It is believed that two East Coast, Lincolnshire businesses, one being a plumbing and heating business and the other a cleaning and valeting business are under a serious investigation.
The investigation is on going and has been underway for over 10 months after a huge tip off 18 months prior. The businesses currently can not be named due to the pending investigation.
Both businesses are believed to be financed through the funding of Class A Drugs and VAT Evasion.
Lincolnshire Police says "there is no way that these businesses were setup legitimately and very likely still operate 100% legitimately. Many businesses like these are setup regularly and funded by the proceeds of crime to tidy up dirty money. It will not be tolerated. We will do our best to prevent and stop this activity".
HM Customs and Excise also said "every single penny that both businesses have had to establish and run the businesses will have to be accounted for. Any discrepancies will thoroughly investigated".
The investigation will be ongoing with no estimated time of conclusion.
More to follow