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Mehammed Teshome  - Productivity tips
technical, resources ,
Mental Models.

I don't know who needs to see this, but here it is.- Doom scrolling causes stress.- Overthinking causes stress.- Perfect...

I don't know who needs to see this, but here it is.

- Doom scrolling causes stress.
- Overthinking causes stress.
- Perfection causes stress.

Focus on only:
- 1 thing at a time.
- Simple & achievable goals.
- Productive habits & routine.



Start your week with:• a plan, • a goal, • a routine, • a breakfast, and • a challenge. You got this!

Start your week with:

• a plan,
• a goal,
• a routine,
• a breakfast, and
• a challenge.

You got this!

The Modern Carrier Path... by Dan Koe.

The Modern Carrier Path... by Dan Koe.

The solution to boredom is building.Build a blog.Build a brand.Build a software.Build your body.Build your mind.Build yo...

The solution to boredom is building.

Build a blog.
Build a brand.
Build a software.
Build your body.
Build your mind.
Build your social life.
Build anything.

Doesn't matter if you "don't know how."

That's the entire point.

You learn, act, and discover yourself out of boredom.
—Dan Koe.

“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”     ― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemi...

“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”
― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Freedom is the real goal.The ability to do what you want, with who you want, when you want is what everyone prizes above...

Freedom is the real goal.

The ability to do what you want, with who you want, when you want is what everyone prizes above all else.

ስም፡ Emmersive Learning / ኢመርሲቭ   ይባላል። አላማ፡   የ ኮዲንግ፤ ዌብ ደቨሎፕመንት ፤አሪቲፊሻል ኢንተሊጀንስ አጠቃቀም እና ሌሎች አዳዲስ የቴከ ኮርሶችን በ አማርኛ በማዘጋ...

ስም፡ Emmersive Learning / ኢመርሲቭ ይባላል።

አላማ፡ የ ኮዲንግ፤ ዌብ ደቨሎፕመንት ፤አሪቲፊሻል ኢንተሊጀንስ አጠቃቀም እና ሌሎች አዳዲስ የቴከ ኮርሶችን በ አማርኛ በማዘጋጀት ብዙሃኑን በቀላሉ ማስተማር።

ለምን ?፡ በአማርኛ የተዘጋጁ በቂና ነፃ ኮርስ ስለሌለ ብዙሃኑን ከቤቱ እንዲማር ያስችላል።

NB: የ Emmersive Learning መምህር መሆን ከተፈቀደ ነው።(am not a school teacher.)

Emmersive Learning / ኢመርሲቭ

አሪፉን ሎጎ እስኪ ምረጡ!... ለ Emmersive Learning / ኢመርሲቭ .... ለማታው ውድድር የሚሆን!ሁሉም በ Ai ነው የተሰሩት!

አሪፉን ሎጎ እስኪ ምረጡ!... ለ Emmersive Learning / ኢመርሲቭ .... ለማታው ውድድር የሚሆን!

ሁሉም በ Ai ነው የተሰሩት!

challenge accepted from Birhan Nega Facebook is a great platform for networking, but when it comes to seeking individual...

challenge accepted from Birhan Nega

Facebook is a great platform for networking, but when it comes to seeking individuals who share opportunities, LinkedIn should be your go-to choice. The majority of posts on LinkedIn are centered around offering opportunities and providing valuable advice that aids in career progression.

የዛሬው ውድድር ላይ መምህር ሆነን እንሳተፋለን! ማታ እንዲትመርጡን ስንል በትህትና እንጠይቃለን!-----------------------Coding | Web Development በ ብቃት ለማስተማ...

የዛሬው ውድድር ላይ መምህር ሆነን እንሳተፋለን! ማታ እንዲትመርጡን ስንል በትህትና እንጠይቃለን!

Coding | Web Development

በ ብቃት ለማስተማር አስቢያለሁ ! አሸናፊ እንደምሆን አልጠራጠርም!

ስሙ Emmersive Learning / ኢመርሲቭ ይባላል።

ሰልጀመርኩት ገብታችሁ ቼክ ማድርገ ትችላላልችሁ!😊

በዛውም ለመማር ከፈለጋችሁ ማለት ነው።

ገብታችሁ!...ሳታዩ እንዳትወስኑ😊 ቤተሰብ መሆናችሁንም እንዳትረሱ!

Have a good image of yourselfBelieve in yourself 😍

Have a good image of yourself

Believe in yourself 😍

If you lack creativity, Picasso has a quote for you.“Good artists copy. Great artists steal.”To “steal” simply means tak...

If you lack creativity, Picasso has a quote for you.

“Good artists copy. Great artists steal.”

To “steal” simply means taking multiple great ideas, and combining them in new ways.

When you combine existing ideas in your own way, you create something new.

That’s creativity.

ፓርት -2-----------ምን ላቅድ  እና ልሰራ እችላለሁ ?ይሄ እንደ ሰው ይለያያል። ነገር ግን እንደ ፍሬምወርክ 1. ትምህርት( ግዴታ የሆነ ተቁም ውስጥ መግባት አይጠበቅባችሁም ጊዜ መድ...

ፓርት -2
ምን ላቅድ እና ልሰራ እችላለሁ ?

ይሄ እንደ ሰው ይለያያል። ነገር ግን እንደ ፍሬምወርክ

1. ትምህርት( ግዴታ የሆነ ተቁም ውስጥ መግባት አይጠበቅባችሁም ጊዜ መድባችሁ የሆነን ስኪል ቁጭ ብላችሁ ከቤታችሁ መማር ትችላላችሁ)

2. ፕሮጀክቶችን ፤ ስታርታፖችን እና ቢዝነሶችን መፍጠር እና መገንባት ፡

if you are a techie you can build Digital Startups:
✦ SaaS
✦ Databases
✦ Web/Mobile app
✦ Extentions/Plugins

3. ማንበብ እና የ ፐርሰናል ግንባታ ማድረግ(ካስፈለገም መሰልጠን እንዴ ፍላጎታችሁ )

ሃሳብ ጨምሩበት ፡ 👇

✍️Useful quotes ✍️Productivity tips, technical, resources ✍️ Frameworks ✍️ Mental Models. DM—

Only 1 day is left for the beginning of 2024 G.C.we can use this new year to 👉 change our selves,  👉 to start learning s...

Only 1 day is left for the beginning of 2024 G.C.

we can use this new year to
👉 change our selves,
👉 to start learning something,
👉 to start building something worth.

የሆነ ነገር ለመጀመር ስናስብ ፤ ቀጣይ አመት ፤ ቀጣይ ወር ፤ ቀጣይ ሳምንት ፤ ሰኞ ፤ ጁምዓ ፤ መስከረም በማለት የምታወቅ አይደለን፤ እስኪ ይሄንን ለበጎ እንጠቀመው።

ነገ እሁድ እሁድ በቀጣዩ አመት በቀጣዩ አመት በ 2024 ምን ልትሰሩ እንዳሰባችሁ ጎል፤ እቅድ፤ ፕላን ስታወጡ ዋሉ።

ከነገ በስተያ፤ ሰኞ ፣ በቀን 1/1/2024 የምትጀመሩበት ቀን ይሁን። ቀጣይ አመት በዚህ ሰዓት በ አንድ አመት (365 ቀን) ምን ላይ እንደደረሳችሁ የምናወራበት ይሆናል።

ግሩፑ ላይ ዲስከስ ማድረግ እንችላለን

✍️Useful quotes ✍️Productivity tips, technical, resources ✍️ Frameworks ✍️ Mental Models. DM—


አዳዲስ ሃሳብ ለማፍለቅ ያልተነቃባቸው ፡

🚶 ስልክ ሳትይዝ ወክ አድርግ

🏋️ስፖርት የምትሄድ ከሆነ ያለ ምንም ድምፅ(ሙዚቃ/ነሺዳ ) በባዶው ሂድና ስራ ።

🥁 ምግብ እየሰራህ ከሆነ ምንም ነገር አትክፈት ( ቲቪ ፤ ቲክቶክ ፤ ዮቱብ ) ምንም ነገር አትክፈት ። ዝም ያለ ይሁን።

👉አዕምሮህ ባዶ እንዲሆን ፍቀዲለት እስኪ (ምንም አታሳየው፤ አታስዳምጠው፤ ዝም ብለህ ዝም በለው።

👉ሃሳቦች ሲግተለተሉ ታያለህ ያኔ

🔥እራት እየሰራሁ የመጣ ሃሳብ ነው ይሄ 😊

ሞክሩት ወዳጆች🫶

The 5 why ?አንዳንድ ችግሮችን ለመፍታት ስንሞክር ከላይ ከላይ እንጅ ወደታች ወደዋናው አንኳር መንሰኤ ሄደን መፍታት ሳንችል እንቀራለን።  ይሄ ደግሞ ችግሩን ለጊዜው ቢሆን እንጅ ሁነኛ ...

The 5 why ?

አንዳንድ ችግሮችን ለመፍታት ስንሞክር ከላይ ከላይ እንጅ ወደታች ወደዋናው አንኳር መንሰኤ ሄደን መፍታት ሳንችል እንቀራለን። ይሄ ደግሞ ችግሩን ለጊዜው ቢሆን እንጅ ሁነኛ መፍትሄ አይሰጥም።

ብዙ የተለያዩ መንገዶች ቢኖሩም ከነዚያ ውስጥ አንዱ ይሄ "The 5 why ?" የተሰኘው ነው። ይህም አንድን ችግር አንስተን ቢያንስ አምስት ጊዜ ለምን እያልን ስንጠይቅ ወደ ዋናው "root problem" የምንደርስበት መንገድ ነው።

Pick your problem. then ask...

why ?

why ?

why ?

why ?

why ?

then analyze what you get!

Old status symbols:• New Car(any model)• Fancy house• Degree• Designer clothesNew status symbols:• Time freedom• Locatio...

Old status symbols:

• New Car(any model)
• Fancy house
• Degree
• Designer clothes

New status symbols:

• Time freedom
• Location freedom
• Financial freedom

Freedom is the ultimate flex.💪

Do you agree ?

"There will Only be 1 Career path in the future"        — Dan Koe

"There will Only be 1 Career path in the future"
— Dan Koe

By working faithfully 8 hours a day, you may eventually get to be the boss and work 12 hours a day      —Robert Frost

By working faithfully 8 hours a day, you may eventually get to be the boss and work 12 hours a day
—Robert Frost

"The three big decisions - what you do, where you live, and who you’re with."   —Naval Ravikantl

"The three big decisions - what you do, where you live, and who you’re with."

—Naval Ravikantl

How to waste your time ?

How to waste your time ?

“Give me a lever long enough, and a place to stand, and I will move the earth.”      - ArchimedesLearn about Leverage!

“Give me a lever long enough, and a place to stand, and I will move the earth.”
- Archimedes

Learn about Leverage!

The GROW framework.  👌

The GROW framework. 👌

“To know what life is worth you have to risk it once in a while.”— Jean-Paul Sartre

“To know what life is worth you have to risk it once in a while.”
— Jean-Paul Sartre

Luck Surface Area  The amount of luck that will occur in your life, your Luck Surface Area, is directly proportional to ...

Luck Surface Area

The amount of luck that will occur in your life, your Luck Surface Area, is directly proportional to what you do something and how much you tell to people .

read more 👇

The Feynman TechniqueTo learn anything:Step 1: Identify a topicStep 2: Try to explain it to a 5-year-oldStep 3: Study to...

The Feynman Technique

To learn anything:

Step 1: Identify a topic
Step 2: Try to explain it to a 5-year-old
Step 3: Study to fill in knowledge gaps
Step 4: Organize, convey, and review

True genius is the ability to simplify, not complicate.

Simple is beautiful.


If you are healthy, you are already quite wealthy

If you are healthy & loved, you are very wealthy

If you are healthy, loved, free, you are among the wealthiest

Don't follow the mass.rebel against them.make mistakes and learn through the processquestion everything.አምፅ ብሮ!... አምፅ ግ...

Don't follow the mass.

rebel against them.

make mistakes and learn through the process

question everything.

አምፅ ብሮ!... አምፅ ግዴለህም!....ምንም አይመጣም!.... ከመጣም ሊያጠነክርህ ነው!.... BE FREE

ናማ እዚህ!.. ተቀላቀለኝ!.. እናወጋለን

"Earn with your mind, not with your time."       --naval

"Earn with your mind, not with your time."



Addis Ababa


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