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Consider this:Our Lord suffers with us everything we go through. This no one else can understand in a the deep level how...

Consider this:
Our Lord suffers with us everything we go through. This no one else can understand in a the deep level how we feel other than God. Therefore, come to Him with full trust; He understands.

“And behold, the star that they had seen when it rose went before them until it came to rest over the place where the ch...

“And behold, the star that they had seen when it rose went before them until it came to rest over the place where the child was.“ Mat 2:9
Who were these enigmatic figures? The best theory I’ve come across is that they were scientists / astronomers and Scripture acollarse of the time, from the area of Babylon, where Daniel had lived and established a school. Daniel was gifted in astronomy and math as he established the biblical sense of time, times and weeks. He was also profoundly devoured to Hod’s word. Babylon was East from Nazareth, so it fits the description “they came from the East”. This also explains how they knew about the Jewish Messiah. See Dr. Larson’s “Star of Bethlehem”.

© 2024 Sonny. All rights reserved with exclusive license granted to 3nity Creative Corp.

The Transfiguration Every longing for the divine union with God we have as part of our original design can become misdir...

The Transfiguration

Every longing for the divine union with God we have as part of our original design can become misdirected towards a worldly ideology that corrupts it or warps it. Today “trans” seems to be the newest buzz word peaking debates on two fronts, but if you think about it, deep underneath what has been twisted is the revelation of yet another longing embedded at the core of our being. This is what Christ reveals to us in is true form in today’s Gospel; the transfiguration of our bodies into the new gloried bodies we are promised in the new world to come. Let’s us pray for all those who are longing for this truth, looking for it in the wrong places or under contorted ideologies that destroy their current bodies, that they may become open to aspire to a much greater and truthful “transfiguration”, which only comes when we follow Christ. May they see that this true transfiguration is one that comes packed with peace, joy, fulfillment, grace, and the warmest welcome into heaven with bodies that radiate the presence of God.

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© 2023 Sonny. All rights reserved.
Exclusive licence to 3nity Creative Corp.

Entry for our DTIYS contest by .kidd Thank you for participating; It is a beautiful representation.

Entry for our DTIYS contest by .kidd
Thank you for participating; It is a beautiful representation.

The rise of depression and su***de is escalating rapidly; a reality that is grim but not surprising seeing the parallel ...

The rise of depression and su***de is escalating rapidly; a reality that is grim but not surprising seeing the parallel rise of atheism and lack of faith. What further evidence do we need to start, at the very least, questioning the direction that we as a society are taking.

The very foundation of advertising is the concept of “tell a person a lie enough times and they will take it for the truth”. We are fed the constant lie that happiness comes from a super abundance of a myriad things. But look at some celebrities and magnates who, though they have everything, they still get divorced, envy their peers, are addicted to drugs or p**n, and even commit su***de. So “having it all” is not the source of true happiness.

In contrast you can see people that live in third world countries and have next to nothing, yet they possess the purest form of joy. If you have ever traveled, or if you live in a country with extreme poverty, you will see this phenomena.

Joy is not the absence of problems nor the superabundance of material things… joy is to move forward towards the "thing hoped for" with a positive attitude, in spite of the problems we face. This is perhaps the most envied quality even amongst those that have it all and yet do not have joy.

Don’t focus on the world’s rat-race to chase things in hopes to gain an elusive worldly happiness that doesn’t last… abandon yourself completely in trusting God who can give you all things, even when the world rips everything away from you! As you prepare for His coming this Advent, let go of the lie and rest trust fully in the truth that He loves you and that He is truly the source of all joy and that He awaits for you in Heaven... this is the "thing hoped for"!

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“Acaso no estoy yo aquí, que soy tu madre?”Son las palabras de la Virgen a Juan Diego. Se nos olvida, en momentos, que l...

“Acaso no estoy yo aquí, que soy tu madre?”

Son las palabras de la Virgen a Juan Diego. Se nos olvida, en momentos, que las culturas mesoamericanas, como muchas alrededor del mundo, se basaban en violencia que arrasaban con pequeños pueblos enteros, matando o esclavizando a mujeres y niños, sin hablas de detalles más crueles aún. Esto se ha visto tanto en los sacrificios humanos a manos de los Aztecas, de los Siux, de los Romanos, los Vikingos, etc.

Hay algo en la humanidad caída que lleva a algunos a buscar la violencia y los sacrificios humanos, quizá por sed de venganza o de poder, pero solo uno tiene el poder de ejercer un juicio justo, de sanar heridas y de otorgar un verdadero poder desde la fuente… el sacrificio de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, el único hijo engendrado de Dios.

La Virgen de Guadalupe nos recuerda con cada símbolo plasmado en su imagen de esta verdad.

No regresemos a una sociedad llena de inseguridad y violencia. Volvamos nuestros ojos a ella que es nuestra madre y a su Hijo Divino que vino a salvarnos, no a controlarnos como hacen aquellos que buscan la violencia y el poder corrupto.

"Am I not here, that I am your mother?"

These are the words of the Virgin to Juan Diego. We forget, at times, that Mesoamerican cultures, like many around the world, were based on violence that devastated entire small towns, killing or enslaving women and children. This has been seen at the hands of the Aztecs, the Sioux, the Romans, the Vikings, etc.

There is something in our fallen humanity that leads some to seek violence & human sacrifices, perhaps out of a thirst for revenge or power... But only one has the power to exercise a fair judgment, to heal wounds and to grant a true power from the source…the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of God.

The Virgin of Guadalupe reminds us with each symbol embodied in her image of this truth.

Let's not go back to a society full of insecurity and violence. Let us turn our eyes to her who is our mother and to her Divine Son who came to save us, not to control us as do those who seek violence and corrupt power.

Art by: Frida Abaroa

🇺🇸 We sometimes get tempted by the idea that in order to please God, in order to become saints, we must find the right v...

🇺🇸 We sometimes get tempted by the idea that in order to please God, in order to become saints, we must find the right vocation, carrier or life style, when in fact He calls us to be saints regardless of what we chose in those regards, simply by following His example. Don't think that right now you couldn't go to the cross... but think you can do the little things, like St. Theresa of Calcutta said "Even if you are doing simple mundane tasks like peeling potatoes, put love into it." Today try your best to go visit some one you find difficult, or that people usually reject, or some one whom you know is lonely, either at their office cubicle, at the lounge in school, or at their home. But put Love into it; Be Christ to them... these are the small steps to let your faith be ignited with works of mercy through which you truly become the Light of Christ in this world.
🇪🇸 A veces nos sentimos tentados por la idea de que para agradar a Dios, para llegar a ser santos, debemos encontrar la vocación, la carrera o el estilo de vida "adecuados", cuando en realidad Él nos llama a ser santos independientemente de lo que elijamos al respecto, simplemente siguiendo Su ejemplo. No te enfoques en que ahora mismo no podrías "ir a la cruz"... enfócate mas en que puedes hacer pequeñas cosas, como dijo Santa Teresa de Calcuta "Incluso si estás haciendo tareas simples y mundanas como pelar papas, pon amor en eso." Hoy haz tu mejor esfuerzo para ir a visitar a alguien que te resulte difícil, o que la gente suele rechazar, o alguien que sepas que se siente solo, ya sea en el cubículo de su oficina, en el salón de la escuela o en su casa. Pero ponle "Amor"; Sé Cristo para ellos... estos son los pequeños pasos para que tu fe se encienda con obras de misericordia a través de las cuales te conviertas verdaderamente en la Luz de Cristo en este mundo.

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🇺🇸 We sometimes get tempted by the idea that in order to please God, in order to become saints, we must find the right v...

🇺🇸 We sometimes get tempted by the idea that in order to please God, in order to become saints, we must find the right vocation, carrier or life style, when in fact He calls us to be saints regardless of what we chose in those regards, simply by following His example. Don't think that right now you couldn't go to the cross... but think you can do the little things, like St. Theresa of Calcutta said "Even if you are doing simple mundane tasks like peeling potatoes, put love into it." Today try your best to go visit some one you find difficult, or that people usually reject, or some one whom you know is lonely, either at their office cubicle, at the lounge in school, or at their home. But put Love into it; Be Christ to them... these are the small steps to let your faith be ignited with works of mercy through which you truly become the Light of Christ in this world.
🇪🇸 A veces nos sentimos tentados por la idea de que para agradar a Dios, para llegar a ser santos, debemos encontrar la vocación, la carrera o el estilo de vida "adecuados", cuando en realidad Él nos llama a ser santos independientemente de lo que elijamos al respecto, simplemente siguiendo Su ejemplo. No te enfoques en que ahora mismo no podrías "ir a la cruz"... enfócate mas en que puedes hacer pequeñas cosas, como dijo Santa Teresa de Calcuta "Incluso si estás haciendo tareas simples y mundanas como pelar papas, pon amor en eso." Hoy haz tu mejor esfuerzo para ir a visitar a alguien que te resulte difícil, o que la gente suele rechazar, o alguien que sepas que se siente solo, ya sea en el cubículo de su oficina, en el salón de la escuela o en su casa. Pero ponle "Amor"; Sé Cristo para ellos... estos son los pequeños pasos para que tu fe se encienda con obras de misericordia a través de las cuales te conviertas verdaderamente en la Luz de Cristo en este mundo.

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🤍🤍Done by .es on his  iPad Pro with his Apple Pencil on the Procreate App                                               ...


Done by .es on his iPad Pro with his Apple Pencil on the Procreate App

Imagine the limitless omnipotence of God... Can you fathom it? More importantly, can you fathom that He longs to share t...

Imagine the limitless omnipotence of God... Can you fathom it? More importantly, can you fathom that He longs to share that with you? Can we really presume that any of us have any merit to receive such gift? Yet it is not by our merit, but by Jesus', who loved us enough to come redeem us. By Him leaving His earthly throne to be incarnated into our lowly human nature, He shows us that the only way to have access to His gifts and His Kingdom is Humility. In order grow in that, let us practice charity. Let us give, not only from our excess, but even things we might be attached to.

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Estamos por@abrir la tienda en España!!!! Esto hará una gran diferencia en costos de envío. Agradecemos su paciencia y su apoyo! Próximamente también abriremos Mexico, US, Canada y Brazil. Y continuamos trabajando arduamente para expander a más países!

We are about to launch the store in Spain!!! This will make shipping costs nationally and to Europe more cost effective. We appreciate your support and patience. We are working hard to continue expanding our reach and improve shipping rates to the US, Canada and South America. Stay tuned.

12 minutes of meditation: The Divine King of the Universe strips Himself from His glory to come into this fallen world a...

12 minutes of meditation: The Divine King of the Universe strips Himself from His glory to come into this fallen world as a humble baby of a simple family in order to redeem you, purify you, lift you up from this world and share His Divinity with you! In return, make a list of things you can give up for love of Him.

🎨 Art by Belem Gallaga/ en colaboración con

Saint Teresa of Calcutta says: "in silence God listens to us, in silence God speaks to our souls, in silence we are give...

Saint Teresa of Calcutta says: "in silence God listens to us, in silence God speaks to our souls, in silence we are given the privilege of listening to his voice (...) silence of our eyes, silence of our ears, silence of our minds. In the silence of the heart, God will speak to us." That in this noisy world we can give ourselves spaces of silence that help us to listen to God.

Art by .irarrazaval.d

Jesus is coming.Done by .es on his  iPad Pro with his Apple Pencil on the Procreate App                                 ...

Jesus is coming.

Done by .es on his iPad Pro with his Apple Pencil on the Procreate App

Today, we are honoring dentists and hygienists! Thank you for the service that you do and thank you for letting God work...

Today, we are honoring dentists and hygienists! Thank you for the service that you do and thank you for letting God work through you. :)

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Today, we are honoring dentists and hygienists! Thank you for the service that you do and thank you for letting God work...

Today, we are honoring dentists and hygienists! Thank you for the service that you do and thank you for letting God work through you :)

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Humanity and the Advent.The story begins— dust and breath mix— humanity. The poetic lines of Genesis remind us of someth...

Humanity and the Advent.

The story begins— dust and breath mix— humanity. The poetic lines of Genesis remind us of something that rings true deep in our bones. It was the Divine breath that fell lightly upon the dust, animating it.

However, those dust-creatures, those made in the Image, what if they only remembered the dust itself, or misattributed the source of the breath? If it were true that the breath only came from one place— and that it was life itself, if removed, would not death have its sting?

Here comes the most interesting part of the story. The One-who-breathes is no abandoner. Creation saw the divine breath fall lightly upon the dust, animating it—humanity. The Incarnation, like the full hurricane of this cosmos-breathing-God, is now knit gently, becoming intertwined in the fine dust of his own creation. The first coming from creation, the second coming into creation.

God with us, a dwelling-amongst-us is taking place. Far from being a distant clockmaker watching his machine run, the One-that-breathes comes down, and comes down not just to us, but to the deepest and darkest sections of us.

The dark night of the soul is now illuminated by the small flicker of hope— like a star in a midnight sky. The newborn is swaddled in the wilderness he himself saw the beginning of. Where there was only dust, again something new will form. Like a Gardener and a garden, something will grow.

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(🇧🇷): Em sucessivas pesquisas, o Exército e a Igreja Católica aparecem como umas das instituições em que o povo mais con...

(🇧🇷): Em sucessivas pesquisas, o Exército e a Igreja Católica aparecem como umas das instituições em que o povo mais confia. Mesmo com as series de ataques da mídia, ongs e influencers para destruir a reputação dessas instituições, o poder temporal das Forças Armadas e atemporal da Igreja continuam firmes sendo os pilares da ordem, da caridade e da moral na sociedade. São Paulo orienta o jovem Timóteo a permanecer firme e forte na graça do Senhor. Diz que deve ser “como bom soldado de Jesus Cristo” (2Tm 2,3). As Forças Armadas podem ajudar nossos jovens a serem heróis, com a formação do caráter pela disciplina rigorosa. Além disso, o cultivo do amor à pátria, que vai servida com espírito generoso, até pelo sacrifício da própria vida, se necessário. E pelo cultivo da fé com assessoria dos capelães militares, representando as principais religiões do país. Talvez, se todos os jovens servissem nas Forças Armadas por um período, não teríamos tantos crimes por causa das dr**as, e tantos jovens seguindo ideologias que ofendem a Fé e a Doutrina Católica!
🇺🇸): In successive surveys, the Army and the Catholic Church appear as some of the institutions in which the people trust the most. Even with the series of attacks by the media, NGOs and influencers to destroy the reputation of these institutions, the temporal power of the Armed Forces and the timeless power of the Church remain firm, being the pillars of order, charity and morality in society. San Paul guides young Timothy to remain firm and strong in the grace of the Lord. He says that he must be “like a good soldier of Jesus Christ” (2Tm 2,3).

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(Continue in the comments 👇🏻)

ESPIGAS DE TRIGO - NOVEMBER 2022🇪🇸: Hoy, las espigas de trigo reflexionan sobre el poder que Dios nos ha dado de reparar...

🇪🇸: Hoy, las espigas de trigo reflexionan sobre el poder que Dios nos ha dado de reparar y consolar a Jesus
🇺🇸: Today, Espigas de Trigo is reflecting on the power that God has given us to repair and comfort Jesus

© Espigas de Trigo
Art and meditations by:
- Bea Trigote - Pati Trigo

¿Cuál fue la causa por que muchos de los Santos fueron tan perfectos y contemplativos? Porque estudiaron en mortificarse...

¿Cuál fue la causa por que muchos de los Santos fueron tan perfectos y contemplativos? Porque estudiaron en mortificarse totalmente a todo deseo terreno; y por eso pudieron unirse a Dios desde el fondo de sus almas y ocuparse libremente en sí mismos. A nosotros nos tienen demasiado ocupados nuestras pasiones y nos inquietan demasiado las cosas pasajeras. Pocas veces vencemos un vicio perfectamente, ni nos alentamos para aprovechar cada día, y por esto nos quedamos tibios y fríos.

[…] Apenas nos viene una pequeña adversidad, luego luego nos desalentamos y vamos en busca de consuelos humanos. Si como hombres valientes nos esforzáramos para ganar la batalla, seguramente veríamos venir la ayuda del Señor que viene desde el Cielo sobre nosotros. Porque dispuesto está a ayudar a los que pelean y esperan en Su Gracia, y nos presenta ocasiones de combatir para que alcancemos victoria, para que triunfemos.

[…] Si cada año desarraigásemos un vicio pronto seríamos perfectos. […] Duro es dejar lo acostumbrado, más duro todavía es ir contra propia voluntad. Pero, si no vences las cosas pequeñas y fáciles, ¿cómo vencerás las difíciles? Resiste desde el principio a tu inclinación y deja las malas costumbres, no sea que paso a paso te meta en peores dificultades.” - Imitación de Cristo, capítulo 11, parte 1.

¿Qué te ha parecido esta reflexión de Tomás de Kempis? 😊

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"If your presence doesn't go with me, don't take me out of here"Since the pandemic began, we know how hard it has been f...

"If your presence doesn't go with me, don't take me out of here"

Since the pandemic began, we know how hard it has been for everyone to recover what was taken from us, from jobs, outings, plans, travel, closing your premises, losing your business, or staying locked at home. Well, I've 3 uncles who lost their jobs due to the pandemic and had to take the first job that came to mind, being an Uber driver.

I'm not going to lie to you, they're not doing so badly, in fact, Uber wasn't a company that lost hundreds of millions of dollars due to the pandemic, but, due to people's fear of getting infected, they preferred to take the Uber or Didi service, rather than get on a truck that would take them to their destination.

We're wrapping up 2022, and things have picked up their pace, but my uncles are still at Uber. Not everything has been easy of course. In these 3 years of their service, they've had very strong streaks, and every time they return home safe and sound thanks to God, they've always had something new to tell us, from some rude and selfish passenger, to the person or child who allowed them to share the word of God. Every trip is different, as is important.

I've been taught that, no matter the distance of the journey, the best advice they can share is to invite the Lord to accompany you, allowing Him to watch over your speeds, take care of your passengers, and take care of those who will also drive on that day.

Today the streets are a jungle, you have to be careful to drive, and be patient with your neighbor, God knew of these times, and invites us to be tolerant (Ephesians 4:1,2) (Romans 12:18) and love our neighbor, even if he does us wrong (Romans 12:21), and that can only be done with Christ at the wheel, with Christ as pilot, and with Christ as guide. Say as Moses asked him to "If your presence doesn't go with me, don't take me out of here", Exodus 33:15.

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For 3nityCreative

(🇧🇷): O livro "Screwtape letters" do C.S.Lewis ainda é uma das minhas obras favoritas do autor. A primeira vez que li só...

(🇧🇷): O livro "Screwtape letters" do C.S.Lewis ainda é uma das minhas obras favoritas do autor. A primeira vez que li só conseguia pensar na genialidade dele. Usou um demonio para mostrar para os cristãos, de forma indireta, como ser um verdadeiro servo de cristo. Se ainda não leu, você PRECISA se fazer esse favor.

(🇺🇸): The book "Screwtape letters" by C.S.Lewis is still one of my favorite works by the author. The first time I read it, all I could think about was his genius. He used a demon to indirectly show Christians how to be a true servant of Christ. If you haven't read it yet, you NEED to do yourself this favor.

Art by
For 3nityCreative

O livro "Screwtape letters" do C.S.Lewis ainda é uma das minhas obras favoritas do autor. A primeira vez que li só conse...

O livro "Screwtape letters" do C.S.Lewis ainda é uma das minhas obras favoritas do autor. A primeira vez que li só conseguia pensar na genialidade dele. Usou um demonio para mostrar para os cristãos , de forma indireta, como ser um verdadeiro servo de cristo. Se ainda não leu, você PRECISA se fazer esse favor.

The book "Screwtape letters" by C.S.Lewis is still one of my favorite works by the author. The first time I read it, all I could think about was his genius. He used a demon to indirectly show Christians how to be a true servant of Christ. If you haven't read it yet, you NEED to do yourself this favor.

A NURSE’S PRAYEROración de una Enfermera“Be strong, therefore, and let not your hands be week, for your work shall be re...

Oración de una Enfermera

“Be strong, therefore, and let not your hands be week, for your work shall be rewarded”

Art by Bea Trigo
© 2022 3nity Creative Corp. All Rights Reserved.

Dear Lord, help me be a voice that is soothing to the patients in my wardA hand that can help them be lifted back into h...

Dear Lord, help me be a voice that is soothing to the patients in my ward
A hand that can help them be lifted back into health
A shoulder that can comfort their moments of suffering
A prayer that can help them get hope in trying times
A curious wonderer that seeks truth in diagnosis when something doesn't seem right
An advocate that protects their wellbeing, specially when they can't speak
An brave warrior that defends their life when it's been dismissed with false compassion.
I am your servant of love at my work place. Use me for the welfare of my brethren.
You have lead me here for such a time as this!
Oh, Lord, bless me and my work, and be the found from which I draw my strength.

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𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗗𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗱𝘆 - 𝗖𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝟮"𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒, 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑤𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦 𝑠𝑜 𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝑎 𝑐𝑙𝑜𝑢𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑖𝑡𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑠, 𝑙𝑒𝑡 𝑢𝑠 𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑜 𝑙𝑎𝑦 𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑒...

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗗𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗱𝘆 - 𝗖𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝟮

"𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒, 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑤𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦 𝑠𝑜 𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝑎 𝑐𝑙𝑜𝑢𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑖𝑡𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑠, 𝑙𝑒𝑡 𝑢𝑠 𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑜 𝑙𝑎𝑦 𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑐𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝑠𝑜 𝑐𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑦, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑙𝑒𝑡 𝑢𝑠 𝑟𝑢𝑛 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑖𝑠 𝑠𝑒𝑡 𝑏𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑢𝑠"
Hebrews 12:1

You almost can’t help but be reminded of this passage from Hebrews when you read Canto Two of the Divine Comedy. In this chapter we find Dante and Virgil progressing closer to Hell, until gripped with fear and trepidation, Dante expresses doubts about this journey having any success. He remarks that only heroes and saints (Aeneas and St. Paul) have made this journey and he himself is neither. And why should lowly Dante have the greatest Roman poet as a guide through the underworld? Virgil, wanting to reassure him, proceeds to give an account of what led to the current position they are both in.

Virgil’s explanation makes us aware of this “cloud of witnesses”, as he tells Dante about the people in Heaven who are advocating for his salvation and designed the way put out before him. No less than the Virgin Mary herself initiated the decree which was passed to St. Lucy and then to Beatrice. This is where we first meet the beautiful and saintly muse of Dante’s life, Beatrice. It is she who ultimately offers to Virgil the task of being Dante’s guide.

Dante makes a point to say his story is not about himself, but is the journey we all partake in, and on this journey we each have a myriad in Heaven watching over us helping to guide our way. It’s reassuring to know that such people are in a sense rooting for you from Heaven. For Dante, it gives him the courage to get up and proceed forward through the race set before him. We should likewise be encouraged with this knowledge, look to our advocates in Heaven, and seek their guidance through prayer.

(🇪🇸): El tiempo familiar es muy importante. El niño Jesús pasando tiempo con su primo San Juan Bautista. Crecer en famil...

(🇪🇸): El tiempo familiar es muy importante. El niño Jesús pasando tiempo con su primo San Juan Bautista. Crecer en familia es lo que hace que seamos la mejor versión de nosotros mismos. Dios es nuestro Padre, crezcamos siempre con Él y para Él. (Izq= Jesús ; dcha= San Juan)
- (🇺🇸): Family time is very important. The child Jesus spending time with his cousin St. John the Baptist. Growing up as a family is what makes us the best version of ourselves. God is our Father, let us always grow with Him and for Him.
(Left= Jesus ; Right = Saint John)

Art by:
For 3nityCreative

A good reminder for us, that once you belong to The Lord, nothing can separate you from Him. Not now, not ever! ❤️✨-G———...

A good reminder for us, that once you belong to The Lord, nothing can separate you from Him. Not now, not ever! ❤️✨
Un buen recordatorio para nosotros, de que una vez le perteneces al Señor, nada te puede separar de Él. Ni ahora, ni nunca! ❤️✨

Art by
For 3nityCreative


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