Fck Around and Find Out

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Fck Around and Find Out Just a cyborg in the back of the room, throwing spitballs at the guvment.


A snippet from today's FAFO, over on Substack for my paid subscribers.

But they’re forgetting, in the words of Bob Dylan, that when you got nothing, you got nothing to lose.

They’re pushing the American people further than they’ve ever been pushed. There’s still some shock at just how harsh and unfeeling and blatantly dishonest this all is. It’s beyond belief, isn’t it? We are seeing the absolute worst of America, and we’re seeing the absolute worst of humanity: the grift, the toxic incel “masculinity”, the greed, the arrogance, the absolute lack of any sort of empathy towards other fellow human beings.

Musky and his pendejo Pinocchio aren’t going to stop. They won’t stop until they are forced to stop. And when people start going hungry—the prices at HEB (grocery store) had gone up sharply when I went last night—and they can’t pay their bills or their mortgages or put gas in their cars and when Phony Stark eliminates FDIC insurance so that he can cause a run on the banks and make DOGEcoin the new monetary standard, people are going to fight back. They want to dismantle Medicaid, and Medicare and SS are right behind. We can’t depend on Congress to help us. I know that many are doing what they can, via the legal system, but the legal system isn’t on their side. We are on our own.

But we’ve been on our own before, although it was a long time ago. But that innate independence that marks American citizens is still there. And even Republicans are going to start whining when their businesses suffer because there aren’t any workers to hire because they’ve all been deported.

It’s going to be ugly. It’s going to be hard. It’s going to hurt. But the harder it is to do som**hing, the better success feels. Americans aren’t afraid of hard work. We aren’t afraid of much. It won’t be long –six months maybe—before they finally go too far and we really start feeling the effects of the f**kery at the hands of Phony Stark and Tinyhands McRaperson. It’s going to suck, but they’re going to go the way of dictators before them. Think about it: does it ever end well for a dictator?

Anger is growing, and it’s still pretty underground. It’s not super overt, but it will be. So what can you do to get your country back? Above all: do not comply in advance. Be smart. Be aware.

I mean, Bobby Brainworm is head of health in our country, and the Count of Mostly Crisco is the new head of the Kennedy Center (lots of artists have resigned as a result; Ben Folds and Renee Fleming are two of them). What do we have to look forward to? “Birth of a Nation: the Musical”?

“And if I laugh at any mortal thing, ‘tis that I may not weep.” –Lord Byron

That’s all I have for you today, kittens.


On today’s episode of “F**k Around and Find Out”:

“I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat.”—Will Rogers

Sorry I’ve been out, kittens. I’ve been doing shows literally nonstop since July (a show would end on Sunday and the next Monday were rehearsals for the next one) and I guess it caught up with me and I got sick. But I’m back (and taking a break for a while). Did you miss me?

I guess I’ve got a lot to catch up with, what with Co***ne Bear running the country (and I refer to the man in the Oval Office).

First off, the First Circuit Court of Appeals denied the Traitor Tot’s emergency motion to block the court order lifting the foreign aid funding freeze, because his team “failed to justify a need for such an extreme measure”. The judges said “The defendants do not cite any authority in support of their administrative stay request, or identify any harm related to a specific funding action or actions that they will face without their requested administrative stay.”

This isn’t the first time that the judiciary branch has done its job and put a check on FOTUS’s powers (Felon of the United States). He’s getting cockblocked all over, including a ruling that blocks DOGE’s access to Treasury records. In response to that, Beelzebubba (JD Vance) posted “If a judge tried to tell a general how to conduct a military operation, that would be illegal. If a judge tried to command the attorney general in how to use her discretion as a prosecutor, that’s also illegal. Judges aren’t allowed to control the executive’s legitimate power.” Maybe he’s born with it. Maybe it’s Maybelline. Besides, his usefulness is over. Traitor Tot already said Beelzebubba would not be his successor.

I guess Vance wants FOTUS to rule by executive order while he and his band of incels—the Lost Boys—gleefully raid the country’s coffers. Where’s Anonymous?

But what do you suppose he means by “legitimate” power? Judges can certainly intervene when military generals break the law, and the same with attorneys general. And the flurry of lawsuits being filed in response to the many, many executive orders do not question the legitimacy of the executive branch; they’re merely wondering how far that power goes. Beelzebubba seems to think “legitimate” means “unlimited” and yeah, that dog don’t hunt, bro.

Why’d our country come to be what it is? It came about in response to a monarch and his unlimited power. And the resulting Constitution laid forth the separation of powers into the three branches (executive, legislative, and judiciary).

Is Beelzebubba saying we should abandon the Constitution, like some musty couch by the roadside? Just abandon all checks and balances? Toss them in a random drawer like a dried up old eyeliner?

FOTUS, and all elected officials, serve with the consent of the governed. We the people got together and we theoretically chose our Congresscritters, and the inhabitant of the Oval Office. At least, that’s how it used to work, before Elno Musky bought the election so that he could gleefully plunder the nation’s treasury because surely that’ll increase his dick size.

Consent of the governed means “a government’s legitimacy and moral right to use state power is justified and lawful only when consented to by the people or society over which that political power is exercised.”

So if the executive branch is trying to do an end run around the Constitution, maintaining that it isn’t “legitimate”, then their power isn’t either, because any power they have derives from the document they’re trying to negate. So we don’t have to obey them. Nor does the military. Nor does the judicial branch. Or the legislative branch.

“The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” –James Madison, Federalist Paper No. 47

Elno Musky maintains that “The people voted for major government reform. There should be no doubt about that. That was—on the campaign, the President spoke about that at every rally, that the people voted for government reform, and that’s what they’re going to get. They’re going to get what they voted for.”
He said that to reporters while standing in the Oval Office, right next to the Resolute Desk, in his South African accent (which I will admit is pretty cool). He crashed the reporters’ meeting with the Traitor Tot and it was very clear who’s running the government now.

As to DOGE, Musky said “We were talking about adding common sense controls that should be present, uh, that haven’t been present… It’s not draconian or radical, I think, it’s, it’s really just saying ‘let’s look at each of these expenditures and say is this in the best interest of the people. If it is, it’s approved, if it’s not, we should think about it.’”

Fine. Let’s get the lawyers and accountants in there to audit the stuff—instead of Musky and his incel techbros.

But then he said som**hing interesting as his child (the other person in the room wearing diapers) wiped boogers on the Resolute Desk. “Some of the things I say will be incorrect and should be corrected. So nobody’s going to bat a thousand. Any—we will make mistakes… We got—we are moving fast, so we will make mistakes. We will also fix the mistakes very quickly.”

Okay, when I make a mistake, I buy the wrong kind of kitchen fixture lightbulbs at Lowe’s. Or I order a three-inch frying pan online. I mess up my math and the bank teller lets me know I added up my deposit slip incorrectly.

But nobody suffers. Nobody goes hungry. Nobody is cold because they can’t pay their bills or feed their family.

Look at all the funding cut for biomedical research. Money that was intended to pay for lab facilities, and staff salaries, and operations. People are going to suffer. Real human beings, who have done no harm to anyone in the White House.

He has absolutely no scale of the damage he’s caused, and he has absolutely no idea or care that these are real people he’s so cavalierly dismissing, while the Traitor Tot looks on, placidly gazing at the hydra he’s inflicted upon this country, without any care or concern. A man who sleeps soundly at night, because it’s easy to do that when you don’t have a soul.

Do his many government contracts—worth billions of dollars- pose a conflict of interest? Not at all. “All of our actions are fully public. So if you see anything, you say like ‘hey, wait a second, that doesn’t—that seems like maybe that’s, you know, there’s a conflict there, I—it sounds like people aren’t going to be shy about saying that. They’ll say it immediately.”

Funny how this little audit is killing agencies that would regulate his businesses, like the CFPB and USAID (Starlink investigation).

And DOGE? Aw, shucks, they’re not hiding anything. Honest. “So all of our actions are maximally transparent, in fact, I think there’s been—I don’t know of a case where an organization’s been more transparent than the DOGE organization.” About as transparent as vanta black.

But yet we’re supposed to trust this musky, venal man, and believe him, even though he can’t give specific examples of the inefficiency he speaks of. He speaks in generalities, as does Co***ne Bear, who also threw in a threat to the judiciary. “Hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth, much more than that, in just a short period of time. We want to w**d out the corruption. It seems hard to believe that a judge could say, ‘We don’t want you to do that,’ so, maybe we have to look at the judges. I think it’s a very serious violation.”

Fine. Let’s see the report. I know Congresscritters have been asking for it. I’m asking for it. We’re asking for it. We the people.

Might need to remind them about the whole “consent of the governed” thing, huh?

“Every child had a pretty good shot to get at least as far as their old man got. But som**hing happened on the way to that place. They threw an American flag in our face.” –Billy Joel, “Allentown”

That’s all I have for you today, kittens.


On today's episode of "F**k Around and Find Out":

I'm under the weather today--can't imagine why, considering I haven't had a day off of life for about three weeks--so here's a little time capsule for you, because I wanted you to have som**hing so that you don't forget about me. It's my column from February 10, 2021, and it's really interesting to read, especially in light of where we are today, politically. Let me know what you think.


Dems started off Impeachment 2: Electric Boogaloo yesterday by showing the riot video, interspersed with Trump’s remarks (and a special appearance by Squirtle McTurtle) and it is…som**hing else. Watch it. It is hardcore. It’s hard to watch, and there’s stuff that didn’t make it to broadcast, but every American needs to see it. I saw it on NPR’s home page but you can find it easily. Then watch cat videos. Maybe the famous Zoom call with the dude who has the cat filter on.

So we will start with defense, although it wasn’t much of one. Were I Trumplethinskin, I’d get my money back but I doubt he paid these guys anything. Better Call Saul.
Bruce Caskin, one of the last-minute lawyers, started his remarks off with a little history lesson, pointing out that “If the individual state legislatures didn’t adopt the Constitution, we would not have it.” You don’t say. In other news, water is wet. “This trial is not about trading liberty for security. It’s about suggesting that it’s a good idea that we give up those liberties we have so long fought for.” So basically, he’s saying that Trumplethinskin is facing government reprisal for his words. Despite all advice, they’re leaning on the First Amendment. “We can’t possibly be suggesting that we punish people for political sp*ech.” Political sp*ech is one thing—you’re reading some—but he’s forgetting that not all sp*ech is protected.

Let me say that again for those of you in the back.


I was in radio for years and they drilled this into our heads. (That, and the long version of “Inagodadavida” is great to play when you’re hungover and don’t want to talk on the air.) But I digress. Free sp*ech, kittens! Anything that would incite civil unrest, for example, is not protected. Ergo: you incite civil unrest, the guvment gonna come after you and they are allowed to do so, even if you can’t read the name stitched above your pocket.

I really wish law schools would teach that. Apparently they don’t but they should.
So looks like this argument is dead in the water, and they are sticking with it despite 144 Constitutional scholars waving them off.
I also wish they’d show the Senator’s faces while listening to the arguments. It’d be really interesting.
Castor went on to ditch the “election fraud” defense, saying “We are here because the vast majority of the House does not want to face Donald Trump as a political rival in the future…the American people just spoke. And they just changed administrations.”

And he said som**hing very curious: “I’ll be quite frank with you. We changed what we were going to do on account of that we thought the House managers’ presentation was well done.”

Is that a good legal strategy? I’m honestly asking because all this is way above my pay grade.

That explains his bumbling, rambling, obviously hastily prepared defense.
His audience was not impressed and sources say most of the time they had no idea what the f**k his point was. I watched the whole thing for you, kittens, and I’ve no idea either, really, other than OMG FIRST AMENDMENT, BECKY! Look at her butt.
When asked what he thought of things so far, Castor said said he thought it was a "good day" and said he did not anticipate he would make any strategic changes going forward.

David Schoen decided to address the House’s “insatiable lust for impeachment over the past four years” and I don’t know if he always talks like a squirrel on m**h or if he was just nervous. Work your thing out, girl. To back up his claims of lust, he showed clips of people calling for impeachment of Trumplethinskin in 2017 and 2019, including Maxine Waters, Ilhan Omar, AOC, Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, Van Jones, various legal scholars, and political pundits, without mentioning why they wanted him impeached. He also bashed the rush to impeach, saying it was ‘‘extraordinarily wrong”. Schoen went on to say that “on the day following the January 6 riot, the House leadership cynically sensed a political opportunity to score points against the then-outgoing President Trump.” As 5 people lay dead at the hands of President Trump. They “completed the fastest impeachment in history, according Donald Trump no due process at all.”
But then, this is the guy who was in talks to take over Jeffrey “If they’re old enough to p*e, they’re old enough for me” Epstein’s defense.

According to the Gray Lady, Trumplethinskin’s anger at his attorneys’ performance was a level 8 out of 10. Part of me kind of wishes I’d been Mike Pence’s fly on the wall just to watch that. You know he threw a lamp and shot the TV.

Now onto the offense.
Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), Lead House Impeachment Manager, kicked things off. Joking that he would not subject listeners to a Constitutional law lecture, he pointed out that their case was based on “cold, hard facts” and set forth several precedents for impeachment under unusual circumstances. The framers of the Constitution rejected a January exception, he said, adding that “If we buy that radical argument that President Trump’s lawyers have advanced, we risk allowing January 6 to become our future.” Early state constitutions also supported impeachment of former officials. “Removal was never seen as the exclusive purpose of impeachment in America. The goal was always about accountability, protecting the society and deterring official corruption.” William Davie of North Carolina said, at the [Constitutional] Convention, “If [the President] be not impeachable whilst in office, he will spare no efforts or means whatever to get himself re-elected.” They saw Trump coming a long time ago. A few other notable names did too.
Alexander Hamilton pointed out in Federalist 1 that “The greatest danger to republics and the liberties of the people comes from political opportunists who begin as demagogues and end as tyrants, and the people who are encouraged to follow them.” (My grandmother made me read the Federalist Papers in high school. They haunt me. Explains a lot, doesn’t it?)
Another founding father, John Quincy Adams: “I hold myself, so long as I have the breath of life in my body, amenable to impeachment by [the] House for everything I did during the time I held any public office.”

Rep. Joe Neguse (D-CO), House Impeachment Manager then spoke. Watch this guy. Amazing orater and he’s going to go places. Giving me Cory Booker vibes.�He pointed out that Trump was not impeached for “run of the mill corruption.” He was impeached for inciting a violent insurrection that “desecrated our seat of government.”
He cited many constitutional scholars, and Chuck Cooper, a well known conservative lawyer.
Basically: Impeachment protects American people from officials who abuse their power, who betray them. It exists just for a case like this one. “It is hard to imagine a clearer example of how a President could abuse his office inciting violence against a co-equal branch of government while seeking to remain in power after losing an election.”

Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI), House Impeachment Manager was next. His take was this: Impeachment is not about just removing someone from office. Impeachment exists to protect our Constitutional system “to keep each of us safe. To uphold our freedom. To safeguard our democracy. It achieves that by deterring abuse of the extraordinary power that we entrust to our Presidents.” He also emphasized that the Senate DOES have jurisdiction for impeachment.
The prosecution, he says, will provide evidence that Trump alone is responsible for inciting the assault on the Capitol, and he pointed out that he and his colleagues could well have been killed. “We will also prove that his dereliction of duty, his desire to seek personal advantage from the mayhem, and his decision to issue tweets further inciting the mob… attacking the Vice President already compounded the enormous violence.”

Then he twisted the knife. Savage, and I am here for it.
“We also know how President Trump himself felt about the attack. He told us. Tweet at 6:01:
‘These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!’” I have a feeling all those tweets are going to come back and haunt him, like that weird guy you dated 7 years ago that still texts you every few months out of the blue and won’t get the message.
When that tweet was sent, Cicilline added, “Dozens of police and other law enforcement officers lay battered and bruised and bloody.”

After all this, the vote was 56-44 in favor of the Constitutionality of the whole thing. Six Republicans voted yes, and they are the usual suspects with one surprise.
Bill Cassidy (R-LA) voted yea, and he had previously voted against impeaching Orange Foolius. He changed his vote after Foolius’s legal team did not make a “compelling, cogent case”. "President Trump's team were disorganized. They did everything they could but to talk about the question at hand. And when they talked about it, they kind of glided over almost as if they were embarrassed," Cassidy said.
"One side's doing a great job. And the other side's doing a terrible job on the issue at hand."

The others:
Susan Collins R-ME
Lisa Murkowski R-AK
Ben Sasse R-NE
Mitt Romney R-UT
Pat Toomey R-PA
These guys give me hope. Those I listed above are keeping an eye on their job, and their responsibility and their oath of office. They haven’t let petty partisan squabbling dictate their actions and they should be commended for that. They aren’t afraid of people being held accountable for their actions. They likely risked their careers to do the right thing, and I hope that’s remembered.

Some other reactions to today’s festivities for you:
"The President's lawyer, the first lawyer, just rambled on and on and on and didn't really address the constitutional argument," Sen. John Cornyn of Texas said following the hearing.

Texas Sen. Creepy Cruz said he did not think Trump's representation "did the most effective job."
Both Republicans still voted against proceeding with the trial, further proving that this is a partisan fight, and not a vote for the right reasons. To vote to convict would be recognizing that Trump is the epitome of Republicanism—this is what the party has come to, because they have nothing else but violent rhetoric and lies and misdirection—and they aren’t ready to admit that to themselves. They, too, played a role in the events of January 6, and they know it. They stood by and did not say a word as Trump pushed the boundaries of his office further and further, becoming more and more deranged, until it culminated with an attack on the Capitol. They enabled him, they covered for him, and they refused to hold him accountable or curb his impulses. They know this, but can’t face it. Witness Rand “Perm Weasel” Paul doodling on a pad of paper as the insurrection video played this morning in the House, according to the WaPo. Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) was studying papers in his lap, as were Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Marco Rubio (R-FL). They can’t face up to what they’ve done. Or they just don’t care. Either way, they never will. Don’t pay the ferryman.

What do the police do when they encounter a suspect attacking a person with a weapon? They remove the weapon.

Donald Trump has used his public office as a weapon, and it needs to be taken away from him.

And that’s all I’ve got for you today, kittens.


On today’s episode of “F**k Around and Find Out”: �
As Phony Stark (Elno Musky) blows up the government like one of his cars or his rockets at the behest of the Traitor Tot (the guy infesting the Oval Office), the word is getting out.

Here’s a memo from one of the alphabet agencies that I got hold of. Thought you might dig it. It’s dated January 28, 2025.

“To: [Agency] workforce
Subject: Pause on Special Emphasis Programs and Related Activities and Events

1. The Agency is working internally and with the department to implement the Executive Orders, Ending Radical and Wasteful Government DEI Programs and Preferencing and Initial Recissions of Harmful Executive Orders and Actions, dated January 20, 2025. We are receiving questions across the workforce on the way forward with Special Emphasis Programs, Special Observances, Agency Resource Groups, Affinity Group, and Employee Networking Groups.
2. [The Agency] will pause all activities and events related to Agency Special Emphasis Programs effective immediately and until further notice. Additionally, Special Observances throughout the year by the Command Element, Directorates, and Special Offices are also paused. These include observances related to the following:

January Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday*
February Black History Month
March Women’s History Month
May Holocaust Day/Days of Remembrance
June Pride
19 June Juneteenth*
26 August Women’s Equality Day
15 September-15 October National Hispanic Heritage Month
October National Disability Employment Awareness Month
November National American Indian Heritage Month
*The pause will not affect the federal holidays.

[The Agency] will also pause Agency Resource Groups, Affinity Groups, and Employee Networking Groups, effective immediately and until further notice.”

That’s where it cuts off for me, and I doubt any of us are surprised but this is what’s happening even though the Traitor Tot hasn’t been in office even a month.

Speaking of Executive Order, which he puts out like Moses handing out the tablets, there’s one as of yesterday: “Eradicating Anti-Christian Bias”.

It starts off with lots of whining about Biden and that everyone is a big meanie poo poo head to the poor, persecuted Christians: “My Administration will not tolerate anti-Christian weaponization of government or unlawful conduct targeting Christians. The law protects the freedom of Americans and groups of Americans to practice their faith in peace, and my Administration will enforce the law and protect these freedoms. My Administration will ensure that any unlawful and improper conduct, policies, or practices that target Christians are identified, terminated, and rectified.”

So what’s he gonna do about it? Establish a task force, of course. AG is the chair, with SecState, SecTreas, SecDef, SecLabor, SecHHS, SecHUD, SecEd, SecVA, SecHS (homeland security), the Director of the (very powerful ) Office of Management and Budget, US Representative to the UN, the administrator of the Small Business Administration, director of the FBI, assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, the administrator of FEMA, the chair of the EEOC, and “the heads of such other executive departments, agencies, and offices that the Chair may, from time to time, invite to participate.”

That’s a lot of people to wrangle. The function? “identify any unlawful anti-Christian policies, practices, or conduct by an agency contrary to the purpose and policy of this order.”

But this is ominous, under the function of the task force: “identify deficiencies in existing laws and enforcement and regulatory practices that have contributed to unlawful anti-Christian governmental or private conduct and recommend to the relevant agency head, or recommend to the President, through the Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy and the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, as applicable, appropriate actions that agencies may take to remedy failures to fully enforce the law against acts of anti-Christian hostility, vandalism, and violence;”

For what is a man? What has he got? If not himself, then he has naught. To say the things he truly feels, and not the words of one who kneels.

Oh, and the Russians have all our nuclear information. Yesterday, Energy Secretary Chris Wright gave access to one of Phony Stark’s Lost Boys (23-year-old Luke Farritor, former SpaceX intern) to the DOE’s IT systems, against the advice of general counsel, as Farritor hadn’t undergone a background check. The DOE does not, however, run IT systems for the agency’s labs that control the nuclear stockpile.
There are plans to install another SpaceX network security engineer as the DOE’s new chief information officer.

This is all set dressing, though: confirming Junk Drawer nominees and signing executive orders. These just keep the Traitor Tot happy because he gets to color and play golf and hold rallies. He’s a distraction.

Watch Peter Thiel, Russ Vought, and Tom Homan (whose first wet dream was about ethnic cleansing). They’re running the show. Recognize the distractions for what they are—and you do need to know what they are and what they mean—but don’t for one second believe that Obese Ozymandias is calling the shots. We’re way past that now.

That’s all I have for you today, kittens. (and stop coming for me for using the word “kittens”. Don’t like it? Don’t use it).


This is kinda out of blue f**k nowhere, but why do people assume I am male?


Here's a snip from today's FAFO. You can read the rest at my substack or patreon (links in first comment).

Are you, uh, planning to fly anywhere anytime soon? Like a nice peaceful vacation in Ukraine or Syria? Visit that cute little B&B in the Chernobyl exclusion zone? I’m just throwing this out there for your delectation but once again, Elno Musky has Fixed Everything For Us.

The beady-eyed bandit, known for the many safety features in his cars (such as the Wankpanzer aka Swastikar aka Cybertruck) now has his eyes on the skies as we mere mortals slip the surly bonds of earth to touch the face of God. Yes, he’s telling the world that DOGE is going to make “rapid safety upgrades” to the FAA’s air traffic control systems.

Angels and ministers of grace, defend us.

He wrote about it on X: “With the support of President , the team will aim to make rapid safety upgrades to the air traffic control system.”

For his part, Pumpkin T**s (the man currently infesting the Oval Office) said Musk’s college-age Lost Boys are “very smart people” who should be working in air traffic towers nationwide. Great. Doogie Howser is going to land your plane. Do you feel lucky, punk?

A spokescreature from the White House told reporters “DOGE is fulfilling President Trump’s commitment to making government more accountable, efficient, and, most importantly, restoring proper stewardship of the American taxpayer’s hard-earned dollars. Those leading this mission with Elon Musk are doing so in full compliance with federal law, appropriate security clearances, and as employees of the relevant agencies, not as outside advisors or entities.”

What you talking about, Willis? Musky and his Lost Boys Akash Bobba, Edward Coristine, Luke Farritor, Gautier Cole Killian, Gavin Kliger and Ethan Shaotran all have security clearances now? And they’re not breaking the law? The law that says don’t steal money or access information that’s classified if you’re not one of those classified cats that’s allowed to do so?

If the current denizen of the Oval Office is so concerned about safety, why is he sending air traffic controllers an offer to resign with eight months’ pay? It takes a lot of time and a lot of money to train an air traffic controller, and those with the necessary qualifications and personality to do it are rare. (I’d be horrible at it. “Delta 141 heavy, you’re cleared to land on runway—oh, look, there’s som**hing sparkly on the runway! I think some jewelry fell out of a suitcase!”)

All this because half the voters who took part in the election were upset that a trans girl played pickleball for an hour in a public park three states away from them. So now Musky and the Neckbeards are going to keep planes from crashing into each other. Oh yeah, I’m feeling real safe. They’ll storm the office on Thursday, dismantle the system, switch Angry Birds in for autopilot in every cockpit, and kick back in time to watch the Super Bowl and Kendrick Lamar’s newest diss track.




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