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My Interview Experience
Date:- 23 August 2022

আমার Appointment ছিল সকাল ৯.৩৫ মিনিটে। আমি সকাল ৮.১০ এ Shivaji Stadium Station এর সামনে উপস্থিত ছিলাম।সেখানে অনেক দেশের Students লাইন এ wait করছিলো। But আমি দারোয়ান uncle কে বল্লাম যে আমি Finland 🇫🇮 এর জন্য এসেছি । আমাকে কোনো লাইন ধরতে হয়নি বরং আমাকে ভেতরে প্রবেশের অনুমতি দিল। এরপর আমার ব্যাগ নিয়ে চলে গেলাম ভেতরে এবং ঢোকার সাথে সাথে শুরু হলো checking। আমার পুরো শরীর এবং আমার ব্যাগ check করে আমাকে ভেতরে যেতে বলা হলো। [ আপনি কিছু না বুঝলে অবশ্যই সেখানে যারা থাকবে তাদের সাথে Hindi or English এ কথা বলে sure হয়ে নিবেন] । Checking করার পর চলে গেলাম underground এ । সেখানে Finland applicant দের জন্য ছিল আলাদা লাইন।

এরপর serially যাওয়ার পর সামনে আবারো checking হয়েছে। তারা passport , VFS appointment letter check করেছে এবং আবারো পুরো শরীর এবং ব্যাগ check করেছে।

এরপর আমাদেরকে হাতের বামে অনেকগুলো বসে থাকার sit ছিল, সেখানে বসতে বলা হলো। [সেখানে অনেকগুলো দেশের Flag সহ logo লাগানো desk আছে ] । আমরা কিছুক্ষণ বসে থাকার পর serially line ধরতে বলা হলো Finland 🇫🇮 desk এর সামনে। [ আপনার VFS appointment check করবে এবং আপনাকে Token দিবে ] । আমার token number ছিল ৪ । [Token এ Block-G লেখা থাকে এবং আপনাকে ঐ (G) বরাবর হেটে যেতে হবে ]। এরপর পর যেতে যেতে আমি B15 Finland 🇫🇮 logo সহ রুম দেখতে পেলাম এবং তার সামনে বসার চেয়ারে বসে পরলাম। এরপর serially ১,২,৩ গেলো এবং তার পরে আমি।

রুমে ঢুকে (May I come in) বলে দরজা বন্ধ করে বসে পরলাম চেয়ারে। আমার সামনে বসে ছিল একজন Indian Officer( Lady) এবং একজন Finland Officer (Lady)।

Me:- (Good morning )
Indian & Finland officer:- Good morning & please have a sit.
Me: - Thank you.
Finland Officer:- Can you show me your passport?
Me:- (yeahh!! Sure)

Finland Officer:- মুখের mask খুলতে বললো এবং passport এর সাথে face মিলিয়ে দেখলো।
Indian Officer:- Give me your offer letter
Me:- (okey, just a second)

Indian Officer , Offer letter হাতে নিলো এবং question করা শুরু করলো।
Indian Officer:- What is your degree name?
Me:- (My answer )

Indian Officer:- what is the total credit of your University ?
Me:- (My answer)

Indian Officer:- Which campus are you going to?
Me:- (My answer)

Indian Officer:- What was your previous degree?
Me:- (My answer)

Indian Officer:- Show me your previous degree certificate.
Me:- ( My answer)

Indian Officer:- Is this your original copy?
Me:- (My answer)
এরপর সব paper’s দেখার পর আমাকে ফেরত দিলো।
Indian Officer:- who is your sponsor?
Me:- (My beloved father is my sponsor)

Finland Officer:- Do you have Health Insurance?
Me:- (Yes , I have)

Finland Officer:- Show me your Health Insurance.
Me:- (My Answer)

Finland Officer:- Do you have any relatives lived in Finland?
Me:- (yes , I have)

Indian Officer:- Why did you choose Finland ?
Me:- (My Answer)

Finland Officer:- Will you stay with your uncles house?
Me:- (No)

Indian Officer:- So, where will you stay ?
Me:- (Actually I have not decided yet. But I have a dream to stay in an apartment, maybe with my friends or alone) .

আমার Interview এখানেই শেষ।তারা আমাকে Next step পূরণ করতে বলে এবং আমাকে তারা ১টি কাগজ দেয় , যেখানে Interview এর কিছু Question & আমার Answer সহ ( Yes, No & My answer ) এই রকম কিছু থাকে।সে কাগজটি নিয়ে আমি [ Nice to meet both of you ] বলে রুম থেকে বের হয়ে আসি।

রুম থেকে বের হয়ে আবারো বসে অপেক্ষা করলাম papers submit এর জন্য। সিরিয়ালি ১,২,৩ এবং পরে আমি। B15 রুমের ঠিক বিপরিত পাশেই রয়েছে Italy 🇮🇹 এর logo দেওয়া desk যেখানে আমাদের paper’s জমা নিচ্ছিল। [সেখানে Indian আপু থাকবে যে আপনার paper’s জমা নিবে এবং সাথে আপনার Passport । আপনারা কোনো কিছু না বুঝলে তাদের সাথে Hindi or English এ কথা বলতে পারবেন ]। এরপর আপু আমাকে ask করলো আমি কি RP card বাংলাদেশ VFS থেকে নিবো নাকি India VFS থেকে???? আমি বল্লাম বাংলাদেশ। এরপর তিনি আমার Documents এ কিছু একটা লিখলো এবং আমাকে Biometric এর জন্য আপেক্ষা করকে বললো। এরপর সিরিয়ালি ১,২,৩ এবং আমি । [B16 🇫🇮 রুম থেকে আপনাকে ডাক দেবে ]। আমি B16 🇫🇮 রুমে প্রবেশ করলাম এবং আমাকে চেয়ারে বসতে বলা হলো। এরপর আমার ছবি তোলা হলো এবং passport এর Identity check করলো। পরে Fingerprint নিলো এবং Signature করতে বললো। এরপর তিনি আমাকে একটি payment slip দিলো এবং বললো বাহিরে কাউন্টারে টাকাসহ ( INR 3,358) জমা দিতে। পরে আমি বাহিরে গিয়ে কাউন্টারে ৩,৩৫৮রুপি জমা দেই।তারা আমার রুপি accept করলো এবং আরেকটি slip দিলো। এরপর তারা আমাকে ২টি slip নিয়ে সেখানে যেতে বললো যেখানে আমরা আমাদের paper’s জমা দিয়েছি। অর্থাৎ ( B15 ও B16 রুমের বিপরিতে Italy🇮🇹 logo দেওয়া desk)। এরপর আমি ২টি slip তাদের দেই। তারা slip এ paid লেখা সিল মহর দেয় , ১টি তারা রেখে দেয় এবং অপরটি আমাকে দিয়ে দেয়।
[এরই মাঝে শেষ হয়ে গেলো আমার VFS এর সকল কার্যক্রম ☺️ Alhamdulillah ]। সকল কার্যক্রম শেষ হতে প্রায় ২ ঘন্টা লেগে যায়।

আমি আন্তরিকভাবে দুঃখিত, Experience অনেক বড় হয়ে গেলো 😅 পড়তে একটু সময় লাগবে। আশাকরি আপনারা সব বুঝতে পারবেন এবং কিছু না বুঝলে আমাকে massage দিবেন। যতটা পারবো In Sha Allah সাহায্য করে যাব। আমার জন্যও দোয়া করবেন এবং আমিও দোয়া করি সবার Interview যেনো অনেক ভালো হয় এবং সবাই যেনো Positive Decision পান In Sha Allah । আল্লাহ্ সবার সপ্ন পূরণ করুক।সকলে ভালো থাকবেন । আল্লাহ্ হাফেজ।

— মেহেদী হাসান শিশির


Computer Science
Motivation letter for a Master's in Computer Science

Dear sir/madam,

First of all, let me introduce myself, I am [name] and recently I have been working in Ethiotelecom as a Network Engineer. I have attended my B.Sc degree in Computer Science and Engineering (Software Engineering Stream) from [university name].

The undergraduate curriculum in Computer Science and Engineering at institute of technology, [university name], Ethiopia introduces me to a wide variety of engineering subjects. Various courses like Artificial Intelligence (Robotics), Programming Languages, Electronics I&II, Software Engineering, System Programming, Micro Processor, Interfacing & Assembly, Algorithm Analysis and Design, Digital Signal Processing, Network and System Security, Digital system, Algorithm analysis and design, Computer graphics and multimedia, Computer Simulation and Modeling provided me with a strong footing in the theoretical concept of Computer Science and Engineering.

While offering both depth and breadth across this field, these courses put into perspective the importance and relevance of Computer Science and Engineering and the application of its fundamentals to the problems faced by the real world. So, I can realize that learning and developing my knowledge of Computer Science. I will have a great contribution to the society since our country begins to transfer manual system to computerize.

I am much eager to adopt and know new technologies. I am really enthusiastic to attend a Master of Computer Science in order to understand different Computer Science Concepts because every industry needs the concept of Computer Science. The good reputation of high-quality education standards, an extremely distinguished faculty members, and research facilities are the factors which have motivated me to choose for my M.Sc. studies the [university name].

Moreover, I feel I am responsible for making a big move in this field and this scholarship will give me a big chance to be one day someone who is remembered for his innovations. I think it is our duty as people sharing life in this world to make our future better because the future is not only ours. Our grandchildren should be proud of us one day when they look back and find how hard we worked to make the world a better place. I believe my qualification and your needs would be an excellent fit. I will be happy to provide any further information or documents if required. I look forward to your positive response. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours faithfully,


🇫🇮👰🏼‍♀️🤵🏻‍♂️ Legalization process:

Spouse shoho jara apply korben tader marriage certificate legalization lagbe.
Step gulo erokom:

1. Collect your kabin nama in English+ marriage certificate in English from your kazi office
2. Attestation from Law ministry and then foreign ministry
3. Legalization from Finland Embassy
4. Attach as supplement in Enterfinland

🪛Step 2:

Apni marriage certificate and translation copy gulo niye attestation koraben.
(Press club er opposite e notarized korano jay.)

Then Law ministry jaben.
Sokal 10 tar moddhe joma diben. Counter ache. Shekhan theke attestation hoye gele porer din sokal 10 tar moddhe foreign ministry te joma diben.
Nich tolay oder counter. Sathe 1 copy NID/PASSPORT copy lagbe must.
Then bikal 4 tay apnake papers gulo ferot dibe.

U r DONE.👍🏻

📍Oneke nijei korte pare ai kaj gulo. Abar okhan e kichu lok achen jara shob kaj guchiye kore dibe sundor vabe. Apnar hassle hobe na.
Ami akjon k chini. He is very helpful. Group er onek vaia apu k unar number diyechilam. Unara help peyechen.
(Akdom e Nije na parle/hassle mone hole unar help nite parben)

🪛Step 3:
Delhi VFS e interview dite jawar somoy marriage certificate documents sathe niye jaben. If you want apni jawar agei courier kore papers gulo vfs e pathate pare for Legalization. 2 vabei kora jabe.
VFS e interview hole seikhan e apnar marriage certificate er original copy gulo dekhte chaibe and 2/4 ta question korbe.
Jodi interview na hoi tahole kono question face korben na.
Erpor papers gulo vfs er counter e joma dite hobe. Joma deyar somoy upor e spouse k akta cover letter likhte hobe Finland Embassy borabor. Niche signature korte hobe. Sathe spouse+main applicant er passport er photocopy dite hobe (color photocopy is not mandatory).
Eigulo vfs officer akta envelope kore joma rakhbe.
Erpor apnake legalization fees payment korte hobe + Bangladesh e pathanor courier charge pay korben.

💱2500 rupee + 3400 rupee + VFS fees

Apnar kaj sesh.

🪛Step 4:

😴Erpor dhakay eshe ghumay thakben. Apnar spouse er email e 5/7 din por akta email ashbe. Shekhan e lekha thakbe enterfinland supplement chacche. Supplement ta holo legalization papers of Marriage certificate.
Interview diye ashar 10-12 din por akta enail ashbe apnar kache. Oneke call/sms o pay. Ami pai ni jodio (egulo paben Jodi apni Dhaka VFS theke collect korte chan). Shekhan e tracking number diye dibe legalization papers er. Aramex e kore pathay normally.

Erpor apni track kore dekhben papers eshe porse naki. Jodi eshe jay tahole passport er photocopy niye Dhaka VFS chole jaben. + Invoice ta niben (jei invoice Delhi VFS apnake diyeche payment er por)

Jodi spouse nije jete na pare tahole onno kaok pathabe kintu ofcourse authorisation letter diye dite hobe. Nahole unar kache documents handover korbe na!

🚧Dhaka VFS address :
Delta Life Tower (4th Floor) Plot # 37 Road # Dhaka 1212, 90 Madani Ave, Dhaka
(Gulshan 2 Circle e gelei paben. Circle er Vetor er d**e, Beside Unimart)

VFS er gate e apnar email ta dekhte chaibe. Apni dekhaben and Finland er counter e jaben aita bolle ora token dibe.
Lift er 4 e jaben.
Sekhan e checking er por arekta Token dibe.
SWAP-256 ai rokom token serial thake.
U just go inside and wait for ur turn.
Counter er officer k apnar invoice+passport copy dile ora akta recieved copy te apnar sign niye apnake papers handover kore dibe.

👍🏻👍🏻Apnar kaj shesh. But aibar Bashay eshe ghaben na. As soon as possible document ta valo vabe scan korben. Ami amr mobile er cam scanner diye korechilam. It worked fine. Then scan document tar pdf version e name diben. Spouse er Enterfinland portal e log in korben. Supplement er reply e upload kore diben.

Apnar kaj shesh 🥰
✨✨Erpor e apnar decision chole ashbe email e.✨✨

😀😀😀Ami Porer din shokal e peye gesilam decision email. Email + sms kore janaisilo decision asche.
Then enterfinland e log in kore dekhben pdf e decision pathay. Finnish language e thakbe, translate kore dekhte hobe apnake ki decision dilo. ❤️

Onekei amk question korechilen full process ta niye likhte. Ami tai post ta kortesi. Karo kono opinion/additional information deyar thakle comment e dite paren. Or correct me if I am wrong 😀

Shobar onek request peyechi for a video with overall tutorial. ami YouTube video akta prepare kore group e diye dibo soon.

(Pic for attention only)


This post will help you properly prepare the sponsor's, spouse's, and individual student's documents. Prepare your file by matching it with the list.

for the Finnish

Preparing sponsors and self-documents is a crucial part of RP application in Finland. Applicants often get rejected due to a lack of information on that. You can match your documents with the checklist to avoid mistakes.

Documents for Study permit Application for Applicant

1. Offer letter

2. Scholarship Letter/ Tuition fees payment document

3. Health Insurance

4. Bank Statement

5. Passport Copy

6. Job Certificate / Job Appointment letter (If Available)

7. Bachelor Certificate / Previous degree certificate

8. IELTS Score (If Available)

9. Relationship Affidavit (300 Taka Stamp)

10. Sponsorship Affidavit (300 Taka Stamp)

11.02 Copy Photo according to Finland Embassy Requirements

12. Sponsors Documents (List of Documents given below)

Documents for Spouse

1. Marriage Certificate (Properly Translated, Notarized and Attested)

2. PK1_plus form

3. Passport Copy

4. Relationship Affidavit (300 Taka Stamp)

5. Sponsorship Affidavit (300 Taka Stamp)

6. 02 Copy Photo according to Finland Embassy Requirements

7. Bank Statement

8. Acceptance letter of the main Applicant

9. Scholarship Letter/ Tuition fees payment document of the main Applicant

10. Sponsors Documents (List of Documents given below)

Sponsor’s Documents

Sponsors' false documents are the main reason for the rejections of RP. You have to be very cautious. Don’t try to provide any false documents, please. Upload as many clarification documents as you can.

If the Sponsor is a Job holder

1. Job certificate

2. Job pay slips (6 months at least)

3. Salary Statements

4. Part time allowance (If available)

5. Bank Statement

6. Clarification of Bank Statement (If there is any unusual Transactions)

7. Bank Solvency Certificate

8. TIN certificate

9. Tax Return

10. Passport/NID copy

If the Sponsor is a Landlord

1. Translated and notarized copy of Land dolil

2. Rental Agreement (with the tenants in 300 Taka Stamp)

3. Rental Receipts (6 months at least)

4. TIN certificate

5. Tax Return

If the Sponsor is a Businessman

As my sponsor was not a businessman, I have very little knowledge of this. Please try to know from experts. Still, I am sharing my knowledge.

1. Ownership proof (trade license & other)

2. BIN Certificate

3. Financial statement analysis by CA firm (balance sheet and income statement).

4. Tax Return

5. Business Bank Statement for last 6 month

6. Personal Bank Statement for last 6 month

7. Other income sources (If available)

8. Clarification of big transactions (Sell Documents/ purchasing documents against

all big transactions of Bank Statement)

9. NID/Passport

Best of Luck!🙂


process after getting letter of offer

আপনি অফার লেটার পাওয়ার পরে এন্টারফিনল্যান্ড এ আইডি খুলবেন আপনার ইমেইল আইডি দিয়ে। আইডি খুলার সময় অনলাইন ট্রাঞ্জেকশন আর ইমেইল এমন রকমের ২ টা অপশন থাকবে। ইমেইল আইডি খুলবেন। এরপরে নিউ এপ্লিকেশন এ গেলে অনেক ক্যাটাগরি শো করবে, আপনি পিআর এর জন্য এপ্লিকেশন করবেন, হয়তো পিয়ার দিয়ে ২ টা অপশন থাকবে, এপ্লাই এর সময়ে পড়লে বুঝবেন কোনটা আপনার জন্যে, আমি এখন না দেখে বলতেছি তাই সঠিক টা বুজা যাচ্ছেনা।
যাইহোক, আপনি এপ্লাই ক্যাটাগরি সিলেক্ট করার পর আপনার এপ্লিকেশন প্রসেস শুরু হয়ে যাবে। ধাপে ধাপে আপনাকে আপনার বেসিক ইনফরমেশন, স্পন্সর ইনফরমেশন, ইউনিভার্সিটি ইনফরমেশন সহ সকল প্রকার প্রয়োজনীয় ডকুমেন্টস সাবমিট করতে হবে, এই কাজ গুলো আপনি যখন আবেদন শুরু করবেন তখন আপনা আপ্নিই বুযে যাবেন, না বুজলে এই গ্রুপ তো আছেই। আবেদন এক বসাতেই করতে হবে ব্যাপারটা এমন।না। আমি যতটুক করতে পারবেন যেইদিনে ওইটা ওই অবস্থায় সেইভ করে রাখতে পারবেন, সব ফাইনাল হওয়ার পরে সাবমিট দিবেন।
আবেদন এর একদম শেষ পর্যায়ে একটা অপশন থাকবে যে আপনি ফিনল্যান্ড এম্ভ্যাসিতে ইন্টারভিউ দিবেন নাকি ভিএফএস এ দিবেন, যেহেতু ফিনল্যান্ড এম্ব্যাসিতে ডেইট পেতে অনেক সময়ের ব্যপারা, তাই ভিএফএস বেস্ট এবং এখন ফিনল্যান্ড এম্ভ্যাসি ভিএফএস এই ইন্টারভিউ নিচ্ছে।
এর পরে আরেকটা অপশন থাকবে যেইখানে লিখা থাকবে আপনি ভিসা ফি কি এখন দিতে চাচ্ছেন নাকি ইন্টারভিউ এর দিন দিবেন, এখন হলে অনলাইনে এ ক্রেডিট কার্ড দিয়ে ইউরোতে পেমেন্ট করতে পারবেন।
সব অপশন সিলেক্ট করার পরে সাবমিট করবেন, সাবমিট করার পরে যদি মনেহয়ে থাকে যে কোন ডকুমেন্টস মিসিং তাহলে সাপ্লিমেন্ট অপশন থেকে আপ্লোড করতে হবে।
বাংলাদেশ এ যেহেতু ফিনল্যান্ড এম্ভ্যাসি নেই, ফিনল্যান্ড এম্ভ্যাসি ইন্ডিয়া বাংলাদেশ এর হয়ে কাজ করে তাই আপনাকে ইন্ডিয়া যেতে হবে। যদি ভিএফএস সিলেক্ট করেন তাহলে ভিএফএস গ্লোবালে গিয়ে আইডি খুলতে হবে এবং প্রতিদিন বসে বসে চেক করা লাগবে স্লট দিচ্ছে কিনা, অর্থাৎ কোন ডেট দিচ্ছে কিনা যাতে আপনি বুকিং করতে পারেন। হুটহাট করে ওরা স্লট দিবে তাই এলার্ট থাকা লাগবে।
স্লট বুকিং করে সাথে সাথে ভিএফএস ফি দেওয়া লাগবে তাই ক্রেডিট কার্ড রেডি রাখবেন, প্রায় ৬৮০০ রুপি বা আরো কম বেশি, আগে চেক করে নিবেন।
পেমেন্ট না করলে বুকিং হবেনা৷
স্লট বুকিং হলে ডেইট টাইম পেয়ে যাবেন।
ওই অনুযায়ী ইন্ডিয়া চলে যাবেন, এন্টার ফিনল্যান্ড এ যেই ডকুমেন্টস আপ্লোড করবেন সব ফটকপি করে নিয়ে যাবেন। বাকিটা ওইখানে যাওয়ার পরে ওরা হেল্প করবে।

VISA interview (sample for czech but applicable for finland too)ভিসা ইন্টারভিউয়ের সময় পালনীয় কতিপয় বিষয় সমূহঃa)      ছেল...

VISA interview (sample for czech but applicable for finland too)

ভিসা ইন্টারভিউয়ের সময় পালনীয় কতিপয় বিষয় সমূহঃ

a) ছেলেরা অবশ্যই ফর্মাল প্যান্ট, শার্ট, টাই এবং মেয়েরা প্রফেসনাল সেলোয়ার কামিজ, সীমিত জুয়েলারি পরিধান করবেন। সরিরে অত্যাধিক সুগন্ধি ব্যাবহার করবেন না।

b) আপনার মার্জিত বডি ল্যাঙ্গুয়েজ ভিসা ইন্টারভিউয়ের জন্য খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ঠিক যখন আপনি ইন্টারভিউয়ের জন্য এম্বাসির কাউন্টারের সামনে লাইনে দারিয়ে থাকবেন তখন থেকেই বিষয়টি লক্ষ্য রাখবেন।

c) কাউন্টারের সামনে লাইনে দাঁড়ানোর সময় প্যান্টের পকেট হাত ডুকানো থেকে বিরত থাকুন। কেননা এই অভ্যাসটি আপনি কতটা অস্বস্তি অনুভব করছেন তা প্রকাশ করে।

d) ইন্টারভিউয়ের সময় উসখুস বা স্নায়বিক অস্থিরতা প্রকাশ করবেন না। ভুলেও ভিসা অফিসারের সামনে নখ কামড়াবেন না।

e) ভিসা অফিসারের সাথে কথোপকথনের সময় অবশ্যই আপনার মনোযোগ এবং চোখ ভিসা অফিসারের চোখের বরাবর রাখতেহবে।

এখানে প্রশ্নের উত্তর গুলি খুবই সাধারণভাবে উপস্থাপন করা হয়েছে। আমি শুধুমাত্র প্রশ্নের উত্তর গুলি কেমন হতে পারে তার একটা আইডিয়া দিলাম। আপনাদের ইচ্ছা মত আপনার উত্তর সাজিয়ে নিবেন।

About Your University

1. Can you tell me the location of the university / what is address of the University?

Tip: You should do some research on your university before visa interview. You should know its exact location and the location of different campus as well (if any).

Answer:Yes. Charles University is located at Ovocný trh 3-5 Prague 1 116 36 Czech Republic.

2. How did you hear about the University/Where did you find out about this University?

Tip: You should go through the website and handbook of your university carefully.

Answer:I learned about this university while surfing on the internet. Then visited their official website which is http://www.cuni.cz to get more information about this university.

3. Why do you want to study in this University/why you have selected this University/what is special about this university?

Tip: Pen down some highlighted features such as ranking, the faculty profile, Alumni profile etc. Visa officer wants to know the reason behind joining the particular University. You should also mention the reason how you learned about the university.

Answer:The Charles University is amongst the elite Management University. The quality of Post graduate taught programs is well recognized and provides internationally recognized qualifications of highest standard. I really got impressed with your faculty profile and course curriculum. The curriculum is very much similar to what I want to study.

4. How did you apply to this University/How did you get admission?

Answer:I submitted my all document to my University. I had Skype Interview. I paid tuition fees to the University. After that I got admission letter from the University.

5. Who takes your Skype Interview?

Answer:My Skype interview was taken by Dr. Katarína Svítková,. She is an Assistant Dean of faculty of Business Administration.

6. How long time was taken your Skype interview?

Answer:The interview was approximately 20-25 minutes long.

7. Do you receive any help with your University application?

Answer:Yes, My University admission specialist Romana Kavanova helped me with this.

8. Have you known any person of this University/did you get in touch with any professors in this University?

Answer:Yes I know 3 person of this University. Romana Kavanova admission specialist,Dr. Katarína Svítková Vice President and Accreditation Liaison Officer and Vice Provost for Student Affairs and Sviatlana Skachykhina, Assistant Dean of faculty of Business Administration.

9.Did you contacted them and how?

Answer:Yes, I contacted them by email.

10. Do you have any relative or friend in Czech Republic/do you have any friends or relatives who go to this University, live in Prague or Europe?

Tip: Be truthful at this instance.Visa Documents will have record of this (about your brother/sister/Mother/Father) with them. If your distant aunt or uncle stays there, then you don’t have to say about them. All that matters is your immediate relatives i.e. own brother, sister, father or mother. Any of your relative overstaying in Czech Republic may not be favorable considered.

Answer:No, I don’t have any relatives in Czech Republic or Europe.

About your course

1. Which language you want to enroll the program?

Answer:All course of M.Sc in Economics and Finance taught in English.

2. What is your course title?

Answer: My course title is M.Sc in Economics and Finance.

3. Can you please tell something about your course/please tell me more about your course?

Answer: All course of M.Sc in Economics and Finance taught in English. Offered a full time study program. This degree consists of total 120 ECTS credits and the course duration is 2 years.

4. How long will you study in Czech Republic?

Answer:2 years.

5. When is your intake? / What is the course commencement date?

Tip: You should remember the exact dates. Please read your offer letter and broaches carefully before Visa interview.

Answer:My class will begin 29th August.

6.Why you selected this course? Is it relevant to your previous studies/Why do you want to study/enroll/apply in this program/course/Why are you taking this course?

Tip: You should be very clear about your future plans after doing this course. Prepare a good statement mentioning about: How course is relevant to your previous degree, how this course adds value to you profile, why you are interested in doing this course etc.

Answer:I am honored to apply M.Sc in Economics and Finance at Charles University because I believe this program will help me to fulfill my dream of pursuing my future career in management. Because I believe this program will help me to obtain such knowledge of management skills and degree that necessary for my future career and to do something to benefit my country in future.

7. What benefit will this course bring to you/what is the scope your course?

Tip: Prepare a good statement mentioning about: How this course adds value to your profile and how this course will benefit you when you return to home country after completing your studies.

Answer:I strongly feel that M.Sc in Economics and Finance will have very bright prospects for my future career in Bangladesh. In my country foreign qualified professionals with the strong knowledge and research base in management are very much sought after.

8. How much money can you earn after your completion of studies?

Tip: Since you intend to return to home country, so you should mention the amount in your local currency. Be authentic and realistic and don’t mention any unrealistic figure. Do some research on how much an Alumnus of your University is earning and what is the average salary package in an industry you are targeting to work.

Answer:70,000 tk(plus) per month which is a decent package to start with and most of the alumni’s of the university started around that mark. The growth depends on my performance and hard work.

9. What’s your research interest?

Answer:I plan to work with management development research group in international sector after completion of my post graduation.

10. What is the course structure / can you please tell me your course contents?

Tip:Visa Officer wants to know if you are well aware about the course. Go to the graduate school website and find out the course structure (Semesters and subjects) of your program.

Answer:Yes I can. A. International Political Economy B. Organizational Theory &Design C. International Economics D. Law of Business Contracts E. Management& Communication in the Global Environment F. Corporate Finance in the Global Environment G. Business Law H. International Economics & so on.

11. Why not study in Germany?

Answer:First of all this course is not available in Germany. Second, My University is ranked highly specially in my field of study. Third, here is lot of research facilities in my field rather than Germany. Fourth, Czech Republic is more peaceful country than Germany.

12. Why not study in India?

Answer:We know that in this competitive world, we have to do some better so if we have international degree in a particular subject its change our future earnings. In India, University offers program which are more theoretical as compared to Czech Republic & the value of Indian qualified student is not very good in our country.

13. How many hours per week will you study?

Answer:20 hours per week.

14. Do you have/know your University timetable?

Answer:Yes, I have, I will study around 4 to 5 hours per day, Monday to Friday.

15. What will you do during the off period/semester? In vacation do you visited other schengen country?

Tip: You should mention about your strong ties to home country. You can say that you plan to come back to meet your family and friends here in Bangladesh. You should not say that you plan to work in Czech Republic as that shows you are not financially strong and you are going there to earn money. This will make the Visa Officer believe that even after completing your education, you would like to do job and settle there.These kinds of questions are asked to check your intentions.

Answer:I plan to come back to meet my family and friends here in Bangladesh.

16. What will you do after study hours?

Answer:I will have many assignments, homework, and exam preparation. So I will need to do a lot of private study.

17. Will you get a certificate at the end of the course?

Answer:Yes, I will get a post graduation certificate after complete this study.

About your fees

1. What will be the total cost of studies per year/what’s your total tuition fee?

Tip: You should be well aware of your tuition fees and other expenses and how they will be met. Mention the tuition fees and the living expenses.

Answer:3000 EUR for per year and the total tuition fee is 6500 EUR.

2. Have you paid for your course?


3. How much did you pay for your tuition fee?

Answer:I paid tuition fee which is 3000 EUR.

4. Will you get refund if you don’t get visa?

Answer:Yes, I will get full refund of fees.

About your accommodation and living cost

1. Where will you stay in Czech Republic?

Tip: You should remember the exact address. This shows that you are sincere regarding your studies and have planned for accommodation in advance. So make arrangement of this entire process in advance. Take Universities help on this.

Answer: I will stay at Chemická 951 Praha 4 – Kunratic.

2. How far it is from your University?

Answer:It takes about 40 minutes by public transport.

3. Who will you stay with? Will you share a room?

Answer:I will share a room with other student (3 beds in the room).

4. How long will you stay at the accommodation?

Answer:I have booked my accommodation for a period of 6 month for now.

5. What is your living cost?

Answer:Approximately 10 000 CZK (400 Euro) per a month (including accommodation, food,and travel pass for the public transport in Prague)

6. What is the accommodation cost?

Answer:5000 CZK (200 Euro) per a month.

About Czech Republic

1. Why are you going to CzechRepublic?

Tip: This is a straightforward question and nearly 90% of students get this question as a starter. Sohow can you provide yourself a good start? Be confident and look into VO eyesbefore answering.

Answer: To study M.Sc in Economics andFinance at Charles University.

1. Have you ever been to Czech Republic or any other country?

Answer:No. I have not been.

2. Is it necessary to study Czech Republic?

Answer:Yes. Czech Republic has always been the center of excellence, ample of research facilities and provides quality education by making students gain knowledge in a practical way as much as possible. So it is quite an obvious necessary to study in Czech Republic.

3. Why did you select Czech Republic for higher studies? Isn’t this course offered by any university or college in your country/Why do you want to study in Czech Republic? This course is also available in your country so why go to Czech Republic/This subjects are taught in Bangladesh why specifically Czech Republic?

Tip: You should mention about the quality of education in Czech Republic. If the course is not available in Bangladesh,you can tell that it is not offered in Bangladesh. If the same course is available in Bangladesh, highlight the differences in the quality of education and the course structure in Bangladesh and Czech Republic. You should convince that doing this course from Czech Republic will add value to your profile. Talk about a few researches being conducted in that field. Technical words work out when other things don’t.

Answer:The Czech Republic higher Education system combines the best elements of modernity and tradition .The quality of Czech Republic degree is one reason why I plan to come to the Czech Republic and study. Another is the value for money.

4. What if you get a Czech degree here, would you like to go to Czech Republic again for higher Studies?

Tip: You should be able to convince the Visa Officer that you are interested to do higher studies from Czech Republic because of high quality of education. Highlight the differences between doing education from Czech Republic and Bangladesh. Tell visa officer that how doing education from Czech Republic will add value to your profile.

Answer:Yes, I would like to go to Czech Republic again for higher studies because of high quality of education and ample research facilities. And more over the quality of faculty is far better in Czech Republic.

5. Say about Czech Republic?

Answer:Czech Republic is a central European country. The total area is 78,866 square kilometers and the country population is around 104 million people. The country is boarded by Germany, Austria, Slovakia and Poland. The official currency of the Czech Republic is the Czech crown and Prague is the capital of Czech Republic.

About your future plan

1. What will you do after completing your course?

Answer:My country is developing country; a lot of projects are required for the infra-structure development of our community. Those projects are required managers that’s why after completing my course I will join that project.

2. Do you intend to work in Czech Republic after completion of your studies / would you like to stay in Czech Republic after your study?

Tip: Visa officer wants to know your intentions weather you have plans to return to your home country after completing your studies or not. You should read the immigration policies carefully on Embassy website.

Answer:No, I will back to my home.

3. Why do you want to go back home?

Answer:The value of Czech Republic student is very good in our country as well as the competition ratio is less. So it will have very bright prospects for my future career in Bangladesh. So for my great career I will be back after completion my studies.

4. What will you do if your visa is rejected?

Answer:It’s my long wish to study in Czech Republic but still I respect the decision of embassy and then I’ll try for my next application and prepare necessary documents required for my second chance.

5. Do you think this course will help you find a job?

Answer:Yes, definitely.

6. If you have the opportunity to work full time in Czech Republic will you stay?

Answer:No, I will back to my country.

About Your Self

1. What do you do at the moment?

Answer:Recently I completed my Bachelor degree. Now I am seeking a position for post graduation.

3. Which University/which subject you have passed from/Where did you complete your Bachelor’s degree?

Answer:Recently I completed my Bachelor degree from Comilla University in Bangladesh.

4. What is your major/what was your bachelor’s degree in/when did you graduate?

Answer: I graduated from Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in 21 November 2013.

5. What is your Undergraduate CGPA/Percentage?

Answer:Our University marking criteria was very strict & tough but I tried my level best to maintain my result which is 3.52 in the scale of 4.00.

6. If you have taken IELTS or TOEFL language test, please state your grade and

Tip: clarify where and when you took the exam. Also explain what the test consisted of.

Answer:I got 6.00 in IELTS.

7. Please describe yourself?

Answer:I am pleasant, diverse, and active man. I think one of my most distinguishing characteristics is the diversity of experiences I possess. I also have a passion for traveling and exploring different cultures of the world. All these elements have helped me develop a very broad outlook, with varying degrees of knowledge in a range of topics.

8. What is your specialization?

Answer:I have good grades in the management related courses in my under graduation. I have good analytical and mathematical aptitude. I have the ability to reason logically and convince people. Good communication and organizational skills always helped me to be at the forefront of organizing seminars and group discussion at my university. I can handle pressure situations have persistent determination to reach my goals combined.

9. Do you have any work experience?

Answer:As a part of the course work, I joined Sonali Bank Limited as an intern student for three (03) months. During my internship, I gathered extended knowledge on working procedure of general banking.

10. What are your future plans / what is your career goal?

Tip: Your answers should reflect clarity of thought, clarity of your intentions and strong ties to your home country.

Answer:I am aspired to become a member of top level international management team after having that knowledge & practical experience of international management policies.

11. Have you researched your career prospects?

Tip: Your answer should reflect clarity of thought, clarity of your intentions, good future prospects in Bangladesh and strong ties to your home country.

Answer:Yes. I am sure the recent growth of Bangladesh economy will open many avenues for me to start my company. After acquainting with latest knowledge in Czech Republic, I look forward to start my company here in Bangladesh.

12. Which language do you speak?

Answer:I can speak in Bengali, English.

About Your Solvency:

1. Who is your sponsor? How much do they earn in a year?

Tip: Visa officer wants to recheck& verify your sponsorship documents. So you should have each and every detail about you Visa file on your tips. You should know the knowledge of their occupation, annual income, supporting documents and bank account statements.

Answer:My father and relatives. (As per Visa documents & Funds. You should have everything on your tips whatever you have supplied in Visa Documents.)

2. What does your father do?

Answer: He is a pharmacist. He worked at Navana Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

3. What is your father’s annual income?

Answer: 10000 USD.

4. What proof do you have that your sponsor can support your studies?

Tip:Again this question is a part of verifying your supporting documents. Visa Officer would like to see proof of having sufficient funds to meet your expenses. You should properly organize all your documents and as soon as the visa officer ask for the proof, handover the sponsor statement, bank statement and other financial document that proves that your sponsor can support your studies.

5. How much money is available for your stay in Czech Republic?

Tip:Mention the amount as per financial documents. Visa Officer wants to know if you have sufficient money to pay for your education.

6. What is the source of income of your sponsor?

Tip:Again this is another way of checking your income source. Answer specifically what your father does. Never show him to be idle, because that means your income has drastically reduced and works as a negative point. Mentioning that your father is retired may prove to be a negative point. You can mention that he worked for 30 years in ABC Company and now has his own consultancy dealing with (related to his past experience).

7. Who all are earning members in your Family?

Tip: Visa officer wants to know if you have a strong financial background. Mention your Father, Mother, brother who all are earning

Rozcestník pro ukrajinské studenty, akademiky a zaměstnance na UK, uchazeče a přestupující studenty z Ukrajiny a pro fakulty UK. Najdete zde informace pro řešení různých situací, prohlášení a odkazy, které se týkají války na Ukrajině.




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