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English for tourism


- go يذهب
- go on يستمر
- go by يـَمضِي
- go up يرتفع
- go in يغيب
- go out يخرج
- go off ينطلق
- go back يرجع
- go away يغادر
- go away إذهب
- go past يتجاوز
- go after يلاحق
- Go away! اذهب بعيداً
- go ahead يبدأ
- go through يجتاز


Marrakech city

Welcome to Marrakech,
a captivating city where ancient traditions and vibrant modernity converge in a kaleidoscope of colors and aromas. Nestled against the backdrop of the Atlas Mountains in Morocco, Marrakech is a sensory feast for any traveler.

Medina Magic:
Step into the heart of Marrakech's historic center, the Medina, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Lose yourself in the labyrinthine alleys of the souks, where bustling markets offer a treasure trove of spices, textiles, and handcrafted goods. The iconic Jemaa el-Fnaa square comes alive with storytellers, musicians, and street performers as the sun sets, creating a magical atmosphere.

Architectural Splendors:
Marvel at the city's architectural gems, such as the Bahia Palace and the intricately tiled Saadian Tombs. The Koutoubia Mosque's minaret dominates the skyline, a timeless symbol of Moroccan architecture. Explore the beautifully landscaped Majorelle Garden, a serene oasis designed by the French painter Jacques Majorelle.

Sensational Souvenirs:
Immerse yourself in the vibrant markets where artisans showcase their skills. From handwoven carpets and leather goods to ornate ceramics, Marrakech is a paradise for those seeking unique souvenirs. Don't forget to haggle – it's an integral part of the shopping experience.

Culinary Delights:
Embark on a culinary journey through the city's diverse flavors. Indulge in tagines bursting with aromatic spices, sample street food delicacies, and sip on traditional mint tea in a riad courtyard. Marrakech's food scene is a delicious fusion of Berber, Arab, and French influences.

Riad Retreats:
Experience the charm of staying in a traditional riad, a meticulously restored courtyard residence. These intimate guesthouses offer an authentic glimpse into Moroccan hospitality, with intricate tilework, lush courtyards, and tranquil rooftop terraces providing a respite from the city's lively energy.

In Marrakech, every corner tells a story, and the city weaves an enchanting tapestry that leaves an indelible mark on every visitor. Get ready to be captivated by the mystique of Marrakech, where ancient traditions meet the pulse of modern life.


To give someone directions, you can use landmarks, street names, and cardinal directions. For example, "Head north on Main Street, pass the park on your right, and turn left at the second traffic light." You can also use navigation apps like Google Maps for detailed instructions.


Talking to Tourists: Tips for Effective Communication
Whether you're working in the tourism industry or simply interacting with visitors in your hometown, being able to communicate effectively with tourists is essential. Here are some tips to help you:

Before you say anything:

Observe: Pay attention to the tourist's body language and facial expressions. This will help you gauge their level of understanding and comfort.


A friendly smile is universally understood and can help put the tourist at ease.
Be patient: Remember that the tourist may be unfamiliar with your language and culture. Speak slowly and clearly, and be willing to repeat yourself if necessary.
Starting the conversation:

Greet the tourist: Use a simple greeting like "Hello" or "Welcome." You can also introduce yourself by saying "My name is [your name]."

Ask a question:

This will help you assess the tourist's needs and interests. Some good questions to ask include: "Where are you from?" "What brings you to [your location]?" or "Is there anything I can help you with?"

Listen actively:

Pay attention to what the tourist is saying and ask follow-up questions to show your interest.
Providing information:

Be clear and concise:

Avoid using jargon or slang that the tourist may not understand.
Speak slowly and enunciate your words clearly.
Use visual aids: If possible, use maps, brochures, or other visual aids to help the tourist understand your information.
Be patient and repeat yourself if necessary.
Beyond the basics:

Show genuine interest in the tourist: Ask them about their trip and their experiences. Share your own knowledge and recommendations about your local area.

Be respectful of the tourist's culture:

Be aware of any cultural differences that may exist and avoid making offensive or insensitive comments.

Be helpful and accommodating:

Go out of your way to assist the tourist and make their experience enjoyable.
Additional tips:

Learn some basic phrases in the tourist's language: This will show that you are making an effort to communicate with them and will be appreciated.

Carry a dictionary or phrasebook:

This can be helpful if you need to translate something for the tourist.
Have fun! Talking to tourists can be a great way to learn about different cultures and make new friends.


العبارات مع الفعل Make

Make a decision ---☛ يتخذ قرار
Make a difference -☛ يُحِدث فرق
Make a mistake ----☛ يرتكب خطأ
Make a promise ----☛ يقطع عهداً
Make a bed -----------☛ يرتب سرير
Make a sandwich --☛ يعمل ساندوتش
Make a plan ----------☛ يضع خطة
Make a phone call -☛ يجري مكالمة
Make money ---------☛ يكسب مالاً
Make progress ------☛ يحرز تقدماً
Make friends ---------☛ يكون صداقات
Make fun of -----------☛ يسخر من
Make sure -------------☛ يتأكد*


🌍✨ Experience the enchanting allure of Morocco! 🇲🇦✨ Immerse yourself in the vibrant colors and rich culture of Marrakech, where bustling souks, historic palaces, and the rhythmic beats of traditional music await. Share your favorite Moroccan memories or tell us about your dream Marrakech adventure in the comments below! 🕌🌴


talking to tourists:

🚗 Transportation Talk: "Getting around a new city? Learn this phrase: 'Is there a taxi stand nearby?' It can be a lifesaver! "

📸 Sightseeing Inquiry: "Visiting landmarks? Ask locals: 'What's the best way to get to [landmark] from here?' "

🛍️ Shopping Dialogue: "Ready to shop? Practice saying: 'How much does this [item] cost?' and 'Do you accept credit cards?' "

🤝 Meeting Locals: "Connect with locals by asking: 'Are there any events or festivals happening around here?' Share your favorite local experiences! "

🏨 Accommodation Inquiries: "Staying in a hotel? Use this phrase: 'Could you recommend a good restaurant or cafe nearby?' "

🗣️ Language Exchange: "Language tip: If unsure, don't hesitate to ask: 'Can you speak a bit more slowly, please?' Most people appreciate your efforts to communicate! "

🌍 Cultural Connection: "Immerse in local culture by asking: 'What's a traditional dish I must try in this region?' Share your favorite local cuisines below! "

🏰 Historical Sites: "Exploring historical sites? Use this phrase: 'Could you tell me more about the history of this place?' "


expressions related to English for tourism

🌍 Travel Phrase: "Lost and need help? Learn to ask for directions politely in English: 'Excuse me, could you please guide me to the nearest bus stop?' "

🍽️ Dining Etiquette: "When dining out, try this phrase: 'I'd like to order [dish]. Is it possible to have it without [ingredient]?' "

🛫 Airport Essentials: "Flying soon? Practice these airport phrases: 'Where is the departure gate?' and 'Can you help me find my luggage carousel?' "

🗺️ Cultural Insight: "Did you know? In English-speaking countries, it's common to tip around 15-20% at restaurants. Share your tipping experiences below! "

🌐 Interactive Quiz: "Test your travel vocabulary! What's the English word for 'billets'? A) Tickets B) Hotels C) Attractions Comment your answer! "

🌟 Phrase of the Day: "Expand your travel vocabulary with today's phrase: 'Do you have any recommendations for local attractions?' Share your favorite attractions below! "

🗣️ Community Corner: "Share your most memorable travel language blunder! Ever had a funny or confusing language moment while on a trip? Tell us your story! "


◾️1. How are you?
‎. كم عمرك؟
◾️2. How old are you?
‎. ما هو اسمك؟
◾️3. What is your name?
‎. من أين أنت؟
◾️4. Where are you from?
‎. ماذا تفعل؟
◾️5. What are you doing ?
‎. ماذا تفعل؟ = ما هي وظيفتك؟
◾️6. What do you do ? = what is your job ?
‎متى ستاتي؟
◾️7. When are you coming ?
‎ ما الذي يجري هنا؟ = ما يحدث
◾️8. What is going on here ?= what is happening?
‎. ما هو وقت استيقاظك؟
◾️9. What time do you get up ?
‎. ما هو وقت ذهابك إلى العمل؟
◾️10. What time do you go to work?

‎. كيف تذهب إلى العمل؟
◾️11. How do you go to work?
‎. هل تتكلم الانجليزية؟
◾️12. Do you speak English?
‎. هل يمكنك مساعدتي؟
◾️13. Can you help me ?
‎. ماذا تقول؟
◾️14. What do you say?
‎. هل تعرف كيفية قيادة السيارة؟
◾️15. Do you know how to drive a car ?
‎. هل لديك سيارة؟
◾️16. Do you have a car ?
‎. أي يوم هو اليوم؟
◾️17. What day is it today ?
‎. ما هو الشهر؟
◾️18. What month is it ?
‎. ما هو الوقت؟
◾️19. What time is it ?
‎. ما الذي تفخر به؟
◾️20. What are you proud of ?

‎. ما الذي تخاف/خائف منه؟
◾️21. What are you afraid of ?
‎. هل تنتمي إلى أي نادي؟
◾️22. Do you belong to any club?
‎. ماذا كنت تسأل عن عندما تذهب إلى مقهى؟
◾️23. What do you ask for when you go to a café ?
‎. ماذا تأمل أن تفعل في المستقبل؟
◾️24. What do you hope to do in the future ?
‎. أي نوع من الموسيقى تحب؟
◾️25. what kind of music do you like ?
‎. هل أستطيع اقتراض قلمك؟
◾️26. can I borrow your pen ?
‎◾️. كيف تشعر اليوم؟
27. how do you feel today ?
‎. لماذا أنت قادم في وقت متأخر؟
◾️28. why you are coming late ?
‎◾️. هلا أقرضتني 100 دولار؟
29. Can you lend me 100 $ ?
‎. هل أنت متزوج؟
◾️30. Are you married ?


Difficult roads lead to beautiful distinctions
الطرق الصعبة تؤدي الى وجهات جميلة


ملاحظات هامة على نطق حروف اللغة الإنجليزية:
١- حرف ال (c) له صوتان:
- ينطق مثل حرف (s) إذا جاء بعده هذه الحروف (e - i - y) مثل:
- cycle
- ice
- circle
- ينطق مثل حرف (k) إذا لم يأتي بعده أحد الحروف الثلاثة السابقة (e - i - y) مثل:
- car
- corn
- cup
- Cry
٢- حرف ال (g) له صوتان:
- ينطق جيم متعطشة إذا جاء بعده أحد الحروف الثلاثة التالية (e - i - y) مثل:
- gym
- giraffe
- gel
ولكن هناك بعض الاستثناءات مثل:
- tiger
- girl
- ينطق مثل حرف الجيم إذا لم يأتي بعده أحد الحروف الثلاثة السابقة (e - i - y) مثل:
- goat
- grass
- go
٣- حرف ال (s) إذا جاء بين صوتين متحركين ينطق مثل حرف (z) مثل:
- present
- music
- reason
- cousin
- لاحظ أن حرف (s) وقع في الكلمات التالية بين حرفين متحركين وليس بين صوتين متحركين لأن حرف e لا ينطق في الكلمات التالية :
- mouse
- house
- promise

Painted rocks in tafraut cityالصخور الملونة في مدينة تافراوت

Painted rocks in tafraut city
الصخور الملونة في مدينة تافراوت


كلمات شائعة بالانجليزية:

لا يمكنني – I can’t – آي كانْت
لا يمكنك – you can’t – يو كانْت
لا يمكنه – he can’t – هي كانْت
لا يمكنها – she can’t – شي كانْت
لا يمكنكم – you can’t – يو كانْت
لا يمكنهم – they can’t – ذَي كانْت
لا يمكننا – we can’t – وي كانْتالنفي مع be
انا لا أكون – I'm not – آم نُت
انت لا تكون– you aren't – يو آر نُت
هو لا يكون – he isn't –هي إز نُت
هي لا تكون– she isn't –شي إز نُت
انتم لا تكونون– you aren't –يو آر نُت
هم لا يكونون– they aren't –ذَي آر نُت
نحن لا نكون – we aren't –وي آر نُصفة+ Don’t be
ﻭﺟﺒﺔ ميل Meal
ﻓﻄﻮﺭ بريك فاست Breakfast
ﻏﺪﺍﺀ لانش Lunch
ﻋﺸﺎﺀ دينر Dinner


ظروف زمنية انجليزية
غداً .......تومورو....... Tomorrow
بعد غداً...... آفتَر تومورو.... After tomorrow
الاسبوع القادم...نكست ويك...... Next week
الشهر القادم.... نكست مونث.... Next month
السنة القادمة ....نكست يير....... Next year
أمس..... يَستَر داي....... Yesterday
قبل أمس....... ذَ داي بيفور....د... The day before
الاسبوع الماضي... لاست ويك...... Last week
الشهر الماضي...... لاست مونث...... Last month
السنة الماضية....... لاست يير .........Last year


"اكتشف مختلف ظواهر الطقس بالإنجليزية! ⛅
مفردات الطقس:
Sunny (مشمس): عندما تكون السماء صافية والشمس تشرق بشكل مشرق.
Rainy (ممطر): عندما تسقط قطرات الماء من السماء.
Cloudy (مليء بالغيوم): عندما تكون السماء مغطاة بالغيوم، مع عدم وضوح الشمس.
Thunderstorm (عاصفة رعدية): عاصفة تحتوي على رعد وبرق وأمطار غزيرة ورياح قوية.
Snowy (ثلجي): عندما يتساقط الثلج من السماء.
Foggy (ضبابي): عندما يتدنى الرؤية بسبب سحابة كثيفة من قطرات الماء الصغيرة قرب الأرض."

Simple Meanings and Translations:

Sunny (مشمس): Bright and clear weather with the sun shining.

Rainy (ممطر): Weather with falling water droplets.

Cloudy (مليء بالغيوم): Weather with a sky covered in clouds.

Thunderstorm (عاصفة رعدية): A storm with thunder, lightning, rain, and strong winds.

Snowy (ثلجي): Weather with falling snow.

Foggy (ضبابي): Weather with reduced visibility due to thick fog.

"تعلم كلمات إنجليزية تتعلق بظواهر الطقس! 🌦️☔"


أهم 100 سؤال وترجمتها من أكثر الأسئلة الشائعة في المحادثة باللغة الإنجليزية:
1. Are you tired?
هل متعب؟
2. Are you sure?
هل متأكد؟
3. Are you lost?
هل أنت ضائع؟
4. Are you hungry?
هل أنت جائع؟
5. Are you serious?
هل أنت جاد؟
6. Are you a doctor?
هل أنت طبيب؟
7. Are you new here?
هل أنت جديد هنا؟
8. Are you able to swim?
هل أنت قادر أن تسبح؟
9. Are you in a hurry?
هل أنت في عجلة (مستعجل)؟
10. Are you ready to go?
هل أنت جاهز للذهاب؟....................................
11. Can you come?
هل يمكنك أن تاتي؟
12. Can I eat this?
هل يمكنني أن أأكل هذا؟
13. Can I help you?
هل يمكنني مساعدتك؟
14. Can you find it?
هل تستطيع أن تجدهه/تجدها؟
15. Can you handle it?
هل يمكنك تولي الأمر؟
16. Can I see that?
هل يمكنني أن ذلك؟
17. Can you answer this?
هل يمكنك الجواب على هذا؟
18. Can I turn on the TV?
هل يمكنني أن أشغل التلفاز؟
19. Can I turn off the TV?
هل يمكنني أن أطفئ التلفاز؟
20. Can you play the piano?
هل يمكنك عزف البيانو ؟...................................
21. Could I help you?
هل يمكنني مساعدتك؟
22. Could I change rooms?
هل يمكنني أن أغير الغرف؟
23. Could I use your desk?
هل يمكنني أن أستخدم طاولتك/مقعدك؟
24. Could you repeat that?
هل يمكنك أن تعيد ذلك؟
25. Could I borrow a pencil?
هل يمكنني أن أستعير قلم رصاص؟
26. Could I park my car here?
هل يمكنني أن أركن سيارتي هنا؟
27. Could you do me a favor?
هل يكنك أن تسدي لي خدمة/معروفا؟
28. Could you tell me the way?
هل يمكنك أن تخبرني عن الطريق؟
29. Do you hear me?
هل تسمعني؟
30. Do you know her?
هل تعرفها؟
31. Do you like snow?
هل تحب الثلج؟
32. Do you have a car?
هل تملك سيارة؟
33. Do you want money?
هل تريد نقود؟
34. Do you drink coffee?
هل تشرب القهوة؟
35. Do you want a ride?
هل تريد توصيلة؟
36. Do you have a fever?
هل أنت مصاب بحمى؟
37. Do you know the reason?
هل تعرف السبب؟
38. Do you like to travel?
هل تحب أن تسافر؟
39. How long will it take?
كم يستغرق من الوقت؟
40. How should I know?
كيف ينبغي أن أعرف؟
41. How did you make it?
كيف صنعتها؟
42. How is your cold?
كيف الزكام لديك؟
43. How is Mary?
كيف حال ماري؟
44. How is your dad?
كيف حال أباك؟
45. How about a cup of tea?
ماذا عن فنجان شاي؟
هل ترغب بفنجان شاي؟
46. How long is that bridge?
كم طول ذلك الجسر؟......................................
47. Is anybody home?
هل يوجد أحد ما بالبيت؟
48. Is everything OK?
هل كل شيء على ما يرام؟
49. Is he a teacher?
هل هو مدرس؟
50. Is he still here?
هل لا يزال هنا؟
51. Is it free?
هل هو مجاني؟
52. Is she at home?
هل هي في البيت؟
53. Is she your sister?
هل هي أختك؟
54. Is something wrong?
هل يوجد شيء ما خطأ؟
55. Is that answer right?
هل ذلك الجواب صحيح؟
56. Is that true?
هل ذلك صحيح؟
57. Is this your bike?
هل هذه دراجتك الهوائية؟
58. May l help you?
هل يمكنني مساعدتك؟
59. May l open a can?
هل يمكنني فتح علبة؟
60. May l put it here?
هل يمكنني أن أضعها هنا؟
61. May I take a rest?
هل يمكنني أن آخذ استراحة؟
62. May l pay by check?
هل يمكنني أن أدفع الشيك؟
63. May I come in?
هل يمكنني الدخول؟
64. May I sit next to you?
هل يمكنني أن أجلس بجانبك؟
65. May l speak to Bill?
هل يمكنني أن أتكلم مع بيل؟
66. May I speak to you?
هل يمكنني أن أتحدث معك؟
67. Was I wrong?
هل كنت أنا مخطئا؟
68. Was the movie good?
هل كان الفيلم جيد؟
69. Was the book
هل كان الكتاب ممتع؟
70. Was he lying on his back?
هل كان يستلقي على ظهره؟
71. Was he at home
هل كان في البيت البارحة؟
72. Was there a lot of traffic?
هل كان يوجد الكثير من الازدحام المروري؟
73. What did the doctor say?
ماذا قال الطبيب؟
74. What is going on?
ماذا يحدث؟
75. What is in the desk?
ماذا يوجد على الطاولة/المقعد؟
76. What is on the desk?
ماذا يوجد على المقعد؟
77. What is over there?
ماذا يوجد هناك في الأعلى؟
78. What is that?
ما ذلك؟
79. What is the problem?
ما هي المشكلة؟
80. What is the story?
ما هي قصتك؟
81. What time is it?
ما هو الوقت؟
82. What is the bus fare?
ما هي أجرة الحافلة؟
83. What is the matter?
ما هي المشكلة؟
91. Who is next?
من التالي؟
92. Who is that boy?
من ذلك الصبي؟
93. Who is that man?
من ذلك الرجل؟
94. Who is this?
من هذا؟
95. Whose turn is it?
من دوره (الآن)؟
96. Whose friend is he?
من صديقه؟
97. Whose pencil is this?
لمن قلم الرصاص هذا؟
98. Whose turn is it next?
من دوره التالي؟
99. Whose car is that?
لمن تلك السيارة؟
100. Would you like to come?
هل تريد أن تاتي؟
101. Would you like to go?
هل تريد أن تذهب؟
102. Would you like to wait?
هل ترغب في الانتظار؟


‏كلمات إنجليزية مهمة جداً مترجمة للعربية مع النطق.

‏دائما..... Always .... أولويز
‏أبدا.... Never ....... نيفر
‏غالب..... Often...... اوفن
‏احيانا..... Sometimes ... سم تايمز
‏نادرا..... Seldom.......... سيلدم
‏قريبا.... Soon .... سوون
‏اخيرا.... At last........ آت لاست
‏حديثا... Recently...... ريسنتلي
الرياضيات.... Math... ماث
‏لحظة... Moment ....مومنت
‏لوحة..... Painting... .. بينتينج
‏انتباه.... Attention... اتينشن
‏حدث...... Event..... ايفينت
‏التسوق.... Shopping..... شوبينج
‏طالب... Student..... ستيودنت
‏خشب...... Wood.. وود
‏مكتب... Office..... اوفيس
‏تسلية... Entertainment..... انترتينمنت
‏وحدة... Unit.... يونيت
دعم..... Support..... ِسبورت
‏نصف.... Half.... هاف
‏صورة.... Picture .... بيكتشر
‏نادل...... Waiter.....ويتر
‏سترة..... Jacket ..... جاكيت
‏أجر... Wage...... ويج
‏كفالة..... Bail... بيل
‏يدرك..... realize...... ريلايز
‏جمال...... Beauty.... بيوتي
‏سرير.... Bed..... بِد
‏بني.... Brown......براون
‏بحذر.. ... Carefully.... كيرفُلي
‏ثقة...... Confidence.... كونفيدنس
‏اقترب....... Approach...... ابروتش
‏توازن..... Balance.... بالانس
‏متوازن.....Balanced... بالانسد
‏شرفة..... Balcony.... بالكوني
‏حظر..... Ban..... بان
‏فنجان..... Cup.... كب
سلف........... loan......لون


اسئلة شائعة

‏ماذا تستمع What do you listen
‏ماذا تقصد What do you mean
‏ماذا تشرب What do you drink
‏ماذا تعرف What do you know
‏ماذا تعتقد What do you think
‏ماذا تحتاج What do you need
‏ماذا تلعب What do you play
‏ماذا تريد What do you want
‏ماذا تأكل What do you eat


تنطق tion شَن

‏حركة - action - أَكشَن
‏خيال - fiction - فِكشَن
‏اختيار - option - أوبشَن
‏قسم - section - سِكشَن
‏حل –solution – سولوشَن
‏موقع - location - لوكَيشَن
‏عطلة–vacation – فَيكَيشَن
‏تنبؤ - prediction - برِدِكشَن


I can provide you with an example of how to greet tourists in an airport:

"Welcome to [Airport Name]! We are thrilled to have you here and hope you have a fantastic stay in [City/Country]. Whether you're here for business or pleasure, we're here to make your arrival as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

If there's anything you need assistance with, please don't hesitate to ask our friendly staff. We can help you with directions, transportation options, or provide recommendations for local attractions, dining, and accommodations.

Once again, welcome to [Airport Name]. We hope you have a wonderful time exploring [City/Country] and that your visit is filled with unforgettable experiences. Thank you for choosing [Airport Name] as your gateway to [City/Country]. Enjoy your stay!"


hello🙂 everyone throughout this window which will take us to the airport,
Hope you are all safe. Healthy and in a good mood. we are going to have dialogues of how to welcome tourists at the airport.
So here are some examples bellow.
T tourist
G a guide or a driver who always takes a sign in front of the airport waiting for his client (tourist)
First, the guide should be on time waiting for his tourist
When the tourist come out he/she sees you, sees the sign which you carry on. Then he/ she come straight to you :
G Hello and welcome. It is nice to see you here and thanks God for your safety.

T: good morning! Good evening! Good night!
- are you my guide?
G: yeah, I am. I'm IDIR, your guide (or driver) nice to meet you.
T: nice to see you too, I'm LINDA
G: I'm from X tours and I'm your guide during your visit to my country. and welcome to Morocco! Consider it as your second country.you are safe with us so feel free. how are you going?
T: I'm great thanks
G: how was your flight?
T: it was crazy one as it's a long way to come here.
G: yeah! That's true! don't you have any lost bagages?
T: no, I don't! that's cool!
G: so do you need to change money or something else?
T: yeah but could we do this tomorrow before we leave the town.
G: for sure yes. You look a little bit tired.
T: yeah, it was a long trip. so let's go to my hotel now...


1- الاسم الأول - First name - فَرست نَيم
2- اسم العائلة - Last name - لاست نَيم
3- الجنسية - Nationality - نَاشيونَليتي
4- تاريخ الميلاد - Date of birth - دَيت أوف بِرث
5- مكان الميلاد - Place of birth - پلَيس أوف بِرث
6- الجنس - S*x - سِكس
7- رقم جواز السفر - Passport number - پَاسپورت نَمبَر
8- تاريخ الإصدار - Date of issue - دَيت أوف ايشو
9- تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية - Expiration date - اكسپَيرَيشَن دَيت
10- السلطة المصدرة - Authority - أوثوريتي
11- جواز السفر - Passport - پَاسپورت
12- لون العينين - Eye color - آي كَلَر
13- التوقيع - Signature - سِگنَيچر
14- صورة حامل الجواز - Passport photo - پَاسپورت فوتو
15- بصمة الإبهام - Thumbprint - ثَمبپرِنت
16- العنوان - Address - أدرِس
17- مكان الإصدار - Place of issue - پلَيس أوف ايشو
18- الحالة الاجتماعية - Marital status - مَريتَل ستَيتُس
19- المهنة - Occupation - أوكيوپَيشَن
20- الديانة - Religion - رِليجِيُن
21- الطول - Height - هايت
22- لون الشعر - Hair color - هَير كَلَر
23- البريد الالكتروني - Email - ايمَيل
24- رقم الهاتف - Phone number - فون نَمبَر
25- صالح لجميع الدول - Valid for all countries - ڤَالِد فور أول كَنتريز



أين أنت – Where are you – وَير آر يو
أين هو – Where is he – وَير إز هي
أين هي – Where is she – وَير إز شي
أين أنتم – Where are you – وَير آر يو
أين هم – Where are they – وَير آر ذَي
أين نحن – Where are we – وَير آر وي

لقد كنت(أنا)– I have been –آي هاف بِين
لقد كنت– you have been –يو هاف بين
لقد كان– he has been –هي هاز بين
لقد كانت– she has been –شي هاز بين
لقد كنتم– you have been–يو هاف بين
لقد كانوا– they have been–ذَي هاف بين
لقد كنا– we have been –وِي هاف بين

ماذا انت – What do you – وَت دو يو
ماذا هو – What does he – وَت دَز هِي
ماذا هي – What does she – وَت دَز شِي
ماذا انتم – What do you – وَت دو يو
ماذا نحن – What do we – وَت دو وي
ماذا هم – What do they – وَت دو ذَي


English for tourism involves using language and phrases that are helpful when traveling or working in the tourism industry. Here are some common English phrases and expressions for tourism:


"Welcome to [destination]!"
"How can I assist you?"
"Enjoy your stay!"
Asking for Information:

"Could you recommend a good local restaurant?"
"What are the must-see attractions in this area?"
"Is there a tourist information center nearby?"
Booking Accommodation:

"I'd like to make a reservation for [number of] nights."
"Do you have any available rooms?"
"Can you tell me the room rates?"
Getting Around:

"How do I get to [landmark] from here?"
"Is there public transportation to the city center?"
"Where can I find a taxi?"
Ordering Food:

"I'd like to order [dish] please."
"Is this restaurant known for any local specialties?"
"Could I see the menu, please?"

"How much does this cost?"
"Do you offer any discounts?"
"Can I pay with a credit card?"

"I need help. Please call the police/ambulance."
"I've lost my passport. What should I do?"
"Is there a hospital nearby?"
Common Courtesies:

"Thank you for your help."
"Excuse me."
Weather Talk:

"What's the weather forecast for today?"
"Is it going to rain later?"
"It's a beautiful day, isn't it?"

"Goodbye, and have a wonderful day!"
"Safe travels!"
"Hope to see you again soon!"


الإخوان الله اجازيكم البرطاج كيعلب دور مهم فهاد الضروف الصعبة برطاجيو الله ارحم الواليدين ناس نواحي ورزازات راه مزال مستفدو من حتى حاجة .
دواوير ورزازات تستغيث 💔😢
جزاكم الله كل الخير
🔴🔴🔴 اقليم ورزازات الجماعات الأكثر تضررا من جراء الزلزال:
● جماعة ايمي نولاون
● جماعة سيروا
● جماعة خزامة
● جماعة تلوات
● جماعة ازناكن
● جماعة تازناخت
● جماعة ويسلسات
● جماعة توندوت
● جماعة ترميكت
● جماعة تيديلي
● جماعة اغرم نوكدال
● جماعة غسات
● جماعة سكورة
● جماعة أيت زينب


Did you have a good trip ?
a journey to a place and back again, especially a short one for pleasure or a particular purpose.
we went on a good trip to mountains.
a day trip
shopping trip
coach trip
school trip
a trip to see the roses valley .


From the airport, how to welcome your clients as a guide or a driver !


how to travel safely to morocco and beyong morocco too!
we will give you the answer !


vocabulary related to tourism domain ! and the best is yet to come, sooner !!!
To travel
to drive
day out
day trip
road trip


To travel, to go further to explore more.


it begins like :
a journey
a travel
a trip
a walk
a circuit
a transfer
a distination
an orientation
a decision
a flight
a step..






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