In the coming weeks we will be focusing on the Kakure (Hidden) Christians of Japan during the Sengoku Era.
To prepare for that I thought I might talk about important things to know.
Firstly lets talk about Fumi-e (踏み絵). Fumi-e are icons depicting Jesus and the Virgin Mary. The government would ask the population to step on these images to determine whether or not they were Christian.
Those who refused were often martyred. However it is said some Christians who stepped on the images , later boiled their sandals and ate them to seek God's forgiveness.
You can see that the icons themselves don't have clear faces and seem like basic shapes. This is because they were worn out over time 😔
Hopefully in the future we will discuss more about the Kakure Christians on the Copt Cast. Truly they are a great inspiration to me for many reasons.
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