Sometimes you need this kind of therapy! #soothing #therapeutic #colourfull #tryitout #strokes #coloursofindia #colourplay #paint #paintingprocess #saturday #vibing #prettycolours #sopretty #looksgood #magical #colortherapy #unwind #relaxation #satisfying #pleasure #whatasight
Easy cooking!! #anyonecandothis #anyone #easylunch #quick #recipes #eggsforbreakfast #eggs #everyday #healthyfood #ricebowl #carbsarelife #carbs #easytocook #thursday #thursdayvibes #comfortfoods #anytimemeal
Sumptuous meal in a jiffy! #rigatoni #pasta #inamug #mug #quickfix #cheesy #cheesyfood #yummyfood #yummy #carbs #ilovecarbs #mozzarella #goodlooking #fasttocook #goodtoeat #foody #foodlover #carblovers #singleportion #portion #servesone #upsidedown #goodness #bachelors #students #lonely #lazymoms #loveit
Lantern in the dark... #lantern #paperlantern #diyproducts #homedecortips #yellowlight #warmth #prettyshade #handmade #busyhands #lamps #cozyhome #prettylooking #lit #beautiful
Try a different wall art... #green #wallart #innovation #greenthumb #gogreen #creative #creativeideas #somethingnew #different #smartidea #verycreative
Let it snow 🥶🎶
Wishing everyone a great 2022!
#snow #letitsnow #winters #besttimeoftheyear #happydog #newyear2022 #newbeginnings #doitright #snowing #brr #doglife #dogsarethebest #dogsarefunny #cutemoments
Eggs are the best!
Sunny eggs in a nest
#SUNNYEGGS #eggs #breakfasttime #breakfast #newyear #newyear2022 #firstbreakfast #yumtum #quick #overload #goodness #carbsarelife #holidayspirit #quickbite #eggsforbreakfast #prettylooking #foody #2022 #usher #ushering #newbeginnings #happynewyear
Cats are cruel!
Just drinking, if I eat, it's by God's will....
#catsofinsta #catsarecruel #catsofinstagram #catsarecute #catsarelife #catslife #clever #smartass #fish #foodplay #waterpool #justdrinking #drinking #drinkingproblem #catsareevil #myfood #lovefish #catfood #happynewyear
Tacos for today!
Taco Tuesday!
#letstacoboutit #tacos #tacos🌮 #blackbeans #avocado #yummybites #tuesday #veganmeal #veganlife #quick #quickbite #quicktomake #goodtoeat #grababite #crispy #tortilla #tacobite
Mask Up
Mask up everyone, we are still going through the pandemic..
#maskup #staysafeandhealthy #staysafeathome #pandemic #pandemiclife #itsnotover #lol #sweet #beresponsible #newbeginnings #healthfirst
Chocolate overload!
Very Merry Christmas
#merrychristmas #joytotheworld #chocolatecake #chocolateoverloadcake #looksgood #fulloflove #strawberry #dippedtreats #indulgence #sweetnothings #sweettoothforever #sugaroverload #enjoyinglife #enjoy #bondingoverfood #stayhappy #staysafeandhealthy
Slaying the sleigh
Best part of the year!!
#snow #dogslife #funtimes #sliding #bestseason #chritsmasiscoming #somuchfun #bestlife #loveit #winterfun #slayingit #slay #sleigh #sleightofhand #couldntbehappier #merrychristmas #staysafeandhealthy #gratitude