Coral X Laura

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JULY DUMP ☀️A month spent all over Europe with beautiful people 🥰


A month spent all over Europe with beautiful people 🥰

BALI DUMP 🌸Our final week in our favourite place ❤️ that month went so quick…too quick that we are actually booking to c...


Our final week in our favourite place ❤️ that month went so quick…too quick that we are actually booking to come back here in September after a European summer!

Nothing beats driving round on a scooter, exercising in the sun, eating great food and drinking amazing coffee. Bali you will always have our hearts 🥰

BALI MOVEMENT 🤸🏼Feeling so grateful for putting our health and wellness first whilst being here in Bali.I look back to w...


Feeling so grateful for putting our health and wellness first whilst being here in Bali.

I look back to when we used to backpack around on a budget and our sole focus would be on where we were going out to party that night. Never thought about eating healthy, only the cheapest option. Never spending money on exercise or sport - only on alcohol and parties.

And now that could not be further from the truth.

Now surrounding ourselves with people who share the same vision for life and similar goals and love spending time working on their fitness, health, wealth and freedom is just a whole other experience. (And of course still love to have the occasional party 🥳)

This is the life we knew we were meant to live. And now having the financial freedom to actually live it on our terms is such an incredible feeling.

Forever grateful for our business. Forever grateful for our friends. Forever grateful for everything we are working towards and attracting into our lives 🥰

This might come as a surprise to you…But the main reason we do what we do?Is to help others redefine what they thought w...

This might come as a surprise to you…

But the main reason we do what we do?

Is to help others redefine what they thought was even possible.

We’re not just building our own success; we’re architects of opportunities for those coming after us. Setting the stage for a community that will thrive because of the paths we’re carving today.

And if we can do it, so can you.

Take Hannah for example…she is one of our business partners who did exactly that. She joined our team 1 year ago, is about to quit her full time HR job in London and is building herself a beautiful thriving community. Helping others redefine what they think is possible. Showing them opportunities so that they too can achieve everything they want in life.

All of us started with ZERO experience, ZERO knowledge of the online world and many limiting beliefs on whether we could even succeed in this. But we did share one thing…willingness to learn from those who were already successful and implement the same teachings to create our own success. Redefining our futures.

And you can either spend your days envying these already successful people, or you can thank them for showing you what’s possible in your own future. The choice is yours.

We chose to be grateful for the chance to leave a lasting impact. Together, we’re not just building a business; we’re shaping a legacy.

The SECRET to ONLINE SUCCESS….👀THERE IS NO SECRET! Simply:▫️Find a business that WORKS and aligns with you - learn from ...



▫️Find a business that WORKS and aligns with you - learn from people who have already had success in the same business model

▫️Focus on your passions - if you don’t you won’t be consistent with it when times get tough and you simple won’t enjoy it if you aren’t doing something you love!

▫️Be COMMITTED to achieving your goals - accept that challenges are going arise, setbacks will occur but know that you can push through these and use them to drive you even further towards your goals. Keep that tunnel vision.

▫️Surround yourself with the right people. The most important one. Surround yourself with people who lift you up, support you, share your vision and of course those who inspire you. The best way to master your craft, is to surround yourself with people who have already mastered it.

20 Moments of 2023 ✨Moment 18 … 🫶🏼Celebrating Laura’s 27th birthday in Lisbon, Portugal…the day’s plan was simple – enjo...

20 Moments of 2023 ✨

Moment 18 … 🫶🏼

Celebrating Laura’s 27th birthday in Lisbon, Portugal…the day’s plan was simple – enjoy the city, soak up some culture, have a few cocktails and eat a lot of pastéis de nata….however, Lisbon had other ideas, and the torrential rain which started during breakfast left us no choice than to spend our day bar hopping instead!

A few too many cocktails in a range of bars and a bottle of Vino Verde later, the “let’s get a tattoo” joke turned into a plan, a booking, and a birthday night we won’t forget!

20 Moments of 2023 ✨Moment 7 … 🫶🏼Becoming the strongest, healthiest versions of ourselves. This isn’t a set moment, but ...

20 Moments of 2023 ✨

Moment 7 … 🫶🏼

Becoming the strongest, healthiest versions of ourselves. This isn’t a set moment, but a combination of the growth we’ve experienced throughout 2023.

Going to the gym, working out, lifting heavy makes us feel ALIVE, and we love it.

Prioritising our health was an easy commitment to make, and we’re embracing to the positive changes it has on our lives, physically and mentally.

Here’s to a bigger, more focused and stronger 2024! Who’s with us? 💪🏼

20 Moments of 2023 ✨Moment 5 … 🫶🏼A highlight for 2023, a milestone we’ve been working towards for a long time…A moment w...

20 Moments of 2023 ✨

Moment 5 … 🫶🏼
A highlight for 2023, a milestone we’ve been working towards for a long time…

A moment which might not mean much to many, but for us, a moment where we were awarded and recognised for the success we’ve acheived in our business….in front of over 2000 other business owners, at a huge global business conference in Germany. We’re not sure the smiling stopped for a few days.…

Plus, a bonus of another meet-up with people we work alongside, mentor and are out here changing lives alongside!

We’ve already secured our tickets to the 2024 global business conference hosted in Japan, and have our sights set on a bigger award, for even bigger growth.

Let’s do it. ✌🏻

20 Moments of 2023 ✨Moment 1 … 🫶🏼The moment when everything started falling into place….the time we launched our trainin...

20 Moments of 2023 ✨

Moment 1 … 🫶🏼
The moment when everything started falling into place….the time we launched our training platform and community group: EVOLVE

An online educational training platform created and run by online entrepreneurs - what could be better? Where like-minded individuals, who craved change, loved to travel, to live on their own schedules, and wanted to work towards something they are truly passionate about, learn step-by-step how to build a successful online business.

Creating this space was something we were so passionate about making, where we could empower people from all over the world to create the life they are in love with… and it’s been one of the best things we’ve done.

Throughout this year EVOLVE has literally…EVOLVED, and we’re loving the journey it’s on.

Here’s to continuing its growth into 2024 and beyond….are you joining us? 📩

Hello December...Welcoming the last month of 2023 sipping on Mulled Wine, cosied up in a cafe whilst in Germany. We're s...

Hello December...

Welcoming the last month of 2023 sipping on Mulled Wine, cosied up in a cafe whilst in Germany. We're starting to feel pretty festive after a weekend exploring some magical Christmas Markets...🎄 Here's to the final chapter of the year, we're ready to make it a good one!

What have you got planned this month? 💛

Healthy habits we are committed to…- Reducing screen time - putting our phones go on DND at 9:30pm and not off until 9am...

Healthy habits we are committed to…

- Reducing screen time - putting our phones go on DND at 9:30pm and not off until 9am after our morning routine 📚

- Keeping up with drinking at least 3 litres ofthe best quality water per day. Ph9.5 all the way babbyyyyyy 💦

- Consistent with gym and following a structured program 💪🏼

- Morning routine - setting ourselves up in the best way every single morning

- Gratitudes every single day - that’s a non negotiable 📝

- Positive affirmations and goal setting weekly

What healthy habits are you keeping?

Life is a journey filled with countless decisions. Some may feel small, while others can be transformative. It's said th...

Life is a journey filled with countless decisions. Some may feel small, while others can be transformative.

It's said that you are only one decision away from changing everything, whether thats for your personal growth, or health, your relationships, or even your journey with entrepreneurship. By making a single decision and backing it with drive and action, you can unlock the potential to become the best version of yourself and create a life that you truly desire.

Are you ready?

Sweet moments from Barcelona 🌞

Sweet moments from Barcelona 🌞

"ONE DAY" or "DAY ONE" - a simple but powerful choice we all face in our lives.We all have amazing dreams and aspiration...

"ONE DAY" or "DAY ONE" - a simple but powerful choice we all face in our lives.

We all have amazing dreams and aspirations. Perhaps it's a business we've always wanted to start, a book we've been meaning to write, a skill we've been longing to master, or a journey of self-improvement we've been putting off. These dreams are the sparks of our potential and the visions for our futures.

But how often have we pushed these dreams into the distant future with the thought of maybe "one day"?

We convince ourselves that everything must be just right, or it needs to be a perfect time....we create a comfortable alternative for our dreams, telling ourselves that someday we'll get around to them.

Here's the thing though, the power to make these dreams a in your hands. It's about embracing the unknown, welcoming the challenges, and riding the excitement of something new. Remember, every journey kicks off with a single step, and that step? It's right NOW.

Time to declare TODAY as your "day one" because your dreams are worth it.

Every journey starts with a single decision, one that can transform your entire life. 
A few weeks back we were invited ...

Every journey starts with a single decision, one that can transform your entire life. 

A few weeks back we were invited to speak at a business event, in London, packed with entrepreneurs from all over the world together, inspiring impact on a whole other level.

The whole day was nothing short of amazing.

What did we learn? Surround Yourself with Success, Dream Big, Speak Your Dreams, and Embrace Global Connections!

Choose to be the best version of yourself, embrace the life you desire, and go after better health, relationships, and mental well-being. Surround yourself with like-minded visionaries and watch as your hard work and trust in mentors lead to a future of freedom and abundance.

By investing time in building a future aligned with your passions, you'll witness the unexpected magic of change in your life.

Are you ready?

It’s a rare sight, but we do change out of gym kit once in a while 🐎🥂

It’s a rare sight, but we do change out of gym kit once in a while 🐎🥂

📌 The Goal: To create a life that enables us to travel the world, prioritise our health, and impact the world without li...

📌 The Goal: To create a life that enables us to travel the world, prioritise our health, and impact the world without limitations.

We've always had big traveling dreams.

We wanted to see the world, soak in different cultures, and not have to squeeze this dream into a 22-day holiday allowance.

We also didn't want to compromise our health and freedom, by working every day for someone else. We knew there was a solution out there, and we were going to find it. But we didn’t know how…so we stuck to a work-save-travel cycle for a few years, feeling unfulfilled in the jobs we were doing. Sure, within different jobs we saved up enough to travel a bit, but were always pulled back home to secure another job.

This was not going to be our lives.

So, we set out to find a solution.
We didn’t know where to start, but we were hungry for change, determined to learn, grow, and adapt, and do everything to create that freedom we desired.

Fast forward a few years – here's where it gets wild.

• We travel the world, whenever we like, wherever we choose.
• We work and earn an income entirely from our laptops.
• We have time to prioritise our health and fitness.

How? Because we started a business in high-ticket affiliate marketing.

Imagine a world where you are in charge of your journey. Where freedom isn’t a dream, it’s a reality.

Affiliate and Network marketing enables you to design your own life. Choose your hours, the people you work with, and the mission you stand behind. We’re finally working towards our vision, working with a company that shares the same values. A company that puts HEALTH, SUSTAINABILITY & FREEDOM first.

The best part? We get to work with people who have similar goals too. It’s a game changer being surrounded by people who are ready for freedom, who want to make the world a better place.

A daily dose of good vibes and magnetic energy. And guess what, that person can be you too ✌🏻

Ready to work online?Buzzing that you have found our page, or maybe come across an ads, and are looking to see how you c...

Ready to work online?

Buzzing that you have found our page, or maybe come across an ads, and are looking to see how you can start working online, just like us!

So here is what you can do next…

STEP ONE: Watch our FREE webinar which explains what it is we do, how everything works and how we can help you get started in high ticket affiliate marketing, selling other peoples products for high commissions! (…check out our business highlights for more!)

To watch this FREE WEBCLASS - fill out the form in our bio!

STEP TWO: Sign Up to our Training Platform, EVOLVE and gain Lifetime Access to our Discovery Process, our 6 Week Business Launch Course, our Advanced School of Marketing Platform, plus access to our Global Community and ongoing mentorship!

You can do this by clicking the “Get Started Now” button after watching the webclass for a one time payment of only £77 - that’s it and we will then also know you are serious about making a change in your life!

STEP THREE: Complete the discovery process! This is a 3 hour introduction into our FULL BUSINESS. Starting with what to expect as an entrepreneur, how our Evolve platform will support you, our FULL BUSINESS BLUEPRINT where you learn about the company and products we work with and how they have allowed us to live a freedom based lifestyle.

You will then Book your 1:1 Business Strategy Call with either us or one of our leaders within the Community.

STEP FOUR: Book your Business Strategy Call. This will be with one of our experts to understand HOW you can launch your own Online Business "officially". If, and only IF, you resonate with the business model & company and are ready to build a life that you're currently only dreaming of, you will be presented with your options to start your business & can move onto the next stages of your training.


You currently have three choices which will massively impact how your next 6-12 months will look like…

• You do nothing and accept your current situation.
• Switch up your job, maybe earn a little more
• Take Action, sign up to EVOLVE and start learning today.

We are buzzing to see the Action Takers on the inside!🔥

We will never get bored of travelling around and exploring all the hidden gems this world has to offer 🌴                ...

We will never get bored of travelling around and exploring all the hidden gems this world has to offer 🌴

ONLINE MEETS OFFLINE ❤️❤️There is something special about meeting people offline for the first time, when you are so use...


There is something special about meeting people offline for the first time, when you are so used to seeing them in a tiny box behind a screen!
We started our online business during lockdown so we weren’t able to meet up with our team for over a year - so it is so amazing when we finally got to meet them face to face all over the world and spend time catching up, laughing, drinking, partying and of course talking all things goals and business! To be surrounded by other inspiring individuals all creating their own dream lives is truly a gift.

And the connections are like no other - they say you find your ‘tribe’ working online, and boy have we! So lucky to call these amazing people our friends, our business partners and our travel buddies!

Grateful for all the people we have met and so excited for all the future ones to come.
Are you going to be joining us???

ONLINE MEETS OFFLINE 🥰There is something special about meeting people offline for the first time, when you are so used t...


There is something special about meeting people offline for the first time, when you are so used to seeing them in a tiny box behind a screen!
We started our online business during lockdown so we weren’t able to meet up with our team for over a year - so it is so amazing when we finally got to meet them face to face all over the world and spend time catching up, laughing, drinking, partying and of course talking all things goals and business! To be surrounded by other inspiring individuals all creating their own dream lives is truly a gift.

And the connections are like no other - they say you find your ‘tribe’ working online, and boy have we! So lucky to call these amazing people our friends, our business partners and our travel buddies!

Grateful for all the people we have met and so excited for all the future ones to come.
Are you going to be joining us???

A photo dump from a few days up north visiting Sheffield and exploring the Peak District 🌳✨ An escape filled with a lot ...

A photo dump from a few days up north visiting Sheffield and exploring the Peak District 🌳✨

An escape filled with a lot of good coffee, vintage shopping, IPA’s, adventures and hikes through the peak! We rarely opt for UK staycations over tropical beaches but maybe this summer will be a new set of adventures and road trips closer to home!

Which is your favourite UK city to visit? 🌞

When in Romaaaaa 🍦Crazy to think a few years ago I had to request a few days off, plan months in advance or manage to li...

When in Romaaaaa 🍦

Crazy to think a few years ago I had to request a few days off, plan months in advance or manage to line up my shifts so that I could score a long weekend off and go on an city break.

BUT fast forward to now…no plans, booked a one way ticket to Morocco and decided to last minute book flights to Rome on our way to Turkey.

- No asking for time off
- Not worried about being back for work
- Not worried about running out of money
- No plans

To me this is what I call freedom. Time freedom. Location freedom. Financial freedom. All of which I didn’t have in my previous roles.

Still so grateful for the choices I made in starting an online business. Taking risks on me, my future and how I wanted to live my life.
And extremely grateful to the people who showed me what is truly possible, rather than settling for an average job with average pay and one which I lacked passion for.

This is your reminder to never give up on your dreams and continue to take action on your life. You deserve it.

Reminiscing on amazing memories made in April 🥰Usually find us somewhere on the beach but the desert really was incredib...

Reminiscing on amazing memories made in April 🥰

Usually find us somewhere on the beach but the desert really was incredible to experience. Sunsets, sand-boarding and star gazing ✨

Which do you prefer? Beach, desert or city??

Where’s your favourite place to work? 💻Whilst travelling we take the term ‘work from anywhere’ literally, and you’ll fin...

Where’s your favourite place to work? 💻

Whilst travelling we take the term ‘work from anywhere’ literally, and you’ll find us cramming in some work at the gate at an airport, or poolside in Bali, in a cute spanish village, you name it!

Overall one of our favourite things to do is work somewhere we’ve never been before….the unfamiliarity about it all, and we love it! A new vibe and atmosphere, settling into somewhere new with a latte or pastry in hand is just ideal!

Do you agree? 💭

IT’S ALL ABOUT CHANGE 🌴Change and growth happens ALL THE TIME, it’s part of life, it’s part of who we are and the journe...


Change and growth happens ALL THE TIME, it’s part of life, it’s part of who we are and the journey we are all on. From the moment we're born, we start learning and developing, and our experiences shape who we are and who we become.

However, throughout life, we discover challenges, opportunities, and new experiences that push us outside of our comfort zones and help us evolve. It's in these moments of discomfort that we often learn the most about ourselves and what we're capable of.

As we grow and change, we may find that our interests, goals, and values shift. We may outgrow the life we’ve previously been living, and find ourselves needing to adapt to become who we want to be.

At the end of the day, change is NORMAL, and it we’re not changing, we’re not growing. It’s up to us to make the most of this amazing life we get to live, to learn from it, and to allow ourselves to grow into the best version of ourselves 💭

Do more of what makes you happy 😂Life is short. There is no time to waste being miserable in a job you hate, being in a ...

Do more of what makes you happy 😂

Life is short. There is no time to waste being miserable in a job you hate, being in a toxic relationship, living somewhere you don’t love and being around people who don’t inspire you.


Reminder: Starting a business is not a one-time event; it's a continual process of self-discovery, learning, and growth....

Reminder: Starting a business is not a one-time event; it's a continual process of self-discovery, learning, and growth.

It requires taking small steps every day towards your goals and being open to change and adaptation.

Don't be afraid to take risks, make mistakes, and try new things.

Be patient, persistent, and true to yourself, and you'll be on your way to greater things.

You can have your excuses or you can have success, but you can’t have both.’Yes, some people have much bigger struggles ...

You can have your excuses or you can have success, but you can’t have both.’

Yes, some people have much bigger struggles and obstacles to overcome than others, but we all have the same choice as to how we perceive our reality.

They say what you focus on grows - so what is it you are focusing on?

Are you complaining that someone else got the results you didn’t for the same amount of work?

Are you complaining you didn’t have the time to put in in the work?

Are you constantly making excuses as to why you didn’t do something? Or how its not your fault?

Whichever outcome you train your mind on, is exactly what is going ot land on your lap.

So if you really want to achieve your goals…our advice is to stop making excuses, even if you have to jump over a few obstacles to get there.
Everyone faces challenges, but you are the one who decides if you are going to stop short in front of them or push pass them and achieve all the success you deserve.



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Our Story...


We are Coral and Laura, two sun seekers from England who love to travel, laugh and create endless memories together. Since meeting back in 2008 to packing our bags in 2015, we set off on a whirlwind of adventures, never wanting it to end. The more we see, the more we crave...

Together, we have travelled across the world, covering hundreds and thousands of miles, exploring hidden treasures, tasting incredible flavours from different cultures, and making lifelong friends.

The 9 to 5 job is not the path for us! Therefore, we are turning travelling into our lifestyle and couldn’t imagine our life another way.