Radunzel's Mostly Daily Allegheny County Covid-19 Report

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Radunzel's Mostly Daily Allegheny County Covid-19 Report This provides an analysis and synopsis of the COVID-19 data provided by the state of Pennsylvania and Allegheny County on a daily basis.

It attempts to make clear the meaning of the data and how it changes and relates it to other places.


After not posting for a few weeks, I decided to start it up again, but in a much simplified format that tries to pare down the data to what is most pertinent - Community Transmission level as determined by CDC metrics, hospitalization, and deaths. I put the sources of the data at the end of the post, and though I do note that the state and the CDC give different numbers for hospitalizations and deaths, they largely align and the differences don't change the bigger picture at all.

COVID-19 stats for Alleghenhy County as of Friday, February 11, 2022. All changes are week-over-week.

Transmission level, overall : High
Transmission level, case rate : High (220 >= 100)
Transmission level, positivity : High (13.37% >= 10.00%)

Case Rate: 220 (-185) - Feb 11
Positivity: 12.53% (-3.78%) - Feb 10
Percent of Hospital beds with COVID patient: 12.1% (-4.1%) - Feb 11
Percent of ICU beds with COVID patient: 14.4% (-4.3%) - Feb 11
Weekly deaths: 9 (-40) - Feb 11

All-time Highs
Case Rate: 2,030 - Jan 12, 2022
Positivity: 33.20% - Jan 9, 2022
Percent of Hospital beds with COVID patient: 25.1% - Dec 16, 2020
Percent of ICU beds with COVID patient: 39.1% - Jan 6, 2021
Weekly deaths: 166 - Dec 25, 2020

Recent Highs
Percent of Hospital beds with COVID patient: 24.6% - Jan 21, 2022
Percent of ICU beds with COVID patient: 24.8% - Jan 22, 2022
Weekly deaths: 85 - Jan 14, 2022

CDC Data source (Case rate, positivity)
https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/ -view?list_select_state=Pennsylvania&data-type=Risk&list_select_county=42003

PA Data source (Hospitalization, deaths)

We're very clearly on the downward slope from an enormous surge, but much like the last surges, the rate of decline is s...

We're very clearly on the downward slope from an enormous surge, but much like the last surges, the rate of decline is slower than the rate of increase at the beginning of the surge. So definitely do not expect rates to drop to summer of 2021 levels next week. It also looks like hospitalization peaked this past week, so the worst of the current surge may be behind us. Let's hope for no more surges, but otherwise, be vigilant. Case counts may be lower, but we're still at levels not seen at all prior to this year.

"For the week of January 16, 2022-January 22, 2022, 11,821 infections were reported. There were 932, or 8 percent, reinfections and 5,143 of reports, or 44 percent, were of unvaccinated individuals. There were also 72 deaths reported in that same time frame.

To date, there have been 240,349 infections, 2,835 deaths and 11,742 hospitalizations reported in Allegheny County residents."

All data below will be as of January 16, unless otherwise indicated, and will be derived from state or Federal sources. The state reported 11,898 cases from January 17-23 with a total of 240,260 from the beginning of the pandemic.

Vital Stats:
7-day case rate - Allegheny County (Jan 23): 951 / 100,000 - High Community Transmission
7-day positivity rate - Allegheny County (Jan 22): 24.32%
Total population vaccinated - Allegheny County (Jan 23): 67.5%

Average daily COVID-19 patients in hospital (Jan 23): 766/3180 and in ICU: 133/539
Average percentage of all hospital beds available (Jan 23): 11.1%

From January 17-23 in Allegheny County, 11,898 newly reported cases, 495 newly reported hospitalizations, and 72 newly reported deaths were reported.

The 11,898 new cases reported over the past week lead to a case rate of 951 cases for every 100,000 people. This is 52.5% of the 22,666 cases reported one week before.


Data is from January 23 and changes are from one week prior unless otherwise indicated.

According to CDC thresholds, we are in the High Transmission (Red) category (951 >= 100).

7-Day Total Case Rate: 951 (-861) - two weeks ago: 1,905 - 52 weeks ago: 216
At current two-week linear trends, the case rate will reach the threshold for Substantial Transmission (Orange) of 100 on February 5, 2022.
Overall Peak: 1,978 - January 12, 2022

14-Day Case Rate: 2,764 (-953) - two weeks ago: 2,905 - 52 weeks ago: 511
Overall Peak: 3,717 - January 16, 2022

Positivity in Allegheny County (Jan 22): 24.32% (-4.81%)

Hospitalizations reported in the last week: 495 (+147) - two weeks ago: 451

Average daily COVID-19 patients currently hospitalized: 766 (+12) in ICU: 133 (+2)
This number had a recent peak at 783 on Jan 21, 2022, the highest at any time since 2020.

Percentage of all hospital beds occupied by COVID patients: 24.1% (+0.7%)
Percentage of all ICU beds occupied by COVID patients: 24.6% (+0.0%)

Average percentage of all hospital beds available: 11.1% (+0.1%)
Average percentage of ICU beds available: 10.7% (-0.3%)
Average percentage of all pediatric beds available: 26.1% (-0.2%)
Average percentage of pediatric ICU beds available: 21.2% (-1.3%)

Deaths reported in the last week: 72 (-34) - two weeks ago: 47
Deaths reported in the last 52 weeks: 1,572


Indicated changes are from one week prior.

Vaccination synopsis as of January 23:

In Allegheny County:

7-Day Total Case Rate: 951 (-861)

67.5% (+0.3%) of the total population is fully vaccinated.
44.9% (+2.6%) of the total population has received a booster.
58.7% (+2.4%) of the total population has either become fully vaccinated or received a booster in the last six months.

In Pennsylvania:

7-Day Total Case Rate: 889 (-623)

65.4% (+0.5%) of the total population is fully vaccinated.
38.8% (+2.8%) of the total population has received a booster.
52.4% (+2.7%) of the total population has either become fully vaccinated or received a booster in the last six months.


As before, I will simply report the most up-to-date data for the municipal level because of uncertainty as to how it relates to any of the other data.

The data below are valid as of January 18.

Cases per 100k over seven days:
Mt. Lebanon: 942 (-748)
Upper St. Clair: 784 (-581)
Bethel Park: 980 (-798)
Allegheny County: 859

Mt. Lebanon deaths: 91 (+2) - Case Fatality Rate: 91/5,964 = 1.5%
USC deaths: 36 - Case Fatality Rate: 36/4,152 = 0.9%
Bethel Park deaths: 89 (+2) - Case Fatality Rate: 80/6,614 = 1.3%


CDC-defined transmission categories:

From the CDC: "If the two indicators suggest different levels, the actions corresponding to the higher threshold should be chosen."

This will describe the thresholds defined by the CDC on Feb 12, 2021. Please see the link below to the document describing the thresholds and the resulting recommendations in more detail.

Low Transmission (Blue):
Total 7-day case rate per 100,000 is less than 10 AND
7-day positivity rate for all tests is less than 5.0%

Moderate Transmission (Yellow):
Total 7-day case rate per 100,000 is greater than or equal to 10 and less than 50 OR
7-day positivity rate for all tests is greater than or equal to 5.0% and less than 8.0%

Substantial Transmission (Orange):
Total 7-day case rate per 100,000 is greater than or equal to 50 and less than 100 OR
7-day positivity rate for all tests is greater than or equal to 8.0% and less than 10.0%

High Transmission (Red):
Total 7-day case rate per 100,000 is greater than or equal to 100 OR
7-day positivity rate for all tests is greater than or equal to 10.0%



Population figures are taken from the US Census Bureau's 2018 ACS 5-year Survey estimates.

The 14-day case rate is computed by taking the total number of cases over two weeks, dividing by the population of the county (1,218,462, taken from the the population used by the state), and multiplying by 100,000. For instance, if there have been 1,633 new cases over the previous 14 days, then the rate is computed as: 1,633 / 1,218,462 * 100,000 = 133.

The 7-day average daily case rate is calculated by taking the total number of cases over one week, dividing by the population of the county (1,218,462), dividing again by 7 to get the average per day, and multiplying by 100,000. Therefore, if there have been 821 new cases over the previous 7 days, then the rate is computed as: 821 / 1,218,462 / 7 * 100,000 = 9.6.

This 7-day PCR rate is calculated by taking the total number of confirmed cases over one week, dividing by the population of the county (1,218,462), and multiplying by 100,000. Therefore if there have been 626 new cases over the previous 7 days, the rate is computed as: 626 / 1,218,462 * 100,000 = 51.1.

In order to estimate the 7-day case rate for a municipality or school district, take the ratio of confirmed cases to total cases and multiply by the 7-day case rate for the municipality. For example, if the municipal 7-day case rate for Mt. Lebanon is 116.8, and there were 821 total and 626 confirmed cases in the county over the previous week, you can estimate the PCR rate by computing: 626 / 821 * 116.8 = 89.1.

Positivity is computed by taking the number of cases over a period of time and dividing by the number of tests taken over the same period of time. Therefore, if 158 cases were found from 2,402, you compute positivity as: 158 / 2,402 = 0.0658 or 6.58%. If there were 626 cases taken from 10,005 tests over a 7-day period, you compute the 7-day positivity as: 626 / 10,005 = 0.0626 or 6.26%.


ACHD links to COVID-19 dashboards and related data:

ACHD Vaccine Information

Pennsylvania Early Warning Monitoring System Dashboard

Open Data PA, providing three datasets relevant to COVID-19 (Aggregate cases, Aggregate hospitalizations, and Aggregate deaths)

CDC Community Profile Report

CDC State Profile Report - Pennsylvania

CDC COVID Data Tracker (County View)
https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/ -view

CDC Variant Proportions - Historical and Projected
https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/ -proportions

Dataset - CDC COVID-19 Vaccinations in the US by State or Equivalent

Dataset - CDC COVID-19 Vaccinations in the US by County

Johns Hopkins "Differences in Positivity Rates"

"Why positive test rates need to fall below 3%" from the Harvard Global Health Institute

This is the weekly COVID-19 report from the Allegheny County Health Department.

For the week of January 16, 2022-January 22, 2022, 11,821 infections were reported. There were 932, or 8 percent, reinfections and 5,143 of reports, or 44 percent, were of unvaccinated individuals. There were also 72 deaths reported in that same time frame.

To date, there have been 240,349 infections, 2,835 deaths and 11,742 hospitalizations reported in Allegheny County residents. For more detail on infections, hospitalizations and deaths, visit https://bit.ly/ACHDcovid-19

"For the week of January 9-15, 2022, there were 22,326 infections reported. There were 1,888, or 8 percent, reinfections...

"For the week of January 9-15, 2022, there were 22,326 infections reported. There were 1,888, or 8 percent, reinfections and 10,754 of reports, or 48 percent, were of unvaccinated individuals. There were also 38 deaths reported in that same time frame.

To date, there have been 228,528 infections, 2,763 deaths and 11,247 hospitalizations reported in Allegheny County residents."

All data below will be as of January 16, unless otherwise indicated, and will be derived from state or Federal sources.

Vital Stats:
7-day case rate - Allegheny County (Jan 16): 1,812 / 100,000 - High Community Transmission
7-day positivity rate - Allegheny County (Jan 15): 29.28%
Total population vaccinated - Allegheny County (Jan 16): 67.1%

Average daily COVID-19 patients in hospital (Jan 16): 754/3219 and in ICU: 131/530
Average percentage of all hospital beds available (Jan 16): 11.0%

From January 10-16 in Allegheny County, 22,666 new cases, 348 new hospitalizations, and 38 new deaths were reported.

The 22,666 new cases reported over the past week lead to a case rate of 1,812 cases for every 100,000 people. This is 95.1% of the 23,822 cases reported one week before.


Data is from January 16 and changes are from one week prior unless otherwise indicated.

According to CDC thresholds, we are in the High Transmission (Red) category (1,812 >= 100).

7-Day Total Case Rate: 1,812 (-87) - two weeks ago: 1,000 - 52 weeks ago: 295
At current two-week linear trends, the case rate is increasing.
Overall Peak: 1,978 - January 12, 2022

14-Day Case Rate: 3,717 (+812) - two weeks ago: 1,507 - 52 weeks ago: 688
Overall Peak: 2,905 - January 9, 2022

Positivity in Allegheny County (Jan 7): 29.28% (-3.46%)

Hospitalizations reported in the last week: 348 (-103) - two weeks ago: 199

Average daily COVID-19 patients currently hospitalized: 754 (+104) in ICU: 131 (+17)
754 is the highest average number of COVID patients since 763 on December 27, 2020

Percentage of all hospital beds occupied by COVID patients: 23.4% (+3.1%)
Percentage of all ICU beds occupied by COVID patients: 24.6% (+3.2%)

Average percentage of all hospital beds available: 11.0% (+0.5%)
Average percentage of ICU beds available: 11.0% (+0.0%)
Average percentage of all pediatric beds available: 26.3% (+2.7%)
Average percentage of pediatric ICU beds available: 22.5% (-2.4%)

Deaths reported in the last week: 38 (-9) - two weeks ago: 41
Deaths reported in the last 52 weeks: 1,538


Indicated changes are from one week prior.

Vaccination synopsis as of January 16:

In Allegheny County:

7-Day Total Case Rate: 1,812 (-87)

67.2% (+0.4%) of the total population is fully vaccinated.
42.3% (+1.8%) of the total population has received a booster.
56.3% (+1.8%) of the total population has either become fully vaccinated or received a booster in the last six months.

In Pennsylvania:

7-Day Total Case Rate: 1,511 (+42)

64.9% (+0.4%) of the total population is fully vaccinated.
36.0% (+1.6%) of the total population has received a booster.
49.7% (+1.5%) of the total population has either become fully vaccinated or received a booster in the last six months.


As before, I will simply report the most up-to-date data for the municipal level because of uncertainty as to how it relates to any of the other data.

The data below are valid as of January 18.

Cases per 100k over seven days:
Mt. Lebanon: 1,690 (-346)
Upper St. Clair: 1,697 (-581)
Bethel Park: 1,778 (-131)
Allegheny County: 1,694

Mt. Lebanon deaths: 89 - Case Fatality Rate: 89/5,643 = 1.6%
USC deaths: 36 - Case Fatality Rate: 36/3,986 = 0.9%
Bethel Park deaths: 87 (+1) - Case Fatality Rate: 87/6,285 = 1.4%


CDC-defined transmission categories:

From the CDC: "If the two indicators suggest different levels, the actions corresponding to the higher threshold should be chosen."

This will describe the thresholds defined by the CDC on Feb 12, 2021. Please see the link below to the document describing the thresholds and the resulting recommendations in more detail.

Low Transmission (Blue):
Total 7-day case rate per 100,000 is less than 10 AND
7-day positivity rate for all tests is less than 5.0%

Moderate Transmission (Yellow):
Total 7-day case rate per 100,000 is greater than or equal to 10 and less than 50 OR
7-day positivity rate for all tests is greater than or equal to 5.0% and less than 8.0%

Substantial Transmission (Orange):
Total 7-day case rate per 100,000 is greater than or equal to 50 and less than 100 OR
7-day positivity rate for all tests is greater than or equal to 8.0% and less than 10.0%

High Transmission (Red):
Total 7-day case rate per 100,000 is greater than or equal to 100 OR
7-day positivity rate for all tests is greater than or equal to 10.0%



Population figures are taken from the US Census Bureau's 2018 ACS 5-year Survey estimates.

The 14-day case rate is computed by taking the total number of cases over two weeks, dividing by the population of the county (1,218,462, taken from the the population used by the state), and multiplying by 100,000. For instance, if there have been 1,633 new cases over the previous 14 days, then the rate is computed as: 1,633 / 1,218,462 * 100,000 = 133.

The 7-day average daily case rate is calculated by taking the total number of cases over one week, dividing by the population of the county (1,218,462), dividing again by 7 to get the average per day, and multiplying by 100,000. Therefore, if there have been 821 new cases over the previous 7 days, then the rate is computed as: 821 / 1,218,462 / 7 * 100,000 = 9.6.

This 7-day PCR rate is calculated by taking the total number of confirmed cases over one week, dividing by the population of the county (1,218,462), and multiplying by 100,000. Therefore if there have been 626 new cases over the previous 7 days, the rate is computed as: 626 / 1,218,462 * 100,000 = 51.1.

In order to estimate the 7-day case rate for a municipality or school district, take the ratio of confirmed cases to total cases and multiply by the 7-day case rate for the municipality. For example, if the municipal 7-day case rate for Mt. Lebanon is 116.8, and there were 821 total and 626 confirmed cases in the county over the previous week, you can estimate the PCR rate by computing: 626 / 821 * 116.8 = 89.1.

Positivity is computed by taking the number of cases over a period of time and dividing by the number of tests taken over the same period of time. Therefore, if 158 cases were found from 2,402, you compute positivity as: 158 / 2,402 = 0.0658 or 6.58%. If there were 626 cases taken from 10,005 tests over a 7-day period, you compute the 7-day positivity as: 626 / 10,005 = 0.0626 or 6.26%.


ACHD links to COVID-19 dashboards and related data:

ACHD Vaccine Information

Pennsylvania Early Warning Monitoring System Dashboard

Open Data PA, providing three datasets relevant to COVID-19 (Aggregate cases, Aggregate hospitalizations, and Aggregate deaths)

CDC Community Profile Report

CDC State Profile Report - Pennsylvania

CDC COVID Data Tracker (County View)
https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/ -view

CDC Variant Proportions - Historical and Projected
https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/ -proportions

Dataset - CDC COVID-19 Vaccinations in the US by State or Equivalent

Dataset - CDC COVID-19 Vaccinations in the US by County

Johns Hopkins "Differences in Positivity Rates"

"Why positive test rates need to fall below 3%" from the Harvard Global Health Institute

This is the weekly COVID-19 report from the Allegheny County Health Department.

For more detail on infections, hospitalizations and deaths, visit https://bit.ly/ACHDcovid-19

The county is reporting 23,459 cases for January 2-8 with 206,202 total, while the state and CDC have 23,822 cases for J...

The county is reporting 23,459 cases for January 2-8 with 206,202 total, while the state and CDC have 23,822 cases for January 3-9 with 205,696 total. As usual, I will use the state/CDC numbers in the calculations as they are consistent with the numbers the county had been reporting prior to their reformat.

Also, I will be trying to make the hospitalization information more prominent as those will be the numbers to watch over the next couple weeks. We probably are not quite yet at the peak in terms of cases, but today's number (on January 11) is the first week-over-week weekday decrease since December 22, so it's a good sign. But we still have a ways to go.

The report from the county:

"For the week of January 2, 2022-January 8, 2022, 23,459 infections were reported. There were 2,116, or 9 percent, reinfections and 9,868 of reports, or 42 percent, were of unvaccinated individuals. There were also 47 deaths reported in that same time frame.

To date, there have been 206,202 infections, 2,725 deaths and 10,899 hospitalizations reported in Allegheny County residents"

All data below will be as of January 9, unless otherwise indicated, and will be derived from state or Federal sources.

Vital Stats:
7-day case rate - Allegheny County (Jan 9): 1,905 / 100,000 - High Community Transmission
7-day positivity rate - Allegheny County (Jan 7): 32.37%
Total population vaccinated - Allegheny County (Jan 9): 66.3%

Average daily COVID-19 patients in hospital (Jan 9): 650/3193 and in ICU: 114/536
Average percentage of all hospital beds available (Jan 9): 10.5%

From January 3 to January 9 in Allegheny County, 23,822 new cases, 451 new hospitalizations, and 47 new deaths were reported.

The 12,502 new cases reported over the past week lead to a case rate of 1,905 cases for every 100,000 people. This is 190.5% of the 12,502 cases reported one week before.


Data is from January 9 and changes are from one week prior unless otherwise indicated.

According to CDC thresholds, we are in the High Transmission (Red) category (1,905 >= 100).

7-Day Total Case Rate: 1,905 (+905) - two weeks ago: 508 - 52 weeks ago: 393
At current two-week linear trends, the case rate is increasing.
Overall Peak: 1,905 - January 9, 2022

14-Day Case Rate: 2,905 (+1,398) - two weeks ago: 828 - 52 weeks ago: 755
Overall Peak: 2,905 - January 9, 2022

Positivity in Allegheny County (Jan 7): 32.37% (+5.69%)

Hospitalizations reported in the last week: 451 (+252) - two weeks ago: 220

Average daily COVID-19 patients currently hospitalized: 650 (+167) in ICU: 114 (+2)
650 is the highest average number of COVID patients since 662 on January 7, 2021

Percentage of all hospital beds occupied by COVID patients: 20.3% (+5.0%)
Percentage of all ICU beds occupied by COVID patients: 21.4% (+0.1%)

Average percentage of all hospital beds available: 10.5% (-3.2%)
Average percentage of ICU beds available: 11.0% (-1.2%)
Average percentage of all pediatric beds available: 23.6% (-3.8%)
Average percentage of pediatric ICU beds available: 24.9% (+3.4%)

Deaths reported in the last week: 47 (+6) - two weeks ago: 48
Deaths reported in the last 52 weeks: 1,639


Indicated changes are from one week prior.

Vaccination synopsis as of January 9:

In Allegheny County:

7-Day Total Case Rate: 1,905 (+905)

66.8% (+0.5%) of the total population is fully vaccinated.
40.5% (+2.5%) of the total population has received a booster.
54.5% (+2.5%) of the total population has either become fully vaccinated or received a booster in the last six months.

In Pennsylvania:

7-Day Total Case Rate: 1,469 (+510)

64.5% (+0.6%) of the total population is fully vaccinated.
34.4% (+2.4%) of the total population has received a booster.
48.2% (+2.3%) of the total population has either become fully vaccinated or received a booster in the last six months.


As before, I will simply report the most up-to-date data for the municipal level because of uncertainty as to how it relates to any of the other data.

The data below are valid as of January 11.

Cases per 100k over seven days:
Mt. Lebanon: 2,037 (+496)
Upper St. Clair: 2,278 (+964)
Bethel Park: 1,909 (+593)
Allegheny County: 1,908

Mt. Lebanon deaths: 89 (+2) - Case Fatality Rate: 89/5,067 = 1.8%
USC deaths: 36 (+1) - Case Fatality Rate: 36/3,627 = 1.0%
Bethel Park deaths: 86 (+2) - Case Fatality Rate: 86/5,688 = 1.5%


CDC-defined transmission categories:

From the CDC: "If the two indicators suggest different levels, the actions corresponding to the higher threshold should be chosen."

This will describe the thresholds defined by the CDC on Feb 12, 2021. Please see the link below to the document describing the thresholds and the resulting recommendations in more detail.

Low Transmission (Blue):
Total 7-day case rate per 100,000 is less than 10 AND
7-day positivity rate for all tests is less than 5.0%

Moderate Transmission (Yellow):
Total 7-day case rate per 100,000 is greater than or equal to 10 and less than 50 OR
7-day positivity rate for all tests is greater than or equal to 5.0% and less than 8.0%

Substantial Transmission (Orange):
Total 7-day case rate per 100,000 is greater than or equal to 50 and less than 100 OR
7-day positivity rate for all tests is greater than or equal to 8.0% and less than 10.0%

High Transmission (Red):
Total 7-day case rate per 100,000 is greater than or equal to 100 OR
7-day positivity rate for all tests is greater than or equal to 10.0%



Population figures are taken from the US Census Bureau's 2018 ACS 5-year Survey estimates.

The 14-day case rate is computed by taking the total number of cases over two weeks, dividing by the population of the county (1,218,462, taken from the the population used by the state), and multiplying by 100,000. For instance, if there have been 1,633 new cases over the previous 14 days, then the rate is computed as: 1,633 / 1,218,462 * 100,000 = 133.

The 7-day average daily case rate is calculated by taking the total number of cases over one week, dividing by the population of the county (1,218,462), dividing again by 7 to get the average per day, and multiplying by 100,000. Therefore, if there have been 821 new cases over the previous 7 days, then the rate is computed as: 821 / 1,218,462 / 7 * 100,000 = 9.6.

This 7-day PCR rate is calculated by taking the total number of confirmed cases over one week, dividing by the population of the county (1,218,462), and multiplying by 100,000. Therefore if there have been 626 new cases over the previous 7 days, the rate is computed as: 626 / 1,218,462 * 100,000 = 51.1.

In order to estimate the 7-day case rate for a municipality or school district, take the ratio of confirmed cases to total cases and multiply by the 7-day case rate for the municipality. For example, if the municipal 7-day case rate for Mt. Lebanon is 116.8, and there were 821 total and 626 confirmed cases in the county over the previous week, you can estimate the PCR rate by computing: 626 / 821 * 116.8 = 89.1.

Positivity is computed by taking the number of cases over a period of time and dividing by the number of tests taken over the same period of time. Therefore, if 158 cases were found from 2,402, you compute positivity as: 158 / 2,402 = 0.0658 or 6.58%. If there were 626 cases taken from 10,005 tests over a 7-day period, you compute the 7-day positivity as: 626 / 10,005 = 0.0626 or 6.26%.


ACHD links to COVID-19 dashboards and related data:

ACHD Vaccine Information

Pennsylvania Early Warning Monitoring System Dashboard

Open Data PA, providing three datasets relevant to COVID-19 (Aggregate cases, Aggregate hospitalizations, and Aggregate deaths)

CDC Community Profile Report

CDC State Profile Report - Pennsylvania

CDC COVID Data Tracker (County View)
https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/ -view

CDC Variant Proportions - Historical and Projected
https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/ -proportions

Dataset - CDC COVID-19 Vaccinations in the US by State or Equivalent

Dataset - CDC COVID-19 Vaccinations in the US by County

Johns Hopkins "Differences in Positivity Rates"

"Why positive test rates need to fall below 3%" from the Harvard Global Health Institute

This is the weekly COVID-19 report from the Allegheny County Health Department.

For more detail on infections, hospitalizations and deaths, visit https://alleghenycounty.us/coronavirus

Once again, the numbers reported by the county do not quite match any of the numbers reported by the state. The county i...

Once again, the numbers reported by the county do not quite match any of the numbers reported by the state. The county is reporting 13,350 cases between December 26 and January 1 with 182,743 overall since March of 2020, while the state reports 12,502 cases in the county from December 27-January 2 with 181,874 since March of 2020 (the numbers for the state reflect cases added to the records over the course of the previous day, so the date differences are understandable). This is a difference of 848 for the week and 869 overall with the county numbers being higher. Either number is higher than any case count reported in any previous week.

I will be adding in hospitalization data from the state to track how the current Omicron surge may affect hospitals in the county. This differs from the "hospitalization" figure from the county, which is the number of residents who have been hospitalized. The state gives data related to the number of beds available within the county, and there are doubtless non-county residents being hospitalized in Allegheny County. The hopitalization data can be seen in the state's dashboard:


And one bit of housecleaning: I have updated the calculation of case rates to use the 2020 census population figure of 1,250,578 and will likely not change it again.

The report from the county:

"For the week of December 26, 2021 - January 1, 2022, 13,350 infections were reported. There were 1,247, or 9 percent, reinfections and 5,739* of reports, or 46 percent, were of unvaccinated individuals. There were also 41 deaths reported in that same time frame.

To date, there have been 182,743 infections, 2,678 deaths and 10,448 hospitalizations reported in Allegheny County residents."

All data below will be as of January 2, unless otherwise indicated, and will be derived from state or Federal sources.

Vital Stats:
7-day case rate - Allegheny County (Jan 2): 1,000 / 100,000 - High Community Transmission
Note: a case rate of 1,000 means 1% of the population of the county was found to be infected with COVID-19 over the previous week.
7-day positivity rate - Allegheny County (Jan 1): 27.99%
Total population vaccinated - Allegheny County (Jan 2): 66.3%

From December 27, 2021 to January 2, 2022 in Allegheny County, 12,502 new cases, 199 new hospitalizations, and 41 new deaths were reported.

The 12,502 new cases reported over the past week lead to a case rate of 1,000 cases for every 100,000 people. This is 196.9% of the 6,350 cases reported one week before.


Data is from January 2 and changes are from one week prior unless otherwise indicated.

According to CDC thresholds, we are in the High Transmission (Red) category (1,000 >= 100).

7-Day Total Case Rate: 1,000 (+492) - two weeks ago: 321 - 52 weeks ago: 362
At current two-week linear trends, the case rate is increasing.
Overall Peak: 1,000 - January 2, 2022

The county case count of 13,350 gives a case rate of 1,068.

14-Day Case Rate: 1,507 (+679) - two weeks ago: 721 - 52 weeks ago: 756
Overall Peak: 1,507 - January 2, 2022

Positivity in Allegheny County (Jan 1): 27.99% (+14.01%)

Hospitalizations reported in the last week: 199 (-21) - two weeks ago: 525

Average daily COVID-19 patients currently hospitalized: 481 (+55) in ICU: 112 (+7)
Average percentage of all hospital beds available: 13.7% (-3.0%)
Average percentage of ICU beds available: 12.2% (-2.1%)
Average percentage of all pediatric beds available: 27.4% (-6.5%)
Average percentage of pediatric ICU beds available: 21.5% (+0.1%)
NOTE: these percentages are higher than during the time imediately prior to the Christmas holiday.

Deaths reported in the last week: 41 (-7) - two weeks ago: 79
Deaths reported in the last 52 weeks: 1,701 (2,678 total)


Indicated changes are from one week prior.

Vaccination synopsis as of December 61:

In Allegheny County:

7-Day Total Case Rate: 1,000 (+492)

66.3% (+0.3%) of the total population is fully vaccinated.
74.7% (+0.2%) of the population 18 years old and older is fully vaccinated.

In Pennsylvania:

7-Day Total Case Rate: 959 (+457)

63.9% (+0.3%) of the total population is fully vaccinated.
32.0% (+1.2%) of the total population has received a booster.
74.1% (+0.2%) of the population 18 years old and older is fully vaccinated.
34.5% (+1.3%) of the population 18 years old and older has received a booster.


As before, I will simply report the most up-to-date data for the municipal level because of uncertainty as to how it relates to any of the other data.

The data below are valid as of January 4.

Cases per 100k over seven days:
Mt. Lebanon: 1,541 (+936)
Upper St. Clair: 1,314 (+742)
Bethel Park: 1,316 (+828)
Allegheny County: 1,305

Mt. Lebanon deaths: 87 (+1) - Case Fatality Rate: 87/4,373 = 2.0%
USC deaths: 35 - Case Fatality Rate: 35/3,145 = 1.1%
Bethel Park deaths: 84 (+1) - Case Fatality Rate: 83/5,047 = 1.7%


CDC-defined transmission categories:

From the CDC: "If the two indicators suggest different levels, the actions corresponding to the higher threshold should be chosen."

This will describe the thresholds defined by the CDC on Feb 12, 2021. Please see the link below to the document describing the thresholds and the resulting recommendations in more detail.

Low Transmission (Blue):
Total 7-day case rate per 100,000 is less than 10 AND
7-day positivity rate for all tests is less than 5.0%

Moderate Transmission (Yellow):
Total 7-day case rate per 100,000 is greater than or equal to 10 and less than 50 OR
7-day positivity rate for all tests is greater than or equal to 5.0% and less than 8.0%

Substantial Transmission (Orange):
Total 7-day case rate per 100,000 is greater than or equal to 50 and less than 100 OR
7-day positivity rate for all tests is greater than or equal to 8.0% and less than 10.0%

High Transmission (Red):
Total 7-day case rate per 100,000 is greater than or equal to 100 OR
7-day positivity rate for all tests is greater than or equal to 10.0%



Population figures are taken from the US Census Bureau's 2018 ACS 5-year Survey estimates.

The 14-day case rate is computed by taking the total number of cases over two weeks, dividing by the population of the county (1,218,462, taken from the the population used by the state), and multiplying by 100,000. For instance, if there have been 1,633 new cases over the previous 14 days, then the rate is computed as: 1,633 / 1,218,462 * 100,000 = 133.

The 7-day average daily case rate is calculated by taking the total number of cases over one week, dividing by the population of the county (1,218,462), dividing again by 7 to get the average per day, and multiplying by 100,000. Therefore, if there have been 821 new cases over the previous 7 days, then the rate is computed as: 821 / 1,218,462 / 7 * 100,000 = 9.6.

This 7-day PCR rate is calculated by taking the total number of confirmed cases over one week, dividing by the population of the county (1,218,462), and multiplying by 100,000. Therefore if there have been 626 new cases over the previous 7 days, the rate is computed as: 626 / 1,218,462 * 100,000 = 51.1.

In order to estimate the 7-day case rate for a municipality or school district, take the ratio of confirmed cases to total cases and multiply by the 7-day case rate for the municipality. For example, if the municipal 7-day case rate for Mt. Lebanon is 116.8, and there were 821 total and 626 confirmed cases in the county over the previous week, you can estimate the PCR rate by computing: 626 / 821 * 116.8 = 89.1.

Positivity is computed by taking the number of cases over a period of time and dividing by the number of tests taken over the same period of time. Therefore, if 158 cases were found from 2,402, you compute positivity as: 158 / 2,402 = 0.0658 or 6.58%. If there were 626 cases taken from 10,005 tests over a 7-day period, you compute the 7-day positivity as: 626 / 10,005 = 0.0626 or 6.26%.


ACHD links to COVID-19 dashboards and related data:

ACHD Vaccine Information

Pennsylvania Early Warning Monitoring System Dashboard

Open Data PA, providing three datasets relevant to COVID-19 (Aggregate cases, Aggregate hospitalizations, and Aggregate deaths)

CDC Community Profile Report

CDC State Profile Report - Pennsylvania

CDC COVID Data Tracker (County View)
https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/ -view

CDC Variant Proportions - Historical and Projected
https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/ -proportions

Dataset - CDC COVID-19 Vaccinations in the US by State or Equivalent

Dataset - CDC COVID-19 Vaccinations in the US by County

Johns Hopkins "Differences in Positivity Rates"

"Why positive test rates need to fall below 3%" from the Harvard Global Health Institute

This is the weekly COVID-19 report from the Allegheny County Health Department.

For more detail on infections, hospitalizations and deaths, visit https://alleghenycounty.us/coronavirus



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