and kick it with y’all. This community has always been about trying to come on here and promote positivity and laughter on the stream. Y’all have made this experience amazing. You make me laugh and smile at times I’ve found it difficult to do so. You have no idea how much y’all mean to me
The growth of this page is ridiculous, we got over 1K in the blink of an eye 😂
The amount of love shown on here has almost even made me cry during the stream. Cause it’s still crazy to me that as a small streamer, y’all still come in here and support us. I don’t stress about the number of viewers we’ve had on here because the few that have stuck around have become a staple to this page and this journey
Even though facebook drastically lowered our viewership, we have still kept going. I enjoy playing video games when I can and to have y’all watch and even join in the games has been a blessing
With that being said, I will be changing platforms and moving to twitch by December. Facebook has given me many difficulties during this journey but that’s for another time. I may even be on twitch by the end of this month
But I want y’all to know that I don’t plan on quitting the stream life anytime soon. Just wanted to give a heads up that I will be streaming late afternoons/nights once again. I start my new job early December and will be moving to the morning shift. I want to be more consistent as a streamer
Be on the lookout for not only warzone content but other games like Vanguard and Battlefield etc.
I hope that all of you in this family can join me on twitch (hybrid_1k). Twitch can be downloaded as a phone app. If not, that’s cool too. It’s been something I’ve been thinking about for months and finally solidified my decision this week. We’ll still be live on facebook for the next few weeks and I hope to see y’all tonight for some warzone/vanguard content
I love y’all and truly hope you can understand this decision. I hope it’s not an inconvenience
Love, Josh Valladolid (Hybrid 1K)