Issue 1,203 (4 16, 2023) of L. Neil Smith's THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE is now up
-- An International Journal of Opinion --
Issue 1,203, April 16, 2023
THIS ISSUE'S MOTTO: Human beings are born with different capacities. If they are free, they are not equal. If they are equal, they are not free. — Alexander Solzhenitsyn
THE WEEKLY CARTOON: Schrodinger's gun: simultaneously useless against the military and a "weapon of war that no civilian should own."
0. The Editor's Notes, by Charles Curley
1. Letters to the Editor, from Albert Perez; Dennis Wilson
2. Too Little, Too Late, by L. Neil Smith
3. The Artificial Intelligence Revolution in Social Media: How State Power and Algorithms Can Threaten Humanity: Section 6: Exploring solutions to the challenges presented: a critical review, by Antônio F. Oliveira
4. FDR’s Other 'Day of Infamy': When the US Government Seized All Citizens' Gold, by Lawrence W. Reed
Weekly web journal of commentary and reviews from a libertarian point of view - working to fulfill the promise of the American Revolution since 1995. This is Issue Number 1,203, April 16, 2023