Inside the Colony Podcast

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Inside the Colony Podcast Inside the Colony showcases the hot political topics of Puerto Rico. Tired of the lies of the liberal and socialist forces in PR? Weekly every Monday

Inside the Colony brings you a one-of-a-kind conservative discussion on what is behind the radical left.


Young Republican of PR Chairman at the Public Input Forum on PR Status talking about the Consensus Draft Bill by Congress.

U.S. President George W. Bush visited Ground Zero, standing with rescue workers, firefighters and police officers atop smoldering rubble of the fallen Twin T...


8:46 - Flight 11 crashes into the North Tower WTC

9:03 United Airlines Flight 175 crashes in the South Tower WTC

9:12 - Passengers of Flight 77 call their loved ones telling them their plane has been hijacked

9:37 - Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon

9:59 - South Tower crashes down

10:03 United Flight 93 en route to the White House - crashes in Pennsylvania after passengers revolt against terrorists.

10:28am - North Tower crashed down

2,997 innocent lives lost

"I can hear you!... The rest of the world hears you!...The people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon!" President George W. Bush

We will never forget!🇺🇸

God Bless The USA🇺🇸🇺🇸


“We will issue guidance on what you can and can’t do once you are fully vaccinated”. President Joe Biden.

Great to see how the government needs to continue regulating people’s lives once “fully vaccinated”. These liberals just want to control our daily lives. This is absurd. He goes on to further tell you how great you will be by celebrating the 4th with a bbq on your backyard with your family, your dog and your imaginary friends...’cause you gotta keep it to small groups.

Once fully vaccinated people activities should return to normal. We can’t and should not mandate social distance and masks indefinitely.


Those who we see today crying and having a tantrum because the large corporations happen to be the ones prioritized by t...

Those who we see today crying and having a tantrum because the large corporations happen to be the ones prioritized by the banks with their loan applications under CARES, thus leaving the SME’s relief applications unprocessed , are the same ones who go to Congress, along with Charlie Black, “Chip” "Spotted an Island in Gulf of Mexico" Roy, Grassley and others to lobby special tax benefits for the BIG manufacturing and BIG pharmaceutical companies and yet they leave SME’s behind without equal tax benefits... the same SME’s NOW left behind under CARES. Those SME’s have to suck on the complete suffocating tax system in Puerto Rico.

For some things they say - “Long live the Big Corps! They pay good wages and they are the engine of our economy thus we must give them exemptions that no one else enjoys!”
..and yet now they argue - “what happened to those small companies, the small merchant? they are the ones who create the most job. How is it that the BIG Companies were given priority over the smaller businesses?”

A “Chinese" proverb says: “What is good for the gander must be good for the goose."


There is an increasing belief that the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) originated in the Wuhan Lab -- not as a bioweapon -- but as China's effort to find and deal with viruses to enhance its own international optics. After standards were disregarded and the virus got out, a coverup ensued.

Since PR is outside the USA IRS Code most Puerto Ricans are notďżźďżź required to file a federal tax return. The USA will di...

Since PR is outside the USA IRS Code most Puerto Ricans are not required to file a federal tax return. The USA will distribute the $1,200 relief through each State - end of story. However, PR’s tax treatment precludes IRS to estimate who will be eligible for the benefits and therefore cannot send the money to the State (Hacienda) without such a reasonable estimate. Main reason as to why Hacienda had to send out a plan to the IRS requiring approval.

For any given State, however, IRS has the data to make a reasonable estimate on how many and how much money will be disbursed by that State, and therefore, those in the States don’t have to wait for a “plan”.

So called “experts” and “objectives” wont even alude to this - because the simple acknowledgement that the problem is related to our territorial/possession/colonial status, for them, is “OBNOXIOUS, RIDICULOUS AND DANGEROUS”. I wonder who could have said that. =1586822195

Hacienda aclarĂł que los residentes de la Isla recibirĂĄn la ayuda de emergencia con un mecanismo distinto al de los estados.


And just like that...the liberal media interrupts today’s press briefing by President Trump.

Guess they have the Snowflakevirus. here is “Chip” Roy (R-Texas) makin...

Well here is “Chip” Roy (R-Texas) making a SOLID case on how to “BEAT CHINA” with a place “NEAR THE GULF OF MEXICO -PUERTO RICO”.

Tells you how much he knows about Puerto Rico.

Definitely shows he is te best suited to talk about tax exemptions to the once s936 manufactures.

Keep it up Chip!


BREAKING‼️ GovernorWanda Vázquez Garced extends the current curfew for 2 additional weeks up until April 12. Beginning on March 31st the curfew will be expanded for two additional hours daily from 7pm to 5am (currently 9pm-5am).

Breakdown per region as of now.

Breakdown per region as of now.

NOW‼️ 2️⃣1️⃣  confirmed cases in Puerto Rico. Also 1️⃣ death from patient that was at Costa Luminosa Cruise and transpor...

NOW‼️ 2️⃣1️⃣ confirmed cases in Puerto Rico.

Also 1️⃣ death from patient that was at Costa Luminosa Cruise and transported to the Ashford Presbyterian Community Hospital.

For those  💦 drooling 💦 about a new IRS 936 section or similar for the Big Pharma and manufacturing sector, here is some...

For those 💦 drooling 💦 about a new IRS 936 section or similar for the Big Pharma and manufacturing sector, here is some data on the infamous s936.

In 1993 the GAO made a 70 page study on the impact of 936 revision and repeal - you can find the full report here -

Here is what it found:

“GAO found that: (1) the impact of any change to section 936 on the Puerto Rican economy depends on how to the change affects the demand for Puerto Rican resources, the firms' individual circumstances, and the specific tax; (2) the proposal to restrict section 936 tax credits would alter the incentives for some current and potential section 936 firms; (3) a wage credit cap on section 936 tax credits would affect less than half of the section 936 manufacturing firms analyzed; (4) most labor-intensive section 936 firms would not be affected by the revised tax credit; (5) the impact on Puerto Rico's economy of reducing section 936 tax credits may not be proportional to the credits lost because they are not tied to the use of Puerto Rican resources; (6) the growth rate for Puerto Rico's gross domestic product indicated that an increasing portion of total income produced in Puerto Rico went to U.S. and foreign investors; (7) from 1971 to 1991, unemployment in Puerto Rico remained high; (8) five manufacturing industries accounted for 90 percent of the tax benefits received by section 936 firms in 1985, 1987, and 1989; and (9) section 936 manufacturing firms represented 11 percent of the total workforce.”

“The 1976 act created section 936, which revised the treatment of possessions source income. Since 1983, over 99 percent of the benefits of this section have gone to companies operating in Puerto Rico. The Joint Committee on Taxation estimates that federal revenues forgone due to the section 936 tax credit will total $3.9 billion in fiscal year 1994”

“Under section 936, the tax credit equals the fulI amount of the U.S. income tax liability on possessions source income. Firms qualify for the credit if, over a three year period preceding a taxable year, 80 percent or more of their income was derived from sources within a possession and 75 percent or more of their income was derived from the active conduct of a trade or business within a possession. This provision effectively exempts possessions source income from U.S. taxation. Dividends repatriated from a U.S. subsidiary to a mainland parent qualify for a dividends-received deduction, thus allowing tax-free repatriation of possessions income. In addition, the provision exempts from U.S. taxation the income earned on qualified investments made by section 936 firms from their profits earned in the possessions.”

“Significant debate continues over the effectiveness of section 936 as an impetus for development in Puerto Rico. On one hand, the Puerto Rican economy has improved substantially in the post-World War II period. By developing tax policies to complement the federal government’s possessions source income tax credit, Puerto Rico has attracted considerable manufacturing industry to the island. Propelled by this growth in the manufacturing sector, Puerto Rico’s real gross national product (GNP) has increased more than four-fold since 1947. On the other hand, by mainland U.S. standards, Puerto Rico remains a poor island. Puerto Rico’s real average per capita income rose from $1,400 in 1947 to $6,000 in 1991, but it remained less than 30 percent of the U.S. average real per capita income and its 1991 unemployment rate of 16 percent was more than double the mainland’s unemployment rate of 6.6 percent”

“In 1989,section 936 manufacturing corporations’ benefits slightly exceeded the average compensation these section 936 firms paid to their employees. Average tax benefits per employee were $24,300 while average wages paid, including estimated fringe benefits, were $22,800. For some industries, in particular the chemical industry and its pharmaceutical component, average tax benefits considerably exceeded wages paid. The average tax benefits per chemical industry &ployee were $69,800 in 1989, and average compensation was $32,900.”

“Puerto Rico’s unemployment rate was 16 percent in 1991 and has been above 11 percent since 1971.”

“Undoubtedly, section 936 and the exemption from Puerto Rican taxes attracted firms to Puerto Rico. But it is also reasonable to assume that many of these firms would not have moved there or expanded to their present size without a mix of complementary investments by Puerto Rico. For example, adequate transportation, communication, and public utility facilities, as well as a skilled and productive workforce, are needed to support business operations on the scale engaged in by section 936 firms. The Puerto Rican government has long recognized this and took steps to improve the island’s infrastructure and education system, and to provide an environment to stimulate economic development. Given this interdependence between private and public investment, it may be overly simplistic to say that section 936 firms “created” a certain number of jobs in Puerto Rico.”

“The faster growth rate for Puerto Rico’s GDP compared to GNP means that an increasing portion of total income produced in Puerto Rico went to U.S. and foreign investors than to Puerto Rican residents. The trends in GDP and GNP are the logical result of Puerto Rico’s development strategy, which emphasizes long-term tax reduction to U.S. firms that locate in Puerto Rico, and section 936, which allows tax free repatriation of profits to the mainland. These complementary tax policies are tied to income earned in Puerto Rico and not to investment in plant and equipment, or job creation. Over time, these policies attracted industries to Puerto Rico that rely more on capital-including intangible assets-than labor for manufacturing goods. Because relatively little of the cost of manufacturing is paid in the form of wages, and the capital is owned by non-Puerto Ricans, relatively little income from these industries is retained in Puerto Rico. A substantial portion of the income generated by these industries is transferred off the island, principally to mainland parents.”

“Five manufacturing industries-food and kindred products, chemicals, machinery (except electrical), electrical and electronic equipment, and instruments and related products-accounted for 90 percent of the tax benefits received by section 936 firms in 1985,1987, and 1989.The pharmaceuticals component of the chemicals industry received about 50 percent of the benefits in 1985,1987,and 1989.”

“Per employee, section 936 manufacturing firms received an average tax benefit of $24,300in 1989, slightly more than the average estimated employee compensation of $22,800. The average tax benefits differed widely among section 936 industries. The apparel industry received the lowest benefit per employee, $2,100, and the chemical industry the highest, $69,800. The average tax benefit per employee declined from 1985to 1989. This decline is principally attributable to the decline in federal tax rates for corporations.”

“Section 936 manufacturing firms’ employment in 1989 was an estimated 105,500 individuals in an economy with total employment of 952,000. Section 936 manufacturing firms’ direct employment represented 11 percent of the total workforce.”

“While the manufacturing sector’s net income grew at more than twice the rate of total domestic net income from 1971 to 1991,employment in the manufacturing sector grew at 65 percent of the growth rate of total employment.”

“The annual growth rate in manufacturing employment was 1.1 percent versus 1.7 percent for total employment. As a result, manufacturing employment fell from 19 percent of total employment in 1971 to 16.8 percent in 1991.”

“Employment in three sectors-trade, services, and government-grew at rates greater than the rate of total employment. The annual growth rate of employment was 1.9percent in the trade sector, 2.6percent in the government sector, and 3.5 percent in the service sector. Employment in the service sector as a percentage of total employment rose from 16.9percent in 1971to 22.9percent in 1991.”

“Over the 21-year period, the Puerto Rican economy gained a net 261,000 jobs. Only 27,000, or 10 percent, were in the manufacturing sector; 103,000, or 39 percent, of the jobs gained were in the service sector; and 59,000,or 23 percent, were in the trade sector.”

“Proponents of section 936 point to employment multipliers as one of the benefits of section 936 corporations. Thus, they assert that for every direct job created by section 936 corporations, additional indirect jobs are also created. Notwithstanding the issues discussed in the letter relating to input-output employment multipliers, and assuming all 27,000jobs created in the manufacturing sector were section 936 jobs, the section 936 corporations can account for, directly and indirectly, no more than 30 percent of the net job growth in Puerto Rico over the 21-year period. Section 936 manufacturing firms can account for this portion of jobs only if the more generous multipliers sometimes claimed are used. However, since many of the indirect jobs created by section 936 corporations may be in other section 936 corporations, or in the manufacturing sector, the 30 percent figure could include considerable double counting.”

West Nile virusCoxsackie virusRoss river virusMarburg virusEbola VirusALL, and many others, have got their names from th...

West Nile virus
Coxsackie virus
Ross river virus
Marburg virus
Ebola Virus

ALL, and many others, have got their names from the place it was discovered and the tradition continues to this day.

But somehow liberals like AOC and others are calling for the use of , or to be racists. All while the Chinese government has an active conspiracy theory propaganda claiming COVID-19 originated in the USA.

Let THAT sink in.



Check out the INTRO for episode 5!!
You can listen to the full episode Monday March 16th.


Check out a small clip of Episode 5 to be released tomorrow, March 16th.

Not to worry. Don’t think they would have much persons assisting anyway. Go do those Cyber Town Hall Meetings that Joe B...

Not to worry. Don’t think they would have much persons assisting anyway. Go do those Cyber Town Hall Meetings that Joe Biden is doing. Rumor has it they are doing a great job with it. 😂

Ante la situaciĂłn de cuidado que presenta la pandemia de la enfermedad Conavid-19 y la incertidumbre que todavĂ­a existe sobre el estado de dicha enfermedad en Puerto Rico, el presidente del Partido Popular DemocrĂĄtico (PPD), AnĂ­bal JosĂŠ Torres, y los directores de campaĂąa de los tres aspirante...

BREAKING‼️ New Travel Rules for ALL AMERICANS returning to the USA following the Euro Travel Ban.

BREAKING‼️ New Travel Rules for ALL AMERICANS returning to the USA following the Euro Travel Ban.


“No Nation is more prepared than the US” President Donald J. Trump.


BREAKING‼️ President Trump suspends all travel from Europe to the USA for a period of 30 days not to include the UK.

If the reason for Senator Tim Kaine’s meeting with Governor Vazquez was to propose tax breaks for the Pharma industry th...

If the reason for Senator Tim Kaine’s meeting with Governor Vazquez was to propose tax breaks for the Pharma industry the Governor did the right thing to turned him down.

NO to corporate welfare and no to tax breaks to these corporations while the local SMEs don’t get the same treatment.

Though coronavirus has only begun to show up in America, it’s already exposed the nation’s serious over-reliance on China for pharmaceutical production. As Washington looks to address that, it shou…



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