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DID YOU KNOW THAT...👉fish was used in the past as a fertilizer because it contains phosphorus and the decomposition of f...


👉fish was used in the past as a fertilizer because it contains phosphorus and the decomposition of fish gives a strong organic substance that helps speed up germination and protect potatoes from rot?

👉This method is considered expensive in countries that do not have great fish wealth, but is very economical for countries that have great fish wealth.

👉It is still used in some European countries, such as Norway, and this method was very popular in the past due to the lack of fertilizer. Currently, those who use the sardine cultivation method have high-quality and expensive potatoes.


Everyone need this.👇👇

Why Should We Grow Cassava1. Highly profitable crop-Cassava is more profitable than maize. The gross margins per hector ...

Why Should We Grow Cassava

1. Highly profitable crop-Cassava is more profitable than maize. The gross margins per hector of Cassava is three times higher than that of maize.

2. Ready Market. Cassava is very easy to sell. The domestic market is huge. Cassava is also used for industrial purposes like in baking, making of cardboards, packaging materials, beer, starch, glue, baking and many more. Therefore, the market for both cassava chips and floor is huge.

3. Cassava is drought resistant compared to maize, making it a good for household and national food security.

4. Cassava is easy to store. The crop can be harvested only as needs arise. The surplus can be stored underground thereby resulting in low post harvest losses.

5. The crop is disease resistant. No need for insecticides, thus cheaper and easy to manage.

6. Can grow almost everywhere, regardless of the soil fertility.

7. Multiple uses. All parts of the plant are useful. Leaves can be used for vegetables, stems are used for planting, roots or tubers can be used to make floor, chips, or can be eaten raw.

8. Widely consumed in many African regions countries. Staple food in many regions.

9. Can be processed using the most basic or natural methods like just socking, sun drying and pounding.

10. Huge demand for both domestic and industrial use.

11. Can be inter-cropped with other crops like millet, groundnuts and beans.

12. Does not require any chemical fertilizers, making it cheaper to grow.

13. Rich source of starch and carbohydrates, making it a good security crop.

14. Complementarity. Cassava can be consumed together or mixed with other crops. Tastes super with groundnuts, beans. Cassava floor mixed with maize meal tastes better.

15. Huge potential for commercialization. Cassava can easily or will soon be a commercial crop given its multiple industrial uses like the making of starch, flour, beer etc.

16. Nutritious. Cassava leaves are nutritious with some medicinal property.


Both Men and women Try this if you have this d!sease

STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE ON HOW TO GROW SWEET POTATOES Another very important crop you don't need to spend a dime acquiring th...


Another very important crop you don't need to spend a dime acquiring the seedlings in most parts of Nigeria is sweet potatoes.

In most places, people harvest the tubers and abandon the leaves and stems in the farm.

The stems are actually planted for the next farming season. So you can simply get some from any of those farms where the harvest has been done.

But even before harvest, you can get from someone's mature farm if it is allowed in your community.

Now, I have always liked sweet potatoes, but since a loaf of bread became N1,700, I knew I needed to start looking for other options, and potatoes might just offer a good alternative for breakfast, alongside pap or tea.

So here is a step-by-step guide on how to plant sweet potatoes:

Step one: Select the variety of your choice.

We have red and white varieties. Just choose anyone you prefer.

Step two: Prepare the soil.

Sweet potatoes are best planted on ridges or beds. Whichever one you choose should be at least 30cm high to give room for deeper pe*******on and growth of the tubers.

Step 3: Obtain the vines or stems and cut into sizes for planting.

Like I mentioned earlier, you can get the vines from any farm where they just finished harvesting or from a mature farm. You can also buy if you can't find free ones within your location.

The cuttings should be about 20-30 cm long and contain at least 3 nodes (leaf joints).

Step four: Planting

Timing: The best time to plant sweet potatoes in Nigeria is at the beginning of the rainy season, around April to June (that means you can still plant yours in the next few weeks).

Spacing: Plant the vines on the ridges or beds at a spacing of 30cm apart.

Don't place the vines straight into the soil. They should slant at an angle of 45 degrees into the soil, burying about two-thirds of the vine.

Step five: Fertilizer application

Apply organic manure or NPK fertilizer three to four weeks after planting.

Step six: W**d Control

To ensure that w**ds do not oppress the crop, there is a need for regular w**ding, and you should w**d 2-3 times during the growing season.

Step seven: Harvesting

This is the most important stage for every farmer.

Sweet potatoes are usually ready for harvest 3-4 months after planting.

Signs of Maturity: The leaves start to turn yellow, and the skin colour intensifies.

Harvesting Method: Uproot the plants carefully using hoes or by hand, avoiding damage to the tubers.

After harvest, the stems removed, just like in cassava stems, form the seedlings for the next planting exercise.


As you can see, there is nothing special or technical about planting potatoes. Almost anyone can do it; and within three months, you start enjoying the fruit of your labour.

I just planted mine last week; you can plant yours today.


I leave facial cleaning for you all 😭😭😭
The end will ahoock you 😭😭😭

My Brother plant something by all means 🤣Now that the Rains are here, Farm everything farmable! If you don't have any la...

My Brother plant something by all means 🤣
Now that the Rains are here, Farm everything farmable! If you don't have any land to cultivate, plant in sacks!

Sweet potatoes

All do well in sacks.

By all means, plant something,even if it's a Moringa tree that you can be making tea from daily.


This my Admin 🤔😃😃🤣🤣🤣




Let's do this 👇at home 🌶️💃

Cloves and Milk for the other ROOM.PROCEDURE Boil the cloves time it change colour, bring it down, strain the water, add...

Cloves and Milk for the other ROOM.


Boil the cloves time it change colour, bring it down, strain the water, add your malt and skimmed milk then drink it warm 30 minutes before entering the other ROOM Chai. Two of una go confess...
Sweetness and weltness at the same time
Note for other room... suitable for 1 minute men

USEFUL WAYS TO USE CHARCOAL IN POULTRY FARMS🔷In the dust bath - charcoal or wood ash added to your chickens' dust bath h...


🔷In the dust bath - charcoal or wood ash added to your chickens' dust bath helps to suffocate parasites such as mites, lice, fleas and ticks.

🔷 As a feed supplement - it has been observed that animals in the wild will gnaw on charred branches and stumps after a forest fire.

-Charcoal works as a laxative and detoxifier, flushing toxins out of the body.

- It will also help expel internal worms to some extent.

-Calcium is the most abundant element in wood ash, but it's also a good source of potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium.

-Adding wood ash to your chicken feed in a 1% ratio can improve lay rates, extend laying periods and will also reduce the smell of the chicken droppings.

- Ashes obtained from hardwoods like cedar, oak and maple have five times as many nutrients as softwoods like pine and balsa.

🔷As a wound healing agent - wood ash possesses antibacterial qualities which can prevent an open wound from becoming infected and also works to stop bleeding quickly, much like cornstarch, when applied topically to a wound.

-When ingested, the Vitamin K in the wood ash works to help blood clot and can reverse the effects of the coumadin in rat poison, for instance.

🔷To keep the coop clean - sprinkling wood ash on your coop floor can help reduce odors.

- Like baking soda, wood ash is alkaline and therefore will absorb and help neutralize bad smells. It will also help reduce the humidity levels in your coop.

🔷 To reduce the ammonia in your chickens' manure - adding charcoal in a ratio of 1-2% to your chicken feed can help prevent the creation of ammonia, leading to a more ammonia-free output from your chickens.

- Studies have found that it's effective in absorbing the ammonia and preventing fumes from forming.

🔷 To control impurities in the water - adding a chunk of charcoal to your waterer can help keep algae and other bacteria from forming and help absorb and filter out other impurities, while adding minerals to the water.

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SOME HERBS TO USE AS ORGANIC PESTICIDES ON YOUR CROPSHome-made organic pesticides should always be sprayed on crops duri...


Home-made organic pesticides should always be sprayed on crops during the cool part of the day (mornings or late afternoons) to avoid burning of your crops.

🌟 Wood ash - Get maize combs, burn them and dry the ash. This should be applied around the plants especially the transplanted vegetable seedlings, to control cut worms in fields where cut worms are a problem.

🌟 Garlic - Crush and mix with hot water- cool for 2hrs, then spray to control aphids.

🌟 Pawpaw leaves - Take 1 kg of green and fresh leaves, - crush and boil in 4litres of water for 20 minutes. Spray to control scale insects, aphids.

🌟 Hot pepper - Crush 500 grams of riped hot pepper fruits, mix with 5 litres of water, boil for 20 minutes. Sieve and add another 5 litres of water mixed with 50ml of any mild dish wash (non-detergent) soap - Spray to control ants (termites), aphids, flies, caterpillars.

🌟 Tithonia (Mexican sunflower) - Crush 2kg of leaves, soak in 4 litres of warm water for 2-3hours or in cold water for 2 days. Spray to control caterpillars.

🌟 Lantana camara - Get branches and leaves, burn to get the ash- broadcast in the field or affected area to control ants and worms

🌟 Thorn apple (Datura stramonium) - Take 1kg of leaves, fruits and branch stems, - Crush and boil in 4 litres of water for 20 minutes and let it cool. Spray to control scale insects, aphids and leaf miner (Tuta absoluta).


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12 Homemade fertilizers for plants easy to find at home
1. Banana Peels: Bury or soak for potassium.
2. Coffee Grounds: Great for acidic plants.
3. Eggshells: Crush and sprinkle for calcium.
4. Epsom Salt: Dissolve for magnesium.
5. Molasses: Dilute for nutrients and microbes.
6. Aquarium Water: Full of beneficial nutrients.
7. Wood Ash: Sprinkle for potassium and calcium.
8. Gelatin: Dissolve for leafy growth.
9. Milk: Mix for calcium and protein.
10. Seaw**d: Rinse and chop for minerals and growth hormones.
11. Vegetable Scraps: Boil for nutrient-rich broth.
12. W**d Tea: Steep for nutrient-rich fertilizer.
Experiment and nourish your plants for robust growth!


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Let's Grow Coconut Tree From Coconut Fruit🌟 Choose a Fresh Coconut: Select a heavy, mature coconut with water inside.🌟 P...

Let's Grow Coconut Tree From Coconut Fruit
🌟 Choose a Fresh Coconut: Select a heavy, mature coconut with water inside.
🌟 Prepare the Coconut: Remove the husk carefully without damaging the shell.
🌟 Locate the Eye: Find the softest eye on the coconut where the shoot will emerge.
🌟 Soak the Coconut: Place it in water or moist sand for a few days to soften the shell.
🌟 Prepare the Container: Fill a pot with well-draining soil and ensure it has drainage holes.
🌟 Plant the Coconut: Place it sideways in the soil with the soft eye facing up.
🌟 Water Thoroughly: Keep the soil evenly moist but not waterlogged.
🌟 Create a Mini Greenhouse: Cover the pot with plastic to retain moisture and warmth.
🌟Provide Warmth and Sunlight: Place the pot in a warm, sunny spot with indirect sunlight.
🌟 Be Patient: Germination can take months, so monitor regularly and be patient.
🌟 Transplant Seedling: Once it sprouts and grows, transplant to a larger pot or ground.
🌟 Provide Care: Water regularly, fertilize during the growing season, and protect from cold.
🌟 Enjoy: With time and care, your coconut tree will grow, bringing a tropical vibe to your space.

Just to remind you, If you are planning a backyard  tomato farming.Just mix the soil with manure and put one seedling in...

Just to remind you, If you are planning a backyard tomato farming.
Just mix the soil with manure and put one seedling in each sack.


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Don't W@ste money. Watch this video to learn how to do it yourself.

Pepper Growing Secrets For Huge Harvests👇1. Variety Selection: Choose pepper varieties suited to your climate and prefer...

Pepper Growing Secrets For Huge Harvests👇
1. Variety Selection: Choose pepper varieties suited to your climate and preferences.
2. Healthy Seedlings: Start with robust, disease-free seedlings or start your own from seeds indoors.
3. Optimal Conditions: Plant peppers where they'll get plenty of sunlight and in well-draining, fertile soil.
4. Spacing and Support: Give your pepper plants room to grow and provide support for heavier varieties.
5. Consistent Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist, avoiding overwatering to prevent root rot.
6. Regular Fertilizing: Apply a balanced fertilizer and consider supplementing with compost for ongoing nutrients.
7. Mulching: Mulch around plants to retain moisture, suppress w**ds, and regulate soil temperature.
8. Pruning: Trim pepper plants selectively to promote bushier growth and better fruit production.
9. Pest and Disease Control: Keep an eye out for pests and diseases, using organic methods to manage them.
10. Harvesting: Harvest peppers when they're ripe to encourage more fruit and ensure the best flavor.
By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to a plentiful pepper harvest.


Don't w@ste money again 🤔💃💃
Be Informed

Baking soda is a gardener’s best friend: here are 10 clever uses in the garden.1. Natural Fungicide: Mix baking soda wit...

Baking soda is a gardener’s best friend: here are 10 clever uses in the garden.

1. Natural Fungicide: Mix baking soda with water and liquid soap to spray on plants and combat fungal diseases like powdery mildew.

2. W**d Killer: Directly apply baking soda on garden w**ds to kill them without harming surrounding plants.

3. Pest Deterrent: A mixture of baking soda and flour can deter pests like cabbage worms and aphids when dusted on plants.

4. Soil Amendment: Baking soda can be used to neutralize overly acidic soil, improving the environment for plant growth.

5. Tomato Sweetener: Sprinkle baking soda around tomato plants to decrease soil acidity, resulting in sweeter tomatoes.

6. Compost Enhancer: Speed up the composting process by making the environment more alkaline with baking soda.

7. Odor Absorber: Neutralize odors in areas like compost bins by sprinkling baking soda.

8. Tool Cleaner: Clean gardening tools by scrubbing them with a baking soda paste to remove dirt and rust.

9. Seed Germination: Enhance seed germination by soaking seeds in a baking soda solution before planting.

10. Ant Repellent: Deter ants by creating barriers with baking soda around plants or ant trails.


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HOW TO GROW WATERMELON🍉 VarietiesThere are many varieties but I would advise that one goes for a hybrid seed variety for...


🍉 Varieties
There are many varieties but I would advise that one goes for a hybrid seed variety for commercial purposes like Sukari F1

🟢 Establishment
🍉 Land_clearing:
You can either use herbicides to kill the w**ds and plough.
Make fine tilth

🍉Making raised beds
It's better to plant watermelons on the raised bed system, here you make beds of like 2m wide and leave pathways where you can always walk through to manage and it eases harvesting.

🍉Making holes
2m from one row to another, then 1m from plant to plant.
2000 holes per acre
Dig up a hole 15cm deep and 15cm wide.

🍉Mixing manure mix the soil got from the hole with manure like chicken or cow dung then fill the hole once again. But this time don't fill it to the brim, leave like 10cms uncovered.
You apply 2 handful of manure per hole

Place 2-3 seeds on the surface of each hole, then push them with your finger at 2cm depth.
Then cover with a little soil.
If you sow the seedlings very deep ,they might not germinate.

🍉Using NPK fertilizer
If you can't access farm yard manure, you can choose NPK.
cover with soil then sow your seeds on top of the soil. You can visit your local agriculture store for the best fertilizer for watermelons in your area, soil varies so is the nutrients.

Do the following
Mulching,Watering,W**ding,Spraying (Fungicide and Insecticide)

🍉Fertilizer Application (Top dressing and Foliar application)
🍉Apply Fruit Fly Traps in Your garden to trap and kill fruit flies.
Ensure regular visits

They start flowering at 8 wks and by the 12th wk you can harvest only mature fruits, if it changes color at the bottom,it produces a bam sound when hit in the sides.
Harvest with its stalk to extend it's shelf life.

🍉Look for market as soon as you start preparing your land, visit markets, hotels, restaurants, big markets and supermarkets.
Create enough awareness about your new project.



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From one of my Admin

💠Use Of Moringa plant and how to use it in Poultry Farming.🐔🐓🟪Moringa plant, also known as the drumstick tree, is a high...

💠Use Of Moringa plant and how to use it in Poultry Farming.🐔🐓

🟪Moringa plant, also known as the drumstick tree, is a highly nutritious plant that can be used in various ways in poultry farming. Here are some of its uses and how to use it:

🟪Feed supplement: Moringa leaves are rich in essential nutrients, including protein, vitamins, and minerals, that are beneficial to poultry health and productivity. You can dry the leaves and grind them into a powder, which can then be added to your poultry feed to supplement their nutrition.

🟪Immune booster: Moringa leaves contain natural antioxidants, which help boost the immune system of poultry birds, making them more resistant to diseases and infections.

🟪Antibacterial agent: Moringa leaves contain antibacterial compounds that can help prevent and control bacterial infections in poultry. Adding moringa powder to the feed can help reduce the incidence of diseases such as coccidiosis and salmonellosis.

🟪Growth promoter: Moringa leaves also contain growth-promoting compounds, which can help improve the growth rate and weight gain of poultry birds, making them more marketable.

To use moringa in poultry farming, you can follow these steps:

🟫Harvest fresh moringa leaves and wash them thoroughly.

🟫Dry the leaves in the sun or using a dehydrator until they are crisp.

🟫Grind the dried leaves into a fine powder using a mortar and pestle or a grinder.

🟫Mix the moringa powder into your poultry feed, at a ratio of 2-5% of the total feed, depending on the age and weight of the birds.

🟫Store the moringa powder in an airtight container in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight.




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