Fck Around and Find Out

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Fck Around and Find Out Just a cyborg in the back of the room, throwing spitballs at the guvment.


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All of the school shootings (K-12 and higher ed) so far in 2024.

The sound of gunfire, off in the distance. I'm getting used to it now.


On today’s episode of “F**k Around and Find Out”:

MAGA and their leader, the Confather, are doing everything they can to turn a floppy disk into a hard drive.

Ain’t working.

The wolves are at the door, but it’s clear that the Republican party is sinking under its own weight of collective bu****it, just as Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) predicted, and yet, the MAGAts are full steam ahead.

Buzzards are circling the Confather’s political career, and he knows it. The miserable misanthrope got into the disco dust again and wrote a panicked screed on Truth Social today and remember, GORILLATYPE means he is truly filling his diapers.

One small point of order: he does not represent the nation in this case. That would be Alvin Bragg.

Failing nation? The only thing that’s failing is his Presidential campaign. They’re spending lots of money on ads in Pennsylvania and Georgia (although today’s events might conspire to work against them and more on that below) but nothing in New Hampshire. According to a campaign staffer’s memo, they believe New Hampshire is “unwinnable” so they’re taking their toys and going home. Deep Throat was right: Follow the money. Does that make me Deep Throat? Do we want to continue this line of discussion? No. No, we do not.

Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind, and a guilty conscience needs to confess. (Two for one today: Shakespeare and Camus). The very stable genius just seriously miscalculated and played, once again, into the Gunslinger’s hands (that would be Jack Smith, for all you new readers) by admitting he lost the “horrible, horrible” 2020 election. Granted, he said he lost “by a whisker” and he’s saying that one of his advisors told him “If I got 63 million [votes], which is what I got the first time, you, you, you would win. You can’t not win. And I got millions of more votes than that, and, and, lost by a whisker”. It’s an admission. He also said, elsewhere, that “We got the most votes of anybody, of any sitting President in history, and he beat us by a whisker” so he’s moved on from Hannibal Lecter and is now obsessed with whiskers and Jesus Christ what am I doing with my life that I just typed that sentence?
On Sunday, he also bragged to Faux News that his poll numbers go up everytime he’s indicted, when he was maintaining that he had every right to overthrow the election.

So that means that he knows he lost the election and tried to overthrow it just because he lost and not because he thinks it was “rigged and stolen” from him so he’s guilty and what we have here, kittens, is a failure to communicate. Moral immutability? Get out of here with those SAT words.

And these words, as I said, just give the Gunslinger that much more ammo. These words out of his “rancid piehole”, as Glenn Kirschner put it, were said out of court, but they aren’t hearsay. They’re admissible. There are exceptions to hearsay and one is if “The statement is offered against an opposing party and was made by the party in an individual or representative capacity.” It’s a statement being offered against an opponent, and so it’s admissible because Jabba the Butt is the party in this little scenario. He’s the White House roach and Jack Smith is the can of Raid.

It’s being muttered that some MAGAts—not many, but some—are questioning, in the wake of his admission, why they bought into the “stop the steal” movement. Why they stormed the Capitol. Why any of them went to jail. Why any of them died. As Nick Fuentes said—yes, that Nick Fuentes who has an interesting description by the Southern Poverty Law Center—“I don’t regret anything, and we all make our choices and look, it didn’t work out… I’m saying, that just goes to show what a tremendous betrayal it is. It’s just such a callous indifference to the sacrifices his supporters make on his behalf.”
Give me love for having to listen to this guy, because his voice is truly grating. He’s got charisma, though. I’ll give him that.

There’s something happening here. What it is ain’t exactly clear. There’s a man with a gun over there, telling me I got to beware.

Shooting season is open. Today, just about a month after school began, we have our first school shooting of the semester and 35th of the year. 4 people are confirmed dead and at least 9 others injured at Apalachee high school in Winder, GA (about an hour from Atlanta). The suspect is in custody, and right now no one knows more than that.

And you know what’s fu**ed? As I’m typing this I’m thinking “Oh, only four people died.” Only four people. I don’t know what that says about me, or how callous I apparently am, but I think it’s rather telling and I guarantee I’m not the only person who thought that. We are so accustomed to school shootings now. And even after their Presidential nominee was apparently the victim of an assassination attempt with an AK-47, there is still an utter refusal by the GOP to talk about perhaps making assault rifles just a teensy bit more difficult to obtain.

Why were those students shot and killed? CRT? Reading “To Kill a Mockingbird”? The existence of our LGBTQ friends among us?

Doubtful. But should it really matter why they were killed and why thirteen families are mourning?

How many deaths will it take ‘til we know that too many people have died?

That’s all I have for you today, kittens.

“It’s a sad, sad story when a mother will teach her daughter that she ought to hate a perfect stranger. How in the world...

“It’s a sad, sad story when a mother will teach her daughter that she ought to hate a perfect stranger. How in the world can the words that I said send somebody so over the edge that they’d write me a letter saying that I better shut and sing or my life will be over?”

--the Chicks, "Not Ready to Make Nice"
You can read the rest over on Substack or Patreon.

Liberal political commentary, journalism, satire, current events


“An evil man will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes.”
—Sun Tzu


On today’s episode of “F**k Around and Find Out”:

Crossroads, will you ever let them go?

We are in a battle for the ideological soul of a nation and it’s getting ugly.

November is a vote for what you want your country to look like, yes, but it’s also a vote for what you want your country to have learned since 2016 and how those lessons are applied. Are they honored, so that they can never be repeated? Or is it a quick third rate romance, low rent rendez-vous that we never want to speak of ever again, like how you talk about your ex that liked to dress his cats up in Star Trek costumes?

I spent my weekend fending off trolls and thousands of Russian bots on Facebook that have targeted my page. I finally limited comments to “established followers only” but that doesn’t stop them from sending me message requests and they were not nice. I can block them, but I still get the message request and what it says and there’s nothing else I can do.

And it’s not just me. Many of the other political commentary pages and groups are getting it too. We’re doing something right; a friend of mine said “they don’t want people who are undecided leaning towards Kamala and crew, and the way you very bluntly showcase great f**kery in a way that makes it difficult to explain away the shenanigans in any kind of favorable light makes yours a voice they want shushed.” My very wise and talented friend J. She’s right. We are hitting a nerve. Thus the outpouring of memes and pictures and just general clusterf**kery because they are terrified.

If the GOP was architecture, it would be Brutalism. A cold, forbidding, unwelcoming landscape of dull colors and sharp edges. I’m struck by the Soviet-style grimness of the messages and replies I got. And the anger. So much anger. It seethes off the page. Then a friend posted some clips from the Democratic National Convention and it was like when Dorothy opens the door in Oz and it goes from black and white to glorious color. Joy, hope, light.

So what do cockroaches do when they’re having a rodeo in the kitchen and you turn on the light? They scatter.

I’m doing something right. We are doing something right. Our joy and our belief and our optimism are the Patronus to their Dementors. It’s hitting a nerve. It also means we are on the right path. I’d say about 80% of the comments I got this weekend were Russian bots. What was their purpose? To sow discord and distrust and make it seem as if there are many, many more MAGAts than there actually are. They’re out there, oh yes. But not in the numbers the Russians would have us think. Russia (and I’m speaking of Putin’s government here and not the Russian people because they are awesome) wants us to lose hope. Putin wants his puppet back in power. I do not know why Russia can’t turn its energies into helping the people of the country; it wants to conquer but then how will it maintain things if it manages to do so? The resources aren’t there.

MAGAts only know fear and intimidation, so of course they think it works on other people. Fear certainly works on them: fear of immigrants, fear of equality, fear of diversity. That’s what the party campaigns on. So that’s the tactic they adopt when trying to shut others up. But there’s a small hitch in their giddy-up: I do not scare easy. I’ve faced far, far worse people and things than in**ed snotswallowers from Cousinbang, MS. (yeah, that’s gonna be a thing for a while. Deal with it). Fame costs, and here’s where I start paying. The irony here is that they're using their freedom of speech to try to keep me from using mine.

I’m not going to shut up. I’m going to keep doing what I do, along with many others, because we’re like whack-a-moles: hit one and another pops up. The truth now lies with the content creators and independent journalists because no one owns us and no one tells us what to do. CNN, WaPo, the Gray Lady: all once beacons of journalistic integrity but now sadly compromised by the slanted rhetoric of their owners. The DNC gave a lot of their press passes to that group. We can tell you what’s what, and we also understand the responsibility we have when you place your trust in us. That’s how it used to be, in the days of Cronkite and Murrow. Just the facts, ma’am.

If you like independent journalism and want to support it, please consider a PAID subscription to Substack or Patreon (link in first comment). I love what I do but it occupies a considerable amount of time and effort, because I want to do it right and I want to give my best because my standards of myself are pretty high, and it’s no less than what you deserve, kittens. They aren’t going to scare me off, just as they aren’t scaring off others who do what I do. I’m going to have to be more careful now, of course, and if you send me a friend request, send me a message letting me know that you’re cool and you’re sending a request, so I know it’s okay to accept. I have to be careful about what I say about my personal life, but my personal FB page has all of that, boring though it is.

This is the world we live in. And these are the hands we’re given. Use them and let’s start trying to make this a place worth fighting for.

That’s all I have for you today. Remember those who sacrificed on this Labor Day. Freedom isn’t free, and we are being reminded of it. Here’s where the bill comes due and we’re going to get scuffed up along the way.

That’s all I have for you today, kittens.


Paging the Gunslinger (Jack Smith). Trump took Putin’s peen out of his mouth tonight long enough to tell Faux News: “Who ever heard, you get indicted for interfering in a presidential election where you have every right to do it, you get indicted and your poll numbers go up? When people get indicted, their poll numbers go down.”

The incarnation of the clap confesses once again.

We shall overcomb! Trumplethinskin, of course, was pi**ed off about this. I’m sure he threw an epic mantrum and went thr...

We shall overcomb! Trumplethinskin, of course, was pi**ed off about this. I’m sure he threw an epic mantrum and went through a case of ketchup and a box of diapers. So weird. If you like snarky political commentary, you’ve come to the right place. Check out previous posts because if you like this picture, you’ll like what I have to say.

Absolutely true. Sesame Street knew.

Like my yard sign? (Yes I know my flower beds look like a trap house. The lantana all died).

Like my yard sign? (Yes I know my flower beds look like a trap house. The lantana all died).


On today’s episode of “F**k Around and Find Out”:

Sigh. The great Orangholio needs lots of TP for his bungholio.

Nickelback. The Village People. ABBA. Lynryd Skynryd. Isaac Hayes. Guns n Roses. Foo Fighters. Prince. Neil Young. Adele. The Rolling Stones. Pink. Queen. REM. Elton John. Ariana Grande. David Bowie. Miley Cyrus. Rihanna. Billy Joel. Cher. Kenny Rogers. Lorde. Beyonce. The Black Eyed Peas. Stevie Nicks. Simon and Garfunkel. The Killers. John Fogerty. Rage Against the Machine. Celine Dion. Tom Petty. Jack White. Twisted Sister.

What do all those artists have in common? They (or their estates), have all told Orangholio to stop using their music at his rallies, even the pitiful ones down in Cousinbang, MS.

But would we expect a man such as he, and those he attracts, to pay attention to silly little things like rules and regulations and doing what’s right. Consent? What’s that? And if he can’t get consent for public things like playing someone’s music, he sure isn’t about to get consent from a 13-year-old girl to take her virginity.

More s**t rolling downhill from his and his staff’s antics at Arlington Memorial Cemetery, and, uh, it’s not good. The Army is pi**ed, and they said as much in a very terse statement: “Participants in the August 26th ceremony and the subsequent Section 60 visit were made aware of federal laws, Army regulations and DoD policies, which clearly prohibit political activities on cemetery grounds. An ANC employee who attempted to ensure adherence to these rules was abruptly pushed aside. Consistent with the decorum expected at ANC, this employee acted with professionalism and avoided further disruption. The incident was reported to the JBM-HH police department, but the employee subsequently decided not to press charges. Therefore, the Army considers this matter closed."

This is a Big Fu***ng Deal. The Army (or anyone associated with the Pentagon) rarely issues statements like this. They have to be seen as non-partisan, so they very, very rarely address anything political but this was so egregious, they had to. Pi***ng off the military? You sure you want to do that?

Orangholio claims he had permission from the family to take the picture. But he didn’t have permission from the families of those in the many graves around him. Dealing in debt and stealing in the name of the Lord. Only taste the man has is Putin’s peen.

He stood there, giving his stupid thumbs up pose with his s**t-eating grin, campaigning over corpses. You know, surrounded by suckers and losers. And some of them died in the Afghanistan withdrawal that he was responsible for. I do admit, however, that I’d pose with a thumbs up and s**t-eating grin over a certain grave when his portrait in the attic finally warps and fades into an unrecognizable monster.

Then he doubled down, and now he’s picking a fight with the military. Trump campaign manager Chris LaCivita fired a shot across the bow yesterday, sharing a campaign video of Orangholio at the cemetary and writing “Reposting this hoping to trigger the hacks at .” Someone get la chancla after him, will you?

He’s the anti-King Midas, because everything he touches turns to s**t. King M***e, perhaps.

Oh, and special thanks to Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House, who apparently arranged this little soiree.


Hillbilly Vanilli (J.D.Vance) spoke to the International Association of Firefighters yesterday in Boston and it, uh, it did not go well, and I know you are shocked, kittens. Dude just keeps rolling 1s on his charisma checks. Tim Walz had spoken to the same group the day before, so apparently the campaign has Vance following Walz around and enjoying his sloppy seconds. I don’t know, kittens. It’s getting a little stalkery. Maybe he should get a boom box and stand beneath Walz’s window playing “In Your Eyes”.

As soon as he took the mic and said “Thank you, guys” the booing began. He hadn’t even said anything at the point. That’s how unpopular he is. It shook him for a second, and then he said “Semper Fi, guys. Sounds like we’ve got some fans and some haters, that’s okay. Listen to what I have to say here, and I’ll make my pitch.”
About as useful as t**s on a boar.

He could make a pitch like that one guy does in that episode of Twilight Zone, where Death is waiting to take that little girl and dude’s trying to save her. Still wouldn’t work.

The audience of firefighters had all voted to endorse Biden in 2019, so I’m not sure who thought Hillbilly Vanilli would be able to shift their allegiances. Heterosectional can’t even buy donuts.

Seeming to forget that he was talking to actual working people, when he said “Now, President Trump and I are proud to be the most pro-worker Republican ticket in history, and I want to talk about why we’re fighting for working people,” he really got booed. Loud and long.

His awkwardness and utter inability to read the room and deviate from his prepared remarks was really on display. I’ve done a lot of public speaking and theatre, and the most useful skill you can have is the ability to think on your feet, riff off of what’s going on, and improv because you never know what the audience will do. Oh, and he was full of s**t, too, saying that Orangholio was “different kind of Republican and under his leadership, the Republican Party is the party of the American worker.”
Really? He says the Trump/Vance ticket would be the most pro-worker ticket ever. I don’t know. That’s like being the most vegetarian piranha fish ever.

He then talked about the Republican National Convention: “It says a lot who each party chose to put up on that stage. At the Republican convention we were featuring everyday American workers—and of course, we had Hulk Hogan. And while it’s tempting, and I’m sure it would make some big headlines, don’t worry any-ev-everybody I’m not going to try to take off my shirt here—” And the crowd just stared at him with jury’s eyes while crickets chirped. A double bill of John Wayne Gacy and Ed Gein would have gotten a better reception. It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose.

Vance isn’t mechanical, like Ron DeSantis, who seems to be some kind of alien morphed into a human suit that he doesn’t quite know how to work. He’s just awkward with the charisma of a package of dried lentils. It was like something out of Borat (which would have been far more entertaining). But he’s self-aware enough to realize that he’s circling the drain as he speaks, and you can see it in his face and his posture and that weird little pe**ee dance where he shuffles his feet behind the lectern.

I get that he’s following Walz around for some reason but sending him to blue strongholds like Boston? I have a theory: his and Orangholio’s staff hate them as much as we do. Like who came up with the idea of sending Agent Orange to speak to black journalists? Who said “Oh, yes, this is a fine idea!”? Someone buy that person a beer with a Drano chaser. Or maybe not. Let them run the campaign into the ground.

And it’s ironic that his speech was such a dumpster fire because, in that room of firefighters, not a one of them would have been willing to put it out.

That’s all I have for you today, kittens.


On today’s episode of “F**k Around and Find Out”:

Strange things are afoot in the land of cotton, where old times there are not forgotten. Some MAGAts on the Georgia election board are trying to pull some shady s**t, and now Republican Governor Brian Kemp is asking the state Attorney General if he can remove them.

His actions come after three of the five-person board passed a set of rules that would add extra requirements before county election boards could certify their results. The new rules state that election boards must make a “reasonable inquiry” before certifying the election. But they do not state what a “reasonable inquiry” would entail. County election boards also have to hold a meeting on the Friday after election day but there’s one small hitch in that giddy-up: the ballot return deadline for overseas citizens and the military isn’t until after that date. It’s a blatant attempt to subvert election results by delaying certification and fostering disputes over the election results. It may be the devil, or it may be the Lord, but you’re gonna have to serve somebody.

The three members, Janelle King, Rick Jeffares, and Janice Johnston, were recently lauded as “pit bulls fighting for honesty, transparency and victory” by IQ45. In ceremonies of the horsemen, even the pawn must hold a grudge.

As a result, and given that at least 19 election officials have refused to certify election results in Georgia since 2020, the Democratic party has filed a lawsuit challenging the rules. Quentin Fulks, Kamala’s deputy campaign manager, said “For months, MAGA Republicans in Georgia and across the country have been trying to lay the groundwork to challenge the election results when they lose again in November. Certifying an election is not a choice, it’s the law. A few unelected extremists can’t just decide not to count your vote. That’s why we have won case after case in court, fending off MAGA efforts to chip away at our democracy. We will win this case, too, and keep fighting so that every eligible voter can confidently cast their vote knowing it will count.”

Speaking of elections, the Gunslinger (Jack Smith) has filed a superseding indictment against IQ45 (basically, he amended the indictment so it supersedes the original), accusing the bloated orange monstrosity of resisting the peaceful transfer of power after the 2020 election and other fun interference activities in the wake of the 2020 election. Re-indicted and it feels so good. In the wake of SCOTUS’s bu****it ruling about Presidential immunity, in which the Court ruled that the charges against IQ45 could not be tied to conduct related to his official responsibilities as president, the Gunslinger now says IQ 45 used his role as a candidate for office—not as POTUS—to overturn election results. IQ45 getting clowned everywhere he turns and I’m loving this for him. It’s not dark yet, but it’s getting there.

Given that Amy Coathanger Barrett said, in a concurring opinion on the Presidential immunity ruling, that she believed Trump's alleged attempt to organize false slates of electors is private activity and "therefore not entitled to protection”, this one might just go somewhere. IQ45’s lawyers, in their defense of his actions, opened the door to the Gunslinger when they maintained that some of the acts contained in the indictment entailed "private" conduct that could not be shielded from criminal charges, such as those involving outside lawyers who helped execute the alleged scheme to submit fraudulent slates of electors.

How are they going to even try to wriggle out of that one? The Gunslinger is using their words, and some of the SCOTUS justices, against them. This means that he went before a grand jury, without the evidence that SCOTUS disallowed, (like the conspiring with federal officials and Jeffrey Clark at the DOJ who was willing to pursue the fake election claims if made Attorney General; the new indictment doesn’t mention the DOJ at all) and this evidence was so strong that the grand jury indicted him anyway.

More genius on the Gunslinger’s part: by filing a superseding indictment, he can forgo a possible evidentiary hearing in the case that would have forced prosecutors to publicly reveal the evidence they collected against Trump ahead of trial. Talk about an ace up your sleeve.

I don’t know, kittens. I might have a little crush on the Gunslinger. He can indict me any time he likes. He’s pretty much exactly my type. But likely married.

Predictably, IQ 45 is melting down like Chernobyl and screaming about “election interference” and y’all, he is FREAKING OUT. He’s more scared than I’ve ever seen him. He keeps pushing that boulder called the 2024 election up that hill and just as he reaches the top, it rolls down. Fitting curse for him. Not the worst curse I can think of for a creature such as he, but I’ll take it.

IQ45 is blaming Biden for the chaos of the Afghanistan withdrawal despite hosting the Taliban at Camp David (so you know there was some quid pro quo and are the lambs still screaming, Clarice?), but someone has stepped up and said “Not so fast, buckaroo,” and I didn’t see this one coming. The shadowy former national security advisor and retired Lt. General H.R. McMaster told CNN Monday night that Trump, while president, sought to negotiate with the Taliban as U.S. troops began leaving Afghanistan, which undermined the Afghan government. As a result, the U.S. government forced the Afghan government to release 5,000 members of the Taliban. He’s written a book—smart move, since IQ45 can’t read it—and also claims that Putin was easily able to manipulate IQ45 by playing on his “ego and insecurities” which is pretty much Basic Politics 101, and most people cotton on to the fact that people are pi***ng on their leg and telling them it’s raining in about fifth grade. Most people. McMaster also described Oval Office meetings as “exercises in competitive sycophancy” and I’m sorry but that phrase has me living. Oh! Oh! Oh! Mr. Kotter!

Earlier this month, another former national security advisor, John Bolton, said that IQ45 “can’t tell the difference between what’s true and what’s false” and, well, yeah, no s**t, Sherlock.
Former White House chief of staff John Kelly said that IQ45 is “a person that has no idea what America stands for and has no idea what America is all about.… A person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law. There is nothing more that can be said. God help us.”
He’s right.

Moving on to the next chapter in this modern-day tale of Ozymandias: “Cemetery management retains the right to approve, disapprove or halt filming or photography that interferes with normal cemetery operations, violates a family’s expressed desire for privacy or depicts VA inaccurately and/or Veterans negatively. Political or partisan activities of any nature, including filming of campaign ads, are not permitted on cemetery grounds.”

That’s from the VA, regarding filming and photography at places like Arlington National Cemetery. I bring this up because two of IQ45’s campaign staff had an altercation there yesterday, verbal and physical.
IQ45 was there to lay a wreath. A “source with knowledge of the incident” said a cemetery official tried to prevent staff from filming and photographing an area where recent U.S. casualties are buried, known as Section 60. When said official tried to stop his staff from entering the area, they “verbally abused and pushed the official aside” and of course we believe the cemetery staff.

Dig it: Steven Cheung, IQ 45’s campaign spokesman says “The fact is that a private photographer was permitted on the premises and for whatever reason an unnamed individual, clearly suffering from a mental health episode, decided to physically block members of President Trump’s team during a very solemn ceremony.” But he declined to make the footage available.
Bow down before the one you serve. You’re going to get what you deserve.

Footage that was from an area where there’s not supposed to be any footage? People call, say “Beware, doll, you’re bound to fall”, you thought they were kidding you. Now you don’t talk so loud. Now you don’t seem so proud.

Arlington National Cemetery put out a statement and said they can “confirm there was an incident, and a report was filed.” And I’m betting there was press there.

That’s all I have for you today, kittens.


Here's an excerpt from today's column over on Substack (Tuesdays and Thursdays are subscriber-only) that I thought you might enjoy, because I had a lot of fun writing it.

And could prison be in the future for RFK Jr? For this next bit, just call me Ishmael. This is a story courtesy of his daughter, Kick, told in 2012. When she was 6, a whale had washed ashore in Hyannisport, so her father, Captain Ahab, drove to the beach and was all “Free Willy!” and cut the whale’s head off with a chainsaw (and that must have been a lot of work.) Wonder if he was singing sea shanties. Then Ahab Lite attached said head to the top of the car with bungee cords for a five-hour drive to Mount Kisco, NY, as you do, and, according to Kick, “Every time we accelerated on the highway, whale juice would pour into the windows of the car, and it was the rankest thing on the planet. We all had plastic bags over our heads with mouth holes cut out, and people on the highway were giving us the finger, but that was just normal day-to-day stuff for us.” Admiral! There be whales in here! I love how matter-of-fact she is about the whole thing, because that means Ahab Lite has done lots weirder stuff and why his family tolerates him I will never know and also, close the goddamn windows. What’s next? A horse head in Beelzebubba’s (JD Vance) bed? Angels and ministers of grace, defend us. I do admit to snickering at “whale juice”. The newest summer drink from Sonic. (For those not in the U.S., I refer to the awesome fast food chain. The tater tots and cherry limeades are off the charts and they have old-fashioned carhops bring you your food and if you’re lucky, you can listen to Wolfman Jack on the radio. Yeah, I’m old. F**k you.)

I looked to see if the story was false, but it seems to be legit. I’ll admit that RFK Jr cutting off a whale’s head with a chainsaw and strapping it to the top of the car in some weird Wish version of Moby Dick was not on my 2024 Election Bingo card, but somehow, I think things are going to get even stranger. I mean, who thought something would be stranger than brain worms, right? The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out, the worms play pinochle on your snout.

Now the Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund says he might have committed a felony for transporting said whale head. They’re urging NOAA to look into the matter. Maybe NOAA can name a hurricane after him or something. Justice for dead cetaceans!

I know not all that may be coming, but be what it will, I’ll go to it laughing.

What’s the deal with the Republican fe**sh for men who commit felonies? It makes the baby Jesus cry, and RFK’s brain must look like the inside of an ant colony after the brain worms have done their work. He’s a creep. He’s a weirdo. What the hell’s he doing here? He don’t belong here.

You know the aliens are laughing and pointing at the TV and going “Honey! Come here and look at this! Can you believe the s**t they’re up to now? And bring the big bong!”

I wanna be sedated.




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