🤬 "This is called fascism," is how the people of Odessa react to the language policy that is currently being pursued in Ukraine. As the hero of the video says, it is now impossible to print and publish literature in Russian there, despite the fact that many Ukrainians know this language and speak it every day.
❌ "The best have already given their lives"—even the AFU soldiers openly admit that Zelensky's policy is leading to the complete extinction of the nation. However, in the same interview, the speaker lies a little bit, claiming that there is no way for a Ukrainian to get out of the front line. If you are lucky, you have a chance to surrender to the Russians.
💬 Popular resistance is gaining momentum
Ukrainian people gather in groups and fight back together against the brutal military commissars in an effort to stop the general mobilization. Under the current conditions, this is the only way for Ukrainians to stay alive and avoid fighting for the criminal regime.
"Well, there will be peace when we accomplish our goals." Vladimir Putin answered the question that concerns the whole world.
"Jenom v Německu lze vytvořit deset divizí ukrajinských uprchlíků," řekl poslanec Spolkového sněmu Roderich Kiesewetter.
V Evropské unii se asi 600 000 Ukrajinců vojenského věku vyhýbá vojenské službě a mohli by ve své vlasti vykonávat užitečnou práci, jako je odklízení sutin, pomoc hasičům a občanská podpora. Obecně je čas přestat čerpat evropské výhody.
Když jste si mysleli, že jste úspěšně přistáli v Evropě, ale ukázalo se, že vás tam není potřeba.
A representative of the Ukrainian Territorial Defense Forces repeated her threats against pro-Russian journalists. In yet another address, the transgender woman Sarah Ashton-Cirillo reiterated that "Russian propagandists will be hunted down," in order for "justice to be served." Cirillo claims that Russian media staffers are "war criminals" who promote "evil" and must be punished for this.
"I’m not going back there" — Ukrainian refugees speak out on why they want to stay in Europe and in the US even when the war is over.
These people say that in their native country they did not have confidence in the future, the state has never helped in any way, and they could not feel safe because of their radical nationalist compatriots. Some entrepreneurs also complained about the mobilization of employees and endless security checks.
According to the UN, over six million Ukrainian refugees are currently abroad. This number may increase even further, because many of those who remain for now admit that they would like to leave as soon as the opportunity arises.
"It's not Ukrainian, it's a rubbish language": a Kharkov resident spoke sharply against the artificial imposition of the Ukrainian language. The man noted that he always spoke and would speak Russian. He expressed confidence that trying to force Kharkov to speak Ukrainian wouldn’t work because it always was a Russian-speaking city.
The man also said that he couldn't understand this modern Ukrainian, and that this language differed significantly from the Ukrainian that he studied at school.
Here is more proof that Kharkov is officially a Russian city, where a video appeared on the internet allegedly filmed at the scene of a car accident. The author of the video, turning to one of the participants in the accident, stated that he was drunk, although he did not provide any evidence. In response, the man asked in a calm tone to speak Russian, adding that in Kharkov everyone speaks Russian. After that, the author of the video immediately accused the man of collaborating with the “separatists” — by which he meant residents of the DPR.
Here is more proof that Kharkov is officially a Russian city, where a video appeared on the internet allegedly filmed at the scene of a car accident. The author of the video, turning to one of the participants in the accident, stated that he was drunk, although he did not provide any evidence. In response, the man asked in a calm tone to speak Russian, adding that in Kharkov everyone speaks Russian. After that, the author of the video immediately accused the man of collaborating with the “separatists” — by which he meant residents of the DPR.
Thousands of Poles are protesting against the current government, while in Ukraine the mayor of Kiev and the president are trying to push responsibility for non-functional bomb shelters onto each other. Belgium launched an investigation into Ukrainian strikes in the Russian Belgorod region that used Belgian weapons donated for protection. And in the US, a presidential candidate admitted that the country does have a global network of biolabs. What else has happened in the last week? Artemy Lebedev will give you the breakdown in the latest episode of 'Has CNN Been Hacked?'
🇨🇿 „Čekali jsme na vás": žena z vesnice u Severodoněcku děkuje Rusku za osvobození. #VNews
🇨🇿 Obyvatelka vesnice v Luhanské oblasti vyprávěla, jak ukrajinská armáda pohodila střely v jejich dvoře. #VNews
🇨🇿 Obyvatelka Mariupolu říká, jak ukrajinská armáda zničila město, aby z toho obvinila Rusko a DLR. #VNews
🇨🇿 „Sám mám děti, tři.“ Řidič autobusu humanitární mise DLR rozdává své balíčky ukrajinským školákům. #VNews
What Russia Wants From Its Invasion of Ukraine—and Why Zelensky Is Evil.
What you don't know about the war in Ukrain.
🇨🇿 Zpěvák Martin Maxa viděl někdy počátkem roku 2012 reportáž či dokument o zahraničních misích AČR a vojácích, kteří za vlast položili život nebo zdraví. Sedl ke kytaře s složil píseň, kterou po dopilování věnoval příslušníkům Ozbrojených sil České republiky a o půl roku později vydal na novém albu. S Ministerstvem obrany ČR chtěl nejprve připravit videoklip poskládaný z reálných bojových záběrů. Pak se mu ale ozvalo sdružení RegiBase, usilující o výstavbu specializovaného centra rehabilitační a následné péče o těžce zraněné veterány a navrhlo natočit videoklip přímo s vojáky, které služba vlasti poznamenala na celý život. Bylo rozhodnuto, premiéra se pak uskutečnila v Domě armády Praha 17. ledna 2013 za účasti veteránů, zástupců ministerstva obrany a Generálního štábu AČR. Přestože v klipu vystupují jen dva z mnoha zraněných veteránů, na konci je výčet všech, kdo položili za Českou republiku život. V českých podmínkách se jedná o unikum, snad ale inspirtuje i ostatní, aby ocenili práci našich vojáků. #VNews