wanni - tjay was like, will people fight, i said yes, its just day 2.
shaun - they actually have nice people in here, I’m not gonna fight tho. its only you that can make me even, you know....
wanni - what.... we are not gonna fight, why will i fight you?
i’m a love not a fighter, but i can fight for the one i love.
shaun - you know women, you guys have your week when tensions are high.
wanni - I’ve learnt how not to transfer aggression.
shaun - before you ask me “why you talking to someone for so long” “why is she sitting on your knee”
wanni - i’m not that jealous.
shaun - thats good.
wanni - this place is nice innit?
shaun - yeah cuz its not hot, its just these f mosquitoes.
wanni - are they biting you?
shaun - not biting, you know my blood is fresh, they can smell it from a mile away.
wanni - what blood group?
shaun - AS.
wanni - AS ? I’m AS.
shaun - that means sickle cell is possible.
wanni - well AS, that’s sad.
shaun - not like its a guarantee tho.
wanni - i do know that but its not a good match.
shaun - how many kids do you want?
wanni - i wanted 4 but now i don’t mind 2.
shaun - you know that these days, you can actually check what the child is from early so.
wanni - i hoped i was not AS, when i did the test.
shaun - the people you’ve been with, were they AA?
wanni - my first love was SS. i will love him forever, he’s late now
shaun - so you are AS dating someone that is SS, you don’t even care, when its real love.
wanni - i said I’ll marry him.
shaun - you’d fight for the love.
wanni - my mum said its not about you.
shaun - its about the child and him too.