G. Awonijé Nigeria Benin news

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Quatre enfants électrocutés dans un conteneur à Ondo La police de l'État d'Ondo a confirmé la mort de quatre enfants qui...

Quatre enfants électrocutés dans un conteneur à Ondo

La police de l'État d'Ondo a confirmé la mort de quatre enfants qui auraient été tués après avoir été électrocutés dans la zone de gouvernement local d'Ile Oluji / Okeigbo de l'État.

Le porte-parole du commandement de l'État, Funmilayo Odunlami, a déclaré que le câble électrique est tombé sur le magasin de conteneurs métalliques à l'intérieur duquel se trouvaient les défunts, les tuant.

Elle a dit que la commande a
a ouvert une enquête sur la question.

Deux des quatre victimes étaient des frères et sœurs qui rendaient visite à leur tante pour les vacances de Pâques dans la communauté.

L'incident s'est produit alors que des enfants jouaient à l'intérieur du conteneur.

Ils ont été transportés d'urgence à l'hôpital, mais il n'y avait pas suffisamment d'oxygène pour cinq d'entre eux.

Dans une réaction, le sénateur représentant Ondo Sud, Nicholas Tofowomo, a déclaré qu'il veillerait à ce que les parents des victimes obtiennent justice si la Société béninoise de distribution d'électricité était reconnue coupable de l'affaire.

Il a mis en garde les habitants de la communauté contre la construction de bâtiments ou de magasins sous des câbles à haute tension ou toute ligne d'alimentation électrique.

Osun 2022 : PDP présente un certificat de retour à Adeleke Le Comité de travail national du Parti démocratique populaire...

Osun 2022 : PDP présente un certificat de retour à Adeleke

Le Comité de travail national du Parti démocratique populaire a remis le certificat de retour au vainqueur de l'élection primaire d'Osun, le sénateur Ademola Adeleke.

La présentation a eu lieu jeudi au NEC Hall du secrétariat national du parti, Wadata Plaza, Abuja.


I greet everyone in the Benin newspaper Nigeria. Beninese President Patrice Talon no longer wants good for his country. Let's see now since 2016 he has done this way and some small works. Since then he has done nothing. Look at Nigerian President Buhari, he has a plan for everything he has closed the border. Because he has enough rice to feed the country for the next ten years. But the president of Benin is just using the country's money to sue his brothers and sisters who are supposed to work together to make a greater country. Where is his own rice he produced, he always asks people to pay taxes. He collects a small amount that the citizen must pay by force. This is the only law he makes for the country Everytime tax country.


* _An African army_ *

Yesterday, European winter went through
Our lands, land full of treasures
Yesterday we had been dispossessed
They ripped off our able-bodied arms and our gold

Yesterday they murdered the Sankara
Installed their lawless puppets
Our land is divided

They killed the elephant with the unicorn
Destroyed the father, installed the son in our thorn wounds
They humiliated Gaddafi
Today, in their sights, Mali

Who feeds the rebels?
Who sells them such a fertile weapon?
They are not our friends, they dream of our land

The blue, the red, the white
No one wants to see us opulent
We need to unite to have our army
A united and engaged African army

When we are invaded
We will deploy our united force
We deserve respect

Julien Kandé KANSOU, January 03, 2021, 6:04 p.m.

This is to officially announce my resignation as counsel involved further in any matter relating to Chief Sunday Adeyemo...

This is to officially announce my resignation as counsel involved further in any matter relating to Chief Sunday Adeyemo Igboho and the Yoruba Nation Agitators.

As a firm, we are satisfied with our little best in contributing to providing legal solutions and representations to Chief Sunday Adeyemo (Igboho) and associated Yoruba Nation Agitators as far as ensuring the protection and enforcement of their rights in this matter. We were able to secure the release of twelve (12) persons brutally and unlawfully arrested by the reckless State Security Service (SSS), and also secured the release of an innocent herbalist equally unlawfully arrested and detained by the SSS. We have two persons with on-going terrorism trials at the Federal High Court and our firm will dutifully continue and close the trial having commenced their matter.

While thanking everyone, particularly Chief Yomi Aliyu SAN for the opportunity, and freehand service, Dr. OLASUPO Ojo for his fair leadership and Chief Femi Falana for allowing his industry to be tapped and for the moral support, I most respectfully wish to now step aside.

I have stated ab initio that the scope of my work will only be within the purview of my professional duty as a lawyer to Sunday Igboho and his aides . I am a strong believer in constitutional democracy, civil liberty and human rights which includes the right to self-determination but I am not a Yoruba nation agitator nor a member of any like organization. My reaction to Prof. Akintoye was not to undermine the Yoruba struggle but is based off my personal convictions which I am entitled to. I do hope my friends in the struggle will allow me enjoy the benefit of my right to such a choice as a person of thought and conscience.

Thank you.

Pelumi Olajengbesi Esq.,
Managing Partner,
Law Corridor.


The umbrella body for Yoruba self-determination groups, Ilana Omo Oodua, has berated a lawyer engaged by the group, Pelumi Olajengbesi, for resigning from representing group’s interest.

The group’s spokesman, Maxwell Adeleye, said in a statement on Sunday that Olajengbesi was not engaged on social media, saying resigning via social media showed his action was unethical.

The group also accused Olajengbesi of associating with the government to sabotage Chief Sunday Adeyemo aka Igboho and other self- determination activists ’struggle for actualization of Yoruba Nation.

The statement read, “The Ilana Omo Oodua Worldwide, the umbrella body of Yoruba self-determination groups all over the world, has received the media report of the resignation of Mr Pelumi Olajengbesi, the lawyer that the Yoruba nation self-determination groups worldwide retained and paid to defend the aides of Chief Sunday Adeyemo against the Department of State Services at an Abuja High Court.

“We want to state expressly that we did not hire Mr Olajengbesi through the social media and it is not ideal for him to have resigned through the social media.

“Choosing the social media to resign is an indication of his lack of understanding of the ethics of his profession. It clearly raises questions on his integrity and honor.

“Lastly, it should be on record that contrary to the claim of Olajengbesi, he is not a personal lawyer to Sunday Igboho, but a lawyer to the Yoruba self-determination struggle.

“He was introduced to us by Chief Yomi Aliyu, SAN. The self-determination struggle hired, retained and paid for the services of Pelumi Olajengbesi, not Chief Sunday Igboho. Olajengbesi, perhaps, looking for fame and popularity, used the media to brand himself as Ighoho’s lawyer.

“We chose to allow him to enjoy the fame to avoid distraction. Now having appropriated some fame, he turns to hobnobbing with the Nigerian government to trade Chief Sunday Adeyemo Igboho and our self-determination struggle for financial and political gains. ”


Despite his title of interim president, he is in a military atmosphere with his guard, it is often very interesting times for a man in uniform



The presidential pardon is the act by which the President of the Republic can remove or reduce the sentence of a convicted person.

The academic Joël AÏVO was sentenced this Tuesday, December 7, 2021 to a 10-year prison sentence and a fine of 45 million CFA francs. He was convicted of conspiracy against state authority and money laundering.

As for Reckya MADOUGOU, early this Saturday, December 11, 2021, she was sentenced to 20 years of criminal imprisonment and a fine of 50 million CFA francs. She was found guilty of "complicity in terrorist acts".

For these cases, justice has just finished its work if the convicts do not appeal.

Failing to appeal, the condemned can count on political games to obtain the clemency of the Head of State through the presidential pardon.

This is perhaps the place to congratulate the former President of the Republic YAYI BONI who, unlike his dean, the former President of the Republic Nicéphore SOGLO, chose the path of negotiation by visiting the current President of the Republic Patrice Talon on September 22, 2021 with a list of grievances including the release of certain detainees including Joël AÏVO and Reckya MADOUGOU. After this visit, we also noted the release of several detainees.

That Joël AÏVO and Reckya MADOUGOU no longer undermine the efforts undertaken by the former President of the Republic Thomas YAYI BONI who seeks the clemency of the Head of State through the presidential pardon for their release.

Benin: Heroine Reckya's 09 months in prison Her complexion will shine brighter than in the past in a few months and year...

Benin: Heroine Reckya's 09 months in prison Her complexion will shine brighter than in the past in a few months and years. When God will have done for her what he did to Job in The body yesterday fresh, sublime and joyful
Stunted, tarnished skin
By the deprivation and the pressure of the executioners of the night

She is abused, cooked
All tired
She carries democracy
Like the cross of Christ

Manhandled, I shed tears
My arms without strength, my heart without charm
She don't do jail, she do hell

Today a man gave up the soul
Béhanzin, someone else carries his load, a woman
Madougou, if we would see the dead
Your dead will be moaning crying out wrong

You carry the cross of this country
Where freedom is already buried
Father from Madougou, see what we do to your daughter
She is eaten away by persecution, by night, by pride

Beninese people, failing to shout
Pray for her who is crouching and all tense
Let’s be indignant, let’s ask God’s miracle

special prosecutor of Criet requires 20 years of criminal imprisonment and 75 million fine against Rékiatou MADOUGOU.  M...

special prosecutor of Criet requires 20 years of criminal imprisonment and
75 million fine against Rékiatou MADOUGOU. Mario Metonou also requested the reclassification of the charge of complicity in acts of terrorism and terrorist financing.



"Mr. President, everyone will have understood that I am not a terrorist but that I remain a brave activist who for twenty years, has been investing in the civic education of young people, the leadership and the empowerment of women, and this with convincing results.

Everyone will have understood that in this trial, we protected collaborators, political allies, but pilloried the innocent that I am. I am talking about the 70,000,000F gang which is the crux of this whole affair.

Eric ZEMMOUR, whose philosophy I do not share, but whose general culture I respect, declared in his book, "France has not said its last word, I quote": "in the life of nations as in the life of individuals , we go through phases of abatement which precede a recovery, through phases of decline which herald a rebirth. "

Mr. President, 30min before my kidnapping, on March 3, 2021, I had declared to all the girls and all the sons of our beautiful country, that I offered myself for democracy. I repeat myself today, I offer myself for democracy. And if my sacrifice can allow you Mr. President and your colleagues to regain your independence from the executive power, then I will not have suffered unnecessarily from this terror.

Back to sender! God forgive you.

The parents and relatives of Reckya Madougou could not restrain their tears at the pronouncement of his sentence of 20 years of criminal imprisonment. Reckya Madougou, for her part, remained standing to console her relatives. She told them the following sentence: "I knew the court was going to confirm the prosecution's indictment. So I'm not surprised."
In any case, we here, we did not detect through his face, a feeling of a downcast person.


After her requisition, the Public Prosecutor, in view of the facts asks the Court to find Madam * Reckya MADOUGOU * guilty of "terrorist acts, and of terrorist financing" and to sentence her to * 20 years of firm imprisonment plus a fine of 75 million FCFA *.

- Gbassiré Mora Mohamed for "abuse of office" to * 7 years imprisonment and a fine of 2 million FCFA *

- Mama Bio Amadou, Bio Dramane Tidjani, Sacca Zimé Georges and Mama Touré, 20 years imprisonment

The defense makes its pleadings before the deliberation of the Court.

To be continued....


The silent echo of the sentences inflicted, the vivid wounds of the humiliations suffered as well as the trauma of the violation of his rights have not ceased to split hearts. But Reckya Madougou, the political prisoner of Patrice Talon, remains standing, serene, proud and fierce. And more determined than ever to face and tell this justice scélorosed by man without balls, to these dark magistrates of the Court of Repression of Economic Infractions and Terrorism (Criet) that it has never been and will not be the designated terrorist. In truth, next Friday, Reckya Madougou will not be tried for suspected or not acts of terrorism. Even less criminal association. But rather for having worthily defended the wandering orphan, the desperate widow, the forgotten unemployed and all these Beninese in a just and normal quest for hope. Let no one deceive you!

Reckya Madougou is not a terrorist. Even less that fingered by the rednecks of the ambient autocracy in progress. It never has been and never will be. Ball in mind, this woman of honor is a patriot who has always worn Benin in a sling and whose action will undoubtedly serve as an example for generations.

Reckya Madougou is not a terrorist. His last years, his responsibilities and his priorities have always focused on entrepreneurship in order to better fight against poverty in African countries and to promote financial inclusion. Very combative, conquering and indefatigable, she has only learned to imagine the future for young people and women and is convinced that taking action is a duty.

Reckya Madougou is not a terrorist. Activist for freedoms, several times Minister of the Republic of Benin and Keeper of the Seals, International Expert in Inclusive Finance, Advisor to several Heads of State in Africa, she is one of the super-benchmarks of the social economy in Africa. Not a terrorist.

Reckya Madougou is not a terrorist. His goal is not to save the widow and the orphan, or Benin. Its mission is almost more difficult: to tell the reality, to suggest a new hope, to make triumph the truth and to propose a new offer. His fault is to have expressed it loud and clear.

Reckya Madougou is not a terrorist. She is a mother of a family, a kind and generous woman. His trial is the umpteenth and most fatal blow inflicted by Patrice Talon on democracy and his sons. But it's forgotten that ...

"Be careful, when a democracy is sick, fascism comes to its bedside but it is not to hear from it".
Zinsou 20 years old
Koutche 20 years old
Ajavon 20 years old
Madougou 20 years old
Léady 10 years old
Joël 10 years old


* We wait for him to wake up in his hiding place to give the final instructions. Otherwise the judges are tired they are already complaining. Ahaaaaaa ..... justice of Benin.🤣🤣🤣🤣 *
* Quite simply the justice of bitterness and jealousy. *

* Trial of Joël AÏVO: * The prosecutor of the crièt requires 10 years of criminal imprisonment and 50 million fine for J...

* Trial of Joël AÏVO: * The prosecutor of the crièt requires 10 years of criminal imprisonment and 50 million fine for Joël AÏVO and each of his 3 co-defendants

, 12/06/2021

_ * "First, allow me to remind you, Madam President, that political alternation is a notion of Constitutional Law and Political Science which means change of President of the Republic, of government following elections democratic. Then, the taking of the oath in April in Benin, it is a republican tradition since the first democratic elections of 1991. Even President Talon was sworn in on April 6, 2016. Finally, Madam President, a coup leader is never announced. . It arises, acts and maintains itself. Believe me, this is a Professor of Constitutional Law speaking to you. In Africa, was Colonel Mamady Doumbouya a candidate for the 2020 presidential election in Guinea before overthrowing Alpha Condé? Was Colonel Assimi GoÏta a candidate before overthrowing President IBK? General Guéï in 1999? Never. A coup leader never announces himself and his presidential intentions or ambitions are never known until his coup. This universal coup d'etat law was also verified in Benin before 1990. Christophe SOGLO, Maurice Kouandété, Michel AÏKPE, Janvier ASSOGBA, Michel ALLADAYE and Mathieu KÉRÉKOU had they ever been candidates for a presidential election in Benin? Never. The African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights has ruled that the revision of the Constitution of Benin is void. I had faith that the Government would draw the legal consequences and that we will go to the elections so that on April 6, 2021 * >> _

This is FJA's answer to the question of why he said a new Head of State will be sworn in on April 6, 2021


The Judicial Agent of the Treasury who had meanwhile for needs, during the questioning of the representative of the DGI by the advice of Joël Aïvo is again back in the courtroom.

Monday 06 December 2021

# Benin # Trial_AÏVO

: After exposure of the facts, the public prosecutor represented by Mario Mètonou asked the court to declare the defendants for money laundering and endangering State security. He then demanded 10 years of criminal imprisonment in addition to a fine of 50 million each.

Currently, it is Me Babarape who has the floor for his pleas.

Rollis Houessou, from CRIET for LeCourrier De La République

The Special Prosecutor of CRIET, Mario MÈTONOU, at the end of his indictment asks the Court to sentence Joël Frédéric Ayékobinou AÏVO and his co-defendants to * 10 years of firm imprisonment and a fine of 50,000,000 FCFA each *

Defense argument is underway.

* Here are the last words of Joël AÏVO before the end of the hearing *

, 12/06/2021

_ "Madam President, gentlemen of the accessors. It is not for criminal justice to arbitrate political adversities_

_Next I would like to point out to you that only democracy is eternal. We can get out of it but believe me, we always come back to it. Democracy is security and safety for all. Outside of democracy, it is adventure for all of us. Now it's me, who's next tomorrow? _

_Finally Madam President, Gentlemen of the Accessors, * I donated myself to Benin. You are also children of this country, do what you want with me * »_

Joël Aïvo trial: his parents and friends between stress and serenity

Started around 9 a.m. on Monday, December 6, 2021 at the headquarters of the CRIET court for the repression of economic offenses and Terrorism, the great trial of the year in Benin is gradually drawing to a close. The trial of Professor Joël Aïvo is at its last stage here at CRIET: The deliberation.

For more than thirty minutes, the president of the council Ms. Christelle Adonon suspended the hearing after the debates, requisitions and pleadings. And since then, nothing has changed. It already rings 1h 10 'but the verdict is still not there. And the parents and friends of the Constitutionalist are torn between stress and panic, but at the same time we can see a glimmer of hope on the faces with regard to the debates and the defense of the lawyers. What is certain, if God does not return before tomorrow morning, this case of money laundering and attack on the security of the State will know its epilogue. The court will come and say whether the accused are convicted or acquitted.

Obviously all exhausted, the courtroom has been transformed into a sort of dormitory where everyone is drowsy. Many have already left the CRIET premises. Note that all of Joël Aïvo's lawyers have asked the court to find that the file is empty and therefore to declare the accused not guilty and to release them.


Yesterday, Monday December 6, 2021, Professor Joël Aïvo appeared before Criet for "attacks on state security" and "money laundering". A long trial which lasted all day and the verdict delivered at around 2:30 am Before the judges of the Court, the constitutionalist, failed candidate of the opposition to the presidential election of 2021, maintained once again that his legal troubles are the result of its commitment to offer the Beninese another political alternative. . “Madam President, I am not fooled by anything. I am being prosecuted for having embodied a democratic alternative for my country. I am being prosecuted for having prepared an independent candidacy capable of causing alternation at the top of the state ", suggested Joël Aïvo. In his requisition, Special Prosecutor Mario Mètonou returned to the facts brought against the law professor: conspiracy against state authority and money laundering. For the Ps, mere moral acceptance is sufficient for the commission of the offense of conspiracy against state authority. He speaks intentionally and materially to the commission of the offense. As a result, he asks the judges to sentence Joël Aïvo to 10 years of criminal imprisonment and a 50 million FCFA fine. There followed the pleadings of Joël Aïvo's lawyers. For Me Aboubacar Baparapé, this is a political situation known to all. "This is a final indictment. The mission of the Special Prosecutor, that of condemning the innocent, is not enviable, "he said. Following him, Ms. Nadine Dossou Sakponou suggests that since the start of the trial, there is no evidence to show the guilt of the co-defendants. For Me Jacques Bonou, lawyer at the Bobigny Bar in France, the Special Prosecutor, in his way of conducting the case, was wrong. The Professor's other lawyers also demanded the pure and simple release of their client. It was then that the accused was given the floor to say his last words before the verdict. “Madam President, gentlemen of the accessors. It is not for criminal justice to arbitrate political adversities. Next, I would like to point out to you that only democracy is eternal. We can get out of it but believe me, we always come back to it. Democracy is security and safety for all. Outside of democracy, it is adventure for all of us. Now it's me, whose turn tomorrow? To finish Madam President, Gentlemen of the Accessors, since April 15th, I have decided to donate myself to our country. You are also children of this country, do what you want with me ”, hinted at Professor Joël Aïvo

 # Benin  # Trial_AÏVO CRIET: Joël Aïvo welcomed with ovations by his supporters It sounded 8h 4 minutes when the bus of...

# Benin # Trial_AÏVO

CRIET: Joël Aïvo welcomed with ovations by his supporters

It sounded 8h 4 minutes when the bus of Professor Joël Aïvo and his co-defendants landed at the headquarters of the court for the repression of economic offenses (Criet). Already ready to welcome the one they affectionately call President, the massively outgoing populations have received with ovations the arrival of the Professor when he treads the ground of CRIET here in Porto-Novo.

Dressed in a long-sleeved shirt and black pants, the prisoner of the Cotonou civil prison was in his attire indicating that he comes from the prison. Smiling as usual, he responded to his supporters with all possible courtesy, this for a few seconds before climbing the stairs of the large CRIET building with the other prisoners all in uniform.

For the time being, the trial is struggling to start and the reasons are well known. The press is waiting outside and waiting to be allowed access to the courtroom.

We will come back as soon as there is anything new.

Rollis Houessou, from Porto-Novo for Le Courrier de la République.


The first images of Professor Frédéric Joël AÏVO at CRIET this Monday December 06, 2021
As he got off the police bus, he sent greetings to his many supporters who chanted his name.

# FreeJoelAivo

* Benin *: * Trial Joël Aïvo, crowded at CRIET headquarters * We are here at the headquarters of the Court for the Repre...

* Benin *: * Trial Joël Aïvo, crowded at CRIET headquarters *

We are here at the headquarters of the Court for the Repression of Economic Crimes and Terrorism (Criet) in Porto-Novo where the long-awaited trial of Professor Joël Aïvo is due to begin. And this morning already, the alleys in the cables of the seat are taken by storm by the population come to support the constitutionalist.

Will Joël Aïvo and his accountant Alain Gnonlonfou be convicted or acquitted? This is the big question that could be answered during the day of this Monday, December 06, 2021 at the end of their trial here at the headquarters of CRIET. Prosecuted for attacking state security and money laundering, Professor Joël Aïvo was arrested on April 15 on the Godomey bridge when he was returning from the University of Abomey-Calavi where he teaches lessons. Incarcerated in Cotonou civil prison, the Professor appeared twice before the examining magistrate, on July 15 and August 5. Appearances during which he constantly proclaimed his innocence. His lawyers, who initially requested his provisional release and subsequently dismissed the case, were unsuccessful. All the Beninese people and international opinion are burning with impatience not only to finally know the charges against Professor Joël Aïvo but also whether he will be convicted or acquitted.

And it is 8h, but nothing concrete is to report on the ground except the supporters of the Professor who are coming. We can see people there in white t-shirts with the photo of Professor Joël Aïvo where it is written: "PROFESSOR JOËL AÏVO, THE BENIN PEOPLE ARE WITH YOU". For now, it's the wait.

* The Courrier de la République team is on the ground and follows everything for you. We will come back to that! *

* Rollis Houessou *

, 12/06/2021

Expected since April 16, 2021, the trial of the Beninese opponent Joël AÏVO and Alain GNONLONFOUN, the financial agent of his campaign finally opens this Monday, December 6 at CRIET. The academic and initiator of DIALOGUE ITINERANT who was prevented from participating in the presidential election in April 2021 was arrested a few days after the poll, thrown in prison and prosecuted for money laundering and endangering state security. 8 months after his arrest "in flagrante delicto" according to the special prosecutor of CRIET, the prosecution has still provided no evidence justifying the proceedings against them.
Many observers fear a speedy trial.



(The Chronicle of Alexis AZONWAKIN, promoter of the magazine Leaders d'Afrique)

From Monday, December 6, all national and international news will be on Porto-Novo, where two anthology trials are starting at the Court for the Repression of Economic Infractions and Terrorism (CRIET). Professor Joël AÏVO who compared the 6 and Lady Reckya MADOUGOU who will try to heal the certainties of the judges in charge of his case, Friday December 10. If the first is accused of money laundering, the second she, appears for financing of terrorism.
And as one can well imagine in such circumstances as pathetic as they are distressing, the chronicler that I am holds his breath and his heart pounding, which signifies nothing other than the excitement he suffers under the stroke of an important emotion, or the panic of the heartbeat to the rhythm of the beating of a drum. My firm conviction is that the occurrence of this judicial saga should offer all the people of Benin the opportunity to once again bring together the conditions for a relaxation of the socio-political climate in our country. Our living together, which has faltered for several years, must be brought up to date so that finally love triumphs over hatred, the humanism of barbarism and the reason for insanity. The law of Talion "eye for eye, tooth for tooth" will get us nowhere; it will make us all blind.
Yes, we have been blind for a few years now, because we have given in to our wild and gregarious impulses. To the point where, our humanity has become to us what animal life is to animals. That is, brothers who, like in a jungle, can take up arms against each other. With violence becoming our social anesthetic, we banished seriousness from existence and made fun of everything that was of great value to us. Yes, unfortunately, we have maintained a constant apology for lightness and mediocrity, so that the euphoria of barbarism had become the standard of our happiness, the model of our fulfillment. And here we are, ourselves, assassins of our own values.
A crucial question arises for each of us today: Beninese, what vision do we have now of our common destiny? Did we succeed in these great political changes during the historic Conference of the Living Forces of the Nation in February 1990, to be zombies and wolves against each other today? We must find our way back, and with our voices calling for dialogue and reconciliation, let us arm ourselves with this additional patriotism to relearn the virtues of the right to be different and of national cohesion. "If you can see the work of your life destroyed and without wasting a moment, start rebuilding yourself, you will be a man, my son." These words of the late professor Albert TEVOEDJRE in his general report of the national conference, challenge us all. Our town is in ruins and we must rebuild its walls. In this work of national salvation, no one will be extra. The time has come and we must choose to be reborn from our ashes to become real men again, compassionate, tolerant and even considerate. Samuel AZARKOZIAN, in his work "forgiveness, a power that liberates", gave an extraordinary definition. It is the perfume exhaled by the flower under the Heel of the one who crushes it. Now that we have arrived, we must speak with one voice, accept to be reconciled, and learn to look in the same direction.
And for that, each one must turn his back on his ego, on his I so hateful and so detestable to see only the fatherland. This is what founds my heartfelt cry for a new social order in our country. The judges who are in charge of the cases of our two compatriots must let their divine fiber speak and tell themselves that in this fight, none of us has won anything, if it is only moral chaos, heartbreak, animosity, division. and forfeitures. You don't need the permission of the drowning man to rescue him. The Beninese people are drowning and our judges have an obligation like sailors, to dive into the high seas of our differences, to get us out of this drama that is playing out before us.
In this universe, it is obvious to Crystal that the Head of State, His Excellency Patrice Athanase Guillaume TALON, holds all the cards for relaxation in his hand. Mr. President of the Republic, all the Beninese people implore you, give us a strong signal through an outcome beneficial to all, at the end of these trials.
We are not deluding ourselves. Undertakers, in permanent conflict with the laws of nature and having turned their backs on the light of the civilization of the noble race to which you belong, (your style, your elegance and your high culture testify), will blow you away to shout haro on the donkey. Like uncircumcised praises with stinking foreskins, they will tell you, as in La Fontaine's "The animals sick with the plague" that: "your scruples show too much delicacy" and that the shepherd is worthy of all evils.
In such misfortunes, let us all see without indulgence the state of our conscience to save our common homeland. Mr. President, turn your back on their derision. Human in appearance, they are really just octopuses quenching their thirst on the chilled blood of their fellow human beings. I remember this from Paulo COETHO: “it is unfortunate that people only see the differences that separate them. If they searched with more love, they would mostly discern what there was in common between them, and half the world's problems would be solved. " I continue to believe so firmly that we are capable of discernment and common sense. I also know that we will be capable of greatness of soul and elevation of spirit to forgive each other. If we fail, Martin Luther KING, the apostle of nonviolence may say, “We have learned to fly in the air like birds, to swim in the oceans like fish. But we never learned to walk the earth like brothers. "
This is why in the name of PEACE, I plead for a leap of justice!




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