Likes off or likes on, thats the question? 💬
📱 As you all probably know, a little while back instagram added a new feature which allows you to turn off you like count on certain posts, the question we're asking is what are the benefits of doing this?
🧡 Likes are vanity metrics (we have more posts coming soon explain more about vanity metrics👀), meaning the amount of likes someone egts on a post does not determine that pure succes of that post or individual.
👍🏼 Instagram as a platform is built on the foundation of users interactions and likes. The more likes you get on a post, the more your post will show up on someones feed,the more people will notice and the more exposure you will possibly get.
⭐️ From what we can see there are two main sides to this debate.
Firstly the fact that we are all only human, and as much as we say we don't care, getting a good number of likes on a post you've spent time creating does give our self-esteem a boost.
But, secondly, if as creatives, business owneers and even influencers all turned out likes off, the amount of comparison on social media would decrease A LOT, minimising potential for lack of confidence and imposters syndrome.
👇🏼 What do you all think?
Here at Sage and Ember we're moving towards turning off our likes and not thinking about other vanity metrics, so that we can focus on doing what we love, and not comparing ourselves to others! 💗
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