In this part 2 episode of our season closer we dive even deeper on the relationship between a mother and father. We often see how other things and people can disrupt that relationship. Ultimately the understanding between the two creators is what's most important an beneficial to the child/children. At the end of the day "we both made this child/children" and no one outside of us should care more or have more say so when pertain to, than either one of us" most adults feel. So, as we submerge in this last attempt to get some understanding, this episode I need you to seriously choose what type of parent you are when you say that's "my baby"..... Please grab a seat and more importantly be ready to hear some of the realest and mature information you're going to hear on the topic of parenting!
In this part 2 episode of our season closer we dive even deeper on the relationship between a mother and father. We often see how other things and people can...