Imwe Sure

Imwe Sure Online News


When you find a woman that loves you, hold her tight. Women don't love easily.
Out of those 20 women that you have dated, only one or two
loves you the rest were managing you.

The reason why men don't easily forgive cheating is because men invest too much in these relationships and marriages whi...

The reason why men don't easily forgive cheating is because men invest too much in these relationships and marriages while women don't invest much in relationships. It's easier for a woman to end a relationship or divorce the husband because she has no loss, also women cheat with men they love & they attach serious emotional feelings with the men they cheat with & that hurts men once he discovers she cheated on him.

A man will spend cash & emotional support on a woman while a woman only puts in emotional support. Imagine paying bills for her & doing everything for her financially then she cheats on you! Imagine as a wife you cheat on your husband & he discovers, definitely he will even start doubting if the children you have are his. The children will be badly affected because the father's love towards them will reduce. when you cheat on your husband chances of being impregnated by a secret lover are high & you will point at your husband as being the one responsible for the pregnancy. A man can have a girlfriend but definitely he will be the father of your children in that marriage without any doubt. For that reason men find it hard to forgive when cheated on because men count their loses.

Cheating is a choice and choices have consequences. Prepare yourself well 😉.

Dangers of marrying an ALREADY MADE man?You see many girls are more interested in marrying boys who are doing well finan...

Dangers of marrying an ALREADY MADE man?

You see many girls are more interested in marrying boys who are doing well financially.

To them husband material is one with a good job, car and house.

Most of them do not realize that very few successful young men will bend for marriage.

They do not consider the dangers of marrying a man who’s life you have not contributed anything.

You just want to enter there and enjoy all the good things. What a shame !

Dangers of marrying already made men ;
1. They don’t change for any woman. If you found him taking alcohol, he will continue.

If you found him womanizing he will continue womanizing that comfort zone cannot be abolished by marriage.

2. You will have little say on what he has. When an already established man marries you, he doesn’t consider you as a person to value but a property to keep.

He will be counting you among the things he owns.

Many girls are treated like things and not humans because they love material things.
With his money he bought you, with his influence he married you instead of other girls so he chooses to treat the way he likes.

3. You will be eating crumbs.

Have you heard girls saying it’s better to cry in a Benz than smile on a bicycle?
Those are wives with cosmetic riches.
Broken inside but intact outside.
Hypertension kills them, they dies of depression.
They drive cars but they have no drive within them. No hope no faith.
They fail to step out of those abusive marriages because the day they will go is the day the cosmetic beauty will go.
They are just keeping up appearances.

4. Your efforts will never count.
You'll try in as much as the relationship goes on between both of you,but what you'll ever done will not be seen, because areas in his life counterpart that needed that was already fixed, before you came into picture.

5. You'll never demand his attention but earn.
My dear he may or may not have time for you, you'll always craving for a quality time together but to no avail except he see's genuine reasons why to spend time with you then you earned the attention.

6. He may has a very low libido. You'll encounter challenges of reaching cloud nine,of travelling to the moon on a long run and return with your two legs shaking while reaching your climax,if you as a young lady really want consider marrying a rich man,imagine with your high libido sister, alternatives will not solve that problems throughout your lifetime.

7. You'll have some girls to contain with.
When desperate ladies sense fragrance of money from either directions they'll always fly like bee's towards that route. You'll have to fight sweet, s*xier and younger than you to keep him,Alot of them even without meeting his acquaintance will want to show their admiration even at your presence.

8. You'll always be insecure.
İnsecurities will arises in every line of an argument and he'll never change forcefully but willingly and if forcefully you'll be asked to choose between in or out of the house,been that you never wanted poverty of your father house to repeat second time

9. They hardly stay married.
Most of them hardly prioritize a woman, thereby don't care who stays or leave ''in as much as the money stays they called it more life'' most of them will never let you experience true love but more gadgets and brand new cars will be given to you as a medium of apology.

10. They may never admit they're wrong.
Simply soft words whispering to your ears I'm sorry would hardly be heard from them,no remorseful,no apologies, always right, because they knew your loyalty and sweet names calling stops where money stops because if really they were broke or poor you wouldn't be there and you're there because he's rich, famous and successful.

Marry a man who is just building himself up. A reasonable and sober man.

A vision driven man, when you build together, the chances of breaking apart will be very low.

Look for the brothers in Zion who are trying to put their lives together and build with them.

It’s good to marry a visionary Christian especially if he has shown love for you even though he has nothing yet.

There's no grass that's greener at the other side,every green grass had a consistent gardener who refuses to give up on it so use your hand,hoe and wisdom build into future whom and who you choose, because forever is too long to be unhappy.....

Note: This post is not suggesting that every built up man is the same, it means tread cautiously when confronted by an already made man and be careful not to lust after already made men, most of them belong to every girl you see on the streets.

Think twice after reading before taking decisions......

Have a bless day.

A woman went shopping. At the cash counter, she opened her purse to pay.The cashier noticed a TV remote in her purse.He ...

A woman went shopping. At the cash counter, she opened her purse to pay.
The cashier noticed a TV remote in her purse.
He could not control his curiosity and asked,
"Do you always carry your TV remote with you?😕"
She replied " No, not always, but my husband refused to accompany me shopping today because of football match, so I took the remote."😒🤨

Moral: Accompany and support your wife in her hobbies.....🙍🙍🙍🙍🙍🙍🙍

The story continues....😏
The cashier laughed and then returned all the items that lady had purchased.
Shocked at this act, she asked the cashier what he was doing.
He said, "your husband has blocked your credit card.........."😲😲😲😲😲😲

MORAL: Always respect the hobbies of your husband.😒😒😒

Story continues....
Wife took out her husband's credit card from purse and swiped it. Unfortunately he didn't block his own card.

Moral: Don't underestimate the power and wisdom of your WIFE..😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏

Story continues...
After swiping, the machine indicated, 'ENTER THE PIN SENT TO YOUR MOBILE PHONE'.......

Moral: When a man tends to lose, the machine is smart enough to save him!😝😝😝😝

Story continues....
She smiled to herself and reached out for the mobile which rang in her purse.
It was her husband's phone showing the forwarded SMS.
She had taken it with the remote control so he doesn't call her during her shopping.
She bought her items and returned home happily.

Moral: Don't underestimate a desperate woman!😷😷😷😷😷

Story continues....
On getting home, his car was gone.😈😈😈😈😈
A note was pasted on the door
"Couldn't find the remote. Gone out with the boys to watch the premiership match. Will be home late. Call me on my phone if you need something".😇😇😇😇
Dawn... He left with the house key too.

Moral: Don't try to control your husband.
You will always lose😜😜😜😜


We resort to cheating because our wives always claim their stomachs are paining, they have a headache or that they are tired from performing house chores - Lusaka Husbands

Kings.She rejected you when her p***y was still very tight, when her b***s was still standing as tall as the wall of Jer...

She rejected you when her p***y was still very tight, when her b***s was still standing as tall as the wall of Jericho.
She rejected you when she was at her prime age, when she was still fresh, ripe and innocent.
She was ruthless in making that decision to dump and reject you for the older men just because she feels you are too small and incapable to date her.
She refused to settle down for less and was so intentionally diligent to stand rigid with that decision.
Now she has been used to the point where she has expired, everything that was fresh and lively has deteriorated to the point of no return, she has virgina has been elasticated to the point where Hook's law has been made ineffective, it can't return back.
She has been used, reused, smashed, pierced, repierced, overused, overlap, destroyed and scattered, she has lost taste and is now sour.
Now she has hit the wall and wants to use you has her escape route when you are in your prime.
In her darkness she wants you to be her light,
Bro, run for your life, don't hesitate to reject her.
If she didn't see you fit to date you in her prime, why should you see her fit to date you in your prime??
You deserve better.
Don't be deceived by their cheap emotional blackmail.
Don't be deceived by their fair skin, behind that skin is an old hoe, pr******te, akunakuna.
Its more of when they have hit the wall that the usually get the best organic cream to help cover their old carcass, they want to look more fresh so they can catch a young innocent prey.
It's a trap, look well before you leap.
Women are deceptive.
Don't pity her, she will come with touching story with a teary eyes like Jabi lake. Don't fall for her.
Don't settle for less, in your prime rejects her a million times unless you want to add to her gentile mileage then you can pipe and run back to the younger fresher babes.

A woman woke up during the night to find that her husband was not in bed.She puts on her dressing gown and goes downstai...

A woman woke up during the night to find that her husband was not in bed.
She puts on her dressing gown and goes downstairs to look for him.
She finds him sitting at the kitchen table with a hot cup of coffee in front of him.
He appears to be in deep thought, just staring
at the wall.
She watches as he wipes a tear from his eye and takes a sip of his coffee...
"What's the matter, dear?", she whispers as she steps into the room.
The husband looks up from his coffee, "I am just remembering when we first met 20 years ago and started dating. Do you remember back then?", he says solemnly.
The wife is touched to tears thinking that her husband is so caring, so sensitive.
Yes, I do", she replies.
The husband pauses.
The words were not coming easily.
"Do you remember when your father caught us in my car?"
'Yes, I remember", says the wife, lowering herself into a chair beside him.
The husband continues.
Do you remember when he shoved the shotgun in my face and said,
"Either you marry my daughter, or I will send you to jail for 20 years?""
'I remember that also", she replies softly.
He wipes another tear from his cheek and says...
"I would have been released today if only I took the right decision!

1)Women No man is perfect2) Men are like children. So be like his mother.3) Hear quickly; talk slowly.4) Never compete w...

1)Women No man is perfect
2) Men are like children. So be like his mother.

3) Hear quickly; talk slowly.

4) Never compete with a man.

5) Never try to be equal with him.

6) Be fast to apologize when you know you are wrong.

7) Don't be too jealous with him. This is good for your peace of mind.

😎 You may check on his phone if you want, but that isn't necessary.

9) Always be honest as a wife.

10) Never leave your house for a long distance without his permission.

11) Make sure you know the food he likes, and prepare that at least twice a week if money allows.

12) Don't let your husband get in the house with a parcel in his hand.

13) Try to make a budget together.

14) Be his adviser, not a critiser.

15) Don't ever forget that a wife is a helper of husband.

16) Learn good things from your mother.

17) When God blesses you with children, never give more attention to your children and forget your husband.

18) Learn to smile at your husband.

19) When your husband knocks off from work, greet him. If possible, hug him.

20) Don't let your husband leave the house without eating. This may mean "eat" and "eat".

21) When you husband becomes angry, stop talking.

22) Keep the bedroom clean always.

23) Never put cloths on the bed. Some men hate that.

24) Be a clean woman.

25) Look romantic.

26) Always remember to do what a wife should do. You are not his sister.

27) Treat his relatives as you would treat yours.

28) Oftentimes ask how his relatives are doing.

29) Go to church together.

30) Never compare your husband or your house to someone else's.
please guys should i increase the volume 🙄


BiBishop Akwaya Henry

Life is very funny, a man with K1 million in his account will be in love with a lady who can't afford even bundles but a...

Life is very funny, a man with K1 million in his account will be in love with a lady who can't afford even bundles but a woman with K1 million in her account can't even look at a man without money, so always know that men are good people & their love is pure unlike women because women's love is very conditional or attached to something financially wise.

📍 Irish boxer “Conor McGregor” says about his wife!"We have been together for 8 years and we live in Ireland, 30 miles f...

📍 Irish boxer “Conor McGregor” says about his wife!
"We have been together for 8 years and we live in Ireland, 30 miles from Dublin, in a rented apartment without work.
I didn't work because I spent all my time training.
It's always been my dream to be a hero.
She believed in me and despite the lack of money, I made an effort to take care of my diet, and I had to eat athlete's food and respectable food.
She always took care of me and encouraged me.
When I came home from an intense workout, no energy and tired, she would always tell me, “Conor McGregor, I know you can do this and it will work.”
And now I make millions of dollars fighting in matches with between 50 and 70 thousand spectators.
Now I can buy any car, any clothes, any house and yet she didn't ask me for anything, but she deserves the best in this world.
She is always by my side and tells me that I can do anything!
I got to this place because of her, she never gave up on me and she never left me alone.
Conor McGregor.
The lesson:
A man's success in his life is behind a woman who is his life.



41 THINGS TO TELL YOUR DAUGHTERS AS THEY GROW...✍🏾1: Tell your daughter that Money has no gender. She can make money the...


1: Tell your daughter that Money has no gender. She can make money the way any Man can make it and even more.

2: Tell her to step into the FIELD not the BED to make money. Money from the field comes with dignity, money from the Bed comes with STD.

3: Let your daughter know that she need to trade her brain not her privates to make money.

4: Train your daughter never to pray to marry a rich man, but to work to become rich girl.

5: Train your daughter never to pray to marry a Governor but to work to become the President.

6: Train your daughter that the instrument of money making is under the Hat not under the skirt.

7: Train your Daughter never to Man-hunt but to focus her focus and she will become the focus of many Men.

8: Train your daughter that no man can love her like God, so she must never trade her relationship with God with a relationship with any Man.

9: Train your daughter that internet never forget or forgive, let her know that the foolish post she makes in the internet can depose her from her post tomorrow.

10: Tell your daughter that time wait for no man, if she waste her time with a foolish man, she will wake up one day to discover that it is night time.

11: Tell your daughter that life give back what you give into it, wickedness will be fully repaid.

12: Tell your daughter that beauty is not in exposing nakedness, it is dressing to look like a Queen.

13: Tell your daughter that she is a princess and not a pr******te, tell her to dress to prove she is.

14: Tell your daughter that it is a great wickedness to sleep with the husband of another Woman.

15: let her know that married men do not love her, they only see her as available s*x toy to satisfy the urge in them.

16: Let your daughter know that the best friend she can keep is God, He can not disappoint her.

17: let your daughter know that beauty without brain makes one look like a Decorated pig.

18: teach your daughter to believe in herself because she is capable of doing whatever she believes she can do.

19: Teach your daughter never to think that wealth is s*xually transmitted. Sleeping with wealthy men will only make her a w***e not wealthy.

20: tell your daughter good look does not make a man a good Man. He can have 6 PACKS and be a PACK of trouble.

21: teach your daughter never to be a Run girl because run girls normally RUN into trouble.

22: Tell your daughter knowing God is not negotiable and being righteous should be her entire Life principle.

23: Tell your daughter time go fast and wait for no one, she should stop thinking she has time to waste, she should get up now before it is too late.

24: Tell your daughter nobody wants to marry a liability, every man is looking for Help-meet not help-eat.

25: Tell your daughter she must have her own sources of income. A woman without her own sources of income will be embarrassed by her husband, in law and even her own Children.

26: Tell your daughter it is not all that glitters that are gold Some May even be a ball of fire.

27: Tell your daughter her body is not for sale but to preserve it for the man that deserve it after her wedding.

28: Tell your daughter failure is not the end but a bend.

29: Tell your daughter there is no height she can not attain, if she can just dare it.

30: Tell your daughter courtship is not marriage, she can still let go any man with red flags.

31: Tell your daughter that a broken courtship is not a divorce she can still get out of relationship at any time before wedding.

32: Tell your daughter she is beautiful, if a guy tells her she is, she will say my Dad told me too.

33: Tell your daughter never to be a run girl, because this will ruin her future and destiny.

34: Tell your daughter that Marriage is more important than Wedding, she should take more time to prepare for marriage than wedding.

35: Tell your daughter Love is not enough for marriage, commitment, faithfulness, purity, contentment, communication, training etc are needed.

36: Tell your daughters that attitude is more than beauty.

38: Tell your daughter Labour bring favour

39: Tell your daughter she is not to submit to Men but her husband

40: Tell your daughter that marriage choice making may bring PAIN OR GAIN

41: Tell your daughter that it is not all Professors of love that are POSSESSORS OF LOVE, He may say I love you, he might actually mean I love s*x.

Bishop Akwaya Henry

Ten Unknown Facts About   1. Founding and History: BMW, Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, was founded in 1916 in Munich, Germ...

Ten Unknown Facts About

1. Founding and History: BMW, Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, was founded in 1916 in Munich, Germany, initially producing aircraft engines. The company transitioned to motorcycle production in the 1920s and eventually to automobiles in the 1930s.

2. Iconic Logo: The BMW logo, often referred to as the "roundel," consists of a black ring intersecting with four quadrants of blue and white. It represents the company's origins in aviation, with the blue and white symbolizing a spinning propeller against a clear blue sky.

3. Innovation in Technology: BMW is renowned for its innovations in automotive technology. It introduced the world's first electric car, the BMW i3, in 2013, and has been a leader in developing advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS) and hybrid powertrains.

4. Performance and Motorsport Heritage: BMW has a strong heritage in motorsport, particularly in touring car and Formula 1 racing. The brand's M division produces high-performance variants of their regular models, known for their precision engineering and exhilarating driving dynamics.

5. Global Presence: BMW is a global automotive Company

6. Luxury and Design: BMW is synonymous with luxury and distinctive design, crafting vehicles that blend elegance with cutting-edge technology and comfort.

7. Sustainable Practices: BMW has committed to sustainability, incorporating eco-friendly materials and manufacturing processes into its vehicles, as well as advancing electric vehicle technology with models like the BMW i4 and iX.

8. Global Manufacturing: BMW operates numerous production facilities worldwide, including in Germany, the United States, China, and other countries, ensuring a global reach and localized production.

9. Brand Portfolio: In addition to its renowned BMW brand, the company also owns MINI and Rolls-Royce, catering to a diverse range of automotive tastes and luxury segments.

10. Cultural Impact: BMW's vehicles often become cultural icons, featured in f

HERE IS WHAT THEY WILL NOT TELL YOU. If you get on a wrong bus make sure you get off at the first stop. The longer you s...

If you get on a wrong bus make sure you get off at the first stop. The longer you stay on the bus the more expensive the return trip will cost. This has nothing to do with buses. You have heard.

WOMEN AND OR**SM Or**sm is the sweetest thing a woman can experience in this wide world, and it takes place just within ...


Or**sm is the sweetest thing a woman can experience in this wide world, and it takes place just within some seconds during s*xual in*******se, and yet, only a few women experience it.
Here are some tips to follow so she can get to the point of or**sm

- Free your mind, body and soul before going to bed, tune your spirit to s*x, and put your mind on it even before your husband comes to bed

- take more of DATES AND VITAMIN B, it makes you become honey, pineapples 🍍 don't forget pineapples 😋 😉

- Discover yourself first, know the parts of your body that move you and turn you on and tell your husband to touch them perfectly well

- Husband should do more foreplay, sucking breastss, va**na and fi*****ng.

- Tell hubby to tickle your ni**le, cl****is, neck, belly and earlobes; he can start by using his tongue to gently massage your cl****is and breast before pe*******on.

- He should also suck your ni**le while thrusting in and out of you, also licking your neck and earlobes at intervals

- Try riding him yourself while he touches your breast; this will stimulate the hormones responsible for or**sm. (COWGIRL position)

- When he is thrusting in and out of you, the easiest way for you to reach or**sm is for you to let your cl****is touches those areas around his dicks, press hard and just be turning your waist, and within 2mins you will cum

- Let your hubby not come out immediately after he releases; in most women, the sensation always comes again immediately after the man releases; just hold his waist tight and concentrate, and you will cm another time again.

- The sensation and sweetness of the man and the woman coming at the same time is the best feeling ever; it's called Super S*X.

Please, use a condom. Don't blame me if you get pregnant.

MC PEANUT ✍️ ✍️ ✍️


Things that define Africans*😂😂😂
1. Urinating behind the latrine🚽💦
2. Wife sleeping next to the wall🛌😴
3. Keeping brooms behind the door😂
4. When you get rich, people say you have a 🐍😁
5. When you get old, you're a witch😒💔
6. When you take a bath , they will ask if you are going somewhere.🤨
7. Keeping some plates, cups and spoons aside specifically for visitors.😏🤔
8. Counting pieces of meat.🍖🍛
9. No natural d£ath in Africa.... your enemy is always the cause.🥺😭
10. Counting money after withdrawing from ATM.😅😜
11. Marrying a beautiful woman is associated with marrying a pr******te.😟🥵
12. There are some special parts of the chicken meat that are always reserved for the husband (eg. Gizzard)🥶🤬
13. Removing shoes when walking in the mud.🤥😇
14. Buying new clothes when it is Christmas.🤧🥳
15. When one is given a microphone, they first blow air into it or tap it with a finger, to test it if it is working, (even when the person passing it on was using the same mic.)🥱🎤
16. Sweeping the whole compound when expecting visitors.😂
17. Looking left and right when crossing a one way street.😁
18: Keeping an empty plastic water bottle after drinking, for future use.🤥
19: Reserving a special chair for the Husband 😒💔
20: Feeling proud when sitting next to a white person in a bus.🤓😍
*I am a proud African*
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By Dickson Jere

A deceased left children including a step daughter who is the child of his wife. The deceased had five children from his first marriage but later remarried another woman who came with her child named Rebecca.

It was contended that the step daughter cannot inherit from the estate of the deceased because her biological father was alive and that she was not formally adopted by the deceased to be his child.

The matter went to the High Court for determination. The Judge ruled that the step daughter can and should inherit part of the estate of the deceased. This Judgment prompted an appeal in the Court of Court.

A panel or three Judges analysed the case and concluded that the law does not provide for the step children to inherit from the estate of their step parents unless they were formally adopted.

“There is no evidence adduced to show that Rebecca as adopted by the deceased for purposes of being classified as a beneficiary of the deceased estate,” the Judges observed.

“Therefore, she does not come anywhere near being a child of the deceased,” the Judges ruled and reversed the High Court Judgment that had allowed the stepchild to benefit.

The Court of Appeal further clarified that the law only provides for the children of the deceased, including those born out of wedlock as well as those adopted or conceived but not yet born.

“It is not in issue, that the child in issue was born prior to the marriage between the Appellant and the deceased, and from another man, who is said to be alive,” the Judges observed.

“The closest she comes to be a beneficiary of the estate is, if she was dependent of the deceased,” the Court said but concluded that she did not meet the threshold of being a dependent as she was about 27 years old.

“We substitute it with the holding that Rebecca is not a beneficiary entitled to the share of the deceased because she is not a child or dependent of the deceased,” the Court ruled.

The Court concluded and ordered that the stepchild should not benefit from the deceased of the late stepfather.

Case citation - Clara Chimfwembe v Hellen Chimfwembe CAZ 015/2021 and Judgement passed last week in the Court of Appeal.

A very interesting case which bring out the requirement of formal adoption of children instead of relying on the African style of taking care of stepchildren without the due legal process.

(Source: Dickson Jere )

A Wife came Home early and found her Husband in their Bedroom making love to a very Attractive Young Woman. She was very...

A Wife came Home early and found her Husband in their Bedroom making love to a very Attractive Young Woman. She was very Upset.

_"You are a Disrēspêctful Pīg!"_ she Cried.

_"How dare you do this to me – a Faithful Wife, the Mother of your Children! I'm Leaving you. I want a Divorce, NOW!"_

The Husband calmly replied, _"Hang on just a Minute Love. At least let me tell you what Happened."_

_"Fine, go ahead",_ the Wife Sobbed, _"but they will be the last Words you say to me!"_
The Husband Began:

_"Well, as I was getting into the Car at Work to drive Home, this Young Lady here asked me for a Lift. She looked so Distressed, Helpless and Defenceless that I took Pity on her and let her into the Car."_

_"She was very Thin, not well Dressed and very Dirty and told me that she hadn't Eaten for Three Days."_

_"Out of Compassion, I brought her Home and Warmed up the Pizza I made for you last Night that you wouldn’t eat because you're afraid you'll put on Weight. The Poor thing Ate it, Ravenously."_

_"She was Dirty. I suggested she have a Shower. While Showering, I noticed her Clothes were Filthy and Threadbare. I threw them away."_

_"I gave her the Designer Jeans that you’ve had for a Few Years, but don’t Wear because you say they are too Tight."_

_"I gave her Underwear, your Anniversary Present from me, which you don’t Wear because you said I don't have Good Taste."_
_"I gave her the Sexy Blouse my sister gave you for Christmas, that you don’t Wear just to annoy her.

I also donated those Boots you bought at an expensive Boutique but don’t Wear because someone at Work has the same Pair."_
The Husband Paused, took a quick Breath and continued:

_"She was so Grateful for my understanding and help that as I walked her to the Door, she turned to me with Tears in her Eyes and said, “Please Sir... Do you have anything else that your Wife doesn’t use?”


One Thing About People With Dirty Houses, They Can

Sugar will always be sweet whether you found it opened or you opened it yourself.

Sugar will always be sweet whether you found it opened or you opened it yourself.

Polite Reminder 1. Nairobi men have no money. They only have the  confidence of Benjamin the donkey. Don't fall for thei...

Polite Reminder
1. Nairobi men have no money. They only have the confidence of Benjamin the donkey. Don't fall for their traps

2. If you don't know what a man does for a living ,keep off. You might date a jail bird or a criminal only for us to see you being paraded along Kiambu road

3. If he is above 25 years and still mentioning his parents or living with his parents ,that's a soy man . Don't even bother.

4. If he is above 25 years and he is still talking of being an orphan or from a poor background leave him alone. That's a man looking for sympathy.

5. If he eats sausages , Cakes , chapos , mandazi, smocha , Rice and noodles don't even think twice. That's a man with poor s***m quality.

6. If he takes alcohol or takes sodas, juices and smoothies run my sister. Alcohol is for the dying and miserable. Choose if you want to die or join his miseries.

7. If he has earings, plaited hair, chains , manicured his nails ,or amekaranga nywele run and run very fast. That's a woman in a man's cloth

8. If he is fat don't even look at him. He might not even get past the Kamariny Stadium gate A and you will be eaten mathogothanio

9. If he doesn't care or doesn't consider using a pack of 3, leave him to his clan. That's a reckless man. He will bring Kaswende home

10. If he writes long Text and WhatsApp messages drop him. It's worse if he uses emojis .You are dealing with a man without emotional intelligence

11. If you propose a date and he turns up , drop him . Have you ever seen a bull being taken to a heifer? It's always the doe ( female rabbit) to the buck( male rabbit). He should be the one inviting you for dates.

12. If you are in a hotel and he asks you what you are eating ,just leave him to mature. He is not a waiter to suggest for you a meal. He should call the waiter and tell her to bring 1kg meat with vegetables and 2 litres of water . It's the responsibility of a man to lead .

13. The market remains filthy, dirty, polluted , dangerous and rigged, don






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