O Resistors: A Call to Action Against Treachery and Aggression
As we reflect on the current state of our Ummah, it is critical to remain vigilant. Allah commands us, “O you who have believed, take your precaution…” [An-Nisa; 71], and the events unfolding around us leave no room for heedlessness.
The war may have paused, but it is far from over. The enemy does not rest; his treachery and malice know no bounds. Look at southern Lebanon – where even after the ceasefire, homes were demolished, and new areas were targeted. Agreements mean nothing to this enemy, whose only language is violence. He respects neither resolutions nor treaties, and he will not cease his aggression until he believes he has eliminated every ounce of resistance.
The intention behind this aggression is clear: to prevent any regional power from threatening “Israel’s” dominance and to suppress the liberation of occupied lands. This colonial project, a tool of the West and America, will stop at nothing to erase the resistance. Its goal is to disarm, undermine, and dismantle, using any means necessary—be it military or political.
Link to the rest of the blog in bio (4 min read):