CELEBio Hungary

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CELEBio Hungary The Project aims at fostering the Bioeconomy in 6 countries of central and south-east Europe through

🌿Following up the successful implementation of the CELEBio project, the Central European Initiative - CEI is now reachin...

🌿Following up the successful implementation of the CELEBio project, the Central European Initiative - CEI is now reaching out to research centres and universities in the region and beyond to promote a joint knowledge dissemination event with EERA Bioenergy.

💚EERA Bioenergy is one of the 17 Joint Programmes of the European Energy Research Alliance, which is is a non-profit Association that contributes to the coordination of a massive public research effort to develop more efficient and cheaper low carbon energy technologies. EERA is the public research pillar of the Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan) and aims at accelerating the development and market uptake of key low carbon technologies.

🌳The “BOOSTING THE R&D&I COLLABORATION WITH EASTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES: THE KEY ROLE OF EERA BIOENERGY” webinar aims at broadening the participation of research stakeholders from the CEI Region to EERA Bioenergy with the ultimate goal of boosting their participation in forerunning projects and initiatives in the field of sustainable energy and decarbonisation.

The webinar will take place on June 9, 15.00 CET.
Follow this link to register
👉 https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-8FssbsESmOTSgJuYj3MKQ

Promoting the participation of Eastern European entities in the EERA Bioenergy Joint Programme: Horizon Europe, benefits and added value

Haven't been able to join the annual worskhop of the European Bioeconomy Network on 11th November but you would have lik...

Haven't been able to join the annual worskhop of the European Bioeconomy Network on 11th November but you would have liked to?

Here's the link to MIRO platform to access the interactive discussion: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lfmgfEI=/

You can still give your inputs before November 20, in parallel with the end of the Global Bioeconomy Summit!

And if you want to watch the entire event again, here's the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdTlFUevvKo&feature=youtu.be

The 12 November 2020, the European Bioeconomy Network organized an online workshop to exchange good practices and lesson learned on communication during the ...

SAVE THE DATE! Tomorrow, the European Bioeconomy Network will hold the online workshop "Bioeconomy Communication and Sta...


Tomorrow, the European Bioeconomy Network will hold the
online workshop "Bioeconomy Communication and Stakeholders’ engagement in times of COVID-19" to stimulate the discussion in light of the Global Bioeconomy Summit (16-20 Nov 2020) and provide inspirational ideas and good practices for future EUBIONET partners and identify collaboration opportunities!


Participation is free of charge, register here 👇

Yearly EuBioNet partners’ workshop - 11 November 2020 h 10.00-12.00 CET Bioeconomy Communication and Stakeholders’ engagement in times of COVID-19 The world pandemic crisis changed the way we live, communicate and behave. How this change over affected the work of the CSA projects (Coordination a...

🤓Hungarian agriculture is facing more and more problems that can be solved with the help of technology. By supporting th...

🤓Hungarian agriculture is facing more and more problems that can be solved with the help of technology. By supporting the creation and dissemination of innovations, the National Chamber of agriculture (NAK) has launched a tech-incubator program aimed at solving practical problems using practical technologies.

A magyar agrárium egyre több olyan problémával néz szembe, amely megoldható a technológia segítségével. Az innovációk létrehozásának és elterjesztésének támogatásával a Nemzeti Agrárgazdasági Kamara (NAK) tech-inkubátorprogramot indított, melynek célja gyakorlati problémá...


🇹🇯Az Agrárminisztérium a gyenge termőképességű területeken versenyképes ágazattá kívánja fejleszteni az erdőgazdálkodást

🇬🇧Giving a s🇬🇧🇹🇯pecial attention to global climate change, in Hungary the preservation of the quality of the existing forests, the increase of their naturalness, and expansion of the areas covered with trees is extreme important. Supporting bio-based economy, the aim of the Hungarian agricultural policy is to make forest management attractive, so that producers can develop agroforestry systems in areas with lower agricultural yields.
In Hungary, the amount of afforestation support from the rural
development program was increased last year. Based on this, farmers submitted a request to plant 17,000 hectares of new forest and industrial plantations.

Due to popular request the deadline for our BioEconomy Underground Competition has been extended! Submit before 27th Sep...

Due to popular request the deadline for our BioEconomy Underground Competition has been extended! Submit before 27th Sep: https://cz.celebio.eu/?p=213

Take your chance to meet major stakeholders, a vital step to make your concept comes true!
Winning prize is over €350 (10 000 Kč)!


*UPDATE: Don’t miss your chance to take home over €350 (10 000 Kč)! Due to popular request, the submission deadline for BioEconomy Underground Competition has been changed to 27th September 2020! Winning prize is 10 000 Kč! Take your chance now!

Deadline For BioEconomy Underground Competition has been Extended!🤔💡❗️Do you have a new idea to solve a problem using bi...

Deadline For BioEconomy Underground Competition has been Extended!
Do you have a new idea to solve a problem using biobased materials or products? Challenge yourself to test and share your concept during the CELEBioEconomy Celebration Day (14. 10. 2020, Prague, HubHub). Candidates can join the competition virtually as well.

*UPDATE: Don’t miss your chance to take home over €350 (10 000 Kč)! Due to popular request, the submission deadline for BioEconomy Underground Competition has been changed to 27th September 2020! Winning prize is 10 000 Kč! Take your chance now!

📍9th July 2020, at 14:30 Don't miss the Conference: FOSTERING BIOECONOMY IN CENTRAL, EAST AND SOUTH-EAST EUROPE. THE EXP...

📍9th July 2020, at 14:30 Don't miss the Conference: FOSTERING BIOECONOMY IN CENTRAL, EAST AND SOUTH-EAST EUROPE. THE EXPERIENCE OF CELEBIO PROJECT IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC, SLOVAKIA, HUNGARY, SLOVENIA, CROATIA AND BULGARIA at the e-EUBCE 2020, the biggest bioeconomy event in Europe, in which CELEBio Project will present its first results! Find all the details on how to register and participate at: https://www.e-eubce.com/


Celebio will be there!

Publication launched yesterday:  BBI JU: a high-impact initiative for green recovery of Europe📗

Publication launched yesterday: BBI JU: a high-impact initiative for green recovery of Europe📗

This Friday, 5 June 2020 at 10:00 CETWebinar on Indicators and statistical evidence for bioeconomy development

This Friday, 5 June 2020 at 10:00 CET
Webinar on Indicators and statistical evidence for bioeconomy development

EUSurvey is an online survey-management system built for the creation and publishing of globally accessible forms, such as user satisfaction surveys and public consultations.



A gabonatermesztési technológiák fejlődésével folyamatosan nő a termésmennyiség. A magok betakarítása után viszont ott marad a nagy mennyiségű szalma, amellyel valamit kezdeni kell.

📞📍Felhívás: a biomassza alapú platform molekula előállításának fejlesztése nagyobb piaci alkalmazásokhoz!

📞📍Felhívás: a biomassza alapú platform molekula előállításának fejlesztése nagyobb piaci alkalmazásokhoz!

A felhívás keretében speciális, biomassza alapú platform molekula fenntartható előállítását kell demonstrálni olyan mennyiségben, ami meghaladja a kísérleti üzemi korlátokat abból a célból, hogy ezeket a molekulákat további feldolgozási folyamatoknak lehessen alávetni meghat....

A magyar Cycle.bio - Hungary, a világ legelső, 90%-ban újrahasznosított tisztítószere Ausztriát is meghódítjahttps://www...

A magyar Cycle.bio - Hungary, a világ legelső, 90%-ban újrahasznosított tisztítószere Ausztriát is meghódítja


A reNEW Technologies egy új eljárással a szennyvíz tisztítása után visszamaradt biomasszából állítja elő termékeit, a Cycle tisztítószereket. A Cycle a fenntartható körforgásos gazdasági modell egyik kiváló példája, amelynek előállítási folyamata során még új hulladék....



Jakab Istvánnal, a MAGOSZ elnökével minden egyes alkalommal érdemes és érdekes beszélgetni a hazai agráriumot érintő kérdésekről. Ezekben a vírus terhelte időkben különösen igaz az, hogy figyelmet kell szentelni elnök úr szavaira, hiszen azok nem csak a jelen helyzetről számoln...


Az EU tagállamainak együtt kell mûködniük az élelmiszer-ellátás biztosításához.

20 perc múlva kezdődik a második Çelebi Cargo webinar!Webinar  #2 starts in 20 minutes.Register here if you have not don...

20 perc múlva kezdődik a második Çelebi Cargo webinar!

Webinar #2 starts in 20 minutes.
Register here if you have not done so:

Join a series of four thematic webinars across March and April, organized by the BBI JU funded projects LIFT, UrBioFuture, CELEBIO, in collaboration with BIOVOICES, Biobridges and the European Bioeconomy Network, to provide recommendations and Actionable Knowledge for quadruple helix stakeholders.

A CELEBio Hungary projekt:A Biomassza-alapú gazdaság közép-európai vezetőinek célja, hogy Közép-, Kelet-, ésDélkelet Eur...

A CELEBio Hungary projekt:
A Biomassza-alapú gazdaság közép-európai vezetőinek célja, hogy Közép-, Kelet-, és
Délkelet Európa hat országában megkönnyítse az ipari biomassza-alapú tevékenységek
létrejöttét és kiterjesztését, szakmailag alátámasztott információkkal, valamint tényeken
alapuló cselekvési tervet dolgozzon ki és hálózatot állítson fel.

Az első CELEBio Hungary webinar március 25-én lesz 11-től 🕚 Regisztráljon még ma!Topics addressed:- Awareness raising an...

Az első CELEBio Hungary webinar március 25-én lesz 11-től 🕚 Regisztráljon még ma!

Topics addressed:
- Awareness raising and Communication❗️📢
- Bioeconomy Education 👨‍🏫🎓
- Stakeholders engagement and co-creation 🤝🧐

Az első CELEBio Hungary webinar március 25-én lesz 11-től 🕚 Regisztráljon még ma!Topics addressed: - Awareness raising a...

Az első CELEBio Hungary webinar március 25-én lesz 11-től 🕚 Regisztráljon még ma!

Topics addressed:
- Awareness raising and Communication❗️📢
- Bioeconomy Education 👨‍🏫🎓
- Stakeholders engagement and co-creation 🤝🧐

💻♻️WEBINARS: “Shaping the innovation ecosystem for the Bioeconomy”, 25 March, 01 April, 08 April, 15 April 2020. Free an...

💻♻️WEBINARS: “Shaping the innovation ecosystem for the Bioeconomy”, 25 March, 01 April, 08 April, 15 April 2020. Free and accessible to all ONLINE.

📅📌The four thematic webinars will take place every Wednesday from the 25 of March 2020 and are expected to stimulate the discussion toward the BBI JU Info day (22 April 2020)

The webinars will deliver the main results stemming from assessing more than 60 EU-funded projects, scouting more than 250 project documents, interviewing some 40 project coordinators and running four workshops involving 38 projects during the BBI JU Stakeholder Forum (3 Dec 2019).
Co-organized by the BBI JU funded projects LIFT, UrBioFuture, CELEBIO, in collaboration with BIOVOICES, Biobridges and the European Bioeconomy Network, the webinars aim to provide recommendations and Actionable Knowledge for quadruple helix stakeholders.

To participate, please, register here: https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSczuVTRQwTtHWjLhW…/viewform !
The agendas of all the events can we found here: https://www.lift-bbi.eu/webinars/.

Webinar sorozat! 🖥💻📲💡🤓Participate in the series of webinars on “Shaping the innovation ecosystem for the Bioeconomy” tha...

Webinar sorozat! 🖥💻📲💡🤓
Participate in the series of webinars on “Shaping the innovation ecosystem for the Bioeconomy” that CELEBio has co-organized with LIFT and UrBioFuture projects. The participation is free but it is necessary to register.

BBI JU Info Day 📅22 April

BBI JU Info Day
📅22 April

22 April 2020Location: European Commission, Alcide de Gasperi room, Charlemagne building, Rue de la Loi 170, BrusselsOrganiser: Bio-based Industries Joint UndertakingLinks:The ProgrammeThe seventh BBI JU Info Day will present the 2020 call for proposals and give participants the opportunity to hol...

Hungary – Agriculture – Biomass – R&IAgriculture became a high-tech sector too, in which there is no development without...

Hungary – Agriculture – Biomass – R&I

Agriculture became a high-tech sector too, in which there is no development without R&I.
In today's Hungarian agriculture, the safety of subsidies is often overemphasized in the minds of farmers. A system of support that is too prescriptive does not encourage producers to become more competitive. To maintain the dynamism of agriculture in recent years, bio-based economy needs to rely on precision technology, irrigation, integration, research and innovation as a whole to be prepared for a more modest support system in the future. The Hungarian agricultural innovation and rural development strategy envisages the use of high technology that can make a major contribution to the competitiveness of farmers and also to a more economical, sustainable farming.


Expocomfort Kiállítás és Konferencia (MCE) és Biomassza Innovációs Expo (BIE)📅március 17 - március 20https://cciu.com/hu...

Expocomfort Kiállítás és Konferencia (MCE) és Biomassza Innovációs Expo (BIE)
📅március 17 - március 20

Tárgy: "Expocomfort Kiállítás és Konferencia (MCE) és Biomassza Innovációs Expo (BIE)" - Milánó, 2020. Március 17-20.   A jelen levéllel szeretnénk tájékoztatni Önt arról, hogy a Magyarországi Olasz Kereskedelmi Kamara a Promos Itáliával együttműködésben kereskedelmi delegá...

A CELEBio projekt összefoglalója

A CELEBio projekt összefoglalója



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CELEBio Hungary

A biomassza-alapú gazdaság fejlődésének üteme nem kiegyensúlyozott Európában, a szerényebb innovációs potenciállal rendelkező országok ezen a területen is elmaradottabbak. Ennek oka egyrészt a biomassza-alapú iparágakban rejlő lehetőségek elégtelen ismeretében, másrészt a támogató mechanizmusok hiányában kereshető. Ezen túl az EU-ban sem áll rendelkezésre elegendő információ ezekről az országokról, és a szakpolitikák sem veszik figyelembe ezen országok sajátosságait.

“Developing the Bioeconomy in Central, East and South East Europe will foster local economies, while contributing to matching environmental targets at continental scope”